Navigating after the pole shift

Do You Know Where You Are At?
May 30, 2002
Sherwood Ensey

Sure, most of us know exactly where we are at, or at least we hope we know
where we are. For now the sun comes up in the East and it sets in the West.
If we face the rising sun we know that left is North and South is to the
right, and when we are facing the setting sun that the opposite is true. So
with those things in mind, most of us have some form of internal bearings
within us that tell us the big tree at Mrs. Millers is to the North of where
we are, and the mountains in the background are to the West of us.

What if all that changed suddenly? A massive pole shift has the potential to
totally disorient what we perceive as being North, South, East, and West,
and what becomes directional traditional landmarks, such as Mrs. Millers
tree and the location of the mountains. Suddenly, magnetic North might very
well become magnetic South, and to confuse matters even worse, traditional
North could very well become West, and now the sun is setting over Mrs.
Millers tree instead of over the mountains, where it has for as long as you
have lived.

The whole world has just been turned upside down and twisted every which a
way, and suddenly you realize, "I don't know where I am any more, even
though I thought that I did.!" Some of us have natural internal bearings and
will adjust to the sudden directional changes rather easily, but what about
the large majority of those who don't have these natural and instinctive
compass bearings? What will happen to them?

Many, for one reason or another, but mostly out of fear, will stay exactly
where they are at, within the parameters of the familiar surroundings they
have established for themselves. Others will look for guides to help them -
those that know where they are at, but believe me folks, these individuals
will be far and few after the massive changes take place.

Knowing where you are at and how to navigate from one point to the other is
paramount to basic survival, and after the massive earthchanges and pole
shift, navigation skills, both on land and water, will become even more
important. Navigation skills will likely become a valuable and highly sought
after asset. Like the territorial scouts and explorers of old, a simple
scout or guide will become invaluable, and most likely will always have a
meal and drink of water, or other beverage, waiting for them, no matter
where they go. Can you imagine what would have happened to the wagon trains
of the frontier era if the wagon trains seasoned scout/guide had merely rode
off into the sunset, simply because those in the wagon train had not been
wise enough to give their scout/guide a simple meal, and who had no earthly
idea where they were at if it were not for their scout/guide?

Establishing Where you Are At

One of the more important things to do right after you have survived the
massive changes, and licked your wounds and come out of the daze and shock
of it all, will be to establish your directional bearings and figure out how
much things around you have changed.

In most cases the following procedure will require two individuals. In
preparation of this event, and well before the event happens, build yourself
a simple, but large diameter circle, say 36 feet across the center point.
Mark the exact center of the circle with a piece of at least 3/8 inch steel
rebar, driven into the ground a foot or more and extending a couple of
inches out of the ground. Once that is done, temporarily cover the steel
rebar with a piece of rock [preferred, as long as it isn't iron ore], or
other non-magnetic material. Using a simple plumb bob, or as good a center
alignment as you can get, and a GOOD old fashioned compass, find your
current North, South, East, and West directions and mark them on the outside
diameter of the circle. To do this use a simple string line [that will slip
easily] tied to the rebar in the center of the circle, and shoot an azimuth
(directional line) from the center of the rebar, along the string line to
the outside diameter of the circle. Once again, drive a piece of rebar into
the ground at each of the four directional/navigational locations, and mark
each one with a durable tag indicating which is North, South, East and West.

After the changes take place, simply go into the circle and re-shoot your
directions with your compass and compare your new directional/compass
locations with your old locations, and you will have quickly and simply
re-established your directional bearings, provided of course, there has not
been a large amount of land deformation in your area that has disrupted the
directional circle you have previously built.

Learn Basic Navigation Skills.

There is no substitute for an old fashioned compass and learning basic
compass and navigation skills. Don't count on getting out your fancy
electronic GPS or location finder, and expecting it to work, or having
easily accessible batteries readily available for the electronic directional
gizmo. Buy yourself a good, reliable, and durable compass, preferably a
military type lensatic compass, or a Brunton transit type mirror compass. In
addition, buy yourself one or more good books on compass use and land
navigation skills, and then start practicing those skills, over and over,
until you feel confident that you can use the instrument no matter what the
situation. If you are going to navigate the water, then in addition to a
good compass, purchase yourself a good sextant and learn how to use it.

Buy Good Equipment

There is no substitute for good, reliable, and durable navigation equipment.
Cheap is cheap, and cheap breaks easily, doesn't last long, and the bearings
go out of alignment rather easily. Avoid buying plastic navigation
instruments - they just are not durable or reliable, no matter what they
cost, and even when left alone and not touched, plastic based navigation
instruments still go whacky and won't work correctly.

A good military type lensatic compass will cost anywhere from $40.00 to
$100.00. Most of the US Military Specification lensatic compasses are in the
$70.00 to $100.00 range, and they last a very long time, even long after the
tritium vials used for fluorescence in them, have died out. For those on a
budget, or simply want a good, durable and reliable compass, this is the
compass to buy. I have been using the same US Mil-Spec compass for well over
twenty years, and it is still highly accurate. All of my Sunto and Silva
type plastic based compasses went into the trash a long time ago, and when
working, they were still not as accurate as my US Mil-Spec lensatic.

For those that want to know where they are really at, want to blaze a trail
that is extremely accurate, and don't mind spending the money that it takes
to buy one, or the extra time it takes to learn how to use one, the Brunton
transit style mirror-reflection compass is the tool to have around. These
excellent compasses cost anywhere from around $236.00, upwards in price to
well over $500.00. These navigational instruments have been in continuous
use since they were first invented sometime back in 1840's, and are one of
the most accurate, manual, and handheld navigation instruments available.

Some individuals and groups may also want to purchaese both a US Mil-Spec
lensatic compass, and a Brunton transit style mirror-reflection compass. It
couldn't hurt to have both around, especially if the individual or the group
is planning on, or being forced into being nomadic in order to survive.

Once again, there is no substitute for buying good equipment, or developing
good navigational skills. Both will help keep you or your group alive.

Navigational Equipment Sources

This just a sample listing of the many sources that are available, and which
carry good compasses and other related equipment.

Pictures of the Compasses

Pictures of the US Mil-Spec lensatic compass, and the Brunton transit style
mirror-reflection compass are posted at the
Earthchanges_discussion_prep_planetx group photo archive page.

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