Revelation Study Guide

The following is found at

Every year Reverend Raymond Shockley holds a two week Bible Prophecy Conference at his home church in Key West, Fl. Every year we record the sessions on audio cassette, the text found in this study guide is transposed from these tapes. However we have spent a lot of time clarifying and cleaning the material in the written form. The Conference is very visual with a wonderful slide presentation of which the Pastor has provided all of these images and more for this study guide. The tapes make a great companion to this written text and are available for purchase. If you are interested in the tapes please contact us at or phone us at 305-296-8844.

The Study guide is now complete, I pray that you enjoy it and that it touches your life in some way. However it is and always will be a work in progress until the day of the Rapture. There are still many spelling errors, and commas out of place, as well as changing events around the world, but we will get to them. The content and quality is what is important here, not minor mistakes in grammar. If you see a mistake and would like me to correct it, send me an e-mail with the Chapter you are reading as well as the text that needs correcting. For those of you that already read the Rapture page it has been updated with a lot of new information Updated 02/12/2001.

These pictures presented in the study guided do have copyrights so if you want them for your own use then please make contact with the artist. Every picture has a link to it's artist when the artist is known. If you are an Artist and I have used your work without permission, please notify me so that I can set up the proper linking, or remove your work at your request. Thanks to all of the artist that so graciously provided the art work for this guide.

Please have patience when loading all pages the pictures that are embedded in the pages are worth the wait, they will bring the text to life. I have tried to supply you with the best graphics to paint you a picture, but it may be necessary to refresh the page once or twice to get all of them.

Note from the web master: This web site is for your enjoyment and to share the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all who will hear. All work on this web site is done as a ministry to all who visit. While there is no charge, there are many costs associated with keeping a web site up and running. Pastor Shockley is far from a wealthy man. He provides all of the funding for this site out of his personal pocket.
If you find this site worthy and we invite you be a part of this exciting world wide ministry, please consider making a donation to help in keeping this web site up and running. If you would like to make a payment via credit card please call 305-296-8844 and tell them you would like to donate. Unfortunately we can only accept credit card payments via the phone. If you would like to make a donation securely through PayPal, go to .  Paypal is for cash transfers only. Thank you for your consideration.

If you would like a free electronic King James Study Bible click HERE to download.

Chapter 1 Discovering who Jesus is and what he expects of us. "click here"

Chapter 2 Panorama of Church Past, Present, and future. " click here"
Go right to Ephesus -Jesus warns against the perils of backsliding. "click here"
Go right to Smyrna -  Jesus promises a crown of life for those who suffer fro the faith. "click here"
Go right to Pergamos - Jesus warns about the evils of Rome.
"click here"
Go right to Thytira -  Jesus warns against being seduced by false prophets. "click here"

Chapter 3 – Panorama of Church Past, Present, and future, continued. "click here"
Go right to Sardis - Jesus tells people to wake up. "click here"
Go right to Philadelphia -  Jesus offers the key to a better world. "click here"
Go right to Laodicea -  Jesus rejects those who are lukewarm about their faith. "click here"
Go right to the Rapture - Are you going? "click here"

Chapter 4 – The church goes through the ultimate open door " click here"

Chapter 5 – The Lamb of God becomes the Lion of Juda " click here"

Chapter 6 – The beginning of sorrows " click here"
Go right to Seal #1a - Who rides the white horse? "click here"
Go right to Seal #1b - Where does the Antichrist come from? "click here"
Go right to Seal #2
"click here"
Go right to Seal #3
"click here"
Go right to Seal #4
"click here"
Go right to Seal #5
"click here"
Go right to Seal #6
"click here"

Chapter 7 – God's seal of approval (144,000 sealed)" click here"

Chapter 8 – The Death blow to World Ecology " click here"

Chapter 9 – Choose your eternal roommates" click here"

Chapter 10 – That is one big angel " click here"

Chapter 11 – Where do the Jews belong? " click here"

Chapter 12 – The mystery of Anti-Semitism" click here"

Chapter 13 – The two Antichrists" click here"

Chapter 14 – To Believe or not to believe - The Options" click here"

Chapter 15 – A Gracious Interlude" click here"

Chapter 16 – The Seven Vials of Armageddon" click here"

Chapter 17 – How Rome becomes Babylon" click here"

Chapter 18 – The Last Days of the Common Market" click here"

Chapter 19 – The Creator Reposes Planet Earth" click here"

Chapter 20 – 1000 Years of New Management" click here"

Chapter 21 – The Coming New World" click here"

Chapter 22 – "An Offer You Can't Refuse" - God" click here"

    CHARTS  - "Click Here"

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