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Nuclear Survival Skills
From: Matthew Gaylor
Subject: Recommended Reading: Nuclear War Survival Skills

Nuclear War Survival Skills : Updated and Expanded 1987 Edition by
Cresson H. Kearny With Foreword by Dr. Edward Teller. Original
Edition Published September, 1979,by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a
Facility of the U.S. Department of Energy.
The book is available to read online at:

Suitcase Nukes – they exist!

Nuke Attack Description

According to the CIA the biggest window for nuclear war will be 2003.The
U.S.-U.S.S.R "Peace-Honeymoon" is almost over for both sides are sending
spies back home.

In the meantime world-wide, economies crash, while the water and food
supplies dwindle. By 2015 there will be a world wide water crisis and we are
already in an energy crisis. Draughts and unpredictable weather are
destroying plants-fruit and vegetable crops. Strange diseases wiping out the
protein crop-of cattle and livestock. A food shortage is on the way and that
is called a famine!

In the past 20 years ,earthquakes,volcanos,hurricanes and tornados have been
on the increase according to the weather experts.

Red China is still as totalitarian as it has ever been and still threatens
Taiwan. Acccording to CIA FACTS 1999 they can field a 200,000,000 man Red
Chinese Army-exactly what is in the Bible's book of Revelations.

Several "3rd World" nations have the" bomb" and more will get it sooner
because the Soviet-Sino Alliance has armed them with" ready-mades".

It looks like the dash for vital natural resources is on and the "Peace
Honeymoon" is about over. If it all goes into a "Dooms Day " scenario this
is what nuclear war will be like. I won't even add chemical and biological warfare tactics-just nuclear.For it would take a book to even explain it all and I suggest you get those books for your survival library.

Each nuclear warhead is 20 mega-tons. The largest - in population-100 to 200
American cities are targetted for 1 to 10 warheads apiece. That is a payload
of' up to' 200 mega-tons per average per large U.S. city. That is 200 million
"tons" of TNT - 200,000,000, 'tons' of explosives- going off at once per

For just one nuke, the first thing you would sense would be an incredible
flash of light, in less than a millionth of a second. The temperature in the
target area would rise to 150 'million' degrees Fahrenheit -over four times
the heat in the sun's center.

Around "Ground-Zero" every partical of bridges,buildings, and tons of dirt
would instantly disappear. The explosion would create a crater 600 to 800
feet deep -in a ground blast-and 1 1/2 miles in diameter with a crater lip
on the outside edge of 300 to 400 feet high.

The blinding fireball would rise and expand at enormous speed reaching a
height and width of 4 to 6 miles.

Two seconds after the blast-5 miles from "Ground Zero"- the fireball
brighter than 5000 suns would kill every living thing -even before the
noise, winds, and shock wave would arrive.

The mushroom cloud would expand at a height of 25 to 35 miles and a width of
70 to 100 miles in the sky. It would rise from "Ground Zero" at 600 to 800
miles per hour.At half way up it would peak at 300 to 500 m.p.h. -totally
maturing in 15 to 25 minutes. The creation of this beast is the most
devastating thing to ever happen on earth.

Three seconds after the blast-at 20 miles away-the fireball would set trees
and wooden structures on fire.

Five miles from "Ground Zero" and 15 seconds later the shockwaves would
arrive with 400 to 500 m.p.h. winds.-that would level anything and
everything standing.

Twenty-five seconds later the winds would reverse direction and go towards
"Ground Zero".The reversing winds would suck up all remaining oxygen- out
to15 miles from "Ground Zero". The massive feeding of all of the air into
the' fire -ball 'is called the "furnace effect". This creates "fire-storms"
starting at  and out to 15 to 30 miles away.

Nearby survivors in basements and bombshelters would have their air vents
clogged or else would be deprived of oxygen  due to the "furnace -effect"
,thus, they would suffocate to death. The air would be sucked out of the

Ten miles from "Ground Zero" the 'fire-ball' would be 1000  times brighter
than the sun. At 10 miles away, the shockwave would hit 20 to30 seconds
after the blast with up to 200 - 400 m.p.h. winds while intensive heat would
melt all steel and glass structures.

At 15 miles from "Ground Zero" persons outside would be totally charred in 5
to 10  seconds.Automobile windows would melt as upholstery and tires
exploded in flames.Fifty seconds after the blast, the shock wave would hit
tearing roofs off of houses-exposing the occupants to the furious fire ball

Twenty miles away from "Ground Zero" the fire ball would be as bright as 100
suns. Persons exposed would be totally blinded for life-if they survived
their 3rd degree burns head to foot.The shockwave would appear 1  to 2 min.
later with 100 to 200 m.p.h winds snapping trees in half and downing power
lines.  ( If it were an air blast it would be around 200 to 600 m.p.h. winds
at 20 miles away.)

Soon after the blast, the radioactive cloud would start drifting
downwind-usually to the east.The drift speed depends on the prevailing winds
and other weather factors.The enormously high temperatures of the nuclear'
fire -ball' would generate  enough light and heat to ignite simultaneous
fires over huge areas.In these areas, the heated air forms a rising column.
Cool air then drifts into the' fire-zone' to replace the rising hot air.As
the fires gain strength, burning hotter and more violently,the
chimney -furnace effect intensifies, sucking in air and burning more and
more violently.The hot 'fire-ball' incorporates all those materials into a
super-heated gas and mixes them with millions of tons of earth and
debris.The mixture condenses into droplets of liquid and then solidifies
into particles ranging in diameter from 1/1000th to 1/50th of an inch.The
particles have all of the dangerous radiological residues and are born aloft
to deliver death hundreds of miles away from the target in what is called

During the WWII Hiroshima bombing they had a firestorm two miles from
"Ground Zero". The present 20 megaton warhead missile can deliver a
'fire-storm' 500 times larger.

By the time the mushroom cloud has completed its 15 minute process of
stabilization it is directly overhead for distances up to 5 to 10 miles
away. As radioactive particles start falling the radiation level starts
rising rapidly to exceed 6000 to 8000 roentgens per hour , delivering a
lethal dose within 4 to 8  minutes.Individuals driven outdoors by collapsing
buildings are directly exposed.

Within an hour, elements of radioactivity begin falling about 40 miles
downwind. The activity of radiation level would be 3000 roentegens per
hour -with a radiation belt above 5 miles wide and thick moving downwind
like a giant donut in the sky.

Within a larger belt, ten miles wide, fewer particles are falling allowing
up to a half hour exposure before a fatal dosage is absorbed .

A radioactive cloud created by a 20 megaton nuclear warhead -with a 50
percent fission yield-detonated at ground surface would do the following
with a 20 m.p.h. wind:

At 650 rads is a 'lethal 'dose. At 450 rads is a 'severe' dose.

At 200 miles downwind unprotected persons would receive a 'severe'
sub-lethal dose of radiation within 2 1/2 days and a lethal dose within 7
days .

Even with excellent medical care the 450 rads exposure would eventually kill
about 50% of a young adult population. In nuclear war it is highly unlikely
such care would be available. Persons - 200 miles downwind-lucky enough to
be put into sanitized  hospitals with everything they need to recuperate
would only have a 50% chance of survival. Thus, the very young , the very
old, and the over-exposed would have less than around a 25 % chance of

The radioactive' fall-out' from one 20 megaton nuclear weapon can drift a
thousand miles downwind taking weeks to a couple of months to finally finish
falling  to the ground.

Downwind from "Ground Zero", 100 miles away with a 20 m.p.h. wind,  a severe
dose of 'fall-out' will hit in 5 to 7 hrs. It will have a kill-rate of 50%.

The next wave, will be the 'lethal' one , that will arrive in 7 to 9 hrs.,
with a kill rate of absolutely 100% to all that are not in a good nuclear
bomb shelter.

At 300 miles downwind - at 20 m.p.h. winds-the 'severe' dose would arrive in
3days  to 3 weeks -dragging behind normal storm speeds rolling up and down
in and out of the jet stream. The' lethal 'dose could arrive anytime 1 week
to 3 months later depending on the weather and atmospheric conditions.

If you were standing 100 to 300 miles away and looked directly at an
'air-blast' your eye-sight  would be totally blinded for life. If you so
much as get a glimpse of the flash from your side vision you can be
partially blinded -permanently.

A nuclear sneak attack can take place at any time. They have submarines
right off os our beaches and a hundred nuclear suit-case bombs of 1 kiloton
hidden above newly built bunkers. Some of their "Partners -For-Peace" over
here have been nothing but "Trojan Horses" planting the seeds of our

If you are in the city at work you will never escape. If you live 20 miles
from ground zero and the attack took place at 3 AM in the morning you may
survive if you can get your entire family to your nuclear bomb
shelter -without looking at a window-within two or ten minutes. If you would
have a nuclear  "air -blast" strike then the shock wave will be 2 to 6 times
as severe but the radiation will be 10 to 100 times less. ( This varies on
many factors.)

If it is an "air-blast " you would have less than 1 1/2 get in the
shelter at 20 miles away. If it is a ground blast you have to be
underground-at 20 miles away -from the  radiation within 20 minutes as an
ultimate -maximum!

If you had special glasses to watch a nuclear war you would see a few
thousand warheads exploding all over the U.S. for a couple of hours so
intense the sky would be 10 to 100 times brighter in the darkest direction
you looked -for several hours! The horizon would have flashes like the most
horrible electrical thunderstorm your imagination could conjure up. The
earth would be in a constant shaking and rumbling state for several hours.

The next day the flashes and rumblings would continue but at a much slower
pace.- with long periods of silence. The next day the sky would be pitch
black in any direction that you looked.The earth would be in total flames
even many miles outside of the major cities. In strategic nuclear war , 2nd,
3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th wave attacks would happen for weeks after the first
warhead hit. Some nuclear submarines are to sit for months on the bottom of
the ocean -occassionally surfacing every few weeks for air and to dump
wastes- and then launch attacks months after the first strikes.

All military bases are priority one strikes, the largest cities are
secondary but those with the top populations -100 to 200 of them -are
destined for 1 to 10 nuclear warheads apeice.Cities near ammo storage
facilities or some war related industry are in a higher priority than other

Other targets are in extreme rural locations such as electrical power plants
on lakes and rivers, secret government underground bombshelters under
elitist country clubs, rural "5 -Star" hotels, and certain small scramble
airports. These targets would take smaller nukes -1 kiloton to 1 megaton.

The Interstates would be chopped up like swiss cheese from smaller kiloton
nukes trying to stop" move -and- launch" nuke semi-tractor trailors. These
are regular looking trucks that the top blows off while moving at high
speeds and the missile rises up and launches from the Interstate.

An all out nuclear war would eliminate 25 % of the U.S. population in the
first few hours. On the second day it would eliminate 50 % of the
population.  After a week there would only be some 25 % of the U.S.
population left  alive. After  90 days to 6 mos. later some 90% of the
population would no longer be breathing -not in this country. America has
forgotten it is the number one target for all nuclear weapons from Russia,
China and many terrorist countries.

The images of the Georgia Guide Stones, the Report From Iron Mountain,  the
Denver International Airport, and the "God Fathers" of Freemasonry remind me
that 90% of the population must be killed off in order to save nature-GAIA-
and bring in a Luciferian New World Order.( And this is by their own words ,
architecture and writings- not mine!)

The problem for the working class has always been the same. The government
has and still is preparing for nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare.
The old Masonic underground bases were comprised. New top underground and
in-the-air-secret survival communities are being prepared for the
"poer-elite" but nothing to date has ever been done for the middle-class and

They never did make any plans for the majority of the tax payers surviving
"Doomsday". Only the politically correct and rich were meant to survive -and
that still happens to be the plan just in case the" Peace- Honey-Moon 'is

In order to have a chance you must move at least 20 air-miles(minimum) from
any moderate sized city or military unit.
You should have a zig- zagged tunnel facing the opposite direction of the
target area. You need to have at least a minimum of 4 ft. of earth on top
and on each side of the shelter. The roof needs to be waterproof and able to
take a very powerful shock. You need enough sand bags and plastic to seal
the doors with a couple feet thick of sand bagsto hold out the radiation.
You need to keep silicon and plastic to seal out a biological or chemical
attack .

This means you need oxygen tanks to breath and detectors. You need to know
if a bio-attack is on  and not to waist the oxygen. You need to have a
radiation meter to know when the levels are safe to go outside.

You need U.S. Army potassium iodine pills for radiation poisoning  and other
medicines for chemical or biological attacks. you need a well filtered fresh
air supply to keep the radioactive dust out-you can't breath those tanks

You need plenty of food and water pre-stored.When scrounging for food
outside the shelter stay away from meats -especially fish. But, you can
simply wash off fruit and vegetables very well -with gloves on-and eat them.

Surviving modern warfare is possible-even for the poor-you just have to
study the facts.This data happens to be available for the military but it
was never presented to the American people.

Now...ask yourself .."Why?"

And, don't be a hero -stay out of "Ground Zero".

All Copy Rights Reserved.
Written by William D. Ross,
Rt.1, Box 38 ,Liberty, W.V. , 25124,

Suitcase Nukes
In 1997, the public became aware of a Russian nuclear device they had not
known even existed--the so-called suitcase bomb. These devices were made for
the Soviet KGB. One of these bombs had an explosive charge of one kiloton,
equivalent to one thousand tons of TNT. If a device like this made its way
to the U.S. it could destroy everything within a half-mile radius of the
Capitol in Washington, D.C. Within hours, prevailing winds would carry the
nuclear fallout throughout Washington.

What Are These Russian 'Suitcase Bombs' Like?

The comments of Alexei Yablokov, former science adviser to Boris Yeltsin;
Russian General Vladimir Dvorkin; policy expert Matthew Bunn; U.S. General
Eugene Habiger; and U.S. Congressman Curt Weldon.

The U.S. Version of a 'Suitcase Bomb'

In the 1960s the U.S. built its own version of a mini nuclear device-- the
Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM). It weighed 80-100 pounds, was
small enough to fit in a duffel bag or large case and was designed for
sabotage missions-- airfields, bridges, dams. Like the Russian device, it
had an explosive charge of roughly one thousand tons of TNT ( one kiloton).

Film of the SADM was declassified in 1997 and shows how it would be deployed
by a parachutist for a jump mission into water to reach a target. Although
the parachute jumps and retrieval operations were rehearsed many times, the
project was never put to use and these nuclear devices do not exist in
current stockpiles.

(Both video clips require RealPlayer 5.0 or higher and a 56K modem to be
This shows how the SADM was designed for a parachute jump and "swimmer
delivery system." The SADM was fit into a special flotation bag so the
atomic munition would float when the parachutist hit the water. This clip
also shows how the flotation bag was designed to attach to the parachutist's
This shows test jumps into water from several Navy and Marine aircraft, and
how the Navy parachutist- with the SADM attached- swims to target and
de-attaches and activates the bomb.


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