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Subject: 11-20-2014  Ber's Newsletter update 
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all of them each newsletter. 
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I had considered not posting any further newsletters as there seems to be little positive to talk about and I get
tired of Obama bashing and that rabbit hole simply gets deeper and deeper with time. His entire cabinet is Muslim
and all the people he is putting into power in DC are Muslim also. Our schools are forcing Islam onto our children
while Christianity keeps getting swept under the rug and trampled on.  Need I remind everyone the only way to
the Father is through Jesus; not Mohammed. Obama's goal of destroying America as the Christian nation we know
and love is now quite clear. The question becomes how can he be stopped? His latest amnesty maneuver of
granting millions of illegals in our country citizenship is in my opinion deplorable. My Russian son married a Mexican
woman and it took him 3+ years to get her permanent resident alien status so she could be in the US legally. Those
here illegally should have had to go through the same process.
And too many people are on my case to get back with the newsletters and there are many things you need to know
about so I guess I am not going to win that one. This may be a long newsletter. Or part now and part in a couple days.
Open all the links as there are things I am trying to tell you and convey to you without being so open about it.

Cubby II
It seems like only yesterday we brought him home but time waits for no one and I finally lost Cubby II to old age. I
created a page of pics in tribute to both Cubby I and Cubby II for those interested. If it is that hard to lose a pet; I
can't even imagine what it would be like to lose a spouse or a child. My first wife died in a motorcycle accident two
years ago and even after being divorced for some 35 years and all the turmoil of court battles over custody and child
support payments I certainly wasn't prepared for the emotional impact of that funeral. Will we be reunited with
our pets in heaven? Many near death testimonials speak of such reunions.

How safe is your money in the banks?
The G20 meeting in Nov  implements a new policy where banks will no longer recognize your deposits as money, but as
liabilities and securitized capital owned and controlled by the bank.  In other words; your money is converted to I.O.U.s
of shares in the bank after you deposit it. You no longer have "money" in the bank. Considering the 9 largest banks
own 228 trillion in derivative debt  and they have to pay this debt as first priority from any funds they hold, this means
the funds you have in any bank that holds derivatives is in jeopardy of being lost. The FDIC holds enough money to
cover only 1.15% of bank deposits so don't think you will recover lost money from that source. Go to here for a list of
banks showing they own derivative debt as well as those that have no derivative debt. Only keep in the big banks money
that you can afford to lose. Choosing a credit union or bank that has no derivative debt may be the best option. I certainly
will not keep any large sums of money in any bank that has derivative debt.

Civil asset forfeiture
Govt and police are stealing people's money. Don't carry large sums on you, in a briefcase, in your car, or easily
accessed in your home. Once police seize it you will never see it returned. Here's a good article on just WHY they
are doing this.Basically because they can and we no longer have freedom of anything. Goes right along with not
keeping money in a bank today. It is also no longer safe to keep anything in a safe deposit box. Obamacare specifies
they can confiscate anything you have in a safety deposit box. Here's an article on what IRS will do.
How about the Iowa lady whose bank account IRS seized because she was depositing about $10k/week cash from her
restaurant business.  These are all govt attrocities that shouldn't be happening.

Revaluation - Global Currency Reset
That brings us to the question, for those who haven't given up, what are you going to do with the dollars you get
when you exchange your Iraqi dinars, Vietnamese dongs, Indian rupiahs, or Zimbabwe zims??   I've been hanging
on to that carrot for over four years now. Many have given up on the possibility and govt keeps the schills busy
pummeling us with disinformation that this is all a hoax and a scam and it will never happen. Govt doesn't want
uncontrolled rich peons floating around out there. Not good FEMA camp candidates.  They probably would even
have money to buy some of those 30 round glock magazine clips you can find on ebay. Might be tough to get them
to a FEMA camp for organ harvesting. If Obummer has done nothing else he has armed Americans well due to the
fear factor of their government pulling another Hitler, Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot routine where they slaughtered millions
of their own people.   We've seen that scenario many times now; don't want to repeat history again.  We're just now
seeing ammo back on the shelves.

I need to get this out today because it looks like this may finally be it and if you haven't bought any dinar or dong or
zims yet; today/tomorrow may be your last chance to do so. Today's Tony call states there are four windows to get this
done and they want it done before Thanksgiving. 
There were four windows set up.  One was this morning and it did
not go thru.  Two others are  this weekend and one early next week. The countries are arguing about which window to
release in as what's good for one country is not good for another.  The US preference was not for the first window. The
critical piece of information today is that if this goes down this weekend and we are able to exchange before Thanksgiving;
exchanges will be stopped Dec 1st and not be restarted again until after the first of the year.  That may affect your decisions
based upon what I discuss regarding the first mouse, second mouse, third mouse further down. Best advice is to find a Chase
Bank today, spend $25 to open an account if you do not already have one, and order as many million Vietnamese dong at
$54/million as you can today. Each million dong purchased may net you a million dollars USD next week, or even this weekend.
You say; yeah, yeah, yeah, we've been hearing this for four years now.  Why should we believe this is any different today?
It's your poverty that is at stake. You will never have another chance like this to be financially free. Keep reading.

Most tier 2 bankers and tellers don't even know the revaluation is real. If they do they are told to lie about it and still
call it a scam. I didn't buy a lot, I don't own a lot, only got to last another four or five years. And neither do most people
who bought some. The average holding is only 100k in dinars with many people holding only a single 25k note given
 them by a friend or relative.
Interesting to note how many people in the US of the 350 million population actually own
dinars. This is a very skeptical crowd, programmed into if it's too good to be true, it probably is. Only a couple thousand
people own more than 10 million dinars, only a couple thousand more people own 5-10 million dinars, most of the rest
of the 5 million people who own 25k dinars or more had them given to them and only own one 25k or less note. Average
holding for 5 million people is only 100k dinars worth about $358.000 before taxes and 2% bank fees.
The dinarians who pay attention to the guru calls like the Tony calls each mon, wed, fri at  10am PST,
and read daily information at and for most part don't own more than
100,000 dinars on the average; but they do know this is going to happen and probably by Thanksgiving.
The statistics
of how 95% of the people who own dinars own so few is literally appalling.
The snowjob done our government and the
banksters was outstanding. Only a couple hundred thousand people own dongs, and even fewer yet zimbabwes. That
doesn't make sense to me when you could go down to a Chase bank and order a million dong (worth $1-$2/dong at exchange)
for a mere $54; and if it never happened you could sell it back to them for $45 or better.  How much risk is that?  As of
today you could still do that. By Monday that may well be another story. The dream snatchers have done a tremendous
job in both keeping this quiet as well as convincing people not to invest in this as it is just a big hoax. There are going to
be a lot of angry tellers when they find out how they have been lied to by their upper management and could have retired
with only a couple hundred dollar expenditure.  If it revalues at the expected $3.58USD/dinar  or $1-$2/dong it will help
a lot of people out but won't buy them a lifetime of financial freedom. They should  have spent just a little bit more and
had a little more faith.

You need to know that according to DC the revaluation occurred on October 30th, 3 weeks ago. Iraq has been paying
their people by debit cards inside Iraq. Iraq has done everything they had to do to revaluate. The United States has done
everything they could to delay the official release although unofficially banks have been calling in specific customers
and exchanging them for the last month; not all banks, not all branches but it is well documented that some have. The
official release of the 800 numbers to the internet crowd and Joe Public, if he wasn't asleep, is said to be at any moment
now; and most probably before Thanksgiving. I even got a message tonight that Iraq has pulled the plug and gone around
the US although I do not have confirmation of that as of yet.

But there's a catch to be wary of. Actually several. For dinars there will be a market rate (the $3.58) and probably one
or more contract rates which could exceed $20/dinar. BUT, if you sign an NDA for a contract rate and then someone in
your family blabs about it, like your son or daughter speaking of your windfall in an email or on a facebook post, you could
have it all taken away from you and quickly. As govt is both greedy and desperate for money, they have paid schills lying
in wait for those instances.  That has already happened to some people who got exchanged who couldn't keep quiet.
One man's daughter made a facebook post about it and they lost the whole enchilada.

Remember today even your new computers and new televisions eaves drop on you even while they are not turned on.
You have to pull the cord out from the wall and disconnect the cable connection to really disable that feature.  Ken Peters,
when only 20 years old saw this in a vision of the endtimes given him back in 1980  where he saw white boxes in virtually
every home with lines running across the screens (computers) as well as large television flat screens (that also didn't exist
back in 1980) that both listened to the people inside the house as well as photographed anything that was in the room with
the TV, even if the set was turned off. Both of those are reality today.  You can't buy a new TV from Costco, WalMart, or Best
Buy  without this feature. Most people including the salesmen don't know about it. IPhones are the same way; everything you
use an IPhone for is reported to govt.   And it is part of the purging of Christians.
Ken and his wife were stopped on the road by military type people , were taken to a FEMA camp, and he watched as his wife
was beheaded for not being willing to renounce Jesus and he watched his own beheading as his spirit was taken from
his body just as the blade touched his neck. His video is at  Another good one
is documented at  heaven  where it gives us a good clue as to when the second coming might be when Jesus told the guy he
wouldn't see his 50th birthday. He's gotta be like 45 to 46 today.

So don't get greedy when it comes to deciding whether or not to go for contract rate or international market rate. One million
dollars with no interest in any investment, just buried in a can outside, spent at the rate of $4000/mo would last you 16 years.

Anyway, the second thing to be wary of is the first mouse, second mouse, third mouse scenario. I'll get to that further down.
Accept as fact Obama and govt does not want the little guys (that's us peon peasants, Joe Public) to have money;
otherwise this would have been all over with many months ago; like a year ago when the judges, bankers, congressmen,
and their friends and family all got paid out.  It took a twitter campaign to allow the Joe Publics to exchange, otherwise
the powers to be were just going to run over us and forget about ever letting us get our share. Think about that when it
is time to replace the 535 (less about half a dozen) useless cabal who think they are congressmen and senators. At least
Joe Peon Public is now in line to exchange. And soon.

The steps to complete takeover entail first breaking the people financially, which they are doing a good job of,  and then
taking away their guns, then shipping the desenters off to camps to have them removed from the face of the earth; as
they are presently doing with some of our homeless population as they remove them from the streets. There are currently
30,000 guillotines in the US stored in Georgia and Montana for over 800 FEMA camps in the US. That's 600 per state.
Why guillotines? Money, organ harvest. Other methods; electrocution, death by lethal injection, render the body parts useless.
Watch this video  in it's entirety, as well as this one.    Perhaps the testimonies posted  here   and here are not that far fetched.
Who they gonna kill?  Certainly not the illegal aliens. Obama just wrote them an amnesty check Nov 19th. Muslims? I doubt it;
Obama's entire cabinet is Muslim,  Did you know that we essentially now have a Muslim government?
And Islam is now being pushed into our school system and brainwashing our children.. 
John Brennan, current head of the CIA converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia.
Obama’s top advisor, Valerie Jarrett, is a Muslim who was born in Iran where her parents still live.
Hillary Clinton’s top advisor, Huma Abedin is a Muslim, whose mother and brother are involved in the
now outlawed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for Homeland Security, Arif Aikhan, is a Muslim.
Homeland Security Advisor, Mohammed Elibiary, is a Muslim.
Obama advisor and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Salam al-Marayati, is a Muslim.
Obama’s Sharia Czar, Imam Mohamed Magid, of the Islamic Society of North America is a Muslim.
Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, Eboo Patel, is a Muslim.
And last but not least, our closet Muslim himself, Barack Hussein Obama.
It’s questionable if Obama ever officially took the oath of office when he was sworn in. He didn’t
repeat the oath properly to defend our nation and our Constitution. Later the Democrats claimed he
was given the oath again in private?
CIA director John Brennan took his oath on a copy of the Constitution, not a Bible.
Congressman, Keith Ellison took his oath on a copy of the Qur’an.
Congresswoman Michele Bachman was vilified and almost tarred and feathered by Democrats when
she voiced her concern about Muslims taking over our government.
Considering all these appointments, it would explain why Obama and his minions are systematically destroying
our nation, supporting radical Muslim groups worldwide, opening our southern border, and turning a blind eye to
the genocide being perpetrated on Christians all over Africa and the Middle East.
The more damage Obama does, the more arrogant he’s become

Gun Control
We're entering phase II
of the scenario to destroy America currently as we fight to remain armed in the face of
false flag after false flag (no one was killed at Sandy Hook by the way) to convince us to give up our guns even
though statistics are overwhelming that the more the public is armed the lesser the probability that crimes can be
carried out.  Sweden has very little crime because it is mandatory the citizenry be armed and be taught how to use
their firearms.  See some of the US cases documented at   where guns save lives.
Russia is now allowing it's citizenry to bear arms as they've discovered less crime results from citizens who can
fight back, unlike the millions of Russians slaughtered under Stalin who disarmed his citizenry. DUH!
Texas has introduced legislation that would nullify any federal laws mandating gun control inside the state of Texas.
Who is responsible for the largest number of murders throughout history?
This 2 min video gives you the answer; governments who disarmed their citizenry.

This longer video tells a more complete story, a must watch story to know exactly what happens when govt
confiscates your guns.  Please watch this all the way to the end..  
There is actually two parts; the 2nd part starts at about the 46 minute mark and has a lot of facts and statistics in it. 
The message is when the people had weapons they could defend themselves, but when they were disarmed they
were slaughtered; in every case.  Australia recently took all firearms away from it's citizenry.
Since then violent crime has risen 42%; why? Criminals know  their victims aren't armed and can't defend themselves. 
Sexual assaults climbed 29.9%. Women in Australia are three times more likely to be raped than women in the US.
Shortly after gun confiscation in Australia armed robberies increased 69% and home invasions increased 21%.
Our US govt is on track to becoming the next killer govt. An armed citizenry is the only obstacle in the way. Once that
goes; we are toast. Wake up and fight for your rights. It's not guns that is the problem; it is the pharmaceutical industry
and drugs creating socio paths. Doctors and hospitals kill hundreds of thousands of people each year and they didn't
use guns to do it.

Thoughts on Hunters, this is an interesting slant on things. The world’s largest army; America’s hunters!
There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin. Over the last several months, Wisconsin’s
hunters became the eighth largest army in the world: more men in arms than in Iran. More than France and Germany
combined. These men and women deployed to the woods of a single American state, Wisconsin, to hunt with firearms,
and no one was killed.

That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigan’s 700,000 hunters,
all of whom have now returned home safely. Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the
fact that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world. And then add in the total number
of hunters in the other 46 states. It’s millions more.

The point? America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower. Hunting, it’s not just a
way to fill the freezer; it’s a matter of national security. That’s why all enemies, foreign and domestic, want to see us disarmed.
Food for thought, when next we consider gun control.

So if we disregard some assumptions that hunters don’t possess the same skills as soldiers, the question would still
remain, what army of 2 million would want to face 30, 40, 50 million armed citizens? For the sake of our freedom, don’t
ever allow gun control or confiscation of guns.

The real truth quickly about what is going on in this world and who controls it from a US marine 

Well back to the revaluation and the first mouse, second mouse, third mouse concept.
Basically the first mouse gets the trap, the second mouse gets the cheese and the third mouse gets the good cheese.

If you've accepted the fact that nobody in power wants you to have money, then be plenty suspicious of the offerings
when the starting gate is released and you can call the 800 number to set a bank appointment for exchange.
It is my opinion that the PTB will try to suck us in at the lowest rates possible that we will accept to keep bigger money
out of our hands. Please understand they don't care about you. If they did we would have exchanged a year ago. As little
as 3 weeks ago that was rumored to be $1 for dinars and even less for dongs. That didn't fly so then it is now supposed to
be $3.58 for dinars because that is what Iraq is paying out in Iraq today, and $1 for dongs.  But we know the Iraqi dinar is
supposed to be higher than the Kuwaiti dinar and that currently is at $3.90. If the Iraqi dinar stqarts out at $3.58 chances
are good that it may climb to $4 in less than a week and maybe up to $6 -$8 within a month. So exchange (don't use the
words "you want to cash in an investment") you are exchanging currency but only exchange enough to get yourself out
of immediate hot water as chances are very good the exchange rate will climb significantly during the first week or month.
If it came out at $6 - $8 right away I would probably not be greedy and exchange  as much as I needed to take care of my
immediate goals. I would still hold some back as I do not want millions of dollars in banks for IRS and, banktsers and 
Obama to steal today. If you own dongs or zims also, see what rate the bank is going to give you before rushing in and
saying yes. Don't forget the exchangers DinarTrade, DinarBanker, Treasury Vault or Sterling Currency Exchange. They
may give you a better price than the banks. If the banks won't cut you half a dozen bank checks so you can distribute your
money in several banks instead of just one; then again look at the exchangers to do so. If you have a lot of dinars and don't
want to exchange all of them for some time; go to an exchanger and trade in your triple zero notes (25k, 10k, 5k, 1k ) for 500
dinar notes which should be good for a long time downstream. Iraq is trying to reel in the triple zero notes as soon as possible
to avoid counterfeiting and triple zero notes may become wortless at some point in time. Exchangers like DinarTrade can keep
you abreast of that situation.

Get on Tony's call Mon, Wed, Fri normally at 10AM PST to catch the latest info form govt and DC. Go to  20 minutes before the call to find the exact URL to log in with. Use 
and to follow the action.  It also contains transcripts of the Tony calls. Today's was an important one
to either listen to or read the transcript of. As soon as this happens, even though I don't plan on taking the contract
rate or signing any NDA; I probably won't be talking about dinars, dongs or zimbabwes again.

Our Newest business
started by accident  our new website

To maintain good health today requires knowledge in three major areas. What you don't know CAN 
hurt you. The foods you eat, the water you drink, and the air you breathe inside your home all affect 
you. It's not only what you eat but what you use to prepare it in, and how you prepare it that can make 
an enormous difference in your family's overall health.

Irina and I visited two fairs this last fall. We were fascinated with the stainless cookware technology being demonstrated.
Used 75% less energy, and retained 98% of the color, flavor and nutrient value of the food.  And yes, produce cooked in
vapor, using oilless and waterless cooking methods tasted better; a lot better.  We sat through several demonstrations;
LustreCraft, KitchenCraft as well as the really expensive titanium ceramic cookware which we later found out has the same
negative aspect as teflon; the coating can come off.  We thought what a neat idea using T304 surgical stainless (it isn't what
I would call absolutely non stick as the demonstrators promote, but it's very close) but why was it priced so out of site?
Like $3k - $5k for a minimum to decent set of pots and pans. $1700 only got you three pans, three lids and a steamer insert.
So I came home and started shopping on the internet to see what was happening. I made all kind of discoveries which I have
documented on my cookware page  I found cheap made in China stuff to overpriced
American made which was overpriced because of how it was sold with too many hands in the cookie jar. To make a long story
short I ended up with a company called Belkraft who has been in business since the 60's, who markets the best products
factory direct, in three different categores; cookware, water filters, and home/office air filters.

The 7 ply cookware is made in Tennessee, costs less than half of the cookware we saw at the fair, and is better quality. It is
T304 surgical stainless, the 7 plies extend all the way up the sides, not just on the bottom like other brands. And the same company
imports a 5 ply version to compete with Saladmaster (which is only 5 ply also) but still has all the bells and whistles of the 7 ply
Vacumatic and costs half as much as Vacumatic and a third the cost of saladmaster.

Belkraft also markets hi tech 4 stage .2 micron water filters which remove bacteria, protozoa, and a silver impregnated
ceramic which destroys viruses. It isn't anything like you would find at  HomeDepot or Lowes and is still very reasonably
priced. Available as under counter or countertop models. Actually they have whole house  filters as well as is shown on our
water filter page.
Belkraft also markets several sizes of home/office air filters with a 6 stage or 10 stage .03 micron HEPA filter capability  that
will take out dust, pollen, allergens, mites, microscopic bugs, spores and especially your loose dead skin thta floats around
in the air the bed/rug mites feed on. Bed mites poop 20 times a day and add literally pounds of weight to your mattress over
a period of time. I have some good pics of what these critters look like  on our  air filter page.

As Belkraft's WA state distributor went AWOL; might have even died; they couldn't contact him. I was offered a distributorship
and can offer you great prices on all this stuff. I am into this more for the health aspect for everyone much more so than making
a buck. I am fortunate in that my boss has been with Belkraft for 39 years; designed most of the presentations  for them that I
show on my site and there is little left to do except assimilate all the information. It took me over 6 weeks and 50+ pages to do
that as you can tell when you go to  and start exploring and learning. It's a big story to tell. I have pdf
presentations as well as FAQs for each section.

I also offer an affiliate program for others wanting to sell cookware and filters at no cost to you.
I give you your own near duplicate website for free to work like the one you see at .
Your unique 4 digit ID would replace the 1234 you see in the URL.
See details of the affiliate program at

This is a flyer I use for a handout at traffic stop lights.
It is an education process because it is a big important story to tell.

Irina and I have been married for 16+ years now.
We didn't know why our union was so special until recently. Some of what is stated above in this newsletter relates to that why.
The question has always been, why did Jesus go through so much effort to get us together, as in 1998 it was not easy to get
a Russian woman over to the United States. We met with many obstacles and jumped through many hoops in the process.
Doors were opened to us that never should have been. This is all documented on a page on my website. The things that
happened obviously due to divine intervention made me change how I felt I should run my life and how I would later serve Jesus.
But the real answer lay in the combining of each of our talents.

I believe Jesus has always been with me. I was raised Catholic and mom made sure I went to Catechism classes
grade school and Newman club during high school. I did learn about Jesus and believed Jesus died on the cross
for my sins to make salvation available to me. Those years cemented doing what was right from what was wrong.
I didn’t drink, I didn’t smoke, I didn’t do drugs, and I told the truth.  I don’t have a bad guy to good guy story to tell.
I left the Catholic church during college years. Other churches seemed to have man’s tradition faults also and I
blindly pursued a life of keeping the golden rule, doing unto others what I would have them do unto me, without
openly serving Jesus or attending church. This was the good old boy syndrome many people exhibit today which
I do not believe will buy us a ticket to the Kingdom of Heaven at death.

Russia had just been granted religious freedom. Irina didn't come to the US knowing much about Jesus or the Bible.
Besides attending a non denominational church Jehovah's witnesses kept coming by the place and gave Irina a Bible
in Russian. We didn't join that group but flash forward 16 years where Irina has had the privilege of studying God's
word in depth 8 to 12 hours a day during that duration and some things have come out of that. Her first book in Russian
"I stand at the door and knock" was published and distributed in Russia in 2003 as well as on her website at
Her second book published on her website in 2007 in Russian and in broken English "Bible prophesies explained as
never before" , goes into great depth as to what has happened in the past as well as what will happen in the future. 
This was followed by a ten youtube video series that takes people through Revelation also posted at  
If you've never studied the book of Daniel in the old testament or the last book of the new testament, Revelation, this video
series will get you up to speed and create some awareness of what the world is preparing for today.

The Russian language is not the same as English. I was an honors student in English back when they really taught English.
But Russian sentence structure is quite different and to take irina's English translations and restructure each sentence so
it becomes meaningful to us without changing content is a challenge. If you look at her first and second books  which I have
not corrected the English in , you will understand this difficulty. It is why her videos are gramatically clumsey in some areas
as I try to get the meanings across all will understand without changing her content. You will understand this challenge
as you progress through the ten youtube videos on Revelation which I corrected the English in as well as did the voiceover for.

We moved to Mexico in 2001. I sold all the stuff from my heating business and we were going to retire and take it easy.
Didn't work out that way as most of you know who have been following me for years. We got involved with helping others,
laying hands on the sick and watching Jesus heal people , and even casting out demons during exorcisms, nothing we had
planned on. As the spiritual world became more real to me and I started going outside the Bible into areas of near death
experiences, out of body experiences where Jesus took people's spirits out of body to both heaven and hell so they
could return and tell us about these places, my faith in God grew enormously. We studied archeological finds that told
us the places, people, and events described in the Bible were real and those things actually happened. I have physically
witnessed the blind see again, the deaf hear again, speech impediments disappear, tumors shrink on people, as well as
short limbs grow out; all in front of my own eyes. Most people don't have that opportunity to witness the things that could
truly cement their faith.  Irina and I even became ordained ministers. But the one thing that came out of all that is
that statistically few Christians make heaven at death.  We had to get to the root of the why.

he Bible hints at it, ”wide is the road and broad is the way leading to destruction” and “straight is the gate and narrow
is the way to eternal life” Mathew 7:13-14; but numbers only come from many near death experience testimonies where
these people were shown heaven and hell and given those statistics by the angels stating maybe as few as .1% to
as high as 2.5%  of those leaving earth make heaven at death. That revelation of almost 7 years ago started a tract handout
to bring people to salvation because now we knew what an important issue that was.

However, the parable of the sower, Luke 8:4-15, tells us more is necessary. We need to pass from the seeds sown along
the path where the birds devour them, to seed sown amongst rocky terrain which die from lack of moisture, to seed sown
amongst thorns and weeds that are choked out, to the seed finally grown on fertile soil which takes hold and flourishes.  
Without sufficient foundation in what the Gospel says your belief will be short lived, you will not sustain your belief nor
endure to the end. Most people don't want to spend the time reading the Bible to get a foundation upon which to base and
sustain their belief. And for many, that task simply appears too formidable; lack of time, lack of commitment; and if they aren’t
already “born again” the Bible will just be words without meaning to them; they won’t be able to discern what those words
mean.   The key word is sustain. Saying the sinner's prayer once in your life does not keep you saved. God's word preaches
a conditional security. In 1 John 2:24-25 Jesus tells us, "I tell you the truth, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death
(spiritual death)."  Again, note that key word IF. Your being saved is conditional upon you doing your part. “IF you keep His word”.
After initial salvation we must endure to the end to escape the lake of fire (Matthew 10:22).

Hence, my book the Parachute of Jesus, was born, a many year effort to teach people what they need to know to
get to heaven and stay out of hell at death. It is comprised of many proofs of Jesus' existence, many testimonies, many
resources outside of just the Bible also,
to get you the foundation you need to be able to say, "No, I will not
take the mark of the beast and no I will not rennounce Jesus" when it comes time for the guillotine to come
down on your neck. Remember, die a martyr here on earth and you don't have to go through judgment; ever.
I strongly suggest you read it at the link above or I can email it to you as a free pdf also. It will be in print as soon as
we get money from the dinar revaluation.

Meanwhile my email box was full daily of all the bad things going on in our world, suggesting we really were in the endtimes.
Little did I know Irina was keeping track of these also, even more so as Russian news isn't watered down like our bought and
paid for news media in the United States.
You have to go to Russian news sites (like  ) to find
out what is really going on.

For the past three years Irina has been working on the study of human civilization and has written a 300+ page book only in
Russian as of this point in time entitled "Children of the Fallen - How history became Myth".  It starts with the fallen angels who
came down from heaven
spoken of in Genesis 6.  The book of Enoch speaks of these. These were the Annunaki. They
mated with human women and created the hybrid race called the Nephilim. The giants. These were evil beings. God tried to
dispose of these evil creatures with the flood but some survived and walk amongst us today. She
follows them through history
to warn you what they are up to today regarding eliminating God's seed from the earth. Wonder what chemtrail poisoning
- dumping tons and tons of aluminum, barium and strontium powder on us, GMO engineering- attempting to alter our DNA, 
Monsanto - poisoning the earth,  viruses and vaccinations containing RFID chips in the syringes are all about?  What's
behind the Georgia Guidestones attempting to reduce earths 7 billion population to less than 500,000,000? Planned genocide? 
Irina created a video at   summarizing her newest book. The video is entitled
The Nephilim Agenda, can also be accessed at her site and  may open your eyes as to what is really happening
on earth today and why.  After watching this video you may want to come back and read my parachute book above to make sure
you are HIS!

Irina also has a blog today on which she witnesses to many and receives up to 15,000 hits a day on from Russians and Muslims
believe it or not.  Many Muslims frequent her site as they realize killing their brethern and many things in their Qu'an don't make
make sense to them

Enough for today. I will update with more on programs in a day or two.




Thoughts on Hunters, this is an interesting slant on things.  The world’s largest army; America’s hunters!  I had never thought about this, but a blogger added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion:

There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin.  Allow me to restate that number: 600,000.  Over the last several months, Wisconsin’s hunters became the eighth largest army in the world:  more men in arms than in Iran.  More than France and Germany combined.  These men and women deployed to the woods of a single American state, Wisconsin, to hunt with firearms, and no one was killed.

That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigan’s 700,000 hunters, all of whom have now returned home safely.  Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world.  And then add in the total number of hunters in the other 46 states.  It’s millions more.

The point?  America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower.  Hunting, it’s not just a way to fill the freezer; it’s a matter of national security.  That’s why all enemies, foreign and domestic, want to see us disarmed.  Food for thought, when next we consider gun control.

Overall it’s true, so if we disregard some assumptions that hunters don’t possess the same skills as soldiers, the question would still remain, what army of 2 million would want to face 30, 40, 50 million armed citizens?  For the sake of our freedom, don’t ever allow gun control or confiscation of guns.  The End

- See more at:
Thoughts on Hunters, this is an interesting slant on things.  The world’s largest army; America’s hunters!  I had never thought about this, but a blogger added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion:

There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin.  Allow me to restate that number: 600,000.  Over the last several months, Wisconsin’s hunters became the eighth largest army in the world:  more men in arms than in Iran.  More than France and Germany combined.  These men and women deployed to the woods of a single American state, Wisconsin, to hunt with firearms, and no one was killed.

That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigan’s 700,000 hunters, all of whom have now returned home safely.  Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world.  And then add in the total number of hunters in the other 46 states.  It’s millions more.

The point?  America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower.  Hunting, it’s not just a way to fill the freezer; it’s a matter of national security.  That’s why all enemies, foreign and domestic, want to see us disarmed.  Food for thought, when next we consider gun control.

Overall it’s true, so if we disregard some assumptions that hunters don’t possess the same skills as soldiers, the question would still remain, what army of 2 million would want to face 30, 40, 50 million armed citizens?  For the sake of our freedom, don’t ever allow gun control or confiscation of guns.  The End

- See more at:
Thoughts on Hunters, this is an interesting slant on things.  The world’s largest army; America’s hunters!  I had never thought about this, but a blogger added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion:

There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin.  Allow me to restate that number: 600,000.  Over the last several months, Wisconsin’s hunters became the eighth largest army in the world:  more men in arms than in Iran.  More than France and Germany combined.  These men and women deployed to the woods of a single American state, Wisconsin, to hunt with firearms, and no one was killed.

That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigan’s 700,000 hunters, all of whom have now returned home safely.  Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world.  And then add in the total number of hunters in the other 46 states.  It’s millions more.

The point?  America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower.  Hunting, it’s not just a way to fill the freezer; it’s a matter of national security.  That’s why all enemies, foreign and domestic, want to see us disarmed.  Food for thought, when next we consider gun control.

Overall it’s true, so if we disregard some assumptions that hunters don’t possess the same skills as soldiers, the question would still remain, what army of 2 million would want to face 30, 40, 50 million armed citizens?  For the sake of our freedom, don’t ever allow gun control or confiscation of guns.  The End

- See more at:


A Texas state representative has introduced a bill to thwart enforcement of virtually all federal gun control measures within the state. - See more at:

Subject: 4-20-2014  Ber's Newsletter update 

Last newsletter didn’t set right with some people.  Maybe the .1% to 2.5% statistic landed on some raw nerves.  I didn’t make those numbers up. Ironically that was about the percentage of my whole listserve that requested a free copy of the Parachute of Jesus book. You can still get a free copy by simply emailing me for one at  and it is posted online at

  I will talk about financial programs this newsletter starting with TelexFree.

I was told to stick with the investment programs and keep my nose out of people's religious affairs. I have to tell you, I am concerned about all of us, and all of God’s people, especially here in America.  The blood red full eclipse moon of  April 15th was a sign in the sky that the end times are unfolding and things are going to get nasty. The rumors of what’s happening in the white house, the rumored removal of Obama from office by Supreme court edict, the theft of Malaysian flight 370  and what’s it’s final intended use to be was until the Dutch stopped it, the federal takeover and sale to the Chinese of many of OUR PUBLIC lands – supposedly managed by BLM – but being taken from us by the corrupt federal thugs starting with the corruption in Wash DC and the white house.  These things are not good. The Bundy land grab will set a precedent and could very easily start  the second United States revolution. People are tired of their rights being taken away from them, they are tired of the spying and unfairness of federal government, the use of drones to kill them, and the American people are drawing the line in the sand. Americans are not the pushovers the DC bullies think we are. Who does Reid think he is anyway? 

My Russian wife recently received her US citizenship. During the naturalization ceremony I never heard such a pack of lies spewn forth as I did there. It is how we wish the United States still was, but it is NOT how the United States is today.  We need to go back to the real constitution and we need to remove 99% of the existing political trash in DC including the white house.  We have the chance to do that this November. How can we continue to let 535 mostly corrupt politicians control and steal from 3 million people. We keep hearing promises this and promises that, that the white knights are removing the cabal; but we don’t see it happening.  There was a reason for the 2nd amendment; so the citizens could protect themselves from government, and it looks like the time has come for the citizens to maybe have to do just that.

When law abiding Christians become number one on the terrorist hit list over jihad muslims, drug cartels,  and other terrorist factions that do exist – including an out of control federal government; we are in trouble and you have to know Jesus is coming soon or there would be none left to save; just as He stated.  Besides Obamacare requiring chipping of the American people by March 2013, which has obviously been met with resistance; we are being chipped slowly but surely by more subtle methods. Just as Hitler did in Germany the homeless, starting with South Carolina and California are being rounded up and shipped off to FEMA camps where they are being chipped. What happens to those that refuse?  Never to be heard from again? Didn’t hear about that in your local newspaper did you? Did you know your passport has a chip in it? Ever wonder why you could give your airline check in guy your passport and everything he needs to know about you is right there? My wife had an unchipped Russian passport and we had to go through a whole lot more to get her checked in and through the gates. Did you know most of the debit cards and credit cards you have contain RFID chips in them? It’s getting to the point a cashless society is nearly upon us and becomes the next step in control. 

My wife and I saw the  Hollywood epic of Noah which was an entertaining movie involving glowing rock creatures and many other things which were not biblical including portraying Noah as a villain trying to  eliminate humanity instead of being a new beginning for earth. It didn’t even have the right number of people aboard the ark.  The Son of God movie also recently put out by Hollywood had brilliant photography but lacked the impact of  Mel Gibson’s  Passion of Christ. The Passion is a hard movie to watch because it depicts probably exactly what happened.  I get angry and emotionally moved each time I watch it. The Passion is so real it will haunt you, give you nightmares; you will wonder just how human beings could be that cruel to one another.  It’s not a children’s movie. But that same inhumanity goes on today at the hands of our government, at the hands of other governments, at the hands of terrorists and ungodly people from many nationalities. Babies are still being sacrificed today.

We also saw Heaven is For Real which opened April 16th in theatres across America.  As I knew the real story behind the movie, we went to see how closely the movie followed the real story.  It was a more emotional movie than we had anticipated. The actors they chose were superb especially the little boy Colton Burpo who was taken to heaven by Jesus Himself during an operation on his appendix where he almost died.  Prayers of all the people in the congregation were heard and God spared him. Nothing was out of place in the movie. It followed the real story perfectly, no Hollywood additions, no exaggerations, no scenes he didn’t actually encounter in heaven, nothing made up.  Just the facts that occurred. What came out of the movie to me was the lack of faith shown by the congregation as well as the pastor himself; Colton’s dad.  It took a long time for anyone to believe Colton, but the proofs of his visit became undeniable. Pastors preach what a glorious place heaven is but many don’t believe in it themselves. What does it take to develop faith in people today? As well as fear; because if heaven exists you can bet hell does also. Words alone are obviously not accomplishing the mission. The movie has a real plus in it at the end. Fourteen years ago, at age 4, a child prodigy named Akianne received a visit from Jesus; at age 8 she painted a portrait of Jesus from memory. After Colton’s visit to heaven he was shown many pictures in books of Jesus and asked if that is whom he met. He said no; none of those were the real Jesus. Then one day his father found this portrait of Jesus on the internet painted by Akianne.  Colton walked by that and said, “That’s Him”; “that’s the real Jesus”. You can visit her works at  laid out by the year she did each painting. I did receive permission from her to use her picture of Jesus in the parachute book. A good synopsis of the movie can be found at     It poses the question, does it matter if heaven is real or not? Spend some time with my “Parachute of Jesus” book and you should discover it matters greatly; because not only is heaven real, but so is the alternative, hell, where most people travel to at death and you should understand the why.

This movie will come under fire from the Adventist church, UCG, LCG and other affiliations who believe in soul sleep, that our spirit goes nowhere at death and awaits the second coming. They attribute all near death experiences to demonic illusion. I do not believe that, which is why I place such importance on reaching others with the message of the gospel. Unfortunately there are far too may testimonies of what both heaven and hell are like from these NDE visitations  to be written off as illusions. Some of these people were dead for several days, and then resurrected as Lazarus was, to enable them to give testimony, not just a matter of minutes. Visit,; ; and  
for some interesting stories and videos on near death experiences. 

Todd Burpo, Colton’s dad, wrote the book and consented to the movie Heaven is Real , as a means to raise people’s awareness of the fact God exists, heaven exists, and people have a desperate need to know that heaven is real.  The author of the review article  is obviously not a believer, and calls Heaven is Real, spiritual porn, only pretending to offer truth. I guess she will find out what is truth when she passes on and the grim reaper comes for her spirit.

I hope everyone has a happy easter tomorrow. Easter is considered pagan Christianity by many. Interesting but appropriate terminology. The Bible tells us to celebrate Passover as Jesus became the Passover lamb on the afternoon of nisan 14 back in 33AD, just before the start of nisan 15 at sunset, the beginning of the Jewish feast of unleavened bread. This was also the exact day and afternoon the passover lambs were sacrificed, as the Jews by then had combined passover and the feast of unleavened bread into one festivity
beginning at sunset at the beginning of Nisan 15  instead of keeping the two events separated. It is why they were in a hurry to get Him down before sunset.   Jess and His disciples were the only ones who had the passover meal at the correct time, in th eevening of nisan 14. The Bible does not speak of Easter at all. As April 15th was the full moon this year starting the feast of unleavened bread, it means the Christian good Friday as well as Easter, supposedly the day Jesus arose from the grave,  is a few days different each year from Passover celebrations.   Why the discrepancy in time is another mystery; it isn’t that we don’t know when to actually honor his death and resurrection each year. I did add a page to my website covering all the scriptural passages as well as links to key writings of others you can use to figure this puzzle out at  but it will definitely mess with your mind trying to unravel the mess of what we should be doing and the when. Each year I spend many more hours studying; pouring over other people’s thoughts  and research to attempt to make sure what I believe and tell others is correct. Read my passover2 page and you will see the challenge.

  On to other matters.

After all the information we have received from up line over the past year on how TelexFree was supposedly legit because it had the right ratio of customers to promoters, had the right lawyer ensuring everything was legit who had never lost an MLM case (Nehra) we find this may even be a bigger case of fraud than the Zeek Rewards program.  They’re saying Telexfree brought in $1.2 billion. Ironically Telexfree paid everyone what was due them right up until March 2014 when they instituted the new complan because they were obviously running out of money to pay everyone with, especially those with huge downlines. I didn’t have a huge downline but I was paid what was due me consistently for 11 months.  True ponzi’s can’t sustain a payment record like that.  What happened? 

This is what we know about this.
For now you will not be able to access the back office. You will not be able to post ads. You will not be able make withdrawals or access any of your information until the company is allowed to conduct operations again. There is no way to know when that may be. For now TelexFREE is shut down and will not be able to start operations again until these allegations have been answered. This could be a prolonged period. Maybe and most likely, never. 

TelexFREE faces some very serious legal challenges. I assume you have all read the various articles and postings online. Here is a summary of what we know:

BANKRUPTCY FILING: TelexFREE filed for a chapter 11 bankruptcy in Nevada. This type of bankruptcy allows a company to basically stop operations, reorganize and then start operations again.  It appears that a judge has now allowed that to continue and there is a hearing scheduled in Nevada.

The reason it is filed in Nevada is because that is the state where TelexFREE LLC is actually registered. Many companies use Nevada to actually set up the company because there is no state income tax there and they are quite business friendly.

Of even greater importance now is a complaint filed by the State of Massachusetts’ SEC Division. The complaint alleges the company  engaged in the fraudulent offer or sale of unregistered securities in the State of Massachusetts.  This is a very serious charge and the document filed states that the SEC Division is issuing a “ceast and desist order”. This means the company will have to provide the SEC with all of the information they request. This could take a prolonged time. Here is a link to the SEC filing. 

It's obvious SEC has sensationalized the case but I've been this route annually  with so many other companies now - Zeek Rewards, Profitable Sunshine, New GNI, original GNI, Cash Tanker, Cherry Shares, Fill er up club, and a dozen others over the years. SEC is still trying to do a clawback from all of us in Zeek who made a profit. Our first clue is when a company has no transparency. We knew from our own statistics software sales weren't providing the income.  So what were they doing to make the money? They paid perfectly for 11 months; in fact it seemed their only priority. Putting the website in English and taking care of software issues certainly wasn't.  Providing customer support certainly wasn't. To simply pay us out of newby ad central sales would have failed much sooner than 11 months so they had to be taking our money and investing it someplace like bridge loans for example to really make the money. If Nehru was such a whiz at MLM legalities how did he let these guys get that many millions over their head? If you received significant payouts beyond what you spent with TelexFree, I warn you to not leave coin sitting in your bank account. Until Obama and his corrupt cabinet are out of there ( which is reported to be happening this weekend by the way  - supposedly Judge Roberts has ordered his removal - so the revaluation and global currency reset can go through) we are fair game for any nickel SEC thinks he can get his hands on. Put money into your bank account as you need to pay bills but don't keep a big chunk in there unless you want big brother to garnish it.
You just gotta wonder about these guys. They send me a renewal notice in Portuguese, I can't login to my invoice section to even see what it says amount wise, and they send me a notice they are filing for bankruptcy at the same time. The amazing part is they have paid me everything due me for 11 months. Everything. The only thing I didn't get is the last $304 I would have accumulated by April 18th, day before my subscription ended.  But then I probably wouldn't have gotten that anyway as by that time all my current clients would have run out so I wouldn't have been qualified to take a withdrawal anyway. And it surely wouldn't make sense to spend $244.50 of my $304 to be qualified to get paid when I can't take a withdrawal for only $55 but have to have $300 to do so. Catch 22.

I don't know what they have been doing to make the money but I know it isn't all the client subscriptions they are claiming. SEC claims they only sold $1.2 million in software sales. Yet the top brass were taking millions out of the company in checks for themselves. Labriola's little speech about all the software packages that have been sold is based upon people like me buying most for friends and family because we could do so for an out of pocket of only $5 to remain qualified for binary commissions. In 11 months including posting my ad everyday and advertising in several different places on my own outside of that ad daily, I only sold 5 external software packages in that 11 months. At an out of pocket cost of $44 instead of $5 under the new comp plan ; software sales would have become nearly non existent.  I didn't see the new comp plan as being anywhere viable to this business moving forward as far as the promoter was concerned.

Here’s other links that explains the situation more fully.
I think we have seen the end of TelexFree.  I don’t see how they can recover from this. fraud/fZwPyvFkLJD6nDy9BKaHiK/story.html?s_campaign=sm_tw

  At  we see that Telexfree has filed a motion with the bankruptcy court to be relieved of the $1.1 billion in outstanding debt currently owed to existing promoter contracts because their $1.2 million in software sales would never cover that.
That’s while Telexfree management wrote themselves over $30 million in checks to themselves since Nov 2013. You have to wonder how management thought they could ever pull that off and stay out of the slammer in the process.

So where do we go from there?
You say back to the real MLM’s and stay away from the 1.5%/day and 3/5%/day hyips being tossed at us every day.  But Telexfree WAS a real MLM. It WAS a real business; just not run like businesses like ThriveLife, StemTech, MyCardioForLife, Life Pharma, Isagenix, and ProTandim.

My gameplan I guess is to stay away from the 1% to 3% daily promises coming at me where real products are not involved or just advertising is being pitched; hope for the dinar and dong to revaluate to be able to get off this 13 year roller coaster,  keep working the MLMs mentioned above which are legitimate businesses and do pay me something each month, and set out to learn the DS Domination program of selling things on ebay .  I know of several people who are doing well on that but have spent a lot of time as well as money learning the ropes, undergoing training, buidling their store and give too much of their profit away to PayPal, ebay, and DS Domination in the process. It’s not easy but it can be done and govt can’t move in and chop your legs out from under you like they just did with Telexfree.

Dinar and dongs
Speaking of the dinar and dongs; this is like a very broken record of the boy who cried wolf.
But, with that said I strongly suggest you get some Monday if you don't already have some. This egg is about to hatch.
To make a long story short, we aren't able to exchange because Obama is still holding it up.
"Talked to UST contact this afternoon everything is looking great for this week.  They did tell me that the holdup is Obama 
he is not wanting the masses to benefit from this blessing because of what it represents (loss of control over people who 
have money). I did also hear that he is purposing that the rate come out below the $3.42 and then let it rise from there.
But Iraq started selling bonds last week at $3.71. 
From another source
- I am now hearing they have a target end date of April 30 to complete the current phase of the global reset process. They can now move forward. The stalemate between the IMF and the USA is over!  We are so close to the final activation of these currency rate changes at the banks I can hardly stand the excitement. I have watched the contact in the IMF now (once again) notify Iraq that these changes were about to be effective and that their currency was about to go international.   

From another source - the banker said that ALL THE US BANKS have the new UST notes and will be using them/distributing them next week




ThriveLife  details about the program 
our company marketing page you can order from. 
You can order the unadvertised specials and monthly specials from that page also. But you need to be on my thriveLife 
email list
to receive notice of those so you have the product ID's. Simply send me your full name and 
email addy and request to be put on my notice list for the specials.

ThriveLife is doing well for me. It grows each month and my paycheck grows each month. This is not a short term 
commitment but as people realize what they are buying in the grocery stores is essentially poison, this business will 
continue to grow. A package of HungryMan steak dinner for example has 150 different ingredients (I should say chemicals) in it. 
Why?  Canned vegetables have way too much salt in them to act as a preservative. Great for the heart. Read the labels. 
And most freeze dried Thrivelife vegetables  cost less than the same serving of canned vegetables and contains only 
vegetables instead of all the salt and chemicals thrown in also. 

Take some of your dinar money and stock up on food, water and medical supplies.
Survival /camping supplies, tools, water containers/filters, 25 year freeze dried food

Water filters - I've done the homework for you. Just read the page and look at the pictures, 
watch the videos and make your decisions.   You can have your tail covered and drink out of 
a mud puddle, river, or lake  for as little as $20. Lots of good options. But you need to choose 
at least one. How to make your own homemade .2micron water filter for under $30
See the last section of my page at 

Recipe meals in a jar is the hot setup. Don't just buy your 25 year food and put it on the shelf 
until the disaster comes; use it daily and learn to use it so you are not fumbling when the time
comes to mandatorily have to use it. Many recipe sections have been added to my ThriveLife page
Remember all ThriveLife products have no GMO, are gluten free, were grown with no pesticides or chemicals , 
or steroids or other drugs and are constantly tested for such. ThriveLife can improve your family's health. There's 
just potatoes in the can of potatoes, not twenty other chemicals. There's just 
milk in the #10 tin or 6 gal pail of instant milk. Nothing else. Store bought homogenized milk is killing people. Read   for why. ThriveLife instant milk even 
tastes better than store bought milk. Try it. We use it exclusively now. 

My favorite recipe is to take a half cup of freeze dried non GMO corn and 1/2 cup of freeze dried peas, put 
them in a small amount of water, bring up to temperature and add the freeze dried potato beads - be 
careful, doesn't take many, and stir until you get a good mashed potato consistency. All the water that 
sucked nutrients out of the peas and corn is still utilized in rehydrating the potato beads. You've 
lost nothing nutrient wise. This combination tastes really good. I request it several times a week.

I have added extensive sections to my page at and have made
many disturbing discoveries . Like canned and frozen veggies at your local grocery may have lost up to 77% of their nutrient value by the time you finally eat them. . Freeze dried veggies retain all of it; 
even for the  25 year shelf life. Hard to believe freeze dried in a can is healthier than fresh or frozen 
at the grocery. Grocery produce is picked green and grown for durability and shipping, not flavor. 
It's why tomatoes from the grocery are tasteless. This article applies to more than just tomatoes.

Take some of that dinar and dong money you are about to get and buy a year's supply of food 
for each member of your family. ThriveLife has 1 mo, 3mo, 6 mo and 1 year packages all put together 
for you.  They have it all; survival tools, camping/survival gear, tents, sleeping bags, ready to go bug out 
backpacks, first aid kits, water storage containers, filters as low as .02 microns, purification chemicals, 
and much much more including solar charging systems and lights.
Get involved with ThriveLife either as just a customer or as a consultant. 

Read my upated ThriveLife page for things you need to know and lay out a plan for your family. 
If only 2% of the population have any degree of food and water preparation your chances are not 
good at bumming off your neighbor. 


LifePharm Global recently introduced their new product, Laminine Omega+++ and the immediate demand has been amazing. The formulation that the LPGN scientists created for this product is simply genius as it addresses the cardiovascular system and improved circulation by removing plaque from the arteries, improved bone health (yes, this product causes calcium to be absorbed into the bones—a huge blessings for people with osteoporosis), reduces inflammation, lowers cholesterol, enhances memory, balances blood pressure, supports normal blood sugar levels, and much more.
There is a small amount of the Avian Egg Extract in this formulation, to increase effectiveness, but we recommend that people take it with the regular Laminine as the combination is a powerful one-two punch against ANY degenerative condition and is a very effective preventive product.
I want to draw your readers attention to an interview obtained with Dr. Jose Toro, MD, on this new product. In addition to explaining how Omega+++ works in the body, Dr. Toro shares some of the results he is having with his patients such as Alzheimer's patients recovering memory, neuropathy patients getting feeling back in their feet and hands, arthritic patients without pain, and more.  

Listen to Dr. Toro here: 

Health issues   pay attention to the exercise section. It's new.  How to clean the rocks out of your liver and gall bladder.  for additional toxin cleansing. This works!
Eliminating Hypertension by breathing properly, not taking meds. This is an interesting story.   and  
The water cure - another simple major treatment for hypertension.  
Cancer  and I included the Ellagiplex write up at the end.     is having a hard time keeping Ellagiplex in stock. The red raspberry seed powder plus 170 other synergistic ingredients, works. I finally got a family member on it who has 
prostrate cancer. His PSA reading is coming down. Taking ellagiplex has lessened my trips to the bathroom each night from 5 or 6 down to one or two. 

Silver Success
I have not had contact with the owner in over a month. Email has not been successful nor has calling any of the four phone 
numbers I have. I do have contact information of his relatives and business associates but it is in my notebook in Mexico; not 
where I am now. I will work on that issue once we return back home in a month. As of today I don't have an answer for his silence.

DSDomination - the DS stands for dropship 
How to make money reselling items you find at one place, mark up , and sell on another site, 
and have it drop shipped from the first site, without having to take money out of your own pocket 
to do so. You just pocket the difference. 
How it works in a nutshell
(there are other videos on that page you can watch also.)
Do you use, or or or other resources to buy things
off the internet with; to save both time and money?  I do. In fact I buy so much stuff off of these
sites that my bank cancels my debit card periodically because there are so many charges against
it they think they gotta be fraudulent.
DSDomination takes this business to a new level. Start out at Pro level for $30/mo to test the waters. 
Upgrade to Elite to obtain more products at higher prices with more profit involved. When you master 
that move up to DSUnleashed for more Suppliers, More Products, A Complete Bag of Tricks for 
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Check it out, one of the best moneymakers I have seen come along in a long time. I have not worked this yet but should be and will be if dinars don't revalue soon.

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Check into your HCi25 page for the latest news updates. 
Their March 3rd, 2014 update talks about having to have a notary notarize your passport
Haven't heard anything since.

Still imminent but it is quite clear to me he isn't going to receive money until this global 
currency reset thing completes and the prosperity program money has been paid out. 
That looks like it is about to happen also. 

They say it's still gonna happen but the when is simply not set in concrete yet. I think it too is dependant 
upon the global currency reset also.

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This is good stuff. They also have several other products including MSM.  MSM stands for Methyl 
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Short Term Memory Test
You'll be shown 12 photos in the first part.
You'll be shown another 12 photos in the second part.
You'll be shown 48 photos in the third part and asked if you saw them in the first part,
the second part - or never saw them at all.
When you have finished the third part, your results will be given to you.
Click here to begin. Not tricky and not a hard test, but challenging. I got 100% in the first part and only 87% in the second part. 

Former drone operators show the CIA's role in assassinating people worldwide.

The truth at the Bundy ranch caper in Nevada
 Another WAACO in the making.

Look who's behind trying to run Bundy off his place. Harry Reid. It's all about the money.
Someone needs to run Reid out of DC. 

I used to watch Roy Rogers when I was 8 years old. 
And I had a set of six guns strapped to my waist and played cowboys and Indians with the best of them.
What do you think media would do with an ad like this run today? And they are expelling kids today for drawing pictures of guns, or chewing up a cookie to look like a gun or using your finger like a gun to point at someone?  What has happened to us.? I would like a hat like that today!

Some 911 truth and history 

It isn't just chemtrails; now they are dropping doses of rabies vaccine on us

Pics of the April 15th blood moon eclipse 

The rope

God Bless
Buenos dias
Que Dios le bendiga

Subject: 4-14 -2014  Ber's Newsletter update 

Everyone is wondering why I haven’t put out a newsletter in a while. Many reasons; busy being one of them. Waiting for the Telexfree thing and the dinar/dong revaluation thing to unfold is another. Telexfree just filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. I will put out a separate newsletter on the Telexfree situation.  It appears we can no longer even post our daily ad. And the dinar/dong revaluation has been completed. Iraqi bonds Are being sold at $3.71. All is done. Simply awaiting release. You can thank your muslim potus in the white house for the delay as to why we can’t yet exchange. It is imminent though. Tune into Tony’s call this morning at 10AM PST  for the latest.

And I had to finish my book, Parachute of Jesus, which is finally done. It is posted at  and I can give you a .pdf version free upon request. Hard paperback copies will be available by the end of April I hope.  

The Bible doesn’t speak much about how many people go to heaven or hell at death. It simply says we can travel the wide road to destruction or take the narrow gate to eternal life. But near death testimonies give us numerical statistics to work with, and they are not good. These people have been told by God’s angels that as few as .1% to as high as 2.5% are all that make heaven at death. Now that’s including the whole world and not just Christians but those aren’t good odds. So we have to ask, why?
What are we not being taught by our clergy regarding our journey in the afterlife? Same Bible everyone uses; it is agreed it was copied verbatim down through the ages.
So why are there a gazillion affiliations not in agreement with what it says?  If it is such an important road map to the afterlife, why can the majority of people who read it not discern what it says?  There is a reason for that; it was meant to be that way. It is why what started out five or more years ago as a single page tract handout on salvation has turned into a 145 page book on how to get to heaven and stay out of hell at death.  In my book I tell you the why and what to do to greatly improve your chances of being in the 2.5% lot instead of the 97.5% lot. Did you know there is a difference between your spirit going to the Kingdom of Heaven and just staying out of hell at death? Those going through the second resurrection even though they stayed out of hell at death may still end up in the lake of fire after the great white throne judgment. Grace may keep you out of hell first round, but will not buy you the ticket through the pearly gates into the kingdom. It matters both what you believe as well as your relationship with your fellow human beings and how you choose which voice to listen to when decisions are made regarding right and wrong.  If you follow this book through to the end, I think you will find a lot of useful information you won’t get anywhere else; especially in today’s churches.  It should allow you to make better decisions in your life that ensure your salvation and your spirit’s journey to the correct destination when you pass on.

Today’s main topic regards the Easter season that is upon us.
What do you celebrate, Easter or Passover?  Is there a difference? Which does the Bible and God’s word require us to celebrate? Is Passover just for the Jews?  The main jist of this newsletter can be found at as well as .  Unless you have studied church history you won’t know these differences. The main church throughout the time period from about 300AD up until the reformation started by Luther which brought about other churches such as the Lutherans , Methodists and others was the Roman Catholic church.  Rome persecuted Christians, the true followers of Jesus, by feeding them to the lions for entertainment and killing them as enemies of the Roman empire up until a Roman leader named Constantine got this vision of a cross in the sky, won a battle, and decided all of Rome should then be Christian. The problem then became how to convert the large pagan population that had all these different gods they worshipped  to Christianity. The answer was in combining pagan traditions, beliefs and practices in with Christian beliefs to make the transition palatable to both parties. Did you ever wonder where Christmas trees, yule logs, holly wreaths, mistle toe, lights on trees, and gift giving at Christmas ever came from?  It wasn’t from the Bible. These parts of Christmas were in place long before the birth of Jesus as part of the pagan celebration of Saturn the sungod on Dec 25th. We all know Jesus was born in late Aug-Sept-early Oct range, not in December.  The birth of Jesus was simply added into the mix to make a pagan celebration palatable to Christians. Those pagan traditions erroneously remain with us to this day. They are so entrenched in people’s routine that few recognize them for what they are and are able to disassociate themselves from them.  It was hard for us to give up Christmas; but we finally did.
The same holds for Easter. There is no Easter in the Bible. Easter as a pagan celebration of the goddess Oestre and fertility rites involving newborn chicks and highly reproductive rabbits, and colored egg hunts was in place long before Jesus was crucified on the cross. And again, to satisfy both pagans as well as Christians, the flavoring of the resurrection was added to a pagan celebration to make it palatable to all.  That poses a dilemma for true Christians today. Do you go on easter egg hunts with your kids after church teaching them erroneous pagan traditions?  Or do you celebrate Passover with the Jews who celebrate it erroneously today; combining Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread into one event instead of keeping them separate for the separate events in history they represent?   Satan has done his job of confusion well so most Christians don’t know what they are doing.

Keeping Passover each year is not a Mosaic Law or a Jewish thing. It is God’s command in Exodus 12:14 that ALL of us shall observe this day throughout all generations, FOREVER. That’s pretty simple language to tell us Passover is for ALL of us to observe, EVERY year, once a year, FOREVER. The requirement to observe Passover did not go out with the cross.

"AND THIS DAY SHALL BE UNTO YOU FOR A MEMORIAL; and ye shall KEEP IT A FEAST to the Lord throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a FEAST by an ordinance FOR EVER" (Exo.12:7-14).

I think most Christians understand that during Passover in 33AD that Jesus became the Passover lamb when he was crucified on the cross.  But they fail to understand that the original Passover in 1548BC  pointed forward to the crucifixion event in 33AD. Let’s analyze both events chronologically.  The dates Nisan 14 and Nisan 15 are important here. Nisan 14 is today and started last evening on April 13th at sundown.  In God’s time the day runs from sundown to sundown. The first half of the day is dark, like 7pm to 7am,  and the second 12 hours of Nisan 14 is light, like 7am to 7pm on April 14th, today. Nisan 15th starts tonight, April 14th , at sundown and extends to sundown tomorrow night  April 15th.  Tonight is a full moon, supposedly even a blood red moon at that, and represents the light God used to lead the Israelites out of Egypt on that night of Nisan 15 back in 1548BC.

  Easter isn’t celebrated until a week later, April 20th, and has really nothing to do with God’s timing.

Passover is named for the event, occurring at midnight on Nisan 14, approximately 1548BC, which was executed by God. It received it’s name for the sparing of Israel’s firstborn, during the night in which the destroyer, Satan’s angel of death, passed over all the houses in Egypt, sparing only the children of Israel their firstborn from the plague of death, while they were still in their houses, in the land of Egypt, BEFORE the Exodus took place. God didn’t kill the firstborn of the Egyptians that night but He allowed Satan, the destroyer, to do so.  Exodus 12:23 states “….and will not suffer (or allow) the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.”  Satan is the destroyer.

To prevent Satan’s angel of death from also killing the firstborn of the Israelites, God’s instructions to the Israelites were to sacrifice a lamb at the beginning of Nisan14 as soon as the sun went down on the end of Nisan 13, and spread it’s blood over the lintel and doorposts of each house if they wanted their firstborn to be spared. They had to kill and roast the lamb and eat it completely that night , stay inside their houses until dawn,  and burn any remains of the lamb not eaten by the following morning.    Exodus12:7-13 covers this.

The Passover derives it’s name from this event, passing over of the Israelite houses marked in lamb’s blood,  in which God allowed Satan, the destroyer, as the tenth plague on Egypt,  to kill all of Egypt’s firstborn as the final step in  redeeming the entire nation of Israel from the bondage of slavery. The redemption of God was their only salvation from that bondage of slavery. Their slavery was a bondage to sin, and the ultimate penalty for sin is death.

Pharoh called Moses that night after the slaughter at midnight and told him to get his people the flock out of there. But the people were told by God to stay inside their houses until morning.

During the daylight 12 hours of Nisan 14, the Israelites  - all 2 million of them (actually it says 600,000 men but with kids and wives it is assumed that meant 2-3 million people) gathered their belongings, took spoils from the Egyptians who gave them stuff to hasten their departure, and assembled at Rameses for the journey out of Egypt.

When Nisan 14 ended and Nisan 15 began under a full moon like tonight April 14 our time, the Israelites started their trek out of Egypt.  As they were in a hurry and there wasn’t time for bread to rise, this time period of the exodus was called the Feast of Unleavened bread.  But keep in mind the Passover which occurred at midnight on Nisan 14 was a separate event from the exodus from Egypt that began the following evening beginning Nisan 15th.

Between 1548BC and 33AD the Jewish people somehow combined these two separate events into a single feast and called it the feast of unleavened bread. They also call it Passover but don’t distinguish between the two separate events.  Passover is not a feast day in itself, but ushers in the feast days of unleavened bread.

This distinction is important because in 33 AD Jesus and His disciples are the only ones who celebrated the Passover correctly at the appointed time when they held the last supper and Jesus broke the bread symbolizing healing and his beating at the whipping post He was about to go through later that night, which paid for your healing,  and drank the wine symbolizing His blood let at crucifixion which paid for all our sins and rescued us from the damage that Adam had done in the garden of Eden when he ate of the forbidden fruit and  turned all rights of humankind over to Satan. When Jesus was crucified in the day time portion of Nisan 14 he became the sacrifical lamb; just like the lambs who supplied the blood for the door posts and lintels back in 1548BC.

It is why God commands us  in Exo.12:7-14 to keep Passover as a memorial forever and ever. It doesn’t refer to just the Passover of 1548BC, it refers also to what it pointed forward to, Jesus being the Passover lamb on Nisan 14  in 33AD, even though the command is covered in the old testament. 

God doesn’t tell us to keep easter and go on easter egg hunts a week later.  We have been led astray by a church steeped in paganism since inception and whose errors were never corrected by the reformers Luther, Wesley, etc. Why do we go to church on Sunday today? Jesus and his disciples held Saturday as Sabbath.  What gave the RC the right to change Saturday to Sunday?   They admit to doing so. Saturday is the 7th day of the week, Sunday is the first, just look at your calendars.  That’s an interesting story also, but for another time. Anyway, I hope you take communion today, while Nisan 14 is still in progress.  And I don’t chastise anyone for celebrating the resurrection on April 20th even though you are a few days too late.


I will include a more complete story of Passover here for those interested in more detail.

When should the Passover be observed??  

How should it be observed?

Am I required to observe it at all?

What's the big deal here?

This page answers those questions. There are no religious affiliations weighted in this writing.

I welcome your comments, criticisms, rebuttals, proof of error, etc. email me

Is Easter  the same as Passover?   Is Passover just for the Jews, who are still waiting for Christ to come the first time and don't believe the Jesus who came 2000 years ago was really the Messiah? Do they keep the Passover today the same way God commanded back at the Exodus?  Is Easter  a Christian Holiday or a pagan celebration of the Roman pagan Goddess Eostre?  Is timing important as Easter is normally celebrated after Passover every year? What do chicks, and egg hunts, and giving bunny rabbits to children have to do with it?  Go to  if you want to know the truth about Easter.  Also see  This page will deal with the truth about Passover.

  Why do we need to know this?

We are in the endtimes folks; the last days on earth.  Easter is NOT one of Yahweh's Feastdays; but neither is Christmas, or Halloween, or Valentine's Day  either. These all belong to the mimicer, the guy who wants us to burn with him in the lake of burning suphur at the end of the millenium.  The birthpangs spoken of in Revelation are getting closer and closer together and the intensity is increasing, much more so in this last decade than all the previous years put together. The second coming is getting very very close, and apostacy in the church, drifting away from the truth to the lies of Satan,  keeps spreading to drive Christians further and further from the truth and what Yahweh wants of them. What ARE Yahweh's words regarding Passover and His Holy Annual Feast Days?

"AND THIS DAY SHALL BE UNTO YOU FOR A MEMORIAL; and ye shall KEEP IT A FEAST to the Lord throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a FEAST by an ordinance FOR EVER" (Exo.12:7-14).

Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctify them. Ezekiel 20:12

And hallow my sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between me and you, that ye may know that I am the LORD your God. Ezekiel 12:20

Exodus 31:13  Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths (plural - verse 14 speaks of the weekly sabbath so we know this is referring to the annual feastday sabbaths and may well include the weekly sabbath too but this verse does not speak of many weekly sabbaths) ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.

There's four passages above that tell me  that Yahweh's other sabbaths, His annual Holy Feast Days, didn't go out with the cross and that Yahweh wants me to keep them if I want to be claimed as His and protected from the wrath of the coming tribulation period.

So just what IS Passover and where did it originate?

It's not a quick explanation but it's a fascinating story, and it really happened.  This is as precise and as short as my research could boil it down to.

Passover is an EVENT that actually happened in approximately 1548BC, at midnight, on Nisan 14, the 14th day of the first month of the year, in the spring on the night preceding the night of the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. The Exodus began at the evening of the beginning of Nisan 15.  See my wife's page at  for timeline info.

Let us summarize what the Passover means to us. Keeping Passover each year is not a Mosaic Law or a Jewish thing. It is God’s command in Exodus 12:14 that ALL of us shall observe this day throughout all generations, FOREVER. That’s pretty simple language to tell us Passover is for ALL of us to observe, EVERY year, once a year, FOREVER.

The requirement to observe Passover did not go out with the cross.

Easter is NOT Passover. Easter is man’s concoction. Easter is a pagan celebration, mixing pagan traditions of the celebration of the Goddess Oestre with a Christian icing of the resurrection to make it palatable to the deceived and uninformed. Easter was created when pagans were being brought over to Christianity, bringing their pagan baggage with them. Easter is not God's holiday. Neither are Christmas , Saint Valentines Day or Halloween. These are not God’s

Holy FeastDays ; they ALL have pagan roots.

Passover is not one of God's holy feastdays in itself but ushers in the Feast of Unleavened Bread wherein the first and last days of the Feast of Unleavened bread are Sabbaths – meaning rest, worship and no work on those days. Passover is a commemoration of the "Passing Over" and occurs on  April 13th this year. The beginning of that day is Sunday evening, April 13, at sundown and it extends to sundown Monday, April 14th. The Feast of unleavened bread goes from April 14th through April 21st. Remember God’s days are sundown to sundown, not midnight to midnight. And the dark half of the day comes before the light half of the day. So 7pm to 7am might be considered the dark half and 7am to 7pm after that would be considered the light second half of that day.

Passover means “passing over”. Jews today claim that the Passover commemorates the exodus from Egypt, but that is not what the Bible says. It was a completely different specific event preceding the exodus by a whole day.

Passover is named for the event, occurring at midnight on Nisan 14, approximately 1548BC, which was executed by God. It received it’s name for the sparing of Israel’s firstborn, during the night in which the destroyer, Satan’s angel of death, passed over all the houses in Egypt, sparing only the children of Israel their firstborn from the plague of death, while they were still in their houses, in the land of Egypt, BEFORE the Exodus took place. God didn’t kill the firstborn of the Egyptians that night but He allowed Satan, the destroyer, to do so.  Exodus 12:23 states “….and will not suffer (or allow) the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.”  Satan is the destroyer.

To prevent Satan’s angel of death from also killing the firstborn of the Israelites, God’s instructions to the Israelites were to sacrifice a lamb at the beginning of Nisan14 as soon as the sun went down on the end of Nisan 13, and spread it’s blood over the lintel and doorposts of each house if they wanted their firstborn to be spared. They had to kill and roast the lamb and eat it completely that night , stay inside their houses until dawn,  and burn any remains of the lamb not eaten by the following morning.    Exodus12:7-13 covers this.

The Passover derives it’s name from this event, passing over of the Israelite houses marked in lamb’s blood,  in which God allowed Satan, the destroyer, as the tenth plague on Egypt,  to kill all of Egypt’s firstborn as the final step in  redeeming the entire nation of Israel from the bondage of slavery. The redemption of God was their only salvation from that bondage of slavery. Their slavery was a bondage to sin, and the ultimate penalty for sin is death.

The Passover has great significance for us Christians today in relationship to God’s passing over our sins through the sacrifice and blood of Jesus Christ, and sparing us from the penalty of sin, which is eternal death. Keeping Yahweh's Holy Feast Days today also has significance as it points forward to God knowing who belong to Him so He can protect them from the coming 7 plagues of tribulation just as He protected the Israelites from 7 of the 10 plagues He cast on the Egyptians. The Israelites went through the first three along with the Egyptians.

But we are getting ahead of the story.

Let’s first set the stage with how the Israelites got to Egypt in the first place and needed removal from the bondage of slavery.

Let’s go back to Abraham who had two sons first; Ishmael from his wife’s servant Hagar because his wife was so old they didn’t feel she could have a child. This was man’s attempt to fix the problem of creating descendants. The descendants of Ishmael constitute the Muslim nation today. 

And Abraham and Sarah finally had  Isaac, the child God had promised to Abraham from his wife Sarah. Sarah was about 90 years old when she had Isaac, a true miracle. This was God’s real solution to the problem of creating descendants and an ancestry for Abraham. Abraham had many more sons after Sarah died also but we are interested in where Isaac came from.

Isaac had two sons, Jacob and Esau. Jacob , with the help of his mother, tricked Isaac who was nearly blind in old age into giving him the family blessings instead of Esau, who was the rightful heir. This caused a falling out between Jacob and Esau and Jacob left to seek work and habitation elsewhere. Jacob fell in love with a gal named Rachel and made a deal to work for her father for 7 years for her hand, but on their wedding night her father switched daughters on him in the bedroom and because Jacob was drunk he ended up consummating the marriage with Leah instead of Rachel but still had to work off his 7 year deal promised to her father. At the end of the 7 years he made another 7 year deal to then marry Rachel. To make a long story short, between Leah, Leah’s maid, Rachel and Rachel’s maid , Jacob ended up with 12 sons and a daughter. But he favored Joseph and Benjamin because they came from Rachel whom he loved so much. Because he favored Joseph, the rest of the brothers were very jealous of Joseph, and on a trip sold him into Egyptian slavery.  Benjamin did not go along on that trip because he was too young.

But Joseph was a smart boy and made many suggestions to his Egyptian captors to increase their productivity and wealth.  So much so that he soon was put in charge of much of Pharoh’s holdings and even became the governor of all of Egypt.  Then there was a great famine. Joseph was warned by God and knew about this ahead of time and had stored up 7 years worth of grain and goods to carry Egypt through this time period. Jacob, Joseph’s father, who had been told Joseph was dead long ago, in desperation as they had run out of food,  sent his sons to Egypt to try and get food. Joseph recognized his brothers and sent food and word to his father Jacob to come to Egypt where there was food aplenty to share with them.  They were given a 300 square mile territory, approximately 20 miles long by 15 miles wide, called the land of Goshen in which to live. This is where the children of Israel lived and multiplied for over 250 years. The Bible says 400 years, but the few ancestral lines don't seem to support that length of time.

Now this all worked out until Joseph passed away, as well as the Pharoh he served. Then troubles began. In Exodus 1 starting with Verse 7 we find the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceedingly mighty; and the land was filled with them. Then  there arose up a new king over Egypt, which didn’t know Joseph. And he said unto his people, behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we. Come, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it came to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land.

Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Ramses. But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel. And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with intense labor. And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in mortar, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field. Pharoh even tried to kill all the newborns that were males, which leads us in to the Moses story.

Moses enters the picture

Along comes Moses, a male Israelite, supposed to be killed along with all other male newborns, hidden for three months after birth, but was set adrift on the river in a basket of reeds where an Egyptian lady, Pharoh’s daughter,  found him and adopted him, hired Moses’ real mom unknowingly to nurse him,  and raised him up as an Egyptian.

But Moses knew he was an Israelite and after watching the cruelty of the Egyptians over the Israelite slaves one day stopped one of these beatings and accidently killed the Egyptian. This sent him into the wilderness away from Egypt for 40 years tending flocks as a common shepherd until one day a burning bush ignited in front of him, was not consumed,  and it was God from it speaking to him.

God, remembering his covenant with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, told Moses to go free his people from Egyptian slavery. Moses said, whoooah Lord, I ain’t up to that, they won’t listen to me, who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?   God said, I will be with you, take your brother Aaron and go. I will take care of everything.

Well, Pharoh had a hard heart and wasn’t about to let his slaves go. Moses even threw down his staff and it turned into a snake to show God’s power; but Pharoh wasn’t impressed. His magicians could do the same thing.  God then cast plagues over all Egypt.  The first was turning all the waters blood red to where the fish died and stank and nobody could drink the water. That didn’t work so God then made frogs be abundant. There were frogs everywhere, covering the land of Egypt. But Pharoh gave in only for a short while and as soon as the frogs were gone he again refused to let the Israelites go. The God turned the dust into lice that plagued man as well as beast. Again Pharoh relented only until the lice were gone, then again went into the refusal mode.

It is interesting to note that the Israelites went through three of these plagues also but were spared from seven of them..  Seven of the plagues affected Egyptian land but did not extend into the Land of Goshen where the Israelites lived. This points forward to God protecting us from the tribulation and the 7 bowls of wrath that will be poured out just before Jesus comes at the second coming.

Well, to make a long story short, besides the water turning to blood and the frogs, and the lice,  God plagued the Egyptians with flies which covered the land, cast disease upon the Egyptian cattle, put boils upon the skin of the Egyptians, brought thunder and hail to destroy the crops of the Egyptians, brought swarms of locusts over all Egypt to consume and eat their crops,  and brought darkness for three days all over the land.

Each time Pharoh agreed to let the slaves go only to change his mind as soon as the plague was lifted.

Plagues of Egypt

The plagues as they appear in the Bible are:

1. (Exodus 7:14-25) rivers and other water sources turned to blood killing all fish and other water life. (Dam)

2. (Exodus 7:26-8:11) amphibians (commonly believed to be frogs) (Tsfardeia)

3. (Exodus 8:12-15) lice or gnats (Kinim)

4. (Exodus 8:16-28) flies or beasts (Arov)

5. (Exodus 9:1-7) disease on livestock (Dever)

6. (Exodus 9:8-12) unhealable boils (Shkhin)

7. (Exodus 9:13-35) hail mixed with fire (Barad)

8. (Exodus 10:1-20) locusts (Arbeh)

9. (Exodus 10:21-29) darkness (Choshech)

10. (Exodus 11:1-12:36) death of the first-born of all Egyptian families. (Makat Bechorot)

The tenth plague, the death of all firstborn,  was the clincher though. From Exodus 11:5 And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first born of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of all the beasts.  Even with this severe of a warning and in light of the other nine plagues which had come true and were testimony to God’s power; Pharoh would still not let the Israelites go; although the rest of the Egyptians were by now wanting to get rid of them.

God protected His people, the Israelites, by giving them instructions on how to protect themselves from this intense plague by painting their doorposts and lintels of their houses with the blood of the lamb and to stay inside their houses and not come out until sunrise the next day.  At midnight, that night, a few hours after the beginning of nisan14, God allowed the destroyer, Satan, to kill all the firstborn of any house in Egypt not containing the blood of the lamb on the door posts and lintels. The destroyer had to PASSOVER and not kill the firstborn in any house that contained the blood painted doorposts and lintels.  That event, at midnight, in 1548BC, the passing over of the Israelite houses containing the blood of the Passover lambs on their doorposts was the first Passover.

God commands us to remember Passover

each year on the correct day, at the beginning of Nisan 14,  in the evening, forever and ever as it pointed forward to the sacrifice of Yahshua on the cross who became our Passover lamb some 1575 years later to rescue us from the bondage of sin.

Many have tried to tell us this was all a fairy tale; that in reality it never happened. However recent archeological finds have discovered accounts of these plagues in Egyptian related writings including the deaths of the Egyptian firstborn on this fateful night.

Many try to tell us the exodus of several million people from the land of Goshen in Egypt never happened either, but recent archeological finds at the Gulf of Aquaba on the Red Sea where a land bridge lies just under the waters there have turned up chariot parts of that era, bones of horses, and other artifacts that tell us the spreading of the waters across the red sea and the entrapment of Pharoh’s army really did happen.  See  and    ( in Spanish) for many pics about the Exodus, maps of the route, pic of the underwater landbridge under the sea at the crossing site, newspaper articles and many pics of chariot parts still underwater. Also see   and    for the exodus path our spy satellite above earth found and how it found it.

The first Passover which initiated freeing of the Israelites from the bondage of slavery  has much significance and points forward to the death of Yahshua, the lamb of God,  on the cross which initiated freeing us from the bondage of sin some 1575 years later.

It is God’s command in Exodus 12:14 that ALL of us shall observe this day throughout all generations, FOREVER. It is NOT a Jewish thing, it is NOT a Mosaic law that went out with the cross. It is simply Yahweh’s command and keeping Passover annually is one of God’s ways to know that you belong to Him so He can seal you from harm during the tribulation period coming soon.  Again, Easter is NOT Passover. Easter is Satan’s substitute pagan celebration of eggs, and chicks and pretty bunnies symbolizing pagan fertility rites created so you will not honor God’s Passover.  Yahweh has seven special times each year that are HIS. We will discuss each as they come along.

Passover is not a feastday in itself

but a commemoration of the "passing over" and  ushers in the Feast of Unleavened Bread wherein the first and last days are Sabbaths – meaning rest, worship and no work on those days, April 14th and April 21st.  Passover occurs on Sunday day April 14th this year (beginning Sunday April 13th at sundown) The Feast of unleavened bread goes from April 14th through April 21st. Remember God’s days are sundown to sundown, not midnight to midnight.

Why unleavened bread?  One of the things we are required to do during the week of the Feast of Unleavened Bread is to have NO leaven or yeast in our homes and to use no yeast in cooking during that week. As the exodus from Egypt was abrupt, bread did not have time to rise. They threw the unrisen bread over their shoulders, stuffed dough into their clothes and began the Exodus; hence the FeastDay week called the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

Scripture  commands that Passover be observed separately from the 7 days of the Feast of Unleavened bread.  God did not establish Passover day as a memorial of the Exodus. Passover was established as a memorial  to commemorate Yahweh’s passing over of the houses of the Israelites to protect their firstborn from the destroyer who was allowed to kill all the firstborn Egyptians.  The Feast of Unleavened Bread, which begins on the following day, when the sun sets at the end of the 14th day and the  beginning the fifteenth day of Nisan, is the feast that Yahweh established to commemorate the Exodus from Egypt. These are different events, occurring on different days, and are not to be celebrated on the same day.

Jews have combined these two feasts erroneously instead of keeping them separate and now call the both of them the celebration of passover.

Think of the logistics

of moving 2 to 3 million people with all their flocks and herds. Exodus 12 clearly records that the children of Israel departed as an organized group from Rameses.  Leaving the morning following the Passover would not allow time for 2 million people to gather their belongings and travel to Rameses from their houses and assemble in their marching order before beginning the Exodus.  Numbers 33 also states that the Egyptians were burying their dead. How many? Doesn’t say, but  if you consider 10 Egyptians for every Israelite (remember the Egyptians killed all male Israelites to keep the population down) and there were 600,000 Israelite men, and 1 in 5 Egyptians could be a first born; that still leaves several million firstborn killed that night. That’s a lot of burials.

It took all of the rest of the daylight part of the 14th of Nisan to spread the word that Pharoh wanted them oughta there, to get ready to move out, to receive the spoils of gold and silver and clothing given them by the Egyptians, to pack up, organize, and then head for Rameses to start the Exodus that evening after sundown, the beginning of Nisan 15 . The commands of Yahweh recorded in Leviticus 23 confirm the separate identity of these two events.

It is also interesting to note that the Egyptians “spoiled”, or heaped upon the Israelites all the clothing and jewelry they desired.  They gave to the Israelites many gifts of silver and gold and clothing for their departure AFTER the completion of all the plagues because Yahweh gave them favor in the eyes of the Egyptians.  The Egyptians who were NOT killed in the final plague of death must have been in absolute terror that God would strike them down, as He had their firstborn.  Fearful of being struck dead they gave the children of Israel everything they asked for.

The Book of Numbers (Numbers 33:1-5) gives us an account of their departure from Rameses.  Numbers 33:3 specifically states the children of Israel departed Rameses on the 15th day of the first month. Deuteronomy 16 shows their departure began at sunset, the beginning of Nisan 15,  and continued late into the night on the 16th.

The Exodus began from Rameses, not from the houses located in the land of Goshen. The Exodus began as an organized march, not as a scattered movement of people and flocks. It took them the daylight part of Nisan 14 to receive their spoils from the Egyptians and move from their houses in Goshen and organize at the start point of the Exodus in Rameses where God’s  pillar of light would guide them by night, and a pillar of cloud would protect them from the hot sun during the day. They marched out of Rameses  in the evening just after the sun went down on Nisan 14th at the beginning of the 15th day. Deuteronomy 16:1 clearly states that Yahweh brought His children out of Egypt by NIGHT, the beginning of Nisan 15. That is why God designated the NIGHT of the 15th as a memorial for all generations to come. Exodus 12:42.

This is where it gets sticky as the Jews no longer differentiate between the two events.

Exodus 12:37-39 describes their journey from Rameses to Succoth, about 600,000 men on foot. If every man had a wife and at least one or two kids, that’s a lot of people.  It is hard to comprehend the magnitude of the Exodus.  The day of the Exodus, leaving from Rameses, is the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread to commemorate the act of Yahweh  bringing them out from the land of Egypt and releasing them from the bondage of slavery.   What’s interesting is that this whole scenario was prophesied in Genesis 15:13-14 where Abraham was told his seed would be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, his seed shall serve them, and afterwards they will come out with great substance.

We know what happened next when they got to the Red Sea and Pharoh again changed his mind and went after them with his army to kill them all. God separated the waters of the Red Sea and dried the sea bed floor so the children of Israel could cross over to the other side. After they had crossed he then protected them even further by disabling the chariots; wheels came off, axles broke, etc. Ex 14:24-25. But they still pursued and when God loosed the wind holding the waters back, they were all drowned. Today, you can dive in this area of the landbridge, a 600 foot wide shallow shelf underwater with deep water on both sides of this shelf,  at the Gulf of Aquaba, and find chariot parts encrusted with coral. See   for many pics.

The passover was instituted as a one day service, a memorial of God’s passing over of the Israelite houses, to be observed on the 14th day of the first month.  The Feast of Unleavened Bread was instituted as a seven day observance, beginning on the 15th day of the first month with the first day commemorating the first day of the Exodus, leaving at Rameses, and the 7th day commemorating the completion of the Exodus across the Red Sea with the total destruction of the enemy at the Red Sea.

Second Passover and the next 40 years

The account of Israel’s second Passover ( a year after leaving Egypt) is found in Numbers chapter 9:1-5.  This Passover was only 2 days after the dedication of the new tabernacle and altar.  And they kept the Passover in the first month, on the 14th day of the month at dusk (between sunset and dark), at  the beginning of the 14th; not at the end.  The scriptural record of Israel’s second Passover shows NO CHANGE in the time or manner of the observance. It was just like recorded in Exodus 12.  The scriptural account makes it clear that all the requirements of Exodus 12 were still to be kept.  It also included NOT breaking any of the lamb’s bones (Ex 12:46 ).  Can you see that one pointing forward to when the Romans broke the leg bones of the two thieves but not of Jesus. This Passover as well as the next forty,  before they occupied the land of Caanan and built houses, was still performed in each individual tent; not in the tabernacle, which handled the daily sacrifices. After they occupied the promised land, the Passover was still observed in their houses.  There is no record, scriptural or historical,  of a tabernacle-centered Passover during this time period.  God did not require that the Passover lambs be sacrificed at the tabernacle. Philo, a Jewish historian,  confirms that the Passover lambs were slain at the houses of the Jews during the first century AD before the destruction of the temple in AD 70.  On this day the whole nation performs the sacred rites and acts as a priest.

However, from the time of the second Passover to Jesus’ day, and forward, the Pharisees did make changes from God’s commands and they did also institute a temple Passover.   These were man’s changes, not God’s changes.  God doesn’t change. Let’s look at some of these changes.

Original 14th day of Nisan Passover

(all the rules can be found in Exodus 12:3-46)

1. Lamb is killed at the beginning of the 14th day

2. Lamb is killed at home

3. Blood sprinkled on the doorposts of houses

4. Meal eaten in the evening of the 14th, within 5 hours of the beginning of the 14th

5.  Commemorates the passing over of the Israelite houses in Egypt during the time the destroyer was allowed to kill all the first born of any unmarked houses

6. Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread totaled 8 days.

Second  Passover and beyond; rules are the same as in Exodus 12  as verified  in Numbers 9

1. Lamb is killed at the beginning of the 14th day

2. Lamb is killed at home

3. Blood sprinkled on the doorposts of houses (tent entrances when in the wilderness)

4. Meal eaten on the night of the 14th, within 5 hours of the beginning of the 14th

5.  Commemorates the passing over of the Israelite houses in Egypt during the time the destroyer was allowed to kill all the first born of any unmarked houses

6. Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread totaled 8 days.

7. The story of the first Passover is described in detail by the heads of each household, relating the story of that perilous night in Egypt when Yahweh spared their firstborn

  Traditional Jewish Temple Passover

1. Lamb was killed at the end of the 14th day, not at the beginning.

2. Lamb was killed in the temple

3. Blood sprinkled on the altar and fat burned on the altar.

4. Meal eaten on the night of the 15th instead of the 14th

5. Commemorates the Exodus instead of just Passover

6. The seven days of unleavened bread are incorrectly called Passover.

The Bible tells us Passover and the Exodus are two separate distinct events.

Here’s the clincher

When studying the New Testament accounts of Passover observance, we see that Jesus Himself, who obeyed God the Father perfectly and never sinned or followed the traditions of the Jews, kept the domestic Passover meal at the beginning of the 14th of Nisan, Thursday evening, with His disciples.  The 14th of Nisan extended from sundown Thursday  to Friday sundown at dusk.   By that time it was Jewish practice to not only have a domestic Passover followed by a temple Passover sacrifice also in which lambs were slain late in the afternoon but still on Nisan 14 and were eaten then on Nisan 15.  This is where the celebrating of both Passover and commemorating the exodus by the Jews was erroneously combined into one event and they called it the Passover.  Despite the fact that there is no command from God anywhere to support a temple Passover sacrifice, this practice became a national tradition among the Jews.  This deviation from the commands of God completely overlooks the separate meanings of the Passover  and the Feast of Unleavened bread which commemorates the Exodus.

And although the destruction of the temple in 70AD ended the temple sacrifice of the lambs, the tradition of a Nisan 15 passover did not die.  Today most Jews believe that the 15th day of the first month is the day God set aside for the Passover. How can they believe that when scripture clearly says otherwise? They also ignore over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament that foretold the coming of the Messiah and still don’t believe Jesus came the first time. God commanded that the Passover be observed at the beginning of the 14th day; not at the end of the 14th day or the beginning of the 15th day.

It is interesting to note that in the Passover week when Jesus was crucified that Friday, which most churches now call Good Friday; it was Nisan 14 - the preparation day when the lambs were sacrificed late in the afternoon by the Jews of that time period - the same time that Jesus, Yahshua the Messiah was hung on the cross to die.

And, if Jesus and His disciples were the only ones who held the Passover meal (called the last supper) at the time specified in the Old testament by Yahweh (see Exodus 12 and Numbers 9) , at the beginning of Nisan 14, how do we justify that He was the Passover lamb which was supposed to have been slain at the BEGINNING of Nisan 14 instead of at the end which had become the erroneous Jewish practice?

The answer - Jesus did not take issue with the teaching of the Pharisees concerning the Torah, or Law, or the proper times for the holy days and festivals of God to be observed even though they were now teaching some errors.  Rather, He Himself, with all the authority of Heaven, declared: "The scribes and the PHARISEES SIT IN MOSES' SEAT: ALL THEREFORE WHATSOEVER THEY BID YOU OBSERVE, THAT OBSERVE AND DO . . ." (Matt.23:2-3).

How plain! Since the Pharisees sat in MOSES' SEAT, their authority in teaching the laws and statutes and holy days of God was BINDING UPON ALL THE CHURCH; erroneous or not! They taught that Passover should be observed at the closing or ending of the 14th of Nisan, not at the beginning of the day! The Passover lambs were  killed in the LATE AFTERNOON, AT THE VERY TIME JESUS CHRIST, OUR PASSOVER LAMB, WAS SLAIN AND SHED HIS BLOOD FOR OUR SINS! Therefore, Jesus, per the current authorities was a PERFECT substitute of the original Passover lamb!

As Nisan 15, was a sabbath holy day - the first day of unleavened bread, Saturday , which started Friday at sundown, the Roman soldiers made sure everyone on the cross that day was dead before sunset, hence the breaking of the legs routine to hasten death for the other two people on the cross next to Jesus. Jesus was already dead by then so they didn't have to break his legs; which was prophesied. Remember Exodus 12:26 which said not to break the bones of the Passover lambs. But Jesus was dead before sunset and the start of the Nisan15th sabbath holy day.

When Jesus expired, as he was the sacrificial lamb of that Passover, the curtain in the temple was torn in two which signified an end to the system of animal sacrifices for the remission of sin. Yahshua's death paid the price for all men's sins, IF, people just believed in that and accepted that gift of God called grace.

How was Jesus in the ground for three days and three nights

It was just after that last supper, actually during, because Judas left the table before all was completed, that Judas betrayed Jesus just before he went to the Garden of Gesthemane to pray, knowing His time had come.

He was tried by the Jewish Sanhedrin that night of blasphemy, claiming to be God and forgiving sins, then taken to Pontius Pilate who found no fault with Him, then sent to King Herrod who wanted nothing to do with the matter, then back to Pontius Pilate who feared an uprising if he didn’t do what the Jewish priests demanded, then He was beaten severely by Roman soldiers and then sent to be crucified on a wooden cross.

This all took place from Thursday night after midnight to Friday morning to finally Friday afternoon when he was actually crucified around 3pm our time, all on Nisan 14.  Jesus WAS the Passover Lamb and as such needed to be killed on the preparation day, between Thursday evening sundown and Friday evening sundown. . He was put in the tomb Friday about 6pm BEFORE sundown, thus was in the grave for part of Friday. Luke 22:54 tells us this was still the preparation day. He rested all of Saturday which was a Sabbath, the First Day of Unleavened Bread, as well as the weekly Saturday Sabbath; second day in the grave.  Remember Saturday ends at Saturday evening sundown and Sunday starts at Saturday evening sundown. He continued to rest in the ground during the first part of Sunday which we consider as Saturday evening after sundown and early Sunday morning. He was resurrected on what we consider Sunday morning but really it was already probably ten hours or so into Sunday, the first day of the week, third day in the grave.   When Mary and Mary came to anoint Jesus, they couldn’t do it on the Sabbath which was Saturday, up until Saturday sundown,  but came on the first day of the week; Luke 24:1-7 and Mark 16:1 tell us this.

Most people don’t have a hard time understanding the three days in the grave; but they have a hard time with how do we get three nights out of it, because Matthew 12:40 says, "as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly ; so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth".

Inclusive reckoning will be able to give three days, as was shown above, but it will not be able to explain  three nights. There is a need for a further examination of the traditional interpretation to cover the three nights.

There is little evidence anywhere to show that the "heart of the earth" means just death or in the grave.  In 1Peter 3:18-19  we learn that when Jesus, “being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit…. went and preached unto the spirits in prison”; probably means the fallen angels chained in the abyss. Jude 1:6 talks about , “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.”  2Peter 2:4 says, “For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment.” Perhaps these fallen angels were the subjects of Jesus’ preaching to the spirits during His three days and three nights.

Jesus said that He would be in the heart of the earth as Jonah was in the belly of the whale. When Jonah was in the whale's belly he was not dead, instead he was in captivity. Jonah remained in captivity until he came out of the whale. Similarly Jesus being in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights refers to the period He allowed Himself to be in captivity. Jesus was in captivity first when He was arrested in Gethsemane by the band of men and officers from the chief priests shotky after midnight Thursday of Nisan 14, then He was in captivity by the Roman Army, and finally He was in captivity by death. This period of captivity was from Thursday night (considered Friday by Yahweh’s calendar) to Sunday morning, three days and three nights!!

In Matthew 26:45 it can be seen that just before Jesus permitted Himself to be arrested in Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives on Thursday evening, He said to His disciples, "behold the hour is at hand", also translated "the time has come". This meant that that moment was the start of a special predicted time.  This was the start of the three days and three nights period.

There is no doubt that Jesus was crucified on Friday the Preparation Day, and resurrected on Sunday morning, if people understand that the period in the "heart of the earth" was the period of captivity, not just the physical time spent in the tomb.

The Significance of Jesus’ sacrifice.

Jesus' sacrifice, the central message of Passover, was a supreme act of love for humanity. This important event laid the foundation for the remaining annual Holy Days and festivals. It is the most momentous step in God's plan.

Just before the Passover feast, Jesus said that "for this purpose I came to this hour ... And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself" (John 12:27, 32).

The day on which this profound event, the crucifixion, transpired was the 14th day of the first month of God's calendar, the same day on which the Passover lambs were killed (Leviticus 23:5). Paul later wrote the congregation at Corinth that "Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us" (1 Corinthians 5:7).

Jesus Christ bought us with His blood, pouring out His life as our Passover lamb so God could forgive our sins.

Why did Jesus Christ have to die? Our Savior had to die because that was the only way God could forgive our sins. The Bible tells us that sin is the violation of God's law of love (1 John 3:4). We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). We have each earned the death penalty for our disobedience (Romans 5:12; 6:23).

Paul illustrated the profound love of Jesus Christ in giving up His life on our behalf (Romans 5:6-8). All would be doomed eternally had not somehow the penalty for our sins been paid. Christ, who lived a perfect life as the unblemished Lamb of God, substituted His death for ours. In fact, His death was the only possible substitution for ours. His sacrifice became the payment for our sins. He died in our place so we could share life with Him forever. We can no longer live according to our own desires. We become God's redeemed, or bought and paid-for, possession (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Both Jesus and the apostle Paul made it clear that the Passover is to continue as a Christian observance. Jesus Himself instituted new Passover symbols and practices to teach Christians important truths about Himself and God's continuing plan of salvation.

The Passover in the Old Testament foreshadowed Christ's crucifixion. The New Testament Passover is a memorial of that crucifixion. By observing it, we "proclaim the Lord's death till He comes" (1 Corinthians 11:26). Now let's examine and the lessons we should learn from it.

What were Christ's specific instructions concerning the Passover ceremony that we as modern

day Christians should follow?


God’s instructions haven’t changed. Numbers 9:11 still tells us to eat the Passover meal at the beginning of Nisan 14. In 2008 that is April 19th but that day in God’s time  STARTS Friday evening at sundown (April 18th per our calendar). The passover meal and accompanying  foot washing ceremony and communion should occur on Friday evening. Jewish tradition celebrates  the Passover meal a day later, Nisan 15,  in error.

Feet Washing

During the Passover meal (the last supper – at the beginning of Nisan 14 when Exodus 12 says it is supposed to be held) Jesus "rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded" (John 13:1-5).

Washing guests' feet was normally the job of the lowliest household servant. In the first century it was an act of hospitality. Rather than ask a servant to perform this function for His guests, Jesus humbly chose to carry it out Himself to teach an important spiritual lesson. The account continues: "So when He had washed their feet, taken His garments, and sat down again, He said to them, 'Do you know what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet'"

(John 13: 12-14).

Jesus left His disciples with a lasting reminder of the importance of humble service to others. The simple act of washing the feet of others teaches us a vital lesson intimately associated with the Passover. He concluded: "I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you" (John 13:15). How many Christians today obey this simple instruction to wash each other's feet, and exemplify that attitude in their lives? As the redeemed possession of God through Christ's sacrifice, our lives should be devoted to the service of God and our fellowman.

The bread: symbol of Christ's body

(Matthew 26:26). "And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed it and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, 'Take, eat; this is My body.'"

Christ's body was to become a sacrificial offering for sin, for indeed "we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Jesus offered one sacrifice for sins forever ... For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified" (Hebrews 10:10-14). God forgives us through Jesus Christ's sacrifice, and He "sanctifies" us—sets us apart—for the holy purpose of obedience to Him.

Our decision to eat the Passover bread, unleavened bread, bread made without yeast  (leaven representing sin)  means we understand that Jesus Christ has "put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself" (Hebrews 9:26). He willingly consented to suffer an excruciating death for us. Christ bore in His body the mental and physical suffering brought on by sin.

Christ possessed the power to forgive sin (Matthew 9:2-6). Through the forgiveness of our sins, Christ made possible our receiving of eternal life. "I am the bread of life," He said. "Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world" (John 6:48-51).

The meaning of the Passover wine representing Christ’s blood.

Why did Jesus command His disciples to drink wine as a symbol of His blood during the Passover service? What does this symbolize?

Notice Matthew's account: "Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, 'Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. But I say unto you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's kingdom'" (Matthew 26:27-29).

Christ knew that drinking wine as a symbol of His shed blood would impress deeply on our minds that His death was for the forgiveness of our sins. "This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me" (1 Corinthians 11:25). Jesus "loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood" (Revelation 1:5). God forgives our sins through Jesus' shed blood (1 John 1:7).

Paul explains in Hebrews 9:22 that "according to the Law ... all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness [of sin]" .

The Old Testament records God instructing the priesthood to perform certain duties that included a system of cleansing and purification using the blood of sacrificed animals, thus foreshadowing the shedding of Christ's blood, the ultimate sacrifice for sin. He commanded the nation of Israel to follow this temporary system of the ritualistic cleansing of sin (Hebrews 9:9-10). Animal sacrifices served as a type of the one and only real and future sacrifice, Jesus Christ, who would pay the penalty for everyone's sins once and for all.

The Bible teaches that one's life is in his blood (Genesis 9:4). When a person loses sufficient blood, he or she dies. Therefore blood, when poured out, makes the atonement for sin, which produces death (Leviticus 17:11). Jesus lost His blood when He was crucified (Luke 22:20; Isaiah 53:12). He poured out His blood, dying for the sins of humanity.

In partaking of the wine at the Passover service, we should carefully consider its meaning. That small portion of wine represents symbolically the very life blood that flowed from Jesus Christ's dying body for the remission of our sins (Ephesians 1:7). With this forgiveness comes freedom from eternal death.

Taking communion, eating of the unleavened bread and drinking the wine leads to a new way of life

The Passover bread reminds us of the close relationship Christians have with Jesus Christ. Eating the bread demonstrates our commitment to allow Christ to live in us.

The apostle Paul describes this uniting with Christ in Galatians 2:20: "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Pursuing your own ways is no longer your life's focus. Your relationship with Jesus Christ should become extremely important to you.

The apostle John tells us what Christ expects of us in our relationship with Him: "Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments ... He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked" (1 John 2:3-6).

If you talk the talk, you need to walk the walk. Head knowledge won’t save you.

The Passover bread reinforces our understanding that Jesus Christ, the true "bread of life," must live within us, enabling us to live an entirely new life. God forgives our sins to sanctify us—to continue to set us apart for a holy purpose, to redeem us (that is, purchase us for a price). We now belong to God so He can fulfill His purpose in us.

God’s new Testament Covenant with us

We must understand that repentance (not only being sorry for our sins but turning from those sins as well), forgiving others if we want God to forgive us,  baptism and the acceptance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ - along with belief in His promise to forgive our sins - constitutes a covenant with God. Through this covenant, which we gratefully accept and can completely rely on (Hebrews 6:17-20), God grants us eternal life. By accepting the sacrifice of Christ for the remission of sin, we enter into a covenant relationship with the God of the universe. The terms of this covenant are absolute, because it was sealed with the shed blood of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 9:11-12, 15). This covenant is renewed every year when we partake of the Passover.

What are the terms of this covenant relationship? "'This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them,' then He adds, 'Their sins and lawless deeds I will remember no more'" (Hebrews 10:16-17).

Ancient Israel did not have the heart to faithfully keep God's commandments (Deuteronomy 5:29). Under the New Covenant, however, God writes His law in our hearts and minds. His laws are not those of physical purification contained in the system of sacrifices, washings and service in the tabernacle. Instead, they are the holy and righteous laws that define right behavior toward God and neighbor (Romans 7:12) and lead to eternal life (Matthew 19:17). The Passover wine is symbolic of this covenant relationship that is ratified by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Annual observance in the early Church

The New Testament pictures Christians continuing to observe the annual festivals at the times commanded by God. As a youth, Christ kept the Passover annually on the specified day Nisan 14, at the beginning of that day in the evening. (Luke 2:41), and He continued the practice with His disciples. The early Church as well continued to observe the other Holy Days at their specified times.

  Scripture gives no hint of the early Church adding to or changing the dates God ordained for His festivals. By  observing the Passover each year on the appropriate day, members of the Church were proclaiming "the Lord's death till He comes."

The Bible specifies the yearly observance of the Passover, and history records its annual celebration as the practice of the early Church. Passover, as a memorial of Jesus' death, is to be observed annually rather than whenever or however often one chooses, just as all of the other annual festivals are to be kept once a year at their appointed times. Neither Jesus Christ nor the apostles indicated that we should change when or how often we observe any of God's festivals.

Celebrating Passover properly.

This includes having the Passover meal at the right time, at the beginning of the evening of Nisan 14, between sunset and midnight to be more specific.  Passover and Feast Day dates for each year can be found at and at 

This no longer includes killing a lamb or even having lamb as part of the meal, or painting blood on your doorposts. That part DID go out with the cross.  It does include eating bread that contains no yeast, unleavened bread. Unleavened bread, although flat and somewhat hard, can still taste good. We are to have no yeast inside our homes or eat any bread that has risen with yeast for the next week. Leaven or yeast is symbolic of sin.

It includes an explanation of the original Passover, how it came about, how Jesus became our Passover lamb,  and what it’s meaning is concerning our salvation related by the head of household to the rest of those present.  The reading of this document would satisfy that requirement. It can also include the reading of selected passages from the Bible, praise worship music songs, and prayers.

It includes a foot washing ceremony where you use a small basin of water and a towel and wash each others bare feet, symbolizing your humility and willingness to serve others.  In John 13:12-14 Jesus tells us we ought to wash each others feet.

It includes a communion using  both unleavened bread and wine, representing the partaking symbolically of the body and blood of Jesus.  There is non alcohol wine on the market shelves for those abstaining totally from any alcohol. I personally don’t believe that Jesus made grade juice at the wedding of Caanan or drank grape juice at the last supper. Grapes weren’t ripe in the spring. An excellent discussion on the alcohol topic can be found in the booklet  "Drugs and Drinking; What do the Scriptures Really Teach" found at    You will be surprised at the answer , especially coming from one of the strictest affiliations out there.

God Bless
Buenos dias
Que Dios le bendiga

Subject 2-2-2014 Bers newsletter update

The big news is of course the imminence of the dinar/dong revaluation. 
Go to  and look at the posts. 
Listen to Tony's conference call every monday, wednesday , friday at 10am at
   This is a for real once in a lifetime opportunity. If you 
are one of the 5 million people holding a note or two, good for you and your faith. If you 
are one of the 300 million who didn't believe in this and didn't come aboard, you will be sorry
you didn't have more faith.  It's that simple. I believe the time for us useless eater, peon,
low life, common folk is upon us next week. And come election time we will hunt down the 
political pathetics who kept the contract rate from the common folk until it was all used up
giving us the street rate crumbs left over. We know who you are and we will clean house.
To the bankers - we now know you can't be trusted and have simply plotted to steal our 
funds for your own growth. Be very wary of signing any NDAs which are simply designed 
to tie up your funds in the banks and steal them via taxes. There is a reason that only 1/10th 
of 1% the spirits of those who die on earth daily make it through the pearly gates above.

Take some of your dinar money and stock up on food, water and medical supplies.
Survival /camping supplies, tools, water containers/filters, 25 year freeze dried food our company marketing page you can order from. You can order the unadvertised specials and monthly specials from that page also. But you need to be on my thriveLife 
email list
to receive notice of those so you have the product ID's. Simply send me your full name and 
email addy and request to be put on my notice list for the specials.  

Water filters - I've done the homework for you. Just read the page and look at the pictures, 
watch the videos and make your decisions.   You can have your tail covered and drink out of 
a mud puddle, river, or lake  for as little as $20. Lots of good options. But you need to choose 
at least one. How to make your own homemade .2micron water filter for under $30
See the last section of my page at 

Recipe meals in a jar is the hot setup. Don't just buy your 25 year food and put it on the shelf 
until the disaster comes; use it daily and learn to use it so you are not fumbling when the time
comes to mandatorily have to use it. Many recipe sections have been added to my ThriveLife page
Remember all ThriveLife products have no GMO, are gluten free, were grown with no pesticides or chemicals , or steroids or other drugs and are constantly tested for such. ThriveLife can improve your family's health. There's just potatoes in the can of potatoes, not twenty other chemicals. There's just 
milk in the #10 tin or 6 gal pail of instant milk. Nothing else. Store bought homogenized milk is killing people. Read   for why. ThriveLife instant milk even 
tastes better than store bought milk. Try it. We use it exclusively now. 

My favorite recipe is to take a half cup of freeze dried corn and 1/2 cup of freeze dried peas, put 
them in a small amount of water, bring up to temperature and add the freeze dried potato beads - be 
careful, doesn't take many, and stir until you get a good mashed potato consistency. All the water that 
sucked nutrients out of the peas and corn is still utilized in rehydrating the potato beads. You've 
lost nothing nutrient wise. This combination tastes really good. I request it several times a week.

I have added extensive sections to my page at and have made
many disturbing discoveries . Like canned and frozen veggies at your local grocery may have lost up to 77% of their nutrient value by the time you finally eat them. . Freeze dried veggies retain all of it; 
even for the  25 year shelf life. Hard to believe freeze dried in a can is healthier than fresh or frozen 
at the grocery. Grocery produce is picked green and grown for durability and shipping, not flavor. 
It's why tomatoes from the grocery are tasteless. This article applies to more than just tomatoes.

Take some of that dinar and dong money you are about to get and buy a year's supply of food 
for each member of your family. ThriveLife has 1 mo, 3mo, 6 mo and year packages all put together 
for you.  They have it all; survival tools, camping/survival gear, tents, sleeping bags, ready to go bug out backpacks, first aid kits, water storage containers, filters as low as .02 microns, purification chemicals, 
and much much more including solar charging systems and lights.

Get involved with ThriveLife either as just a customer or as a consultant. 

Read my upated ThriveLife page for things you need to know and lay out a plan for your family. 
If only 2% of the population have any degree of food and water preparation your chances are not 
good at bumming off your neighbor. 


LifePharm Global recently introduced their new product, Laminine Omega+++ and the immediate demand has been amazing. The formulation that the LPGN scientists created for this product is simply genius as it addresses the cardiovascular system and improved circulation by removing plaque from the arteries, improved bone health (yes, this product causes calcium to be absorbed into the bones—a huge blessings for people with osteoporosis), reduces inflammation, lowers cholesterol, enhances memory, balances blood pressure, supports normal blood sugar levels, and much more.


There is a small amount of the Avian Egg Extract in this formulation, to increase effectiveness, but we recommend that people take it with the regular Laminine as the combination is a powerful one-two punch against ANY degenerative condition and is a very effective preventive product.


I want to draw your readers attention to an interview obtained with Dr. Jose Toro, MD, on this new product. In addition to explaining how Omega+++ works in the body, Dr. Toro shares some of the results he is having with his patients such as Alzheimer's patients recovering memory, neuropathy patients getting feeling back in their feet and hands, arthritic patients without pain, and more.  

Listen to Dr. Toro here: 

Health issues   pay attention to the exercise section. It's new.  How to clean the rocks out of your liver and gall bladder.  for additional toxin cleansing. This works!
Eliminating Hypertension by breathing properly, not taking meds. This is an interesting story.   and  
The water cure - another simple major treatment for hypertension.  
Cancer  and I included the Ellagiplex write up at the end.     is having a hard time keeping Ellagiplex in stock. The red raspberry seed powder plus 170 other synergistic ingredients, works. I finally got a family member on it who has 
prostrate cancer. His PSA reading is coming down. Taking ellagiplex has lessened my trips to the bathroom each night from 5 or 6 down to one or two. 

How does TelexFree rank with other worldwide home based businesses available to us? 
for the rankings. TelexFree ranks #1 now out of more than 144 companies ranked. 
Some of these mentioned are huge well established been around forever companies that didn't 
get squat for votes. Amway for example with 81 votes to TelexFree's over 5000 votes. Might be because 
since everyone gets paid who places their ad in TelexFree they have a 98%+ retention rate  versus 
Amway's 80% plus turnover rate each year. Been there done that, I can tell you the why. TelexFree 
has become one of the best opportunities I have ever participated in. Considering the  My Financial Advantage debt elimination package being offered now as well as the new cellphone service using 
all four major carriers network being put together; this will become probably the most 
solid opportunity out there. If you don't make money here, it's only because you couldn't discipline 
yourself to spend three minutes to post your ad every day. Customer support still sucks but they pay on time everytime.

Telexfree is NOT a revenue sharing program. We get paid for placing ads to sell a 
telecommunications service, whether those ads sell anything or not. If they do, we get paid more.   for complete concise info on the program    to register and buy ad packs.
Go to and click on Presentation Slideshow for the best quick   
overall explanation of this program I have found.

Basically you buy ad packs and place an ad everyday for those for a week. If your ad 
sells you get $44.91 for it, if it doesn't you still get $20 for it. This amounts to a 17.2% - 22.1%/mo 
net profit , from one to five ads, if you never sold a software package  or sponsored anyone. 
It doesn't get any easier than this. I joined in late April and currently have only 36 directs and 
over 1300 indirects (people they sponsored) under me now which makes  for very nice  weekly 
binary paycheck. Several of my directs have come back and purchased 10 family packs more.
Having ten family packs working for you costs 10 x $1425 = $14,250 but returns $4000/mo to 
you if you never sponsored anyone else or never sold a software package but just placed your 
daily ads. That's not counting referral income. I don't address that to stay in compliance with
income disclosure rules

If you bought just one family pack of five ad units today, at $1425, and took all of your earnings 
and bought another $289 ad central pack anytime those earnings were $289 or more - and you 
can do this from your back office without having to take a withdrawal and waste a week. at the 
end of 52 weeks, one year later, you could be earning $2720/week or $10,880/ mo,  which is 
probably more money than 90% of us have ever earned working a job or even running our own 

Silver Success
Silver Success is closed to new participants temporarily while the impact of the new 
international FATCA rules are being analyzed regarding how monies can be paid out to participants. 
Existing members funds are safe and are still being traded. 
ALL loans are well into profit.  Trading continues without interruption.  A delay of payout is what is at issue,  because of greed over taxation, 
and that will be
resolved soon. 

The international banking community, with all of it's strength and influence, is intimidated by the 
threats from the Internal Revenue
Service with the dictates of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance

Act (FATCA).  However, US Senate billl S.887 challenges certain mandates as a "violation of sovereign nations' laws and privacy matters".  See

We are facing decisions that make transfers and withdrawals at this time ill advised.  Grover Norquist 
has stated "Successful tax
systems attract capital. Unsuccessful tax systems attempt to force

other countries to become their tax collectors. That's what FACTA is, and it should be repealed." 
-- Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform.


We have US based legal representation with the highest competence and we have been assured 
that a solution is forthcoming 
shortly so as not to siphon off your hard earned gains into big brothers 
tax coffers before you can receive them. That is what is at issue here. 

DSDomination - the DS stands for dropship 
How to make money reselling items you find at one place, mark up , and sell on another site, 
and have it drop shipped from the first site, without having to take money out of your own pocket 
to do so. You just pocket the difference. 
How it works in a nutshell
(there are other videos on that page you can watch also.)
Do you use, or or or other resources to buy things
off the internet with; to save both time and money?  I do. In fact I buy so much stuff off of these
sites that my bank cancels my debit card periodically because there are so many charges against
it they think they gotta be fraudulent.
DSDomination takes this business to a new level. Start out at Pro level for $30/mo to test the waters. 
Upgrade to Elite to obtain more products at higher prices with more profit involved. When you master 
that move up to DSUnleashed for more Suppliers, More Products, A Complete Bag of Tricks for 
selling, not handling, not shipping, but selling online. Profits from $100. to $200,000 Products from 
Baby Soothers to Yachts! Learn how to get Free Vacations and Flights Unlimited Products, Pressure Washers, Rock Bottom Prices. They teach you to lower your fees and get cashback 15% or more
off on stuff you are already doing .  And if that isn't enough there are two levels above that to make 
even more money with. It took me a while to get all the facts on this one but I think I have done so
Check it out, one of the best moneymakers I have seen come along in a long time. I have not worked this yet but should be and will be if dinars don't revalue soon.

Heart Health  

See my new page at for what it takes to keep your body running.

his is absolutely the most important thing for your health you can be part of.  Also our affiliate sites have just been upgraded.
This is not an MLM, there is:
- no distributor sign up fee or kit cost, 
- no autoship requirement, in fact you don't have to buy anything to earn on affiliate sales.
- you get your own marketing webpage free like mine at    
-  you get paid four levels deep as an affiliate ($5/canister direct sales, $1/canister affiliate sales)
-  order off your own affiliate website and receive cash rebates of $5 (1 canister)  to $60 (12 canisters). MyCardioForLife heart formula has the most complete formula on the martketplace at the lowest price.
This WILL get you off pharmaceutical meds for high blood pressure, and will also drop your cholesterol and triglycerides,  lowers diabetes risk, and is a great weight control tool as when your body gets all the 70 plant based ionic minerals that are in it, it doesn't crave food. I can vouch for that. I  have added a list of 25 things you can do to lower your blood pressure on my heart page.

Well the 13th came and went and we didn't get paid. Login to you back office and keep up with the news. 

Still imminent but it is quite clear to me he isn't going to receive money until this global 
currency reset thing completes and the prosperity program money has been paid out. 
That looks like it is about to happen also. 

They say it'still gonna happen but the when is simply not set in concrete yet. I think it too is dependant 
upon the global currency reset also.

CERMA - double the life of your motor - increase gas mileage
New website, videos, improved information, great testimonies, and a chance to make 
some good money here as an affiliate with no sign up fees or autoship required.
Nano Oil conditioner protects engine for maximum lifetime and best mileage. Use 
1 ounce per oil change.
CerMa w.STM-3
Double the life of your engine with this stuff. One time 2 oz. treatment. 
Cerma and Nano Oil Conditioner come from the same company. NOW, you can become 
an affiliate to remarket this product and earn a healthy 25% commission. Just click on the 
link in the green bar at the top of the page at   the cerma store   that says "New Affiliate 
Sign up" and fill it out and you will get your own page and money machine like mine. 
Cerma is an engine protection system using a 2 micron coating of ceramics. This is high 
tech stuff.  Emissions disappear, mileage increases, engine gets quiet; not teflon based. 
Makes your diesel quit smoking also. My cummins 2004 Dodge PU without a cat combustor 
now makes NO SMOKE. I use it in all of my rigs including chain saw and lawnmower and 
add a little more with every oil change including the nano oil conditioner. Cerma is one 
of the few additives that really does work and do what it says. I am am affiliate marketer of 
this product, you can be too,  it costs nothing to be an affilaite, and it is drop shipped directly 
to you at a greatly reduced savings off of retail. This will double the life of your engine and 
increase your  gas mileage at the same time   
The least expensive source of vitamins and minerals on the planet. Great company.

Vibrant Life vitamins and Oral chelation formula. I have been taking Vibrant Life SuperLifeGlow vitamins and Bone Dense Calcium for several years now.  SuperLifeGlow is absolutely the BEST vitamin and chelation formula in existence. It contains massive quantities of more than 60 nutrients.  The bone formula contains microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, the only form of calcium proven to add bone mass. 
This is good stuff. They also have several other products including MSM. 
MSM stands for Methyl 
Sulfonyl Methane, organic sulfur. When it rains, MSM falls on the ground and is used by plants. Your 
body needs MSM and contains some but, if you had more MSM in your body, you would endure far 
less pain and suffering from arthritis, back pain, Fibromyalgia and muscle soreness.
  MSM is also an important nutrient for hair, skin and nails.


Chemtrails & Geoengineered - when is snow not really snow? Snow!

Govt hiding cancer curing ability of cannabis 
We've seen many articles about the many positive attributes of marijuana.
We know our own CIA makes billions each year in illegal marijuana trafficking .
We thought it was all about making money on people getting high from smoking.
We've heard tales that marijuana kills cancer but now the real reason comes out.
Our government holds almost a hundred patents on cannabis as a cancer cure while 
they continually kill people having cancer with chemo and radiation therapy which only
gives a patient a 3% chance to live. It's all about protecting the billions of dollars a year
the pharmaceutical industry earns in pushing chemo drugs  and radiation death while
they've had the cure all along and have suppressed it to protect their business interests.
Look at all the patents on my page. Aren't you proud of what our government is capable of?

It's time to impeach Obama.  This is about as good a summary of why that I have seen.

What is obama trying to do by importing planeloads of Muslims into this country?
Pilots stripped of constitutional rights forced to transport tens of thousands of illegal muslims 
into the US.  This is an impeachable offense folks.

The GMO agenda just got worse. 
This stuff is beyond frankenstein. If you don't read anything else in this newsletter pay attention 
to what GMO foods are designed to do to you. I have much info at 
and you can get an inexpensive

Obama repeals Obamacare - well sorta - you got a one year reprieve anyway 

Angels on stage 

Surviving a Nuclear Disaster 

Why cats are liquids

Lindsey Williams update - you really need to watch this from start to finish 

Is "medical marijuana bad" ?  This doctor says it's a government hoax, it works, and they simply 
don't want it being used to cure people. I mean why would they try to kill us with chemtrail fallout 
and then let us use marijuana to cure ourselves.

Demonic possession. 
Most of you have never had the experience of seeing the demonic surface and even communicating 
with the demonic. I have. Not by choice but by necessity. I documented that experience at  I still have the video we taped during one of the exorcism 
sessions.  It took three months to get rid of them because we didn't know what we were doing to 
start with and no one was willing to get involved for fear of getting possessed themselves. 
The first of the videos found at
   reminded me of that experience. The woman is not faking 
it, she is possessed and then freed of that possession. You need to understand we live in a spiritual 
world we cannot see but do participate in. Jesus is real. He is with us today. So are satan's demons. 
If Jesus does not live inside of you, by request and belief, you are fair game for demonic possession, which can have all kinds of nasty side effects, such as this woman displays.

Awesome - what more can you say. 
If you like that try this one for a full concert - 

Why your steak may not taste the way it used to

Why prisons?
The US has a higher percentage of its population behind bars than any other country in the world:
more than China, more than Russia, more than any backwater dictatorship. 
Roughly 1 out of every 142 US residents is behind bars.
This gulag system is fantastically profitable for the companies that build and manage prisons...for
the companies that supply them...for the prison guard unions...and for the state itself which sells
prison labor to private corporations for pennies on the dollar.
Who are these two million plus people behind bars in the US?
Are they all monsters the public has to be protected from or has incarceration become an addictive business for the state?  If that's the case, how safe are any of us in the long run?
These are questions a freedom loving people should be asking itself.
A unique perspective on inmates and prisons.

Got your flu shot? 
Flu vaccine is used to modify human behavior.

This is for all you guys who think your wife just ain't as pretty as 
she used to be. Take a look at these 30 celebrity women with and without their makeup.
Especially check out Sharon Stone and Pamela Anderson. My wife as she rolls over in the 
morning is prettier than any of these 30 icons.
Instead of wishing for something else take your lady down to the local beauty salon 
and ask them to give her a good fullblown makeover. Pretend she's going to a prom or 
getting married. It'll do wonders for your perspective of your wife's potential beauty as 
you compare her with the TV dollies, as well as prove to her she is just as pretty if not prettier 
than any of those long eyelashed, low cut bloused supposed beauties we see on TV all 
made up. It certainly levels the playing field of reality.

One trillion in "stealth taxes" hidden in Obamacare; intended to destroy middle class.
This info is so that you can better understand what you are up against!

Media control
Even the most wild-eyed conspiracy theory underestimates to the extent to which
the "news" media controls the flow of information in the land of the free. The reality would 
make even a gangster blush.  Here's how it works in real life:

36 Signs The Media Is Lying To You About How Radiation From Fukushima Is 
Affecting The West Coast

The west coast of the United States is being absolutely fried by radiation from the Fukushima 
nuclear disaster, and the mainstream media is not telling us the truth about this.  What you are 
about to see is a collection of evidence that is quite startling.  Taken collectively, this body of 
evidence shows that nuclear radiation from Fukushima is affecting sea life in the Pacific Ocean 
and animal life along the west coast of North America in some extraordinary ways.  But the 
mainstream media continues to insist that we don’t have a thing to worry about.  The mainstream 
media continues to insist that radiation levels in the Pacific and along the west coast are perfectly 
safe.  Are they lying to us? Yup! Otherwise why did the Dept of Health services just buy 14 million
potassium iodide pills?

Try this one
California beach is 1200 times hotter than normal. A good background is 20 - 30 counts/min not
350 cpm. 

No blueberries or pomegranates in Total's new blueberry and pomegranate cereal?
This is priceless. 

The true downsides of Obamacare
I recently had to go to a doctor and had the true wisdom of Obamacare explained to me.
Essentially it overcharges the people who earn a reasonable living and give to to those who don't.
The person earning $60k - $100k/year is charged a very exhorbitant rate as well as a very high 
deductible, like $5000,  while the person earning under 25k/year pays almost nothing. True socialism.
This video, although pitching a way to make money off of Obamacare, lays out the pitfalls of this 
deceptive piece of legislation. This explanation is as good as I have seen. 

All about using pepper spray to ward off an attacker

How to burn your house down with 9V battery 

Let Americans be warned by what happened in Canada by gun 
registration followed by gun confiscation. We are being set up by the same thing.

English interview with Edward Snowden 

This is a very profound 4 minutes 

The Wooden Bowl - I'll probably get one of those soon.
A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year-old grandson.
The old man's hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered.
The family ate together at the table. But the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and
failing sight made eating difficult.. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor.
When he grasped the glass, milk spilled on the tablecloth.
The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess.
'We must do something about father,' said the son.
'I've had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor.'
So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner.
There, Grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner.
Since Grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl.
When the family glanced in Grandfather's direction, sometimes he had a tear in his eye as he sat alone.
Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions when he dropped a fork or spilled food.
The four-year-old watched it all in silence.
One evening before supper, the father noticed his son playing with wood scraps on the floor.
He asked the child sweetly, 'What are you making?' Just as sweetly, the boy responded,
'Oh, I am making a little bowl for you and Mama to eat your food in when I grow up. ' 
The four-year-old smiled and went back to work.
The words so struck the parents so that they were speechless. Then tears started to stream down their cheeks.. Though no word was spoken, both knew what must be done.
That evening the husband took Grandfather's hand and gently led him back to the family table.
For the remainder of his days he ate every meal with the family. And for some reason,
neither husband nor wife seemed to care any longer when a fork was dropped, milk spilled, or the tablecloth soiled.
On a positive note, I've learned that, no matter what happens, how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.
I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles four things:
a rainy day, the elderly, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.
I've learned that making a 'living' is not the same thing as making a 'life.'
I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back sometimes.
I've learned that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you.
But, if you focus on your family, your friends, the needs of others, your work and doing the very best you can, happiness will find you.
I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision.
I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one.
I've learned that every day, you should reach out and touch someone.
People love that human touch -- holding hands, a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.

God Bless
Buenos dias
Que Dios le bendiga

Subject: 12-20-2013  Ber's Newsletter update 
I am a hypocrit. My wife and I do not celebrate Christmas as we know too much about its pagan 
origins. That was a tough one to give up, just like Easter
  where we celebrate Passover instead 
as the Bible requires. See 
and  for the history of Christmas as the celebration of the 
sungod on December 25th along with the yulelog, tree, lights, mistletoe, ornaments and gifts, all 
of which tradition wise were in place long before Jesus was ever born. And we know Jesus was 
born sometime in late August to Sept to early October in the fall, not in December.   But we don't chastise those that do celebrate and 
in fact I will be helping our local church with a live nativity scene this weekend with real people 
giving us a chance to meet people on the street as well. So merry Christmas and keep your facts 
straight before you get so caught up in the errors of the season.

The big news is of course the imminence of the dinar revaluation. 
Watch this short 11 min video which says it all gives a better explanation than I can write up.
Also go to  and look at the posts he is directing us to see.
Listen to Tony's conference call every monday, wednesday , friday at 10am at
   The 20th may  be his last one if what we are hearing is true.
And take with a grain of salt all the dirt being spread about him; he has told us things 
he shouldn't have and the PTB are trying to smear and discredit him for it.  I think he's 
a good man. I know how they work. This is a for real once in a lifetime opportunity. If you 
are one of the 5 million people holding a note or two, good for you and your faith. If you 
are one of the 300 million who didn't believe in this and didn't come aboard, you will be sorry
you didn't have more faith.  It's that simple. 

Take some of your dinar money and stock up on food, water and medical supplies.
Survival /camping supplies, tools, water containers/filters, 25 year freeze dried food our company marketing page you can order from. You can order the unadvertised specials and monthly specials from that page also. But you need to be on my thriveLife 
email list
to receive notice of those so you have the product ID's. Simply send me your full name and 
email addy and request to be put on my notice list for the specials.  

Water filters - I've done the homework for you. Just read the page and look at the pictures, 
watch the videos and make your decisions.   You can have your tail covered and drink out of 
a mud puddle, river, or lake  for as little as $20. Lots of good options. But you need to choose 
at least one. How to make your own homemade .2micron water filter for under $30
See the last section of my page at 

Recipe meals in a jar is the hot setup. Don't just buy your 25 year food and put it on the shelf 
until the disaster comes; use it daily and learn to use it so you are not fumbling when the time
comes to mandatorily have to use it. Many recipe sections have been added to my ThriveLife page
Remember all ThriveLife products have no GMO, are gluten free, were grown with no pesticides or chemicals , or steroids or other drugs and are constantly tested for such. ThriveLife can improve your family's health. There's just potatoes in the can of potatoes, not twenty other chemicals. There's just 
milk in the #10 tin or 6 gal pail of instant milk. Nothing else. Store bought homogenized milk is killing people. Read   for why. ThriveLife instant milk even 
tastes better than store bought milk. Try it. We use it exclusively now. 

My favorite recipe is to take a half cup of freeze dried corn and 1/2 cup of freeze dried peas, put 
them in a small amount of water, bring up to temperature and add the freeze dried potato beads - be 
careful, doesn't take many, and stir until you get a good mashed potato consistency. All the water that 
sucked nutrients out of the peas and corn is still utilized in rehydrating the potato beads. You've 
lost nothing nutrient wise. This combination tastes really good. I request it several times a week.

I have added extensive sections to my page at and have made
many disturbing discoveries this past week. Like canned and frozen veggies at your local grocery may have lost up to 77% of their nutrient value by the time you finally eat them. . Freeze dried veggies retain all of it; 
even for the  25 year shelf life. Hard to believe freeze dried in a can is healthier than fresh or frozen 
at the grocery. Grocery produce is picked green and grown for durability and shipping, not flavor. 
It's why tomatoes from the grocery are tasteless. This article applies to more than just tomatoes.

Take some of that dinar and dong money you are about to get and buy a year's supply of food 
for each member of your family. ThriveLife has 1 mo, 3mo, 6 mo and year packages all put together 
for you.  They have it all; survival tools, camping/survival gear, tents, sleeping bags, ready to go bug out backpacks, first aid kits, water storage containers, filters as low as .02 microns, purification chemicals, 
and much much more including solar charging systems and lights.

Get involved with ThriveLife either as just a customer or as a consultant. 

Read my upated ThriveLife page for things you need to know and lay out a plan for your family. 
If only 2% of the population have any degree of food and water preparation your chances are not 
good at  bumming off your neighbor. 


LifePharm Global recently introduced their new product, Laminine Omega+++ and the immediate demand has been amazing. The formulation that the LPGN scientists created for this product is simply genius as it addresses the cardiovascular system and improved circulation by removing plaque from the arteries, improved bone health (yes, this product causes calcium to be absorbed into the bones—a huge blessings for people with osteoporosis), reduces inflammation, lowers cholesterol, enhances memory, balances blood pressure, supports normal blood sugar levels, and much more.
There is a small amount of the Avian Egg Extract in this formulation, to increase effectiveness, but we recommend that people take it with the regular Laminine as the combination is a powerful one-two punch against ANY degenerative condition and is a very effective preventive product.
I want to draw your readers attention to an interview obtained with Dr. Jose Toro, MD, on this new product. In addition to explaining how Omega+++ works in the body, Dr. Toro shares some of the results he is having with his patients such as Alzheimer's patients recovering memory, neuropathy patients getting feeling back in their feet and hands, arthritic patients without pain, and more.  

Listen to Dr. Toro here: 

Health issues   pay attention to the exercise section. It's new.  How to clean the rocks out of your liver and gall bladder.  for additional toxin cleansing. This works!
Eliminating Hypertension by breathing properly, not taking meds. This is an interesting story.   and  
The water cure - another simple major treatment for hypertension.  
Cancer  and I included the Ellagiplex write up at the end.     is having a hard time keeping Ellagiplex in stock. The red raspberry seed powder plus 170 other synergistic ingredients, works. I finally got a family member on it who has 
prostrate cancer. His PSA reading is coming down. Taking ellagiplex has lessened my trips to the bathroom each night from 5 or 6 down to one or two. 

How does TelexFree rank with other worldwide home based businesses available to us? 
for the rankings. TelexFree ranks #1 now out of more than 144 companies ranked. 
Some of these mentioned are huge well established been around forever companies that didn't 
get squat for votes. Amway for example with 81 votes to TelexFree's over 5000 votes. Might be because 
since everyone gets paid who places their ad in TelexFree they have a 98%+ retention rate  versus 
Amway's 80% plus turnover rate each year. Been there done that, I can tell you the why. TelexFree 
has become one of the best opportunities I have ever participated in. Considering the  My Financial Advantage debt elimination package being offered now as well as the new cellphone service using 
all four major carriers network being put together; this will become probably the most 
solid opportunity out there. If you don't make money here, it's only because you couldn't discipline 
yourself to spend three minutes to post your ad every day.

Telexfree is NOT a revenue sharing program. We get paid for placing ads to sell a 
telecommunications service, whether those ads sell anything or not. If they do, we get paid more.   for complete concise info on the program    to register and buy ad packs.
Go to and click on Presentation Slideshow for the best quick   
overall explanation of this program I have found.

Basically you buy ad packs and place an ad everyday for those for a week. If your ad 
sells you get $44.91 for it, if it doesn't you still get $20 for it. This amounts to a 17.2% - 22.1%/mo 
net profit , from one to five ads, if you never sold a software package  or sponsored anyone. 
It doesn't get any easier than this. I joined in late April and currently have only 36 directs and 
over 1300 indirects (people they sponsored) under me now which makes  for very nice  weekly 
binary paycheck. Several of my directs have come back and purchased 10 family packs more.
Having ten family packs working for you costs 10 x $1425 = $14,250 but returns $4000/mo to 
you if you never sponsored anyone else or never sold a software package but just placed your 
daily ads. That's not counting referral income. I don't address that to stay in compliance with
income disclosure rules

If you bought just one family pack of five ad units today, at $1425, and took all of your earnings 
and bought another $289 ad central pack anytime those earnings were $289 or more - and you 
can do this from your back office without having to take a withdrawal and waste a week. at the 
end of 52 weeks, one year later, you could be earning $2720/week or $10,880/ mo,  which is 
probably more money than 90% of us have ever earned working a job or even running our own 

Silver Success   
Still Our absolute safest program. Why? Because it is bulletproof. 
 4%/mo return on principal w/ gold lease backed principal guarantee.
This program has been going almost two years now  with no hiccups, and is brought to us via 
a trader I have known almost 10 years now. Most of the things I do join reflect who I know and how 
trustworthy they are rather than what the words in the offer are. I would trust my wife, kids and 
my dog with this man. He does business extremely cautiously. He watched this trading scenario 
for over a year before being invited to participate with this group. No more than 2% of principal is 
at stake with any one trade. He has a reputation of being very cautious and rarely has a losing 
trade with anything he works with. Many small trades make up the profit puzzle, one reason the 
take to you is 4%/mo instead of more,  but let's put this in perspective. The 4%/mo figure 
exceeds all of the 50 largest hedge funds in the world for the average yearly earnings over 
the period 2005-2007 when the economy was peaking and the DOW topped 14,000. See that 
list and stats at The top fund in the world returned 47.69%
annually during those years. From 2008 – 2011 over 2,000 hedge funds have closed down 
completely and the average annual return is under 30%. 

Your principal is backed by gold. 
Key Features: 
Safety..… No more than 2% of funds under management are at risk at any given time. 
his is very conservative.
Safety….. Trades are short term, also known as "scalping".     Modest gains are realized 
in hundreds of trades. 
Safety….. SILVER SUCCESS holds gold leases to insure 100% security of the principal 
or the duration of the loan.    Premiums, gold options, are prepaid monthly by the fund manager. 
Because the win to loss ratio is so high, billion dollar gold producing companies secure the principal 
of each loan for 100%. SILVER SUCCESS will return 100% of the CURRENT principal to the lender should a circumstance such as an economic crisis arise and trade funds are not accessible.
Earnings….. 4%/ month fixed. Earnings can be taken monthly or compounded if desired. 
How to fund/receive payments…..Bank wire or Solid Trust Pay
Get more information at   or here
You have to email me for the documents for this program. This is as fer sure as it gets.

Heart Health  

See my new page at for what it takes to keep your body running.

his is absolutely the most important thing for your health you can be part of.  Also our affiliate sites have just been upgraded.
This is not an MLM, there is:
- no distributor sign up fee or kit cost, 
- no autoship requirement, in fact you don't have to buy anything to earn on affiliate sales.
- you get your own marketing webpage free like mine at    
-  you get paid four levels deep as an affiliate ($5/canister direct sales, $1/canister affiliate sales)
-  order off your own affiliate website and receive cash rebates of $5 (1 canister)  to $60 (12 canisters). MyCardioForLife heart formula has the most complete formula on the martketplace at the lowest price.
This WILL get you off pharmaceutical meds for high blood pressure, and will also drop your cholesterol and triglycerides,  lowers diabetes risk, and is a great weight control tool as when your body gets all the 70 plant based ionic minerals that are in it, it doesn't crave food. I can vouch for that. I  have added a list of 25 things you can do to lower your blood pressure on my heart page.

Well the 13th came and went and we didn't get paid. Said they wanted five more days and that's up now too. BUT, login to your back office and on Dec 19th they posted a new message for all. 

Still imminent but it is quite clear to me he isn't going to receive money until this global 
currency reset thing completes and the prosperity program money has been paid out. 
That looks like it is about to happen also. 
Still gonna happen but the when is simply not set in concrete yet. I think it too is dependant 
upon the global currency reset also.

CERMA - double the life of your motor - increase gas mileage
New website, videos, improved information, great testimonies, and a chance to make 
some good money here as an affiliate with no sign up fees or autoship required.
Nano Oil conditioner protects engine for maximum lifetime and best mileage. Use 
1 ounce per oil change.
CerMa w.STM-3
Double the life of your engine with this stuff. One time 2 oz. treatment. 
Cerma and Nano Oil Conditioner come from the same company. NOW, you can become 
an affiliate to remarket this product and earn a healthy 25% commission. Just click on the 
link in the green bar at the top of the page at   the cerma store   that says "New Affiliate 
Sign up" and fill it out and you will get your own page and money machine like mine. 
Cerma is an engine protection system using a 2 micron coating of ceramics. This is high 
tech stuff.  Emissions disappear, mileage increases, engine gets quiet; not teflon based. 
Makes your diesel quit smoking also. My cummins 2004 Dodge PU without a cat combustor 
now makes NO SMOKE. I use it in all of my rigs including chain saw and lawnmower and 
add a little more with every oil change including the nano oil conditioner. Cerma is one 
of the few additives that really does work and do what it says. I am am affiliate marketer of 
this product, you can be too,  it costs nothing to be an affilaite, and it is drop shipped directly 
to you at a greatly reduced savings off of retail. This will double the life of your engine and 
increase your  gas mileage at the same time   
The least expensive source of vitamins and minerals on the planet. Great company.

Vibrant Life vitamins and Oral chelation formula. I have been taking Vibrant Life SuperLifeGlow vitamins and Bone Dense Calcium for several years now.  SuperLifeGlow is absolutely the BEST vitamin and chelation formula in existence. It contains massive quantities of more than 60 nutrients.  The bone formula contains microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, the only form of calcium proven to add bone mass. 
This is good stuff. They also have several other products including MSM. 
MSM stands for Methyl 
Sulfonyl Methane, organic sulfur. When it rains, MSM falls on the ground and is used by plants. Your 
body needs MSM and contains some but, if you had more MSM in your body, you would endure far 
less pain and suffering from arthritis, back pain, Fibromyalgia and muscle soreness.
  MSM is also an important nutrient for hair, skin and nails.

Global Currency Reset
If you ever wondered what the elite had planned, to destroy us financially, this audio tells you 
exactly what this entails and how they plan to do it and the time frame.   You have 1 to 1 1/2 
years to prepare. If you don't you are toast. Your smart meters weren't put on your house to 
record electrical useage, but to generate a 905MHz wave to dumb you down. Celltowers are not 
just celltowers, but have ELF antennas on them generating the same frequency to dumb you down 
also so you will accept all this slavery they plan to impose on us. You need to listen to this more 
than once. Click on the play button on the black strip under TUBBS. 

Change for a Dollar
Is he asking for Change, or is he asking for CHANGE? Follow a man as he affects multiple 
peoples’ lives with just one dollar, proving that it doesn’t take much to be the change in 
someone else’s life.  You will be moved.

Still don't believe heaven or hell exist?
Here's some more testimonies of people who either had near death experiences or were taken 
there out of body.  Some very interesting stories here. 

The video proving the secret service was behind JFK assination 

The year 1932 - rare footage - the US Military under Herbert Hoover, attacks the military 
veterans who came to DC and simply wanted their promised pay. This is a video well worth 
watching as it shows you what our sorry assed government is capable of and you know this 
can happen again. Why would you want to fight for a government which shows this little respect 
for it's veterans? 

God's chorus of crickets
One track is at regular speed, another dubbed over a very slow speed.

Amazing flexibility - The Ross sisters 

The New World Order - a 6000 year history

Choose your bag wisely
What an incredible job of computer graphics. You cannot tell this is not real.

Smart Meters. Are they really that dangerous?
Do you or a member of your family have…Cancer - Insomnia - Dizziness - Headaches
High Blood Pressure - Heart Palpations - 
Memory Loss - Lack of Energy - Tinitus (Ringing in Ears)
Lack of Concentration?   Numerous scientific studies from around the world have shown many  of 
these symptoms may be caused by RF (microwave) radiation. Smart meters, cell phones, cell sites, cordless phones, and baby monitors are a few of the devices that emit RF (microwave) radiation.
We have a smart meter 12' from where we sleep. We only discovered recently, after shielding it, 
that it was responsible for my high blood pressure readings. Email me for a copy of a great pdf 
on the subject including how to shield your meter.  

50's and 60's Jukebox
Over 300 songs with video clips on each one;  of Elvis, Ray Charles, Roy Orbison, 
Buddy Holly, Little Richard, etc. This is a keeper. Brings back a lot of memories if you 
graduated in the early 60's.  

What chemtrails are doing to us.
This is really really a good video on the subject. Unbelievable what levels of aluminum, 
barium and strontium are being measured in our water and soils and in tree bark.  

9 year old kids don't have voices like this. 
Think Indigo child

Colton Burpo saw heaven and Jesus at age 4 when he had a near death experience on the 
operating table. His story is coming out as a motion picture next easter. You can read about it 
and see the trailer of the movie here .
You can see this painting  of the 
real Jesus who lives in Heaven as painted by Akiane Kramarick( ) at my 
parachute page
, just scroll down the page until you come to the "Who is Jesus" paragraph.  
Jesus visited Akiane at age 4 as a  tall carpenter . She made this painting at age 8. This is the 
only picture of Jesus, Colton Burpo, who saw Jesus in Heaven, says looks like the real Jesus.  Download his story to read free at

Bicycles as a serious transportation device
This is the story of the Bike parking Station at Gronigen in Northern Netherlands, and how 
the Dutch openness infuses the whole place, bikes being very much above board.
We meet a woman who gets very good mileage on her Electric bike , and find that E Bikes 
are well established technology in the Netherlands where they are used instead of cars.

WTC 911 - it does not appear that there was a Boeing 757 involved in the Pentagon 
attack of 9/11. There's this to consider, which while posted some time ago, only recently 
came to my attention.
  I don't know if this is real or fake  because anything is possible in the 
world of video. But it certainly does look like a cleaned-up version of the loops we've been 
looking at for twelve years, now, taken from another angle. So what happened to the plane 
and its passengers? I have been deluged with this question all week. Similar questions have 
been raised about the crash at Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where first responder, Wally Miller, 
Somerset County Coroner told the Washington Post: "It looked like somebody took a scrap 
truck, dug a ten-foot ditch and dumped trash into it." 
As for the passengers, he said, "I 
stopped being a coroner after about 20 minutes, because there were no bodies there." 
This clip from "Loose Change 2" (2005) is the young filmmaker, Dylan Avery's answer to the 
fate of these planes (two of which were still in service, two years after 2001, according to tail 
numbers noted by a United Airlines employee). The film stops short of saying exactly what 
became of the passengers of these ill-fated flights. 
I do not buy completely into the "no-
planes theory," espoused by this clip's 
uploader, especially as to the South  Tower crash, due 
to reports from my neighbors and that one shot, taken from my old apartment roof, 15' above
the same view I had for 8 years (the shot where the "magical passport"
is superimposed).
We are dealing with an incomprehensible crime, about which the US Government has refused to be transparent, even according to members of the 9/11 
Commission, themselves, a crime that has 
used to wage wars against two sovereign nations, who were of no military threat to the US and not 
directly connected to this
crime; a crime resulting in hundreds of thousands of destroyed lives, 
to say nothingof the destruction of the US Treasury and resulting precarity of the global economy.
Qui bono? Who benefits? We have a right to ask such questions and to not be labeled 
kooks - or as one genius referred to me last week, a "donkey ass". 

All about bitcoins 

Sandy Hook kids still alive. What a hoax!
Our government posted pics of the kids supposedly killed at Sandy Hook that were 4-6 years 
younger than they actually were. Here's an analysis of the all the supposedly dead kids seen at 
the superbowl AFTER they supposedly died versus their younger pictures. And government 
wonders why we have no trust in them anymore.

How many hours a day do you sit?
In front of the computer? In front of the TV? Oh - oh?? That's not good. You need to check this out.

98% of Pacific sea floor is covered with dead creatures
This newly-released report from National Geographic is nothing 
short of devastating, 
demonstrating how the ongoing Fukushima catastrophe is affecting the food chain 
of the entire Pacific Basin, including the waters off the coast of California.
This information is taken from both National Geographic and the National Academy of 
Sciences and it shares that, as of July 1st of 2012, 98% of the studied sea floor 145 miles 
off the coast of California was covered with dead and decomposing sea creatures. 
For those who think that 98% may be a normal study number, only a few months earlier, in 
March the same study found less than 1% of the sea floor covered with 'detritus'.
Several up-to-date video reports depict that squid are now washing ashore on Santa Cruz 
beaches and that a mysterious illness is causing starfish of the Pacific Northwest to 
simply fall apart.

The Fat-Burning "Sniff Trick": How Mint, Banana, and Apple Scents Boost Fat Loss
One of the factors that tells your brain that you're "full" is your sense of smell as you bring food 
up to your mouth to eat. Literally, after your brain senses it's "smelled enough", it tells your body 
you're full and it's time to stop eating. By smelling the three aromas, you're able to "trick" the body
into eating less and therefore consuming less calories (and you know what THAT means, right?)
1. Find yourself 3 different essential oils (even candles will work if you can find them) that match 
the 3 used in the study:
  *  Peppermint
  *  Banana
  *  Green Apple  
2. Use each scent for one month and then switch.
(I don't know why this is important but it's how they conducted the study so I'm sure there's a reason.  
Why fix what isn't broken?)
3.  Keep the scent handy throughout the day and sniff it in the following instances:
  *  5 minutes prior to your "main" meals
  *  5 minutes prior to any planned snacks
  *  Any time you feel feel hungry
4.  To "sniff properly" (I know...sounds strange, right?), plug up one nostril and sniff the scent 3 times through the other and then switch.
Do this 3 times for each side (total of 18 sniffs) at the designated times.
Enjoy your new found fat loss results, appetite control, and less cravings!

Why are people singing accolades of Nelson Mandela - he was a communist?
Here's what he believed in.

Remember the good doctor McCoy on Star Trek who had his little hand held diagnosis machine 
and cured people with resonant frequencies. It was resonant frequencies that brought galloping 
gertie (the Tacoma Narrows bridge) down in 1940 shortly after it was finished. The Russians now 
have developed resonant frequencies that will kill parasites, bacteria and viruses just like a resonant frequency breaks a wine glass. This will put antibiotics out of business. Watch the video as  critters 
under a microscope are killed by their resonant frequencies. 

HAARP - Chemtrails - how they are bioengineering us and changing us.
This is a real eye opener folks. You have no idea what chemtrails are really all about.
This lady tells it all. Chemtrails are genetically reengineering us. 

What if animals could talk to you? 

Awesome - what more is there to say 

Before you put down that coca cola during Christmas you should see what these guys 
have to say about it. This is really really detrimental to your health folks. Also see and 


Obamacare - the Math
The obamacare website has cost $678 million so far.
To cover 315 million Americans. 
Is there a reason he couldn't have just given us each $2million each and we could cover our own healthcare?  Truth hurts.

Fukishima - Alaska uninhabitable by October 2016, Hawaii by Jan 2015, our entire west coast by June 2017? 

Keep an eye on radiation levels throughout the US here.
Put you mouse over the location and you will get the current reading at that location.
Some surprises here.

Food storage calculator
Tells you how pounds of what you need for your family. Variables are family members 
and time period you want to store for.

Wiseman math
A Little Wisdom goes a long way. A father left 17 camels as an asset for his three sons.
When the father passed away, his sons opened up the will. The Will of the father stated that the 
eldest son should get half of 17 camels while the middle son should be given 1/3rd (one-third).
The youngest son should be given 1/9th (one-ninth) of the 17 camels.
As it is not possible to divide 17 into half or 17 by 3 or 17 by 9, three sons started to fight with each other.
So, the three sons decided to go to a wise man.
The wise man listened patiently about the Will. The wise man, after giving this thought, brought 
one camel of his own and added the same to 17. That increased the total to 18 camels.
Now, he started reading the deceased father’s will.
Half of 18 = 9. So he gave the eldest son 9 camels.
1/3rd of 18 = 6. So he gave the middle son 6 camels.
1/9th of 18 = 2. So he gave the youngest son 2 camels.
Now add this up: 9 plus 6 plus 2 is 17 and this leaves one camel, which the wise man took back.
MORAL: The attitude of negotiation and problem solving is to find the 18th camel i.e. the common 
ground. Once a person is able to find the common ground, the issue is resolved. It is difficult at times. However, to reach a solution, the first step is to believe that there is a solution. If we think that there 
is no solution, we won’t be able to reach any!

Santa & Sarah -   Miracles Do Happen

Three years ago, a little boy and his grandmother came to see Santa at the McAllister Mall in Saint John . The child climbed up on his lap, holding a picture of a little girl.

Who is this?" asked Santa, smiling.  "Your friend?

"Yes, Santa,' he replied. "My sister,   Sarah, who is very sick," he said sadly.

Santa glanced over at the grandmother who was waiting nearby, and saw her dabbing her eyes with a tissue. "She wanted to come with me to see you, oh, so very much, Santa!" the child exclaimed. "She misses you," he added softly.
  Santa tried to be cheerful and encouraged a smile to the boy's face, asking him what he wanted Santa to bring him for Christmas.

When they finished their visit, the Grandmother came over to help the child off his lap, and started to say something to Santa, but halted.

"What is it?" Santa asked warmly.

"Well, I know it's really too much to ask you, Santa, but.." the old woman began, shooing her grandson over to one of Santa's elves to collect the little gift which Santa gave all his young visitors.

"The girl in the photograph... My granddaughter well, you see ... She has leukemia and isn't expected to make it even through the holidays," she said through tear-filled eyes. "Is there any way, Santa, any possible way that you could come see Sarah? That's all she's asked for, for Christmas, is to see Santa."

Santa blinked and swallowed hard and told the woman to leave information with his elves as to where Sarah was, and he would see what he could do. Santa thought of little else the rest of that afternoon.

 He knew what he had to do. "What if it were MY child lying in that hospital bed, dying," he thought with a sinking heart, "This is the least I can do."

When Santa finished visiting with all the boys and girls that evening, he retrieved from his helper the name of the hospital where Sarah was staying. He asked the assistant location manager how to get to the Hospital.

"Why?" Rick asked, with a puzzled look on his face.

Santa relayed to him the conversation with Sarah's grandmother earlier that day.

"C'mon.....I'll take you there." Rick said softly. Rick drove them to the hospital and came inside with Santa.

They found out which room Sarah was in. A pale Rick said, he would wait out in the hall.

Santa quietly peeked into the room through the half-closed door and saw little Sarah in the bed.

The room was full of what appeared to be her family; there was the Grandmother and the girl's brother he had met earlier that day. A woman whom he guessed was Sarah's mother stood by the bed, gently pushing Sarah's thin hair off her forehead.

And another woman who he discovered later was Sarah's aunt, sat in a chair near the bed with a weary sad look on her face. They were talking quietly, and Santa could sense the warmth and closeness of the family, and their love and concern for Sarah.

Taking a deep breath, and forcing a smile on his face, Santa entered the room, bellowing a hearty, "Ho, Ho, Ho!"

"Santa!" shrieked little Sarah, weakly as she tried to escape her bed to run to him IV tubes intact.

Santa rushed to her side and gave her a warm hug.

 A child the tender age of his own son -- 9 years old -- gazed up at him with wonder and excitement. Her skin was pale and her short tresses bore telltale bald patches from the effects of chemotherapy.

But, all he saw when he looked at her was a pair of, huge blue eyes. His heart melted, and he had to force himself to choke back tears. Though his eyes were riveted upon Sarah's face, he could hear the gasps and quiet sobbing of the women in the room.

As he and Sarah began talking, the family crept quietly to the bedside one by one, squeezing Santa's shoulder or his hand gratefully, whispering "Thank you" as they gazed sincerely at him with shining eyes. Santa and Sarah talked and talked, and she told him excitedly all the toys she wanted for Christmas, assuring him she'd been a very good girl that year.

As their time together dwindled, Santa felt led in his spirit to pray for Sarah, and asked for permission from the girl's mother. She nodded in agreement and the entire family circled around Sarah's bed, holding hands. Santa looked intensely at Sarah and asked her if she believed in angels.

"Oh, yes, Santa... I do!" she exclaimed.

"Well, I'm going to ask angels watch over you." he said.  Laying one hand on the child's head, Santa closed his eyes and prayed. He asked that, God touch little Sarah, and heal her body from this disease.

He asked that angels minister to her, watch and keep her. And when he finished praying, still with eyes closed, he started singing, softly, "Silent Night, Holy Night....all is calm, all is bright."  The family joined in, still holding hands, smiling at Sarah, and crying tears of hope, tears of joy for this moment, as Sarah beamed at them all.

When the song ended, Santa sat on the side of the bed again and held Sarah's frail, small hands in his own.  "Now, Sarah," he said authoritatively, "you have a job to do, and that is to concentrate on getting well. I want you to have fun playing with your friends this summer, and I expect to see you at my house at McAllister Mall this time next year!"

He knew it was risky proclaiming that to this little girl who had terminal cancer, but he "had" to. He had to give her the greatest gift he could -- not dolls or games or toys -- but the gift of HOPE.

"Yes, Santa!" Sarah exclaimed, her eyes bright.

 He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead and left the room.

Out in the hall, the minute Santa's eyes met Rick's, a look passed between them and they wept unashamed.

Sarah's mother and grandmother slipped out of the room quickly and rushed to Santa's side to thank him.

"My only child is the same age as Sarah," he explained quietly. "This is the least I could do." They nodded with understanding and hugged him.

One year later, Santa was again back on the set in Saint John for his six-week, seasonal job which he so loves to do. Several weeks went by and then one day a child came up to sit on his lap.

"Hi, Santa! Remember me?!"

"Of course, I do," Santa proclaimed (as he always does), smiling down at her. After all, the secret to being a "good" Santa is to always make each child feel as if they are the "only" child in the world at that moment.

"You came to see me in the hospital last year!"

Santa's jaw dropped. Tears immediately sprang in his eyes, and he grabbed this little miracle and held her to his chest.  "Sarah!" he exclaimed. He scarcely recognized her, for her hair was long and silky and her cheeks were rosy -- much different from the little girl he had visited just a year before.

He looked over and saw Sarah's mother and grandmother in the sidelines smiling and waving and wiping their eyes.

That was the best Christmas ever for Santa Claus.

He had witnessed --and been blessed to be instrumental in bringing about -- this miracle of hope. This precious little child was healed. Cancer-free. Alive and well. He silently looked up to Heaven and humbly whispered, "Thank you, Father. 'Tis a very, Merry Christmas!   Miracles of Healing Can & DO Happen!

May we all be blessed with shelter, health, food, warmth, and love this Christmas
- would that not make for a wonderful Christmas???????

God Bless
Buenos dias
Que Dios le bendiga

Subject: 11-28-2013  Ber's Newsletter update 
Survival /camping supplies, tools, water containers/filters, 25 year freeze dried food our company marketing page you can order from. You can order the unadvertised specials and monthly specials from that page also. But you need to be on my thriveLife 
email list
to receive notice of those so you have the product ID's. Simply send me your full name and 
email addy and request to be put on my notice list for the specials.  

ThriveLife Black Friday starts tomorrow Nov 29th and runs through Dec 2nd
22 pages of specials, some up to 50% off. See all 22 pages worth  here 

Water filters - I've done the homework for you. Just read the page and look at the pictures, 
watch the videos and make your decisions.    You can  have your tail covered and drink out of 
a mud puddle, river, or lake  for as little as $20. Lots  of good options. But you need to choose 
at least one.  How to make your own homemade .2micron water filter for under $30
See the last section of my page at 

Recipe meals in a jar is the hot setup. Don't just buy your 25 year food and put it on the shelf 
until the disaster comes; use it daily and learn to use it so you are not fumbling when the time
comes to mandatorily have to use it. Many recipe sections have been added to my ThriveLife page
Remember all ThriveLife products have no GMO, are gluten free, were grown with no pesticides or chemicals , or steroids or other drugs and are constantly tested for such. ThriveLife can improve your family's health. There's just potatoes in the can of potatoes, not twenty other chemicals. There's just 
milk in the #10 tin or 6 gal pail of instant milk. Nothing else. Store bought homogenized milk is killing people. Read   for why. ThriveLife instant milk even 
tastes better than store bought milk. Try it. We use it exclusively now. 

My favorite recipe is to take a half cup of freeze dried corn and 1/2 cup of freeze dried peas, put 
them in a small amount of water, bring up to temperature and add the freeze dried potato beads - be 
careful, doesn't take many, and stir until you get a good mashed potato consistency. All the water that 
sucked nutrients out of the peas and corn is still utilized in rehydrating the potato beads. You've 
lost nothing nutrient wise. This combination tastes really good. I request it several times a week.

I have added extensive sections to my page at and have made
many disturbing discoveries this past week. Like canned and frozen veggies at your local grocery may have lost up to 77% of their nutrient value by the time you finally eat them. . Freeze dried veggies retain all of it; 
even for the  25 year shelf life. Hard to believe freeze dried in a can is healthier than fresh or frozen 
at the grocery. Grocery produce is picked green and grown for durability and shipping, not flavor. 
It's why tomatoes from the grocery are tasteless. This article applies to more than just tomatoes.

Take some of that dinar and dong money you are about to get and buy a year's supply of food 
for each member of your family. ThriveLife has 1 mo, 3mo, 6 mo and year packages all put together 
for you.  They have it all; survival tools, camping/survival gear, tents, sleeping bags, ready to go bug out backpacks, first aid kits, water storage containers, filters as low as .02 microns, purification chemicals, 
and much much more including solar charging systems and lights.

And I'm not telling you to buy everything from Thrive Life. You have many sources to use 
to get prepared. Good Will stores, Salvation Army stores, Thrift Stores, Sporting Five stores, 
Army-Navy surplus stores, Costco, Sam's Club and WalMart. WalMart now carries a line of survival supplies. It's cheaper if you order them  online and have the goods delivered either to your nearest Walmart store for free shipping or if your order is $50 or more you get free shipping to your home. 
Find a store which sells stuff in bulk to the local restaurants. Ours here is called Cash N Carry. You 
can find sugar at 50 cents a pound there, macaroni and spaghetti cheap, beans and rice by the 25 
and 50 pound sack, rolled oats in large containers, larger spice containers, etc. That should all be 
part of your storage supplies. 

Get your water situation squared away first. In the American Blackout movie people were 
offering $40-$60 for a gallon of water because they had none. One gallon per person per day 
for the first three days; then it jumps to 3 gallons per person per day for the next 7; then it jumps 
to 10 gallons per person per day as you are dealing with hygiene and washing also. ThriveLife 
makes really neat stackable 3 gallon containers as well as 5 gallon, 30 gallon and 55 gallons - 
with hand pumps and filters. See for a thorough 
introduction into filters you can even drink out of a mud puddle with. 

Start with a week's worth of food, then shoot for a month for everyone in your family.
Then 3 months. When you've reached that goal, then 6 months. Your first week to a month can 
be just regular store bought stuff. Doesn't have to be fancy freeze dried 25 year stuff. 
When you start establishing your home store for longer periods then it becomes necessary to 
include the longer shelf life items and set up a rotational system so you use those foods so you 
know HOW to use those foods when the time  comes. Make your meals 20-25% long term rotational 
stuff and 75-80% grocery store stock. The big advantage of the ThriveLife freeze dried foods is the 
lack of chemicals and preservatives in them, non GMO, non MSG, non transfats, and no gluten 
and the high nutritional value because the food was picked ripe.  I thought I was going to 
cut a fat hog at my Cash N Carry store until I started reading the labels wondering when I was going 
to find food in there someplace in the long list of chemicals on the packages. And remember 
the local grocery store stuff is only for the first week. You should be able to have on hand a weeks 
worth of that in your home. When a biggie happens that local grocery store source disappears in a 
matter of hours. Then it's your longer shelf life stores that are going to carry you. 
That's when the dehydrated and freeze dried food needs to be already on your shelves.

And right in there with water and food is a good medical kit. We're talking more than just a 
few band aids. Gauze patches for larger cuts; adhesive tape, several elastic wraps, a can of 
Watkins petro carbo salve ( get a can off of ebay or it is the best stuff ever for 
keeping a cut from getting infected. Antique looking can with a red and black label.  At  click on SHOP  then then first aid, under medical kits and supplies. 
Many kits to choose from for all budgets. Also go to  and  and 
type in "first aid kit" and see what you come up with. We added to our kit with $20 worth of stuff 
obtained at the Dollar Store. 

Get involved with ThriveLife either as just a customer or as a consultant. 
ThriveLife is a debt free company started in 2004 making unique food rotation 
storage container shelving (and they still do) that made them a small fortune.
These units have adjustable spacing to accommodate any sized cans, even tuna fish cans.
The key feature is to put the new cans on top which roll to the back and the oldest cans 
are in the front to be used next. 

Then they took their profits  and expanded operations to now deal in survival tools, campstoves,
camping/survival  gear, tents, sleeping bags, ready to go bug out back packs, first aid kits, water 
storage containers, filters as low as .02 microns, purification chemicals, and much much more.

ThriveLife  specializes in making freeze dried foods for long term storage, as in 25 year shelf 
life for most items; with no added sodium, no MSG, no pesticides or chemicals or steroids used 
in growing the food, and gluten free with no transfats or hydrogenated oils used. And nothing is from China. Many competitors sell survival food made in China loaded with sodium, chemicals, pesticides, drugs, steroids in the meats,  and containing many chemicals and preservatives to give it the 
required shelf life. Most of that doesn't taste good and coming from China who knows what else 
is used for filler; like the melanine powder (used for making plastic dinerware) found in recent 
powdered milk from China.
Read my upated ThriveLife page for things you need to know and lay out a plan for your family. 
If only 2% have any degree of food and water preparation your chances are not good at 
bumming off your neighbor. 


LifePharm Global recently introduced their new product, Laminine Omega+++ and the immediate demand has been amazing. The formulation that the LPGN scientists created for this product is simply genius as it addresses the cardiovascular system and improved circulation by removing plaque from the arteries, improved bone health (yes, this product causes calcium to be absorbed into the bones—a huge blessings for people with osteoporosis), reduces inflammation, lowers cholesterol, enhances memory, balances blood pressure, supports normal blood sugar levels, and much more.
There is a small amount of the Avian Egg Extract in this formulation, to increase effectiveness, but we recommend that people take it with the regular Laminine as the combination is a powerful one-two punch against ANY degenerative condition and is a very effective preventive product.
I want to draw your readers attention to an interview obtained with Dr. Jose Toro, MD, on this new product. In addition to explaining how Omega+++ works in the body, Dr. Toro shares some of the results he is having with his patients such as Alzheimer's patients recovering memory, neuropathy patients getting feeling back in their feet and hands, arthritic patients without pain, and more.  

Listen to Dr. Toro here: 

Health issues  How to clean the rocks out of your liver and gall bladder.  for additional toxin cleansing
Eliminating Hypertension by breathing properly, not taking meds. This is an interesting story.   and  
The water cure - another simple major treatment for hypertension.  
Cancer  and I included the Ellagiplex write up at the end.     is having a hard time keeping Ellagiplex in stock. The red raspberry seed powder plus 170 other synergistic ingredients, works. I finally got a family member on it who has 
prostrate cancer. His PSA reading is coming down. 

How does TelexFree rank with other worldwide home based businesses available to us? 
for the rankings. TelexFree ranks #1 now out of more than 144 companies ranked. 
Some of these mentioned are huge well established been around forever companies that didn't 
get squat for votes. Amway for example with 81 votes to TelexFree's over 5000 votes. Might be because 
since everyone gets paid who places their ad in TelexFree they have a 98%+ retention rate  versus 
Amway's 80% plus turnover rate each year. Been there done that, I can tell you the why. TelexFree 
has become one of the best opportunities I have ever participated in. It's leadership has truly delivered, 
it pays on time, and with the new long distance software package about to hit the street adding text messaging, as well as the financial package in process of being introduced as well as the cellphone service using all four major carriers network being put together; this will become probably the most 
solid opportunity out there. If you don't make money here, it's only because you couldn't discipline 
yourself to spend three minutes to post your ad every day.

The new website is continually being upgraded. The ewallet system for taking withdrawals  is now
in place to get paid out through which minimizes the delays in getting paid out. Withdrawal payouts 
are  all caught up. I take a withdrawal every week so I get a paycheck every week.  It takes a week 
to see it into your ewallet and less than a second week to see it in your bank account. All in all, this is looking very good.

Telexfree is NOT a revenue sharing program. We get paid for placing ads to sell a 
telecommunications service, whether those ads sell anything or not. If they do, we get paid more.   for complete concise info on the program    to register and buy ad packs.
Go to and click on Presentation Slideshow for the best quick   
overall explanation of this program I have found.

I won't spend a lot of time here on how it works. Go to  for 
that info. Basically you buy ad packs and place an ad everyday for those for a week. If your ad 
sells you get $44.91 for it, if it doesn't you still get $20 for it. This amounts to a 17.2% - 22.1%/mo 
net profit , from one to five ads, if you never sold a software package  or sponsored anyone. 
It doesn't get any easier than this. I joined in late April and currently have only 35 directs and 
over 1200 indirects (people they sponsored) under me now which makes  for very nice  weekly 
binary paycheck. Several of my directs have come back and purchased 10 family packs more.
Having ten family packs working for you costs 10 x $1425 = $14,250 but returns $4000/mo to 
you if you never sponsored anyone else or never sold a software package but just placed your 
daily ads. That's not counting referral income. I don't address that to stay in compliance with
income disclosure rules

If you bought just one family pack of five ad units today, at $1425, and took all of your earnings 
and bought another $289 ad central pack anytime those earnings were $289 or more - and you 
can do this from your back office without having to take a withdrawal and waste a week. at the 
end of 52 weeks, one year later, you could be earning $2720/week or $10,880/ mo,  which is 
probably more money than 90% of us have ever earned working a job or even running our own 

Dinarians and Dongians 
Exchange time should be Black Friday or Monday at the latest. 
I have removed everything from my website dealing with dinars and dongs as we are required 
to sign a non disclosure agreement when we exchange. After I sign that, I never ever heard of 
a dinar or dong. Why an NDA?   28 million of 312 million have dinar State side,,, the rest do
not know about it, or were convinced it was a scam. Most all of my friends and relatives jumped 
into that boat. Your UST gave a mandate to banks to say it was a scam so as not to spread the 
word out. Nothing worse as far as control goes than for peons to get money.  In 2009 NBC and 
Bloomberg spoke about the dinar at the International Economic Convention for Iraq in Washington 
and their main man Maliki said that he would not revalue his currency and Obama told him yes you 
will and you must. So now those banks that all along spread the LIES, especially to their employees 
and tellers,  of this being a scam are downright  scared and those who encouraged or imposed the 
LIE ( your UST government under Bush, and continued under Obummer ) are scared also of 
uproar and violence in the streets if it was to come out through your media, which all are also controlled 
by your government. Many politicians and big whigs have already cashed out illegally, they can't afford 
for this knowledge to get out there, so that is why  you will sign the nda and keep your mouth shut for 
this reason only and for nothing else.

Silver Success   
Still Our absolute safest program. Why? Because it is bulletproof. 
 4%/mo return on principal w/ gold lease backed principal guarantee.
This program has been going almost two years now  with no hiccups, and is brought to us via 
a trader I have known almost 10 years now. Most of the things I do join reflect who I know and how 
trustworthy they are rather than what the words in the offer are. I would trust my wife, kids and 
my dog with this man. He does business extremely cautiously. He watched this trading scenario 
for over a year before being invited to participate with this group. No more than 2% of principal is 
at stake with any one trade. He has a reputation of being very cautious and rarely has a losing 
trade with anything he works with. Many small trades make up the profit puzzle, one reason the 
take to you is 4%/mo instead of more,  but let's put this in perspective. The 4%/mo figure 
exceeds all of the 50 largest hedge funds in the world for the average yearly earnings over 
the period 2005-2007 when the economy was peaking and the DOW topped 14,000. See that 
list and stats at The top fund in the world returned 47.69%
annually during those years. From 2008 – 2011 over 2,000 hedge funds have closed down 
completely and the average annual return is under 30%. 

Your principal is backed by gold. 
Key Features: 
Safety..… No more than 2% of funds under management are at risk at any given time. 
his is very conservative.
Safety….. Trades are short term, also known as "scalping".     Modest gains are realized 
in hundreds of trades. 
Safety….. SILVER SUCCESS holds gold leases to insure 100% security of the principal 
or the duration of the loan.    Premiums, gold options, are prepaid monthly by the fund manager. 
Because the win to loss ratio is so high, billion dollar gold producing companies secure the principal 
of each loan for 100%. SILVER SUCCESS will return 100% of the CURRENT principal to the lender should a circumstance such as an economic crisis arise and trade funds are not accessible.
Earnings….. 4%/ month fixed. Earnings can be taken monthly or compounded if desired. 
How to fund/receive payments…..Bank wire or Solid Trust Pay
Get more information at   or here
You have to email me for the documents for this program. This is as fer sure as it gets.

Heart Health  This is absolutely the most important thing for your health you can be part of.  Also our affiliate sites have just been upgraded.
This is not an MLM, there is:
- no distributor sign up fee or kit cost, 
- no autoship requirement, in fact you don't have to buy anything to earn on affiliate sales.
- you get your own marketing webpage free like mine at    
-  you get paid four levels deep as an affiliate ($5/canister direct sales, $1/canister affiliate sales)
-  order off your own affiliate website and receive cash rebates of $5 (1 canister)  to $60 (12 canisters). MyCardioForLife heart formula has the most complete formula on the martketplace at the lowest price.
This WILL get you off pharmaceutical meds for high blood pressure, and will also drop your cholesterol and triglycerides,  lowers diabetes risk, and is a great weight control tool as when your body gets all the 70 plant based ionic minerals that are in it, it doesn't crave food. I can vouch for that. I  have added a list of 25 things you can do to lower your blood pressure on my heart page.

I did join this program although I cannot say I fully support it as of yet because of the high cost of participating in the program, which I feel most people cannot afford, as well as the high cost of the 
gold over spot cost involved by buying gold in such a small of quantity as a gram. But the program does offer the ability to own gold most could not otherwise, and the payplan should eventually make up for the 
difference in price. The pros and cons are laid out at 

DSDomination - the DS stands for dropship 
This program has a lot of potential but is not for the lazy who won't do anything with it. 
It's going to cost you $30/mo or more to be a part of this whether you choose to make money 
with it or not. This is about how to make money reselling items you find at one place, mark up , 
and sell on another site, and have it drop shipped from the first site, without having to take money 
out of your own pocket to do so. You just pocket the difference. 
How it works in a nutshell
(there are other videos on that page you can watch also.)
There's a reason there are five modules to this program.  You can't learn everything at once, it 
would be overwhelming, and you need to build your business in a sequential order.
Do you use, or or or other resources to buy things
off the internet with; to save both time and money?  I do. In fact I buy so much stuff off of these
sites that my bank cancels my debit card periodically because there are so many charges against
it they think they gotta be fraudulent.
DSDomination takes this business to a new level. Start out at Pro level for $30/mo to test the waters. 
Upgrade to Elite to obtain more products at higher prices with more profit involved. When you master 
that move up to DSUnleashed for more Suppliers, More Products, A Complete Bag of Tricks for 
selling, not handling, not shipping, but selling online. Profits from $100. to $200,000 Products from 
Baby Soothers to Yachts! Learn how to get Free Vacations and Flights Unlimited Products, Pressure Washers, Rock Bottom Prices. They teach you to lower your fees and get cashback 15% or more
off on stuff you are already doing .  And if that isn't enough there are two levels above that to make 
even more money with. It took me a while to get all the facts on this one but I think I have done so
Check it out, one of the best moneymakers to come along in a long time.

Still hammering us with threats to get your money for your trust in if you want to get paid.

Dear GPP Members,
This is the FINAL reminder. You must have paid for your Trust otherwise you can NOT get 
paid out from the GPP program.
Deadline is November 30 or 50% membership paid. We 
are now at 44.98% already so you must act FAST if you wish to be eligible for your payout.
Please do not wait until the last minute or you risk losing your payout funds. Read the updates on or and when you are ready to make your payment, send an email to
Global Pension Plan (GPP) TRUSTEE
 on or and when you are ready to make your payment, send an email to
Global Pension Plan (GPP) TRUSTEE

Email  with your username and email addy to find out how much you need to pay them in order to get paid. I did and I got back 

The amount you need to pay is :
- $40 Courier fee for your Platinum card
- $50 Notary Fee for username : 
- $210 Trust Fee for username : 
The total is $300.

Still threatening to pay us on Dec 13th.
See latest Nov17th, 2013 update at 

The date to pay your $98 trust fee has been extended to Dec 10th. Payout  supposedly 
starts on Dec 13th, 2013.

The only way to pay the $98 I know of is to send Wayne McClean and his sister Joan $156 STP 
and they will put $100 into your C-Gold account to make the payment with.  That's the only way I could figure out to fund it.  their email is  
STP does not allow those transactions anymore... and  Themco has the issue with Alertpay (payza)...
he uses exchange plus to get $98,  plus a buck for cgold's  storage charge so you don't end up short, we need to send them $136  plus it costs our bank wire fee..  The total amount you need to send them is $156.50  to itsngsus at STP.  Give them your c-gold number and HCi25 username

After you pay your $98, you have to login to the site and register your PFRPP units after your financial transaction. Make sure that you enter the exact amount that you 
have transferred( $98), and that it sums up to the amount needed for investment. 

Still imminent but it is quite clear to me he isn't going to receive money until this global 
currency reset thing completes and the prosperity program money has been paid out. 
Why I have no idea, but it appears that's the reality of the thing. 

Still gonna happen but the when is simply not set in concrete yet. I think it too is dependant 
upon the global currency reset also.

CERMA - double the life of your motor - increase gas mileage
New website, videos, improved information, great testimonies, and a chance to make 
some good money here as an affiliate with no sign up fees or autoship required.
Nano Oil conditioner protects engine for maximum lifetime and best mileage. Use 
1 ounce per oil change.
CerMa w.STM-3
Double the life of your engine with this stuff. One time 2 oz. treatment. 
Cerma and Nano Oil Conditioner come from the same company. NOW, you can become 
an affiliate to remarket this product and earn a healthy 25% commission. Just click on the 
link in the green bar at the top of the page at   the cerma store   that says "New Affiliate 
Sign up" and fill it out and you will get your own page and money machine like mine. 
Cerma is an engine protection system using a 2 micron coating of ceramics. This is high 
tech stuff.  Emissions disappear, mileage increases, engine gets quiet; not teflon based. 
Makes your diesel quit smoking also. My cummins 2004 Dodge PU without a cat combustor 
now makes NO SMOKE. I use it in all of my rigs including chain saw and lawnmower and 
add a little more with every oil change including the nano oil conditioner. Cerma is one 
of the few additives that really does work and do what it says. I am am affiliate marketer of 
this product, you can be too,  it costs nothing to be an affilaite, and it is drop shipped directly 
to you at a greatly reduced savings off of retail. This will double the life of your engine and 
increase your  gas mileage at the same time   
The least expensive source of vitamins and minerals on the planet. Great company.

Vibrant Life vitamins and Oral chelation formula. I have been taking Vibrant Life SuperLifeGlow vitamins and Bone Dense Calcium for several years now.  SuperLifeGlow is absolutely the BEST vitamin and chelation formula in existence. It contains massive quantities of more than 60 nutrients.  The bone formula contains microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, the only form of calcium proven to add bone mass. 
This is good stuff. They also have several other products including MSM. 
MSM stands for Methyl 
Sulfonyl Methane, organic sulfur. When it rains, MSM falls on the ground and is used by plants. Your 
body needs MSM and contains some but, if you had more MSM in your body, you would endure far 
less pain and suffering from arthritis, back pain, Fibromyalgia and muscle soreness.
  MSM is also an important nutrient for hair, skin and nails.


In the US, Thanksgiving commemorates the friendship of Native Americans with the Pilgrim 
settlers.  Only half the story is true.  Without help from Native Americans the Pilgrims would have 
frozen and starved to death.  This Thanksgiving we note that  Native American leader Leonard Peltier
is still in prison - 30 years later - for a crime evidence shows he did not commit. The history of what 
has happened to native Americans over time because of greed, bullyness, and because we can,
is not a pleasant skeleton to drag out of the closet. We should not only say prayers of thanksgiving
today, but also prayers of repentance for what we have done to these people.

Landfill harmonic orchestra
Instruments made from recycled trash. Amazing, simply amazing. 

Are you ready for "THE EVENT"??
Just what is the event you ask? Disclosure, Announcements and the Enactment of NESARA Law
That’s it. It’s a lot. Seven to ten days after Disclosure there will be Landings of Extraterrestrial 
Ships on Earth. It is the establishment of Divine Government on Earth. It brings in the Golden 
Age.  Ah, yes, the ascension thing again. How many false flags have we had on that issue so 
far?  The downside of the message you can read at the the link below is that many of us believe 
Sanada, supposedly captain of the mothership New Jerusalem, is not the Messiah as we know 
Jesus, but is satan himself masquerading as Jesus. Remember Bible prophecy says to look 
for a false second coming before the real Jesus shows up. Research Project Bluebeam on 
the search engines. Why would you even bother to read or want to become aware of any of 
this? It's too far fetched for most.  Because we need to know what the enemy is up to also so 
we are not sandbagged when it comes time to make some decisions; like climbing aboard 
a spacecraft thinking you will be taken to safety only to become lunch fodder for reptilians.
We live in a spiritual world, a battle goes on around us for our spirits and souls everyday that 
we cannot see but we are partakers in nevertheless. I am not asking you to believe this; I am 
suggesting you become aware of possibilities outside your comfort zone. One clue is that this 
is channeled information. God adhors channeling and chastises those who participate in such.
Such information only comes from "the other" side of the fence. You will find this interesting though.

Why did the beatles music capture us so?
Interesting explanation of how by composition it became mesmerizing. Their secrets revealed. 

Two Statements that speak volumes:
 Irony 1- “We are told NOT to judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics. "BUT on 
the other hand, "We are also encouraged TO judge ALL Gun Owners by the actions of a 
few lunatics." How is that supposed to work.....?????? 
Irony 2.
The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is 
proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever 
to 47 million people as of the most recent figures available in 2013.  Meanwhile, the National 
Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us "Please Do Not 
Feed the Animals. "Their stated reason for the policy is because "The animals will grow 
dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves." hmmmmmm?

The prison biz.
It's bigger than you think and the product is slave labor - in the US. I know, I send money 
to one of these inmates caught in this snare. He makes less than $80/mo, can't have things 
sent to him, and has to pay to send emails and has to buy a $20 Ipod from the prison store for $70.

A time lapse map of every nuclear explosion since 1945.
People ask why our planet has so much "background" radioactivity. I think this short video tells us why.

Obamacare is NOT a trainwreck; it has done everything it was designed to do; in terms of 
destroying America. And,
I HIGHLY suggest you DO NOT sign up for Obamacare until 
you read this CAREFULLY.  Chief Justice Roberts carefully worded his ruling and 
left out any requirement to participate for 95% of Americans.

This is awesome - and I love her.
I used to listen to pat Matheny and Acoustic Alchemy (and the Rippingtons, and Kenny G and 
others) on CDs on my portable boombox when I was putting boiler and radiant floor heating systems together in people's homes many years ago. You'll like this piece.

Obama's classmate claims he was a lying, drug using homosexual foreigner...
I think we all know that by everything we hear. The question is? Why is he still in office.
With many points of treason about the man, why in the world hasn't he been impeached?

ENACTED at 1:30 am Reno Time on 11/15/13 by Judge Roberts of the Supreme Court. 
Multiple announcements to follow.”  Per John Machaffie

This is good. US Sheriffs rise up against federal government. Sheriff threatens 
feds with a SWAT team - Grass roots is taking charge! Some good looking rigs here. 

Fukishima will have long term health effects on us. 28 signs that the west coast is being 
absolutely fried with contamination and resulting radiation from Fukishima. Strontium 90 mimics 
calcium and seeks your bones, Iodine 131 seeks your thyroid and emits beta particles upon 
disintegration which has a high specific ionization - lots of tissue damage in a short distance, 
sea life is dying everywhere, tuna, crabs, and halibut are showing up radioactive. Tidal pools 
on the west coast are void of life. 

The new TV's have been spying on people for a long time
I read about it but didn't know whether to believe it or not. I'm a believer now.
The new TV's have been spying on people for a long time. The older TV's aren't set up to do this.

Obama planned to use nukes to take out America's infrastructure and put us back to the 
stoneage. 300 million deaths would have resulted. We were saved by three generals who were 
then fired for their bravery. Obama's (actually the cabal's intention who tell Obama what to do) 
intention was to set off three nukes to devastate all computerrelated systems on the continent, 
thus taking America back 200 years and guaranteeing a totalbreakdown in society and within one 
year the death of over 300 million people. How much more of this guy are we going to take before 
we wake up?

New burglar electronic devices make it easy to enter your car and remove any valuables.
Don't leave valuables inside your car. Locking the doors no longer works. 

Watch out for sliders also
They remove your stuff from your car while you are pumping gas before you even know it.

Supposed would-be Reagan assassin John Hinkley, Jr. just got out of jail for a few days
during the holidays.  Did he actually shoot Reagan?  No. Here's what really happened
- and a lot more.

 Remember Jimmy Hendrix?  Purple Haze? He overdosed just as he was getting started. 
He used to play right here in Bremerton, WA. This is an example of how good he was 
at just plain blues, before he got into all the psychadelic wierd stuff.

Past Budweiser - Clydesdale commercials
These are cute. What beautiful animals.

To all the women who read this. You are all beautiful. God doesn't create ugly people.
Our own perspectives of ourselves is our downfall. Interesting short video on how we 
view ourselves versus how others view us.

Battle Hymn of the republic 

RIP, Comet ISON? Evidence is mounting that Comet ISON did not survive its brush with the sun on Nov. 28th.  SOHO coronagraph images show the comet apparently disintegrating, while first-look images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory did not detect the comet moving along its expected path through the sun's atmosphere. Check for movies and updates. That's a good thing as we were supposed to go through it's debris trail in January which could have been devastating.

Unbelieveably smart dog 

I've read a lot of books and watch a lot of videos about people taken out of body and shown  
the prayer receiving room in Heaven.  Prayers are answered folks. Please take a moment and 
read this prayer with me, for you. 

Our Father who art in heaven, 
Hallowed be Thy name, 
Thy kingdom come, 
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, 
Give us this day our daily bread 
And forgive us our trespasses 
As we forgive those who trespass against us 
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil,
For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory,
Forever and Ever,
Amen... GOD WANTED ME TO TELL YOU, it shall be well with you this coming year. No matter 
how much your enemies try this year, they will not succeed.  You have been destined to make it 
and you shall surely achieve your goals this year.  For the remainder of 2013, all your agonies 
will be diverted and victory and  prosperity will be incoming in abundance. Today, God has 
confirmed the end of your sufferings sorrows and pain because HE that sits on the throne has remembered you. He has taken away the hardships and given you JOY. He will never let you down.
I knocked at heaven's door this evening, and I asked Father:
'Father, please protect and bless the people reading this message. '

God Bless
Buenos dias
Que Dios le bendiga

Subject: 11-15-2013  Ber's Newsletter update 
American Blackout - full presentation  by National Geographic
What degree of preparedness have you made for a major disaster?
Life changes - get ready. Especially with this administration. Remember only 2% of Americans 
have water and food for more than 7 days.
More and more people are suddenly into prepping for disaster:

I have added extensive sections to my page at and have made
many disturbing discoveries this past week. Like frozen veggies at your local grocery may have lost 
up to 77% of their nutrient value by the time you finally eat them. . Freeze dried veggies retain all of it; 
even for the  25 year shelf life. Hard to believe freeze dried in a can is healthier than fresh or frozen 
at the grocery. Grocery produce is picked green and grown for durability and shipping, not flavor. 
It's why tomatoes from the grocery are tasteless. This article applies to more than just tomatoes.

Survival /camping supplies, tools, water containers/filters, 25 year food our company marketing page you can order from. You can order the unadvertised specials and monthly specials from that page also. But you need to be on my thriveLife 
email list
to receive notice of those so you have the product ID's. Simply send me your full name and 
email addy and request to be put on my notice list for the specials.  Black Friday coming up will have a bunch of specials.

Water filters - I've done the homework for you. Just read the page and look at the pictures, 
 watch the videos and make your decision.  You can 
have your a___ covered and drink out of a mud puddle, river, or lake  for as little as $20. Lots 
of good options. But you need to choose at least one. 

Recipe meals in a jar is the hot setup. Don't just buy your 25 year food and put it on the shelf 
until the disaster comes; use it daily and learn to use it so you are not fumbling when the time
comes to mandatorily have to use it. Many recipe sections have been added to my ThriveLife page. 
Remember all ThriveLife products have no GMO, are gluten free, were grown with no pesticides or chemicals , or steroids or other drugs and are constantly tested for such. ThriveLife can improve your family's health. There's just potatoes in the can of potatoes, not twenty other chemicals. There's just 
milk in the #10 tin or 6 gal pail of instant milk. Nothing else. Store bought homogenized milk is killing people. Read   for why. ThriveLife instant milk even 
tastes better than store bought milk. Try it. We use it exclusively now. 

My favorite recipe is to take a half cup of freeze dried corn and 1/2 cup of freeze dried peas, put them 
in a small amount of water, bring up to temperature and add the freeze dried potato beads - be 
careful, doesn't take many, and stir until you get a good mashed potato consistency. All the water that 
sucked nutrients out of the peas and corn is still utilized in rehydrating the potato beads. You've 
lost nothing nutrient wise. This combination tastes really good. 

Take some of that dinar and dong money you are about to  get and buy a year's supply of food 
for each member of your family. ThriveLife has 1 mo, 3mo,  6 mo and year packages all put together 
for you.  They have it all; survival tools, camping/survival  gear, tents, sleeping bags, ready to go bug out backpacks, first aid kits, water storage containers,  filters as low as .02 microns, purification chemicals, 
and much much more including solar charging systems and lights.

And I'm not telling you to buy everything from Thrive Life. You have many sources to use 
to get prepared. Good Will stores, Salvation Army stores, Thrift Stores, Sporting Five stores, 
Army-Navy surplus stores, Costco, Sam's Club and WalMart. WalMart now carries a line of survival supplies. It's cheaper if you order them  online and have the goods delivered either to your nearest Walmart store for free shipping or if your order is $50 or more you get free shipping to your home. 
Find a store which sells stuff in bulk to the local restaurants. Ours here is called Cash N Carry. You 
can find sugar at 50 cents a pound there, macaroni and spaghetti cheap, beans and rice by the 25 
and 50 pound sack, rolled oats in large containers, larger spice containers, etc. That should all be 
part of your storage supplies. 

Get your water situation squared away first. In the American Blackout movie people were 
offering $40-$60 for  a gallon of water because they had none. One gallon per person per day 
for the first three days;  then it jumps to 3 gallons per person per day for the next 7; then it jumps 
to 10 gallons per person per day as you are dealing with hygiene and washing also. ThriveLife 
makes really neat stackable  3 gallon containers as well as 5 gallon, 30 gallon and 55 gallons - 
with hand pumps and filters. See for a thorough 
introduction into filters you can even drink out of a mud puddle with. 

Start with a week's worth of food, then shoot for a month for everyone in your family.
Then 3 months. When you've reached that goal, then 6 months. Your first week to a month can 
be just regular store bought stuff. Doesn't have to be fancy freeze dried 25 year stuff stuff. 
When you start establishing your home store for longer periods then it becomes necessary to 
include the longer shelf life items and set up a rotational system so you use those foods so you 
know HOW to use those foods when the time  comes. Make your meals 20-25% long term rotational 
stuff and 75-80% grocery store stock. The big advantage of the ThriveLife freeze dried foods is the 
lack of chemicals and preservatives in them, non GMO, non MSG, non transfats, and no gluten 
and the high nutritional value because the food was picked ripe.  I thought I was going to 
cut a fat hog at my Cash N Carry store until I started reading the labels wondering when I was going 
to find food in there someplace in the long list of chemicals on the packages. And remember 
the local grocery store stuff is only for the first week. You should be able to have on hand a weeks 
worth of that in your home. When a biggie happens that local grocery store source disappears in a 
matter of hours. Then it's your longer shelf life stores that are going to carry you. 
That's when the dehydrated and freeze dried food needs to be already on your shelves.

And right in there with water and food is a good medical kit. We're talking more than just a 
few band aids. Gauze patches for larger cuts; adhesive tape, several elastic wraps, a can of 
Watkins petro carbo salve ( get a can off of ebay or it is the best stuff ever for 
keeping a cut from getting infected. Antique looking can with a red and black label.  At  click on SHOP  then then first aid, under medical kits and supplies. 
Many kits to choose from for all budgets. Also go to  and  and 
type in "first aid kit" and see what you come up with.

Get involved with ThriveLife either as just a customer or as a consultant. 
ThriveLife is a debt free company started in 2004 making unique food rotation 
storage container shelving (and they still do) that made them a small fortune.
These units have adjustable spacing to accommodate any sized cans, even tuna fish cans.
The key feature is to put the new cans on top which roll to the back and the oldest cans 
are in the front to be used next. 

Then they took their profits  and expanded operations to now deal in survival tools, campstoves,
camping/survival  gear, tents, sleeping bags, ready to go bug out back packs, first aid kits, water 
storage containers, filters as low as .02 microns, purification chemicals, and much much more.

ThriveLife  specializes in making freeze dried foods for long term storage, as in 25 year shelf 
life for most items; with no added sodium, no MSG, no pesticides or chemicals or steroids used 
in growing the food, and gluten free with no transfats or hydrogenated oils used. And nothing is from China. Many competitors sell survival food made in China loaded with sodium, chemicals, pesticides, drugs, steroids in the meats,  and containing many chemicals and preservatives to give it the 
required shelf life. Most of that doesn't taste good and coming from China who knows what else 
is used for filler; like the melanine powder (used for making plastic dinerware) found in recent 
powdered milk from China.
Read my upated ThriveLife page for things you need to know and lay out a plan for your family. 
If only 2% have any degree of food and water preparation your chances are not good at 
bumming off your neighbor. 

Health issues  How to clean the rocks out of your liver and gall bladder.
Eliminating Hypertension by breathing properly, not taking meds. This is an interesting story.   and  
The water cure - another simple major treatment for hypertension.  
Cancer  and I included the Ellagiplex write up at the end.
Life Essentials is having a hard time keeping Ellagiplex in stock. The red raspberry seed powder 
plus 170 other synergistic ingredients, works. I finally got my sister's husband on it.

How does TelexFree rank with other worldwide home based businesses available to us? 
for the rankings. TelexFree ranks a close third from the top out of 60 companies ranked. 
Some of these mentioned are huge well established been around forever companies that didn't 
get squat for votes. Amway for example with 37 votes to TelexFree's 863 votes. Might be because 
since everyone gets paid who places their ad in TelexFree they have a 98%+ retention rate  versus 
Amway's 80% plus turnover rate each year. Been there done that, I can tell you the why. TelexFree 
has become one of the best opportunities I have ever participated in. It's leadership has truly delivered, 
it pays on time, and with the new long distance software package about to hit the street adding text messaging, as well as the financial package in process of being introduced as well as the cellphone service using all four major carriers network being put together; this will become probably the most 
solid opportunity out there. If you don't make money here, it's only because you couldn't discipline 
yourself to spend three minutes to post your ad every day.

The new website is  continually being upgraded. The ewallet system for taking withdrawals  is now
in place to get  paid out through which minimizes the delays in getting paid out. Withdrawal payouts 
are  all  caught up. I take a withdrawal every week so I get a paycheck every week.  It takes a week 
to see it  into your ewallet and less than a second week to see it in your bank account. All in all, this is looking very good.

Telexfree is NOT a revenue sharing program. We get paid for placing ads to sell a 
telecommunications service, whether those ads sell anything or not. If they do, we get paid more.   for complete concise info on the program    to register and buy ad packs.
Go to and click on Presentation Slideshow for the best quick   
overall explanation of this program I have found.

I won't spend a lot of time here on how it works. Go to  for 
that info. Basically you buy ad packs and place an ad everyday for those for a week. If your ad 
sells you get $44.91 for it, if it doesn't you still get $20 for it. This amounts to a 17.2% - 22.1%/mo 
net profit , from one to five ads, if you never sold a software package  or sponsored anyone. 
It doesn't get any easier than this. I joined in late April and currently have only 35 directs and 
over 1200 indirects (people they sponsored) under me now which makes  for very nice  weekly 
binary paycheck. Several of my directs have come back and purchased 10 family packs more.
Having ten family packs working for you costs 10 x $1425 = $14,250 but returns $4000/mo to 
you if you never sponsored anyone else or never sold a software package but just placed your 
daily ads. That's not counting referral income. I don't address that to stay in compliance with
income disclosure rules

If you bought just one family pack of five ad units today, at $1425, and took all of your earnings 
and bought another $289 ad central pack anytime those earnings were $289 or more - and you 
can do this from your back office without having to take a withdrawal and waste a week. at the 
end of 52 weeks, one year later, you could be earning $2720/week or $10,880/ mo,  which is 
probably more money than 90% of us have ever earned working a job or even running our own 

Dinarians and Dongians 
Exchange time could be anytime now, maybe even tomorrow. 
I have removed everything from my website dealing with dinars and dongs as we are required 
to sign a non disclosure agreement when we exchange. After I sign that, I never ever heard of 
a dinar or dong.

Seed Funding
currently closed to new members

Silver Success   
Still Our absolute safest program. Why? Because it is bulletproof. 
 4%/mo return on principal w/ gold lease backed principal guarantee.
This program has been going almost two years now  with no hiccups, and is brought to us via 
a trader I have known almost 10 years now. Most of the things I do join reflect who I know and how 
trustworthy they are rather than what the words in the offer are. I would trust my wife, kids and 
my dog with this man. He does business extremely cautiously. He watched this trading scenario 
for over a year before being invited to participate with this group. No more than 2% of principal is 
at stake with any one trade. He has a reputation of being very cautious and rarely has a losing 
trade with anything he works with. Many small trades make up the profit puzzle, one reason the 
take to you is 4%/mo instead of more,  but let's put this in perspective. The 4%/mo figure 
exceeds all of the 50 largest hedge funds in the world for the average yearly earnings over 
the period 2005-2007 when the economy was peaking and the DOW topped 14,000. See that 
list and stats at The top fund in the world returned 47.69%
annually during those years. From 2008 – 2011 over 2,000 hedge funds have closed down 
completely and the average annual return is under 30%. 

Your principal is backed by gold. 
Key Features: 
Safety..… No more than 2% of funds under management are at risk at any given time. 
his is very conservative.
Safety….. Trades are short term, also known as "scalping".     Modest gains are realized 
in hundreds of trades. 
Safety….. SILVER SUCCESS holds gold leases to insure 100% security of the principal 
or the duration of the loan.    Premiums, gold options, are prepaid monthly by the fund manager. 
Because the win to loss ratio is so high, billion dollar gold producing companies secure the principal 
of each loan for 100%. SILVER SUCCESS will return 100% of the CURRENT principal to the lender should a circumstance such as an economic crisis arise and trade funds are not accessible.
Earnings….. 4%/ month fixed. Earnings can be taken monthly or compounded if desired. 
How to fund/receive payments…..Bank wire or Solid Trust Pay
Get more information at   or here
You have to email me for the documents for this program. This is as fer sure as it gets.

Heart Health  This is absolutely the most important thing for your health you can be part of.  Also our affiliate sites have just been upgraded.
This is not an MLM, there is:
- no distributor sign up fee or kit cost, 
- no autoship requirement, in fact you don't have to buy anything to earn on affiliate sales.
- you get your own marketing webpage free like mine at    
-  you get paid four levels deep as an affiliate ($5/canister direct sales, $1/canister affiliate sales)
-  order off your own affiliate website and receive cash rebates of $5 (1 canister)  to $60 (12 canisters). MyCardioForLife heart formula has the most complete formula on the martketplace at the lowest price.
This WILL get you off pharmaceutical meds for high blood pressure, and will also drop your cholesterol and triglycerides,  lowers diabetes risk, and is a great weight control tool as when your body gets all the 70 plant based ionic minerals that are in it, it doesn't crave food. I can vouch for that. I  have added a list of 25 things you can do to lower your blood pressure on my heart page.

I did join this program although I cannot say I fully support it as of yet because of the high cost of participating in the program, which I feel most people cannot afford, as well as the high cost of the 
gold over spot cost involved by buying gold in such a small of quantity as a gram. But the program does offer the ability to own gold most could not otherwise, and the payplan should eventually make up for the 
difference in price. The pros and cons are laid out at 

DSDomination - the DS stands for dropship 
This program has a lot of potential but is not for the lazy who won't do anything with it. 
It's going to cost you $30/mo or more to be a part of this whether you choose to make money 
with it or not. This is about how to make money reselling items you find at one place, mark up , 
and sell on another site, and have it drop shipped from the first site, without having to take money 
out of your own pocket to do so. You just pocket the difference. 
How it works in a nutshell
(there are other videos on that page you can watch also.)
There's a reason there are five modules to this program.  You can't learn everything at once, it 
would be overwhelming, and you need to build your business in a sequential order.
Do you use, or or or other resources to buy things
off the internet with; to save both time and money?  I do. In fact I buy so much stuff off of these
sites that my bank cancels my debit card periodically because there are so many charges against
it they think they gotta be fraudulent.
DSDomination takes this business to a new level. Start out at Pro level for $30/mo to test the waters. 
Upgrade to Elite to obtain more products at higher prices with more profit involved. When you master 
that move up to DSUnleashed for more Suppliers, More Products, A Complete Bag of Tricks for 
selling, not handling, not shipping, but selling online. Profits from $100. to $200,000 Products from 
Baby Soothers to Yachts! Learn how to get Free Vacations and Flights Unlimited Products, Pressure Washers, Rock Bottom Prices. They teach you to lower your fees and get cashback 15% or more
off on stuff you are already doing .  And if that isn't enough there are two levels above that to make 
even more money with. It took me a while to get all the facts on this one but I think I have done so
Check it out, one of the best moneymakers to come along in a long time.

Still hammering us with threats to get your money in if you want to get paid.

Dear GPP Members,
This is the FINAL reminder. You must have paid for your Trust otherwise you can NOT get paid out from the GPP program.  Deadline is November 30 or 50% membership paid. We are now at 41.56% already.
Please do not wait until the last minute or you risk losing your payout funds. Read the updates on or and when you are ready to make your payment, send an email to
Global Pension Plan (GPP) TRUSTEE

Email  with your username and email addy to find out how much you need to pay them in order to get paid. I did and I got back 

The amount you need to pay is :
- $40 Courier fee for your Platinum card
- $50 Notary Fee for username : detailshere
- $210 Trust Fee for username : detailshere
The total is $300.

Still threatening to pay us on Dec 13th.
See latest Oct 19th, 2013 update at 

The date to pay your $98 trust fee has been extended to Dec 10th. Payout  supposedly 
starts on Dec 13th, 2013.

The only way to pay the $98 I know of is to send Wayne McClean and his sister Joan $156 STP 
and they will put $100 into your C-Gold account to make the payment with.  That's the only way I could figure out to fund it.  their email is  
STP does not allow those transactions anymore... and  Themco has the issue with Alertpay (payza)...
he uses exchange plus to get $98,  plus a buck for cgold's  storage charge so you don't end up short, we need to send them $136  plus it costs our bank wire fee..  The total amount you need to send them is $156.50  to itsngsus at STP.  Give them your c-gold number and HCi25 username

After you pay your $98, you have to login to the site and register your PFRPP units after your financial transaction. Make sure that you enter the exact amount that you 
have transferred( $98), and that it sums up to the amount needed for investment. 

Still imminent but it is quite clear to me he isn't going to receive money until this global 
currency reset thing completes and the prosperity program money has been paid out. 
Why I have no idea, but it appears that's the reality of the thing. 

Still gonna happen but the when is simply not set in concrete yet. I think it too is dependant 
upon the global currency reset.

CERMA - double the life of your motor - increase gas mileage
New website, videos, improved information, great testimonies, and a chance to make 
some good money here as an affiliate with no sign up fees or autoship required.
Nano Oil conditioner protects engine for maximum lifetime and best mileage. Use 
1 ounce per oil change.
CerMa w.STM-3
Double the life of your engine with this stuff. One time 2 oz. treatment. 
Cerma and Nano Oil Conditioner come from the same company. NOW, you can become 
an affiliate to remarket this product and earn a healthy 25% commission. Just click on the 
link in the green bar at the top of the page at   the cerma store   that says "New Affiliate 
Sign up" and fill it out and you will get your own page and money machine like mine. 
Cerma is an engine protection system using a 2 micron coating of ceramics. This is high 
tech stuff.  Emissions disappear, mileage increases, engine gets quiet; not teflon based. 
Makes your diesel quit smoking also. My cummins 2004 Dodge PU without a cat combustor 
now makes NO SMOKE. I use it in all of my rigs including chain saw and lawnmower and 
add a little more with every oil change including the nano oil conditioner. Cerma is one 
of the few additives that really does work and do what it says. I am am affiliate marketer of 
this product, you can be too,  it costs nothing to be an affilaite, and it is drop shipped directly 
to you at a greatly reduced savings off of retail. This will double the life of your engine and 
increase your  gas mileage at the same time   
The least expensive source of vitamins and minerals on the planet. Great company.

Vibrant Life vitamins and Oral chelation formula. I have been taking Vibrant Life SuperLifeGlow vitamins and Bone Dense Calcium for several years now.  SuperLifeGlow is absolutely the BEST vitamin and chelation formula in existence. It contains massive quantities of more than 60 nutrients.  The bone formula contains microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, the only form of calcium proven to add bone mass. 
This is good stuff. They also have several other products including MSM. 
MSM stands for Methyl 
Sulfonyl Methane, organic sulfur. When it rains, MSM falls on the ground and is used by plants. Your 
body needs MSM and contains some but, if you had more MSM in your body, you would endure far 
less pain and suffering from arthritis, back pain, Fibromyalgia and muscle soreness.
  MSM is also an important nutrient for hair, skin and nails.


Sleepy man banjo boys - awesome  9 year old banjo player 

No lead - no bullets
Obama just shut down the last remaining lead smeltering plant in the US over "emissions"????
When are we going to impeach and remove this anti american beast?
There are numerous alarming reasons why the US government and the military have been buying 
up all the ammo.  Here's one of them. Obama and the EPA just shut down the last lead smelting 
plant in the US.  They raised the EPA regulations by 10 fold and it would have cost the plant $100 
million to comply.  You can own all the guns you want, but if you can't get ammo, you are out of luck. 
Remember when Obama promised his minions that he was working on gun control behind the scenes? Welcome to it.  Now, all domestic mined lead ore will have to be shipped overseas, refined and then shipped back to the US.  Not only will ammo now be even harder to come by, the demand and the 
process of supply will cause the price to skyrocket even more.  And ponder this… there is an 
excellent chance that Obama will rig the market to where all ammo has to be purchased from a 
government entity instituting de facto ammo registration.  So much for the Second Amendment.  
There has not been a peep about this in the major news outlets and it is done.

Did the US attack the Phillipines with weather warfare?
These weather making  devices are illegal weapons of mass destruction, creating windstorms of the 
most devasting nature. Accidental? Not according to this guy. 

Have you ever seen anything like this - an ice tsunami? 
35 things the ruling cabal do not want you to know
If you don't read anything else on this page, do read this article.
If it has been removed from the net I also have it posted at 

How to make a refrigerator without electricity (or ice) leave it to the Africans to come up with this


Just how bad are GMO's for the consumer?

Mexico judge bans GMO corn in Mexico - effective immediately
That means you Monsanto and DuPont.

Good for you Mexico.  We are too stupid to make such a great decision! 


Lorenzo - the flying horseman - he's good 


Great Photos

How fascinating - the complete diary entries of Admiral Byrd's discovery of the hollow 
earth in 1947. He was silenced to tell us these things of what really exists. There also a good 40 minute video of the Nazi's involvment with UFO's in Antartica and how Byrd's assault on the Antartic German 
base there wwas driven back by hi tech UFO's. 

Rep. Trey Gowdy's EPIC Takedown of IRS at Hearing  

Watch out for sliders at the gas station.
New way to get get your purse and laptop stolen.

Russia declares 911 was an inside job
Most of us already know 911 was an inside job pulled 
off as a false flag event by our own government but it never hurts to get another opinion.

Vietnam POWs 40 years later

Finally the FDA gives us something to thank them for:

America - how and why it is as it is today.
This is a quick thorough explanation how we got where we are today.  

Great video of a Spontaneous Victory Parade in Honolulu in 1945. Take a look at this 
video-absolutely fabulous! Notice the cars and jeeps, youth. The guys in khaki or gray shirts 
and black ties are Navy officers or chiefs. The rest are Army or Marine. How young they all 
were to do what they did.
  This guy really captured a moment in history!

Rita Hayworth - the favorite pin up poster favorite of world war II guys
She certainly had the moves. 

Billy Graham's final powerful sermon to America 

Reportedly 1 out of 50 soldiers in the US military is a robot.

A useful dog.
Cubby or Muffy won't do those things. 

Here is the why behind why Obama is firing so many military generals.
He's creating a class of "yes people" ; oppose his policies and you are out of there. 

God Bless
Buenos dias
Que Dios le bendiga

Subject: 10-31-2013  Ber's Newsletter update 
American Blackout - full presentation - put on by National Geographic
This is a show you need to watch. What degree of preparedness have you made for a major disaster?
Although this is a fictional film; this IS what would happen as zip of us have prepared for anything big.

Here's a 7 minute summary/analysis  of that film. 
Speaks of the reality of our unpreparedness. As there's a drill nationwide coming up mid November
on just this very thing, and we all know false flags accompany drills, maybe some preparedness 
should be a now thing.

If that one doesn't stir you into a little action try this one  - MegaQuake could hit North America
BBC (Full Documentary) 

And this one about the banking collapse planned for mid November during the "blackout drill"
The November shocker - Strong indication of another False Flag event to dwarf all  previous ones 
and it is coming November 13th and it involves the Banks.

Go back and reread my 10-28 newsletter  at

The point is; in a large emergency:
Less than 5%
of the people have water enough for 7 days.
You need water containers, water filters, and chemicals for purifying water.

Less than  2% of the people have food and water for 7 days.
Think survival food; in small packets, pantry sized cans, #10 tins and 6 gallon pails
as well as packages of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, or a year or more's worth of food.

Less than 1/2 of 1% have food, water and medical supplies for 7 days.
You need a selection of emergency first aid/medical kits  and loaded bug out backpacks 

You can survive without oxygen for about 3 minutes is all.
You can survive without water for about three days before going delirious.
You can survive without food for three weeks but you will not be comfortable in doing so.
What are people thinking? 

I've added quite a bit more info to my ThriveLife page    over the last few days.   Take some of that dinar and dong money you are about to 
get and buy a year's supply of food for each member of your family. ThriveLife has 1 mo, 3mo, 
6 mo and year packages all put together for you.  They have it all; survival tools, camping/survival 
gear, tents, sleeping bags, ready to go bug out backpacks, first aid kits, water storage containers, 
filters as low as .02 microns, purification chemicals, and much much more. 

And I'm not telling you to buy everything from Thrive Life. You have many sources to use 
to get prepared. Good Will stores, Salvation Army stores, Thrift Stores, Sporting Five stores, 
Army-Navy surplus stores, Costco, Sam's Club and WalMart. WalMart now carries a line of survival supplies. It's cheaper if you order them  online and have the goods delivered either to your nearest Walmart store for free shipping or if your order is $50 or more you get free shipping to your home. 
Find a store which sells stuff in bulk to the local restaurants. Ours here is called Cash N Carry. You 
can find sugar at 50 cents a pound there, macaroni and spaghetti cheap, beans and rice by the 25 
and 50 pound sack, rolled oats in large containers, larger spice containers, etc. That should all be 
part of your storage supplies. 

Get your water situation squared away first. In the movie people were offering $40-$60 for 
a gallon of water because they had none. One gallon per person per day for the first three days; 
then it jumps to 3 gallons per person per day for the next 7; then it jumps to 10 gallons per person
per day as you are dealing with hygiene and washing also. ThriveLife makes really neat stackable 
3 gallon containers as well as 5 gallon, 30 gallon and 55 gallons - with hand pumps and filters.
Absolutely get a couple of their filter straws from which you can even drink out of a mud puddle. 

Start with a week's worth of food, then shoot for a month for everyone in your family.
Then 3 months. When you've reached that goal, then 6 months. Your first week to a month can 
be just regular store bought stuff. Doesn't have to be fancy freeze dried 25 year stuff stuff. 
When you start establishing your home store for longer periods then it becomes necessary to 
include the longer shelf life items and set up a rotational system so you use those foods so you 
know HOW to use those foods when the time  comes. Make your meals 20-25% long term rotational 
stuff and 75-80% grocery store stock. The big advantage of the ThriveLife freeze dried foods is the 
lack of chemicals and preservatives in them, non GMO, non MSG, non transfats, and no gluten 
and the high nutritional value because the food was picked ripe.  I thought I was going to 
cut a fat hog at my Cash N Carry store until I started reading the labels wondering when I was going 
to find food in there someplace in the long list of chemicals on the packages. And remember 
the local grocery store stuff is only for the first week. You should be able to have on hand a weeks 
worth of that in your home. When a biggie happens that local grocery store source disappears in a 
matter of hours. Then it's your longer shelf life stores that are going to carry you. 
That's when the dehydrated and freeze dried food needs to be already on your shelves.

And right in there with water and food is a good medical kit. We're talking more than just a 
few band aids. Gauze patches for larger cuts; adhesive tape, several elastic wraps, a can of 
Watkins petro carbo salve ( get a can off of ebay or it is the best stuff ever for 
keeping a cut from getting infected. Antique looking can with a red and black label.  At  click on SHOP  then then first aid, under medical kits and supplies. 
Many kits to choose from for all budgets. Also go to  and  and 
type in "first aid kit" and see what you come up with.

Get involved with ThriveLife either as just a customer or as a consultant. 
ThriveLife is a debt free company started in 2004 making unique food rotation 
storage container shelving (and they still do) that made them a small fortune.
These units have adjustable spacing to accommodate any sized cans, even tuna fish cans.
The key feature is to put the new cans on top which roll to the back and the oldest cans 
are in the front to be used next. 

Then they took their profits  and expanded operations to now deal in survival tools, campstoves,
camping/survival  gear, tents, sleeping bags, ready to go bug out back packs, first aid kits, water 
storage containers, filters as low as .02 microns, purification chemicals, and much much more.

ThriveLife  specializes in making freeze dried foods for long term storage, as in 25 year shelf 
life for most items; with no added sodium, no MSG, no pesticides or chemicals or steroids used 
in growing the food, and gluten free with no transfats or hydrogenated oils used. And nothing is from China. Many competitors sell survival food made in China loaded with sodium, chemicals, pesticides, drugs, steroids in the meats,  and containing many chemicals and preservatives to give it the 
required shelf life. Most of that doesn't taste good and coming from China who knows what else 
is used for filler; like the melanine powder (used for making plastic dinerware) found in recent 
powdered milk from China.
Read my upated ThriveLife page for things you need to know and lay out a plan for your family. 
If only 2% have any degree of food and water preparation your chances are not good at 
bumming off your neighbor. 

Health issues  How to clean the rocks out of your liver and gall bladder.
Eliminating Hypertension by breathing properly, not taking meds. This is an interesting story.  
The water cure - another simple major treatment for hypertension.  
Cancer  and I included the ellagiplex write up at the end.

Telexfree is doing very well for me.  It's been a long haul getting the bugs worked out but that's 
happening.  This is a company with a vision and brilliant people behind it. 
The software phone service works good. I use it now to call a lot of places. And the newest 
version isn't even out on the street yet. November should 
launch the financial services package which you could buy instead of the phone service which 
is a combination of debt consolidation services, getting your credit score back up, etc.  Many 
people need that. The weightloss package is being worked on next. The new website is 
continually being upgraded. The ewallet system for taking withdrawals  is now in place to get 
paid out through which minimizes the delays in getting paid out. Withdrawal payouts are  all 
caught up. I take a withdrawal every week so I get a paycheck every week.  It takes a week to see it 
into your ewallet and a second week to see it in your bank account. All in all, this is looking very good.

Telexfree is NOT a revenue sharing program. We get paid for placing ads to sell a 
telecommunications service, whether those ads sell anything or not. If they do, we get paid more.   for complete concise info on the program    to register and buy ad packs.
Go to and click on Presentation Slideshow for the best quick   
overall explanation of this program I have found.

I won't spend a lot of time here on how it works. Go to  for 
that info. Basically you buy ad packs and place an ad everyday for those for a week. If your ad 
sells you get $44.91 for it, if it doesn't you still get $20 for it. This amounts to a 17.2% - 22.1%/mo 
net profit , from one to five ads, if you never sold a software package  or sponsored anyone. 
It doesn't get any easier than this. I joined in late April and currently have only 32 directs and 
over 600 indirects (people they sponsored) under me now which makes  for very nice  weekly 
binary paycheck. Several of my directs have come back and purchased 10 family packs more.
Having ten family packs working for you costs 10 x $1425 = $14,250 but returns $4000/mo to 
you if you never sponsored anyone else or never sold a software package but just placed your 
daily ads

If you bought just one family pack of five ad units today, at $1425, and took all of your earnings 
and bought another $289 ad central pack anytime those earnings were $289 or more - and you 
can do this from your back office without having to take a withdrawal and waste a week. at the 
end of 52 weeks, one year later, you would be earning $2720/week or $10,880/ mo,  which is 
probably more money than 90% of us have ever earned working a job or even running our own 
That's without giving up time and costs to travel to a job, the frustrations of fighting traffic, the 
negative challenges of dealing with running a business, the inconvenience of getting up to an 
alarm clock, etc. etc. etc. If you did that another six months, at 78 weeks that becomes 
$14,289/week.   Not per month; but per week. Interesting? That's passively; no selling or 
recruiting others. Ask me for the spread sheet someone sent me on that. 
Can you get there by only purchasing one ad central unit and working your way up? 
Yes, BUT,
it will cost you an additional 32 weeks to work your way up from 1 ad pack to 5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional 18 weeks to work your way up from 2 ad packs to  5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional 10 weeks to work your way up from 3 ad packs to  5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional   5 weeks to work your way up from 4 ad packs to  5 ad packs.  
It would pay you to beg, borrow or steal the $1375 +$50 business center registration fee  to be 
able to save 32 weeks in that process and start out with 5 ad packs.

The marketing page thing is working out well.  As your TelexFree affiliate site only seeks 
to promote the company's software package, you need another mechanism for recruiting 
other promoters into the system. If you don't recruit you are leaving a huge slice of the cake 
on the table. For all people who sign up under me I make for them a recruiting/marketing  page 
at my heavensfountain website, a site I created for people to market their stuff with. An example 
of what your page would look like is found at
   My wife sends out a promoter ad to 
all the places you see at  every day. That is where many 
of my 35 directs have come from. If we can do it, you can do it. Do get binary qualified. I only 
have 35 directly sponsored people, but get paid on more than 1100 people now in my downline.

Dinarians and Dongians 
Exchange time could be anytime now, maybe even tomorrow. 
Tune into  for the latest info. Know how to get the best rate when comes time to exchange your currency. Sign up at to be notified of the 800 # to call for 
your Wells Fargo appointment which is supposedly going to give us a better group rate than street 
rate. Remember you are exchanging currency, not cashing in. And you are exchanging IQN and 
VNN, not IQD or VND. Say the wrong thing and you get a lower rate. Two FINCEN forms have been provided by the IRS. One specifically identifies these transactions as "currency exchange" transactions. The other refers to them as "currency investments." DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES sign any document which treats your exchange as a "currency investment" or you will wind up paying as much as 39.5% in taxes! The proper and ONLY form is Form 104. it already states "Currency "Exchange" in 
Part II number 33  "Currency "Exchange" .

Seed Funding
currently closed to new members

Silver Success   
Still Our absolute safest program. Why? Because it is bulletproof. 
 4%/mo return on principal w/ gold lease backed principal guarantee.
This program has been going almost two years now  with no hiccups, and is brought to us via 
a trader I have known almost 10 years now. Most of the things I do join reflect who I know and how 
trustworthy they are rather than what the words in the offer are. I would trust my wife, kids and 
my dog with this man. He does business extremely cautiously. He watched this trading scenario 
for over a year before being invited to participate with this group. No more than 2% of principal is 
at stake with any one trade. He has a reputation of being very cautious and rarely has a losing 
trade with anything he works with. Many small trades make up the profit puzzle, one reason the 
take to you is 4%/mo instead of more,  but let's put this in perspective. The 4%/mo figure 
exceeds all of the 50 largest hedge funds in the world for the average yearly earnings over 
the period 2005-2007 when the economy was peaking and the DOW topped 14,000. See that 
list and stats at The top fund in the world returned 47.69%
annually during those years. From 2008 – 2011 over 2,000 hedge funds have closed down 
completely and the average annual return is under 30%. 

Your principal is backed by gold. 
Key Features: 
Safety..… No more than 2% of funds under management are at risk at any given time. 
his is very conservative.
Safety….. Trades are short term, also known as "scalping".     Modest gains are realized 
in hundreds of trades. 
Safety….. SILVER SUCCESS holds gold leases to insure 100% security of the principal 
or the duration of the loan.    Premiums, gold options, are prepaid monthly by the fund manager. 
Because the win to loss ratio is so high, billion dollar gold producing companies secure the principal 
of each loan for 100%. SILVER SUCCESS will return 100% of the CURRENT principal to the lender should a circumstance such as an economic crisis arise and trade funds are not accessible.
Earnings….. 4%/ month fixed. Earnings can be taken monthly or compounded if desired. 
How to fund/receive payments…..Bank wire or Solid Trust Pay
Get more information at   or here
You have to email me for the documents for this program. This is as fer sure as it gets.

Heart Health  This is absolutely the most important thing for your health you can be part of.  Also our affiliate sites have just been upgraded.
This is not an MLM, there is:
- no distributor sign up fee or kit cost, 
- no autoship requirement, in fact you don't have to buy anything to earn on affiliate sales.
- you get your own marketing webpage free like mine at    
-  you get paid four levels deep as an affiliate ($5/canister direct sales, $1/canister affiliate sales)
-  order off your own affiliate website and receive cash rebates of $5 (1 canister)  to $60 (12 canisters). MyCardioForLife heart formula has the most complete formula on the martketplace at the lowest price.
This WILL get you off pharmaceutical meds for high blood pressure, and will also drop your cholesterol and triglycerides,  lowers diabetes risk, and is a great weight control tool as when your body gets all the 70 plant based ionic minerals that are in it, it doesn't crave food. I can vouch for that. I  have added a list of 25 things you can do to lower your blood pressure on my heart page.

I did join this program although I cannot say I fully support it as of yet because of the high cost of participating in the program, which I feel most people cannot afford, as well as the high cost of the 
gold over spot cost involved by buying gold in such a small of quantity as a gram. But the program does offer the ability to own gold most could not otherwise, and the payplan should eventually make up for the 
difference in price. The pros and cons are laid out at 

DSDomination - the DS stands for dropship 
This program has a lot of potential but is not for the lazy who won't do anything with it. 
It's going to cost you $30/mo or more to be a part of this whether you choose to make money 
with it or not. This is about how to make money reselling items you find at one place, mark up , 
and sell on another site, and have it drop shipped from the first site, without having to take money 
out of your own pocket to do so. You just pocket the difference. 
How it works in a nutshell
(there are other videos on that page you can watch also.)
There's a reason there are five modules to this program.  You can't learn everything at once, it 
would be overwhelming, and you need to build your business in a sequential order.
Do you use, or or or other resources to buy things
off the internet with; to save both time and money?  I do. In fact I buy so much stuff off of these
sites that my bank cancels my debit card periodically because there are so many charges against
it they think they gotta be fraudulent.
DSDomination takes this business to a new level. Start out at Pro level for $30/mo to test the waters. 
Upgrade to Elite to obtain more products at higher prices with more profit involved. When you master 
that move up to DSUnleashed for more Suppliers, More Products, A Complete Bag of Tricks for 
selling, not handling, not shipping, but selling online. Profits from $100. to $200,000 Products from 
Baby Soothers to Yachts! Learn how to get Free Vacations and Flights Unlimited Products, Pressure Washers, Rock Bottom Prices. They teach you to lower your fees and get cashback 15% or more
off on stuff you are already doing .  And if that isn't enough there are two levels above that to make 
even more money with. It took me a while to get all the facts on this one but I think I have done so
Check it out, one of the best moneymakers to come along in a long time.

Still hammering us with threats to get your money in if you want to get paid.

Dear GPP Members,
This is the FINAL reminder. You must have paid for your Trust otherwise you can NOT get paid out from the GPP program.  Deadline is November 30 or 50% membership paid. We are now at 41.56% already.
Please do not wait until the last minute or you risk losing your payout funds. Read the updates on or and when you are ready to make your payment, send an email to
Global Pension Plan (GPP) TRUSTEE

Email  with your username and email addy to find out how much you need to pay them in order to get paid. I did and I got back 

The amount you need to pay is :
- $40 Courier fee for your Platinum card
- $50 Notary Fee for username : detailshere
- $210 Trust Fee for username : detailshere
The total is $300.

The date to pay your $98 trust fee has been extended to Dec 10th. Payout  supposedly 
starts on Dec 13th, 2013.

The only way to pay the $98 I know of is to send Wayne McClean and his sister Joan $156 STP 
and they will put $100 into your C-Gold account to make the payment with.  That's the only way I could figure out to fund it.  their email is  
STP does not allow those transactions anymore... and  Themco has the issue with Alertpay (payza)...
he uses exchange plus to get $98,  plus a buck for cgold's  storage charge so you don't end up short, we need to send them $136  plus it costs our bank wire fee..  The total amount you need to send them is $156.50  to itsngsus at STP.  Give them your c-gold number and HCi25 username

After you pay your $98, you have to login to the site and register your PFRPP units after your financial transaction. Make sure that you enter the exact amount that you 
have transferred( $98), and that it sums up to the amount needed for investment. 

Still imminent but it is quite clear to me he isn't going to receive money until this global 
currency reset thing completes and the prosperity program money has been paid out. 
Why I have no idea, but it appears that's the reality of the thing. 

Still gonna happen but the when is simply not set in concrete yet. I think it too is dependant 
upon the global currency reset.

CERMA - double the life of your motor - increase gas mileage
New website, videos, improved information, great testimonies, and a chance to make 
some good money here as an affiliate with no sign up fees or autoship required.
Nano Oil conditioner protects engine for maximum lifetime and best mileage. Use 
1 ounce per oil change.
CerMa w.STM-3
Double the life of your engine with this stuff. One time 2 oz. treatment. 
Cerma and Nano Oil Conditioner come from the same company. NOW, you can become 
an affiliate to remarket this product and earn a healthy 25% commission. Just click on the 
link in the green bar at the top of the page at   the cerma store   that says "New Affiliate 
Sign up" and fill it out and you will get your own page and money machine like mine. 
Cerma is an engine protection system using a 2 micron coating of ceramics. This is high 
tech stuff.  Emissions disappear, mileage increases, engine gets quiet; not teflon based. 
Makes your diesel quit smoking also. My cummins 2004 Dodge PU without a cat combustor 
now makes NO SMOKE. I use it in all of my rigs including chain saw and lawnmower and 
add a little more with every oil change including the nano oil conditioner. Cerma is one 
of the few additives that really does work and do what it says. I am am affiliate marketer of 
this product, you can be too,  it costs nothing to be an affilaite, and it is drop shipped directly 
to you at a greatly reduced savings off of retail. This will double the life of your engine and 
increase your  gas mileage at the same time   
The least expensive source of vitamins and minerals on the planet. Great company.

Vibrant Life vitamins and Oral chelation formula. I have been taking Vibrant Life SuperLifeGlow vitamins and Bone Dense Calcium for several years now.  SuperLifeGlow is absolutely the BEST vitamin and chelation formula in existence. It contains massive quantities of more than 60 nutrients.  The bone formula contains microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, the only form of calcium proven to add bone mass. 
This is good stuff. They also have several other products including MSM. 
MSM stands for Methyl 
Sulfonyl Methane, organic sulfur. When it rains, MSM falls on the ground and is used by plants. Your 
body needs MSM and contains some but, if you had more MSM in your body, you would endure far 
less pain and suffering from arthritis, back pain, Fibromyalgia and muscle soreness.
  MSM is also an important nutrient for hair, skin and nails.


You knew it was coming.
What is wrong with celebrating Halloween?  Unfortunately lots.  Things you need to know. 

This is so good.  It says everything that has transpired since Obama came, in 6 minutes  

Obama is intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.

Final 'conditioning'..."Chippie" the RFID mascot.  People will be lining up like the day after Thanksgiving.

The devil at work. I've seen Criss Angel do many things but this about takes the cake 

The incredible touchdown 

The president who has done us the most damage
This is quite a rundown. The question becomes, can we ever recover.

What's killing life all over the pacific ocean?
Purchased your geiger counter yet?

Rid yourself of candida

Did you know the Lone Ranger was black?
I used to watch the lone ranger every Saturday morning when I was a kid. That was back when 
TV taught kids right from wrong and the Lone Ranger was one of those programs that did that well. Historians of the American West have also, until recently, ignored the fact that this man was African American, a free black man who headed West to find himself less subject to the racist structure of the established Eastern and Southern states. I find that fascinating. Good for him.

34 Scientific studies show electomagnetic radiation effects from using wi-fi are not good 

On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...

...that safety is not the thing you should look for in the

future. Joy is what you should look for.


Security and joy may not come in the same package.

They can...but they also cannot.

There is no guarantee.


If your primary concern is a guarantee of security,

you may never experience the truest joys of life.

This is not a suggestion that you become reckless,

but it is an invitation to at least become daring.

God Bless
Buenos dias
Que Dios le bendiga

Subject: 10-28 -2013  Ber's Newsletter update - special edition - emergency preparations

Today's newsletter is devoted to helping you prepare for emergency conditions.
See my page at  for how to do this.
The interesting news you don't want to hear about is still at the bottom of the page.

Lights out - when the grid goes down and the infrastructure is expended.
I don
't know how many of you are able to watch the national geographic special tonight
regarding blackout, started at 9pm PST, but here's a segment that should interest you.
  This scene will happen and will get ugly in many places in many locations.
Why?   Because few have prepared for when the doo doo  hits the fan. What happens if neither 
you nor your neighbors have anything? That's gonna get really ugly as they won't believe you and will
commit forced entry into your home to try and get what you do have.

Most of us have been slack on emergency preparations. Myself included. Here's the grisly 
statistics. Think hurricanes like Katrina, tornados, fires, earthquakes, flooding - emergencies
can come in many flavors and simply take out the infrastructure and available aid in a matter of minutes;
not even hours. The west coast should be gearing for a 9.0 Cascadia quake that is long overdue when
the San Juan De Fuca plate slips again under the North American plate. The Kitsap Penninsula will be
landlocked as the Tacoma Narrows bridges may be unusable and the Ferry docks may be badly damaged.
You will be home alone as the path through Shelton, the only road off the penninsula which will be damaged also, will not handle the traffic. This quake will destroy things from British Columbia, through Washington and Oregon to well into California. The San Adreas fault is due for a big one also; which 
will affect most of California all the way down to Guadalajara, Mexico. On the backside of the zoo in Guadalajara you can see the huge canyon of the San Andreas fault, it's like a half a mile or more deep.

Less than 5% of the people have water enough for 7 days.
You need water containers, water filters, and chemicals for purifying water.

Less than  2% of the people have food and water for 7 days.
Think survival food; in small packets, pantry sized cans, #10 tins and 6 gallon pails
as well as packages of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, or a year or more's worth of food.

Less than 1/2 of 1% have food, water and medical supplies for 7 days.
You need a selection of emergency first aid/medical kits  and loaded bug out backpacks 

You can survive without oxygen for about 3 minutes is all.
You can survive without water for about three days before going delirious.
You can survive without food for three weeks but you will not be comfortable in doing so.
What are people thinking? What if an asteroid hit and we went dark for a year?
Think about the St Helens explosion. Yellowstone is a supervolcano and will leave half the
United States to fend for themselves when it blows.  It's overdue also and waking up fast.
Think comet Ison and the potential for large meteors striking earth as earth goes through it's
debris trail come late November - December of this year. What if Iran or China unloaded an 
EMP electromagnetic pulse burst weapon in our atmosphere which will take out everything 
electronic, including your car if it's newer than about 1978. 

Are you willing to die and let your family die when the real catastrophe hits because you couldn't
or weren't willing to store  several months of food and water and medical supplies? $1400 of
freeze dried food is one year's worth for one person. We're not talking megabucks here.

Supermarkets keep just enough food on the shelves to service their customer's immediate needs.
Why do you think they ask for your phone number when you are at the cash register? So they can
log what you buy so the trucks can bring in daily replacements and they have  just that amount on 
hand. They don't want to throw away and waste food either. There is no storage in the back rooms of supermarkets. The huge warehouse in Seattle isn't going to help your grocery store in Silverdale 
when the quake disabled the bridges joining the two. When the trucks come in the stuff is put on the shelves. As in Katrina, a supermarket can be cleaned out completely in as little as four to six hours; 
not days. The supermarkets in Centralia, WA when the flood came from a chinook wind/rain and 
snow melted off Mt Raineer and
I5, the main freeway through there, was submerged, were the 
same way; cleaned  out completely in a matter of hours . In fact they were underwater as well if you remember the pictures.

It's time to do some preparations in the food, water, and medical supplies area if you haven't 
already. And that includes a good bugout bag in case you can't stay where you reside. Click on 
Emergency Supplies under Products at  for ready to go bugout 
bags and water  filters. At least get one or two of the water filter straws and keep with you at all times.

I have done a lot of homework in this area during the last year. My stock of stuff is pale compared 
to what I feel I should have on hand. I was introduced to a company specializing in this arena
recently because I wasn't impressed with the stuff I was buying and testing. All long shelf life 
food is not created equally. Some of it tastes terrible because they load it with preservatives 
and salt to get the shelf life out of it. The light bulb came on when I went to a tasting party put on 
by a ThriveLife distributor; actually called consultants in this company. The stuff was not just 
good but really good, cost effective for use in daily meals, and the company helps with the 
shipping costs so you don't bear the full brunt. If you want to see all the pics that goes along 
with what follows, go to the page I have made at  which 
gives you all the whys and offers the solutions.

ThriveLife is a debt free company started in 2004 making unique food rotation 
storage container shelving (and they still do) that made them a small fortune.
These units have adjustable spacing to accommodate any sized cans, even tuna fish cans.
The key feature is to put the new cans on top which roll to the back and the oldest cans 
are in the front to be used next.

Then they took their profits  and expanded operations to now deal in survival tools, campstoves,
camping/survival  gear, tents, sleeping bags, ready to go bug out back packs, first aid kits, water 
storage containers, filters as low as .02 microns, purification chemicals, and much much more.
ThriveLife  specializes in making freeze dried foods for long term storage, as in 25 year shelf 
life for most items; with no added sodium, no MSG, no pesticides or chemicals or steroids used 
in growing the food, and gluten free with no transfats or hydrogenated oils used. And nothing is from China. Many competitors sell survival food made in China loaded with sodium, chemicals, pesticides, drugs, steroids in the meats,  and containing many chemicals and preservatives to give it the 
required shelf life. Most of that doesn't taste good and coming from China who knows what else 
is used for filler; like the melanine powder (used for making plastic dinerware) found in recent 
powdered milk from China.

ThriveLife's  instant non fat dry milk is made out of "just non fat milk", nothing else, and tastes better 
than store bought milk and costs less, about 22.6 cents/8 oz glass,  if you buy it in 6 gal containers. 
Store bought homogenized milk with fat particles which have been made super small in the homogenization process contains xanthine oxidase which gets into your arterial network and 
creates atherosclerosis, severe plaqueing of your arteries.  Heart disease rates are highest in the 
countries that use the most homogenized milk. Read about that here
(  ) ThriveLife non fat milk has 
no fat and thus contains no xanthine oxidase to do that. Thrive Life non fat instant milk is a much 
better alternative than fresh whole or 2% or even 1% real milk. Plus when the grocery stores shelves 
and freezers are stripped in an emergency crisis and there is no fresh milk to be had; you've got  
your 25 year shelf life ThriveLife milk to use. ThriveLife competes with companies like EFoods, 
GoFoods, Desert Store, Mountain House, and others but there is a huge difference in the quality 
and taste of ThriveLife foods versus the others. I've tried many; might be okay for when we are 
desperate, but not okay for daily consumption. You will use delicious ThriveLife foods in your daily 
meals and save money in the process.

The big difference is that ThriveLife goes beyond dehydration. 
When freeze dried, (  ) foods are picked at maximum ripeness and nutrition value when they taste good! Foods you buy in the grocery store were picked 
when green. Not only are they tasteless for most part, 
but lack the nutrition they would have had if they had been allowed to ripen on the vine or tree. Freeze drying instead of dehydrating seals in all the nutrition and flavor as produce is picked only when ripe, 
sliced, diced and flash frozen in an instant removing 98% of the water which provides longevity of 
product as well as maintains all the nutrition values; WITHOUT ADDED SODIUM or other chemicals needed for preservation that the competition uses.  Read the labels. Other companies load their 
offerings with sodium (read the label) to help with preservation, just as the pioneers, Indians and 
Eskimos used salt to preserve their meats due to lack of refrigeration and freezers. We all know
excess sodium (salt) consumption is a good way to meet your maker early.

Again, all ThriveLife foods have no added sodium, no MSG, NO GMO foods are used, no gluten,
the produce has no chemicals or pesticides used in the growing process, and no drugs or steroids
were used in any animal products. All produce and animal products used are continually tested to
insure this is so. Quality food you put into your body doesn't get better than this today. A can of 
ThriveLife onions is just onions. A can of potatoes is just potatoes; nothing else. 

Although many people purchase ThriveLife products for survival preparations and long term
storage, most discover the high flavor content and start using ThriveLife products for 20-25% of
their every day use food budget after they get introduced  to the recipes created by our onboard professional chef as well as consultants who put together their own concoctions. See some of
these recipes at   and at  and at .

By using freeze dried product they eliminate the 25% of their food budget that spoils and 
gets tossed out each week. The FDA surveys state 25% of purchased food; mostly fresh produce
and meats, is wasted and tossed out because it spoils before it is used.  Think sour cream, salsa,
milk, leftover broccoli nobody wants warmed up again, etc. If your monthly budget is 
$500, that's $125/mo wasted. Multiply that by 12months/year and your yearly waste is $1500.  
Hey, $1400 buys a ThriveLife one year's food supply for 1 person. 
hmmmmm?  Something to think about. 

People actually save money using ThriveLife freeze dried products because what's left in the can
doesn't go bad. And with many of our products, the cost per serving is simply less than the 1 year 
shelf life can on the grocery store shelf. You can buy a 3 serving can of kidney beans at the grocery 
for about $1.25 in the cheaper outlet stores. That's about 42 cents a serving. A 46 serving #10 tin of freeze dried ThriveLife kidney beans at consultant catalog prices which normal customers would 
purchase at, is only  $15 (on sale right now for only $14.09) that's 32 cents/ serving at full price or 30 cents/serving at sale price.  How much of your pint of sour cream for last night's baked potato gets 
used before it goes bad  and gets tossed out? Most, in our case. How much fresh market deli salsa 
goes bad in your frig before it gets tossed out? Most in our case. You don't use salsa everyday and 
fresh salsa is only good for a couple days before it goes bad. Use ThriveLife powdered sour  cream
or salsa mix you just add water to and you can make just enough for your immediate use and the rest 
in the can is good for next time; for several years even if the can is opened.  ThriveLife makes a killer 
salsa by the way. Better than most Mexican restaurants. If it isn't hot enough for you, just add some 
chili de arbol powder to it; but it is delicious. Our chef out did himself on that one. 

The left over half of the onion or extra stalks of celery or asparagus not used and put in the frig gets
tossed out after a few days when they go bad. And you should never use left over onion as it starts gathering bacteria as soon as you slice it open. In the days of the bubonic plague people used onion slices put on plates throughout their house to act as magnets for the viruses so the people
never got the plague inside that living space. Today if we get a cold we do the same. The onion 
sucks up the bad guys. When potato salad from Sunday's picnic make people sick the following 
week; it's not the mayonnaise or eggs that went bad; it's the onions attracting the germs and bad 

When I was first introduced to ThriveLife I thought , looks good, but I'll bet the stuff costs a lot more 
than regular grocery store food. What I have since discovered after getting more involved, is that 
that is not so. This is very cost effective. What I wasn't prepared for was the taste difference . 
Amazing the difference when food is processed ripe and without chemicals.  This stuff is really good. Serve your family some of these recipes and you will be queen (or king) of the house. Here's how.

Recipes/meals in a jar
When Irina and I joined we were treated to a four course dinner by our immediate upline using these recipes. Every course was absolutely gourmet. What busy people do is put a recipe together from
the #10 tins or the smaller pantry cans into 1 pint jars or quart jars.   When comes time for the meal 
instead of opening a dozen  #10 tins or so and taking out a half cup of this and a 1/4 cup of that and
a teaspoon of something else, and looking at a recipe, they simply pour the contents of the jar into a 
bit of boiling water to reconstitute the freeze dried contents and a few minutes later, dinner is on. 

Watch the quick video with Chef Tess to get the idea of meals in a jar.

And ThriveLife does make 12 ThriveExpress, easy to use individual pouches of recipes 
already assembled that you simply open, add to boiling water, and kazzam - instant lunch or dinner.
These serve 3-4 people per pouch and average about $7/pouch. But they are not as economical per serving as putting your own meals together into pint or quart jars using the #10 tins, following the 
recipes, and doing it yourself. Those meals can be put together for $1.50 to $2 to $3 per person 
depending upon how much meat is used.

So what's the difference between doing this and adding prepackaged hamburger helper to a 
skillet of cooked hamburger for example? Read the labels. Your recipe jar of ThriveLife freeze  
dried food is just food; grown with NO pesticides, herbacides, drugs, or steroids;  picked at peak
ripeness and freshness with maximum nutrition;  flash frozen in an instant to preserve that;  gluten 
free - no transfats/hydrogenated oils used; NO added chemicals, preservatives, or MSG added, and especially no added sodium (salt) to screw your body up and waste your immune system on.  JUST GOOD FOOD!
Here's the ingredients list from a package of Lasagna Skillet Dinner you'd buy at the local 
grocery so you get the picture of how you can turn the health of your family around using 
ThriveLife foods and keeping chemicals/preservatives out of your body:

Enriched macaroni and/or wheat flour , wheat gluten, ferrous sulfate (men don't need more iron - 
they normally carry too much as it is - bad for the heart), niacin, thiamin mononitrate (putting nitrates 
in our body is not a good thing) , riboflavin, folic acid, sugar, corn syrup, dehydrated tomato, wheat 
flour, salt, corn starch, modified food starch, whey, MSG (flavor enhancer causing big troubles), maltodextrin, onion powder, garlic powder, spices, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, 
dehydrated blend of cheeses, milk cheese culture, more salt, enzymes, citric acid, hydrolyzed soy
(soy turns men into women by messing with the hormones), corn protein (virtually all corn in the US that goes into packaged food is GMO), disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate, natural flavors, sodium phosphate, lactic acid, and red #40 lake ( red dye can cause cancer) - contains wheat, milk and soy ingredients.  
Now there are a few good things in that list, but do I really want to put that mess of 
chemicals into my body?  Not if I can help it.  What's in Thrive Life products?  JUST FOOD!

ThriveLife has a professional chef that makes up many of these recipes. 
You can find more recipes to put together your own food meal jars at:  - this site is hosted by our upline who are real worker bees.
Be sure and click the More Thrive Meals button there for even more recipes 
Find sauce recipes at  

All this at a cost of $1.50 to maybe $3/serving depending upon how much meat is in the recipe.  
Doing it this way  is especially good when preparing meals for RVing, camping or boating where 
you don't have a big kitchen to work in, and don't want to spend a bunch of time preparing the meal 
and cooking. The entire "recipe in a jar" concept  is great for providing your elderly parents who say 
they don't want your help with their meals but  can get really good nutrition by you preparing their 
meals in a pint jar so all they have to do is pour the recipe contents  into a pan of hot water, stir and 
let sit ten minutes or so depending upon what's in the recipe, which they can do. They think they made 
their own meal without bothering you and you know they got flavorful, nutritious food for their meal. 
That's called a win - win situation.

Watch this short video to see what ThriveLife is all about.  This is a NOW business.
Not only can you prepare your family for emergencies, but cut your food bill in the process
and create a residual income at the same time while helping others. There is nothing negative
here. You have all the products, tools, and support to provide a better life and a better income.

25 year shelf life freeze dried food             assembled bug out kits         water storage         filter straw, many filters  - our ThriveLife company website you can order from .
Our consultant site above offers discount pricing from the company's main site by at least 10%.  
A complete .PDF catalog of what's available with list prices from the site.
Ordering from our consultant site as opposed to the company site will save you 10% or more.

Get on my customer email list to receive notice of the monthly specials and unadvertised 
specials which have some really great pricing discounts. Send me your full name and email 
addy and simply say you want to know about the ThriveLife specials.

There are several ways to become involved with ThriveLife.

1. Simply be our customer and purchase your products at a discount off of our site at . You will note the prices are less by at least 10% on our site than
they are in the catalog here or on the
company site which you can also order from.

UPS Shipping charges are very reasonable as they are subsidized by the company
$0           -   $80.00              $7.99
$80.01   -   $140.00            $10.99
$140.01 -   $200.00            $14.99
$200.01 -   $400.00            $20.99
$400.01 and higher             6% of order subtotal so a $500 order would cost $30 for example.
*Contiguous US Only. If you're interested in shipping to a destination outside of the contiguous 
United States, please call (877) 743-5373 for additional information.

2. Ask us to receive the monthly special and unadvertised specials list
If you will send your full name and email addy to us at  and request to be
put on my ThriveLife list I will send you updates when the monthly specials and unadvertised specials come out which offer huge savings on this stuff. 
This month you can get a 55 gallon blue plastic water drum with pump and 2 top quality filters ($200 retail) 
for only $107. Drums only are $85. 
The regular $449 FRS - Food Rotational Shelving system which started this whole thing off can be 
had for $254.99 on Special or $249.99 if you are on Q (since a $200 discount is practically giving 
it away, the Q people on this item won't see much more of an additional  discount). The FRS system 
allows you to effortlessly put newly purchased food at the end of the can chain so you are always 
using off the front which represents the oldest can on the rack.

3. Want better customer pricing than just ordering off our site - Register as a Q member, 
which requires a monthly commitment, kinda like an autoship except you choose what you want, 
and receive a greater discount over pricing than you find on our consultant site at www.detailshere.thrivelife.htm . The actual % discount varies with the item. 

Non fat instant dry milk - this is great stuff by the way, I love it and prefer it over store bought 
homogenized milk containing fat and xanthine oxidase that fills your arteries with plaque. 
See for why store bought homogenized milk does that 
and why non fat instant powdered milk doesn't do that.
If you buy instant non fat powdered milk  in a 6 gallon pail it comes out to only  22.6 cents an 8 oz glass.
Less if you don't like that creamy a taste as you can dilute it more.
ThriveLife site price   $21.69 for a #10 tin. (56 cents a glass including shipping) 
Consultant site price  $20.29  about 7% less than retail 
Q Customer price      $19.50  about 11% less than retail.

Buying in larger quantities saves money; a lot of money. 
Buying one #10 can of Thrive Life Instant non fat Milk even at Q price is not cost effective:  
$19.50 + 7.99 = $27.49  for 53 servings = $0.52/serving

·    If you buy one case of #10 cans, a 6 pack, price/serving gets better:  $111.59 + 10.99 =122.58 
for  318 servings = $0.385/serving , 26% less

·    If you buy one 6-gallon bucket, it will be the most cost effective choice:  $87.99 + 10.99 = $98.98
for 437 servings = $0.226/serving , 56.5% less

·    The most cost effective way to buy your needs is to bring your order total close to $400.00 by 
adding other items so you are paying the least amount of shipping cost.

How to register and become  a Q member.
The advantage of becoming a Q Club member is that you can get stuff for less than from ordering 
off a  consultant site. And you can select from any item in the catalog. But how to work the Q Club membership is a learning process. Your first step should be to go to ;read it all, and decide if becoming a Q member is really for you or not.  In order to get this special Q member pricing you are committing yourself to a monthly purchase amount such as $50 or $100. If you choose the $50 level, Q membership costs  $79.95 upfront (unless you are already a consultant in 
which case there is no charge) and has a $19.95 annual renewal fee. If you commit to the $100 /mo level the upfront membership fee is waived as well as the annual renewal fee if you purchased $100 or more 
11 times during the year.

Q members are also entitled to Q Pon specials ; again pricing lowered even further just for 
Q members.You need to register for Q Club membership through an existing consultant's site. 
If you want to do this let me know via email and I will take you through the process. 

4. Become a CONSULTANT to be able to make money on other's purchases.
Here's where it gets interesting and I have to be very honest with you upfront. Becoming a consultant 
is not for everybody and especially not for lazy people.  ThriveLife wants worker bees in their organization and not drones. The ThriveLife consultant opportunity is not a program where you spend 3 minutes 
a day placing an ad someplace and earn $600/week doing that by sponsoring a few people and living 
off of their downline's efforts six levels deep.  I am in a program currently like that, and I do earn that,  
but it will not have sustainable income. Many companies show high payout complans requiring little effort except sponsoring others but they lack longevity because they are not product driven companies and 
do not possess all the elements of a sound business. Many things are lacking to keep them solvent and sustainable. They end up getting shut down for being scams or ponzis if the product is not paying the way.

Successful consultants in ThriveLife sell product by working with tasting parties because it is the 
flavor and convenience that sells the product. Most people are programmed that long term storage 
food is boring, tastes bad, and I just need to buy it once and it's good for 20 - 25 years. The concept 
of rotating stock and using that stock to decrease your grocery bill, especially when you need food 
and had a low income week, is new to people. And people are not used to how good this stuff can 
taste; especially with our professional chef's recipes. Combine taste with the "recipe/meal in a jar 
concept" for speed and meal convenience and you've got housewives, kids and dads as well
using this stuff for daily meals and not just for the big earthquake emergency. And it's cost effective because there is no waste. Use just what you need and the rest in the can is good for several years, 
even in an opened can.

Although this company is fairly new with the ThriveLife label offering many things now, the old name 
Shelf Reliance (they started out in 2004 making shelving remember to accumulate their fortune which allowed them to expand into the survival arena) is what they went by for many past years. The current ThriveLife opportunity offering ALL the survival things we need including survival tools, campstoves,
camping/survival  gear, tents, sleeping bags, ready to go bug out back packs, first aid kits, water 
storage containers, filters as low as .02 microns, purification chemicals, is less than a couple years old.
There are not a lot of consultants in ThriveLife yet, but this debt free  company is growing by leaps and bounds. I believe the opportunity here to earn income from this company as well as providing a great service to the people, consumers if you wish, by offering them ThriveLife products, which can improve their health and well being besides preparing them for emergency conditions, is simply enormous. 

I've spent many hours on ThriveLife's website and with my upline sponsor going over ThriveLife. 
This is how a company should do business. Everything is in place. This is a company that will be here many years from now. But a consultant will earn his salt if he wants to make money off of others. 
This is not a free ride. Considering EVERYTHING is in place with this company and looking at their incredible growth rate; this is very doable and you can make good money here as your organization 
grows. It really depends upon your patience level and work ethics. If you are not willing to put in the 
time and effort; stick with buying your product at a discount and call it good. You need to prepare for 
bad times and the products are healthy and also economically advantageous to use on a daily basis.

I have been in many MLM companies over the past 13 years.  Most I never made money in but stayed 
with some of them because the product was good. But most really never had a doable marketing plan 
the average person could follow to create good income with. ThriveLife does. And the products are absolutely necessary for survival, a high priority considering what's going on in our country and world 
today. When people go to a tasting party and listen to what this company has to offer; it's kind of a no brainer whether or not to get involved, even if just as a consumer/customer.  They know they need the products. They know they can improve their health by using them. And the tasting party allows them to 
know they taste good. 

Let me give you some stats first about the direct marketing business overall.
There are over 91,000,000 people in direct sales.
56% of those are in MLMs - multi level marketing; where they earn money from sponsored people also.
73% of those in MLM never make one dime. Their expenses exceed their income.
less than .1% (that's less than one tenth of one percent) earn more than $400/week.  
I personally make more than $400/week in one of those and I am not a big gun. Many make a 
lot more than I do. I personally know people making way more than $400/week who never 
sponsored anybody. But looking downstream, you have to consider other things besides
just your current paycheck; such as company stability and what's their chances of being here 
a year or two from now. Are they product driven or is the income coming from others joining 
and it's really just one big ponzi? Only product driven companies survive.
85% of the people in MLM are here to make money. But the big question is, do the costs
of running the business exceed what you can make in the business? That's where you have 
to be a worker bee instead of a drone. Only worker bees make successful consultants. 

Becoming a consultant in ThriveLife is an investment in both your time as well as your money.
1. First you have to purchase a starter pack of products; $199, $289, or $587; one of the three.
These, by the way are incredible bargains. ThriveLife feels if you are not using the products you 
can't properly sell them to others. This is a product oriented company. Fortunately the products 
are in high demand and the mechanics used to market them is well laid out. This isn't Amway 
where you buy stuff, are told it's cheaper than grocery items because "it's concentrated"  and find 
out it isn't cheaper, and store it in your garage never to be seen again. Then downstream you look 
at your garage full of unused products and all the tapes and books you bought, see that you are in 
the hole $4k and decide this isn't for you and bail out. Been there done that. Amway's turnover rate 
is said to be over 80% a year because that is the typical scenario. 
In ThriveLife you are expected to use the products yourself and be a walking testimony.
If you don't want to do that, don't become a consultant, stay just a consumer/customer.

2. Secondly, you have to have your own company website at a cost of $9.95/mo. First month free.
This is where you and your customers go to purchase product at a discount from the company. As
your commission  is only about 10%, well more than that as you have to be a Q member also, plan 
on obtaining a gross volume of around a hundred dollars a month minimum from both you and your downline's purchases  just to pay for your website fees. The website is great and allows you to build 
a list of people to communicate with. Draft one letter as often as you wish and it can go to all in your 
list. A list and communicating with them is an absolute necessity in this business.

3. You have to purchase a minimum of $50/mo of product on top of that to be able to remain as a consultant. In other words you have to be a Q member at at least the $50 level to maintain consultant status. The company feels that if you aren't using the products yourself, you won't be a good
salesman. So your monthly cost is around $60/mo to be a consultant. Now, $50/mo of that is food 
that you should be consuming or adding to your emergency stores, and you have to be on Q club for 
that so food is cheaper than your site prices, and you can be eating that to lower your grocery bill so 
you could think of your true cost as really being only the website fee.

Kinda like how to get to heaven when you die. You can say you believe in Jesus because
you know that part is necessary to make that journey. You don't get to heaven by going to church, 
and just being Mr Nice Guy, even if your life doesn't have a lot of sin in it.   Them ain't the rules. 
See John 3:16 for the rules. But if your life doesn't reflect that belief, especially in how you treat 
and forgive others; you will be disappointed in just which angels come  to pick up your soul and spirit  
when you check out at the time of death.  You have to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. 
Grace is not a license to sin, but not having a belief in Jesus only gets you a one way ticket to 
the hot place when you pass on. 

The way they have laid the ThriveLife program out forces us to become the walking talking testimony 
by using the products. It would be very hard after using these products to NOT tell others what you 
have discovered. Consultants earn 10% of what is ordered off their ThriveLife  website. They earn 
20% to 32% of a Q member's first sale (depends on size of sale) they sign up and 5% from all 
future sales of that Q member. See the consultant training manual for what a consultant makes on 
team commissions; sales other consultants he sponsored made and their sponsored people made 
in his organization. 
Party Hosts will receive 10% of their event or party sales in free product. A host 
benefit purchase is based off of the retail amount of the product sold at the party and varies with the quantity of the total order. Party hosts are simply people who rounded up their friends for you to do a presentation to in their home which usually includes sampling product.

So, if you would like to become a consultant then contact me that you want to become a consultant 
and I will help you through the sign up process so you can get your consultant ID and website and 
get you to work. Or go to my page at where I have instructions you can follow on your own. 

I must also tell you that we have fallen into the best organization possible. My upline and their upline 
are super smart, super workers, the  and sites
are theirs. They built them and keep them updated as our tools. They keep us updated on everything; provide us with new materials and game plans to work with.  They will come and put on tasting parties we
set up to generate both customers and consultants for us. There's really no stone unturned here in this group. In ALL the MLM's I have ever been in, and it has been many over the years,  I have never seen 
this degree of having their act together as I see here with this organization and this company.  There is 
also a high income potential here as these products are needed right now. This company will be around 
for a long time to come.

Interesting interview on where your tax money really goes. 

Obama plans to forgive all $900 billion worth of student loans on Nov 1st.
Wonder who's paying for that one? Yet he's cutting out food stamps? 

Chippie is coming soon, to a school near you to chip your child 

Cellphones and cancer
- if you watch nothing else on this page, watch this one.
These are deadly; especially in our youth.  

See  for one answer

7 foods that lower blood pressure 
(without having to watch a video or order a book)  

On November 17th Chase Bank will no longer allow international wires
to go out and will 
limit you to $50,000 in transactions in a 30 day period. That's business accounts. Let's see, they 
are one of the big banks to put dinar money into; so if you had one million dinars you exchanged at $25/dinar and put $25 million into your chase account, it would take you how long to be able to get 
it back out? 500 months? Hey that's only 41 years. Do you smell a Cyprus coming up here?

Who was responsible for the government shutdown?  The whitehouse.
Why? To force the republicans to accept Obamacare funding becuase Obummer knew he couldn't accomplish it any other way. This expensive event was planned long in advance. has just been exposed as being built with pirated software code.
Obama administration programmers actually stole software code from a UK company, then 
tried to cover their tracks by deleting author attributions and software copyright notices.
Will DHS now seize and shut it down for committing piracy?

Obama Ousts Top Military Officers After Nuke Explodes In Ocean Instead Of Charleston, S.C.
Obviously another false flag attempt in the agenda to put the US under martial law. Remember 
the nuke that was taken from Texas a short time back?

And this sicko Hillary Clinton thinks she has a chance of being president?
Here is word from the person the Clintons hired to assassinate people re: their illegal activities.

Obamacare Website a hackers delight
John McAfee, founder of anti-virus company McAfee, Inc., on the ObamaCare exchanges said 
the online component of Obamacare “is a hacker’s dream” that will cause “the loss of income 
for millions of Americans who are going to lose their identities.” McAfee said the way it is set up 
makes it possible for fake websites be set up to fool people to think they’re signing up for 
“It’s seriously bad,” McAfee said. “Somebody made a grave error, not in designing the program but in simply implementing the web aspect of it. According to McAfee, there’s not a quick fix 
— and as long as it set up this way, it could be a playground for computer hackers. “Here’s the 
problem: It’s not something software can solve,” McAfee continued. “I mean, what idiot put this system out there and did not create a central depository? There should be one website, run by the government, you go to that website and then you can click on all of the agencies. This is insane. So, I will predict that the loss of income for the millions of Americans who are going to lose their identities — I mean, you can imagine some retired lady in Utah, who has $75,000 dollars in the bank, saving her whole life, having it wiped out in one day because she signed up for Obamacare. And believe me, this is going to happen millions of times. This is a hacker’s dream. I mean I cannot believe that they did this.”

Warning: "Jerky treats" made in China are killing dogs 
all across America, and the problem is only getting worse.
The FDA is investigating the cause but still can't pinpoint it.
Beware of all pet treats made in China! Some of them may be deadly:

Fukishijma IS a huge problem. Don't believe the lies that tell you otherwise.

In the late 60's to late 70's I was a nuclear radiological control health physicist. My job was 
specifying the radiological controls for the workers overhauling the piping systems and refueling 
the reactors aboard our submarines. On a backshift I was head of the shipyard in radiological control. 
I wrote training manuals and trained the R5 officers out on the subtenders who specified the controls 
for repair work out at sea. I think I still hold the record for the least time and REM spent in shielding 
a reactor compartment when the boat first came in. The truth is NO contamination and resulting 
radiation is good, desireable or acceptable.  When I started, the yearly dose we could get was 5000 mrem; when I left ten years later (because I had learned too much, and didn't even want that quantity of 
exposure) that limit had been reduced by a factor of ten to 500mrem/year.

And that was primarily gamma radiation, like an xray except usually higher energy levels and it 
comes from the nucleus of an atom when that atom disintegrates into lesser daughter products, 
which mostly passes through us as we are composed mostly of empty space. But some do 
collide with our dna strands and create abberations and potential cancers when they do. Atoms 
become radioactive when they are subjected to a neutron flux in the reactor core. This can be 
the enriched uranium or plutonium that makes up the material inside the fuel rods inside the reactor 
or the metallic wear particles from the piping systems the reactor coolant water passes through. 
The addition of neutrons to the nucleus of an atom makes it into something else and it becomes 
unstable, energetic, and seeks stability by giving off radioactive emissions. When an atom is 
radioactive it seeks stability by emitting gamma rays, alpha particles (helium weight atoms which 
are very heavy and create high specific ionization - much damage to tissue in a short distance), 
and beta particles , electron size, which can be attenuated in about thirty feet of air. You can stop 
an alpha particle with a piece of paper, but once inside of you it becomes highly destructive because 
of its high specific ionization.  All of these energies which are called radiation come from radioactive atoms, fine flour if you wish, but are particulate in nature.  Fukishima is giving off these particulates, 
called contamination,  both into the air as well as into the water. It isn't the radiation from Fukishima 
that is the problem but the contamination from particulate matter that spreads throughout the world 
and anywhere one of those radioactive atoms land, and radiation from those atoms is given off as 
that particular atom seeks ground state, whatever is in the path of those eminations will be damaged. 
The fish intake the contaminated particles, we eat the fish, and the contaminated particles lodge inside of us. The airborne contaminated particles that become airborne land on the grass. The cows eat the grass and the contaminated particles are inside of them. Not only do they get radiation damage from these 
particles but some of these particles end up in the milk which we then injest and we end up with 
the contaminated particles inside of us and  we get irradiated when these atoms disintegrate into 
lower daughter products. The problem is the time factor. The half life of some of these fission 
products are millions and billions of years. There is not enough time for them ever to dissipate to safe levels.  And how many old nuclear reactors do we have on this planet - something like 545 last 
I heard? And we are stupid enough to build more at the same time our governments suppress safe 
cold fusion technology, which exists today by the way,  and magnetic power generation, which also exists
today but anytime someone tries to take it to the street they either buy him out or kill him???
Yahweh must be simply shaking his head and thinking, what have I created? They were supposed to be intelligent beings.

Please watch this video to the very end, if you want to learn what has been going on in 
the backgroundof banking for the past 50 years.  This brave lady is the former head of the 
World Bank, and is now
the main whistleblower.  You will learn surprising information at the 
very end of this interview!

Thing charger - you just have to watch the quick video
Charge all your goodies with one station and no cords. 

Mainstream journalists expose 9/11 hoax 

Food stamp cuts begin  11/1

Buenos dias
Que Dios le bendiga

Subject: 10-17 -2013  Ber's Newsletter update 

Health issues first.
How many of you have not yet done the liver/gallbladder cleanse to remove your rocks?

You cannot afford to have doctors yank out your gallbladder when it gets plugged up with stones. 
It produces bile which is your body's soap that is needed to emulsify fat. Please  revisit my page at and consider doing it if you haven't. . It's necessary and 
I know you can afford the apple juice, olive oil  and lemons. It's a simple, inexpensive process. If you 
didn't think there was sufficient instruction in how to do the enema part of it, Mark Rothencranz has 
put out a quickie video that should clear that part all up. You can watch it at

Eliminating Hypertension - is largely a matter of  breathing properly, not taking meds.
Take a stopwatch and time yourself for one minute. How many times do you breathe in and 
out in one minute? If the answer is more than 4 to 6 times, 
you need the information posted at 
Your breathing rate is not considered normal, is dangerous, is conducive to many diseases and 
is probably why you have high blood pressure. This can be corrected with breathing exercises.
Use the Frolov breathing tube/cup set up to correct this and go to and obtain the music cd's to really get control.  They have a long demo set there you could use without even having to download the $49 worth of cd's; although you would want the cd's if you have a cd 
player in your car.  15-20 minutes a day is all it takes to make major changes in your breathing as 
well as you blood pressure.

The water cure - another simple major treatment for hypertension.  You just gotta do it every day 
and be consistent. Drink 2  24oz glasses of water as soon as you wake up. Drink another midday. 
Drink another in the evening. Do not eat 1 hour before or after consuming your water.  It's that simple.
Can knock 25 points off your blood pressure. See my page. What an interesting story. 
Combine these things and synergistically you can get there without meds because you are 
fixing what is really wrong.  

Ionic Footbath cleanse.
You know how it is when you go to fairs; all the gadgets you find interesting are twenty dollars 
now, right? The mops, the knife sharpeners, the gizmo you put on your grille to keep the chicken/hamburger fat from ruining your burner parts below, the vegetable slicers, etc. At our 
state fair recently we came across people with their feet in tubs of water with an ion producing 
machine hooked up to what is called an array placed in the tub of water and the water was turning 
brown to black as supposedly toxins were being removed from their bodies through the pores in 
their feet.  Considering all the toxins we are now exposed to, including radionuclide particles from Fukishima now entering our bodies, as well as the aluminum, barium and strontium particles from 
chemtrail fallout, removing these things is a pretty good idea. The machine we looked at to do 
this was $1600, but I was impressed with what it was doing so I started studying the issue. Many 
doctors, homeopathists, and chiropractors are selling 30 minute sessions using ionic footbath 
machines for $30 to $50 a session. Basically the machines are nothing more than a 12V DC
power supply with two leads that go to a two plate (or coiled) array where water molecules are split 
into H+ and OH- charged ions. These ions enter your body through the porous openings in your feet,
and electrically attach themselves to heavy metals and things inside your body you want to get rid of. 
The big lie is that all the brown dirty water you see in your tub at the end of a half hour is toxins that 
were removed from your body. That's simply not true. Some of it is, yes, but some of it also comes 
from the water itself as well as material from the array disintegrating. The small coiled arrays are 
only good for 15-25 sessions and then have to be replaced because of this. What's not being told to people is that 90% of the toxin removal is done through the urine as well as feces. It doesn't come 
out in the footbath. To make a long story short, you don't have to spend $1500-$3000 to get a set 
up that works better than 99% of what you find on ebay, most of which are junk. 2 - 2.5 amps 
doesn't really get the job done; most simply have fancy boxes to justify their pricetags. One guy who 
makes a set up for $495 leveled with me and told me what is really going on in this industry. I bought 
his set up at a discounted price only to discover it could be put together for less than $200.
Does it work? Absolutely. Not only did I turn my water almost black my first 30 minute session with it, 
but we noticed a great increase in our urinary habits as well as how many times we went #2 in a day 
as we were eliminating bad things from our body. This is where you want to make sure you do the liver/gallbladder cleanse first. Tough to eliminate junk if our filters are plugged up. 
I found a great source of a 3/16" thick stainless plate array which will yield up to 300 uses before 
needing replacement and a source of 10 amp DC power supplies to really get the job done. The 
same power supply that came with my initial purchase i paid too much for. See
  . It covers the things I have learned and 
information you need to get started  with this cleansing process to remove toxins from your body.
I tell you where you can get everything to do this for under $200.  After experiencing the benefits 
of only a few cleansings so far, I have to put this on the must do list. My page is not yet complete.
I have a lot of technical stuff to include yet I just finally got the answers to. 

I received a really good write up from Life Enthusiast this morning that addresses the cancer 
killing aspects of Ellagiplex, a ground up red raspberry seed powder (plus 170 other synergistic 
elements) that I believe saved my rottie  Cubby from a cancer death. Cubby's large tumor has now 
shrunk completely and hair is starting to grow out on the bald spot again. Read his story with pics at  and I included the ellagiplex write up at the end. 
Irina and I now include ellagiplex in our morning whey shake drink as a preventative measure along 
with ground up chia seed, graviola powder, morninga powder, and alpiste powder. You can find all 
these things at or ebay. But the Ellagiplex can definitely put a dent in cancer growth. 

I did join this program although I cannot say I fully support it as of yet because of the high cost of participating in the program, which I feel most people cannot afford, as well as the high cost of the 
gold over spot cost involved by buying gold in such a small of quantity as a gram. But the program does offer the ability to own gold most could not otherwise, and the payplan should eventually make up for the 
difference in price. The pros and cons are laid out at 

DSDomination - the DS stands for dropship 
This program has a lot of potential but is not for the lazy who won't do anything with it. 
It's going to cost you $30/mo or more to be a part of this whether you choose to make money 
with it or not. This is about how to make money reselling items you find at one place, mark up , 
and sell on another site, and have it drop shipped from the first site, without having to take money 
out of your own pocket to do so. You just pocket the difference. 
How it works in a nutshell
(there are other videos on that page you can watch also.)
There's a reason there are five modules to this program.  You can't learn everything at once, it 
would be overwhelming, and you need to build your business in a sequential order.
Do you use, or or or other resources to buy things
off the internet with; to save both time and money?  I do. In fact I buy so much stuff off of these
sites that my bank cancels my debit card periodically because there are so many charges against
it they think they gotta be fraudulent.
DSDomination takes this business to a new level. Start out at Pro level for $30/mo to test the waters. 
Upgrade to Elite to obtain more products at higher prices with more profit involved. When you master 
that move up to DSUnleashed for more Suppliers, More Products, A Complete Bag of Tricks for 
selling, not handling, not shipping, but selling online. Profits from $100. to $200,000 Products from 
Baby Soothers to Yachts! Learn how to get Free Vacations and Flights Unlimited Products, Pressure Washers, Rock Bottom Prices. They teach you to lower your fees and get cashback 15% or more
off on stuff you are already doing .  And if that isn't enough there are two levels above that to make 
even more money with. It took me a while to get all the facts on this one but I think I have done so
Check it out, one of the best moneymakers to come along in a long time.

Dinarians and Dongians 
I just posted a page at 
which covers important information you need to know come exchange time.
Exchange time could be anytime now, maybe even tomorrow. 
Tune into  for the latest info. Know how to get the best rate when comes time to exchange your currency. Sign up at to be notified of the 800 # to call for 
your Wells Fargo appointment which is supposedly going to give us a better group rate than street 
rate. Remember you are exchanging currency, not cashing in. And you are exchanging IQN and 
VNN, not IQD or VND. Say the wrong thing and you get a lower rate. Two FINCEN forms have been provided by the IRS. One specifically identifies these transactions as "currency exchange" transactions. The other refers to them as "currency investments." DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES sign any document which treats your exchange as a "currency investment" or you will wind up paying as much as 39.5% in taxes! The proper and ONLY form is Form 104. it already states "Currency "Exchange" in 
Part II number 33  "Currency "Exchange" .

Seed Funding
Solid low risk program where you are contributing to the agro business of super foods
on a small scale. Growing of chia seeds is their main endeavor. Chia seeds are a super food 
even more nutritious than flax seed. I consume ground up chia seed in my morning health drink 
every day. is dedicated to providing to small farmers the necessary capital 
resourcesto implement these projects. This will create new productive employment, raise the 
standard of living in the poorer communities, increase the nutrition values of food on a global 
scale and elevate the overall quality of life for everyone involved.
You can get involved for as little as $500. This is very low risk.  No more referral fees.
They accept STP, Perfect Money, or Egopay.

Silver Success   
Still Our absolute safest program. Why? Because it is bulletproof. 
 4%/mo return on principal w/ gold lease backed principal guarantee.
This program has been going almost two years now  with no hiccups, and is brought to us via 
a trader I have known almost 10 years now. Most of the things I do join reflect who I know and how 
trustworthy they are rather than what the words in the offer are. I would trust my wife, kids and 
my dog with this man. He does business extremely cautiously. He watched this trading scenario 
for over a year before being invited to participate with this group. No more than 2% of principal is 
at stake with any one trade. He has a reputation of being very cautious and rarely has a losing 
trade with anything he works with. Many small trades make up the profit puzzle, one reason the 
take to you is 4%/mo instead of more,  but let's put this in perspective. The 4%/mo figure 
exceeds all of the 50 largest hedge funds in the world for the average yearly earnings over 
the period 2005-2007 when the economy was peaking and the DOW topped 14,000. See that 
list and stats at The top fund in the world returned 47.69%
annually during those years. From 2008 – 2011 over 2,000 hedge funds have closed down 
completely and the average annual return is under 30%. 

Your principal is backed by gold. 
Key Features: 
Safety..… No more than 2% of funds under management are at risk at any given time. 
his is very conservative.
Safety….. Trades are short term, also known as "scalping".     Modest gains are realized 
in hundreds of trades. 
Safety….. SILVER SUCCESS holds gold leases to insure 100% security of the principal 
or the duration of the loan.    Premiums, gold options, are prepaid monthly by the fund manager. 
Because the win to loss ratio is so high, billion dollar gold producing companies secure the principal 
of each loan for 100%. SILVER SUCCESS will return 100% of the CURRENT principal to the lender should a circumstance such as an economic crisis arise and trade funds are not accessible.
Earnings….. 4%/ month fixed. Earnings can be taken monthly or compounded if desired. 
How to fund/receive payments…..Bank wire or Solid Trust Pay
Get more information at   or here
You have to email me for the documents for this program. This is as fer sure as it gets.

Telexfree is doing well for me.  This is a company with a vision and brilliant people behind it. 
The software phone service works good. I use it now to call a lot of places. And the newest 
version isn't even out on the street yet. October should 
launch the financial services package which you could buy instead of the phone service which 
is a combination of debt consolidation services, getting your credit score back up, etc.  Many 
people need that. The weightloss package is being worked on next. The new website is 
continually being upgraded. The ewallet system for taking withdrawals  is now in place to get 
paid out through which minimizes the delays in getting paid out. Withdrawal payouts are close to being all caught up. I take a withdrawal every week so I get a paycheck every week.  All in all, this is looking very good.

Telexfree is NOT a revenue sharing program. We get paid for placing ads to sell a 
telecommunications service, whether those ads sell anything or not. If they do, we get paid more.   for complete concise info on the program    to register and buy ad packs.
Go to and click on Presentation Slideshow for the best quick   
overall explanation of this program I have found.

I won't spend a lot of time here on how it works. Go to  for 
that info. Basically you buy ad packs and place an ad everyday for those for a week. If your ad 
sells you get $44.91 for it, if it doesn't you still get $20 for it. This amounts to a 17.2% - 22.1%/mo 
net profit , from one to five ads, if you never sold a software package  or sponsored anyone. 
It doesn't get any easier than this. I joined in late April and currently have only 32 directs and 
over 600 indirects (people they sponsored) under me now which makes  for very nice  weekly 
binary paycheck. Several of my directs have come back and purchased 10 family packs more.
Having ten family packs working for you costs 10 x $1425 = $14,250 but returns $4000/mo to 
you if you never sponsored anyone else or never sold a software package but just placed your 
daily ads

If you bought just one family pack of five ad units today, at $1425, and took all of your earnings 
and bought another $289 ad central pack anytime those earnings were $289 or more - and you 
can do this from your back office without having to take a withdrawal and waste a week. at the 
end of 52 weeks, one year later, you would be earning $2720/week or $10,880/ mo,  which is 
probably more money than 90% of us have ever earned working a job or even running our own 
That's without giving up time and costs to travel to a job, the frustrations of fighting traffic, the 
negative challenges of dealing with running a business, the inconvenience of getting up to an 
alarm clock, etc. etc. etc. If you did that another six months, at 78 weeks that becomes 
$14,289/week.   Not per month; but per week. Interesting? That's passively; no selling or 
recruiting others. Ask me for the spread sheet someone sent me on that. 
Can you get there by only purchasing one ad central unit and working your way up? 
Yes, BUT,
it will cost you an additional 32 weeks to work your way up from 1 ad pack to 5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional 18 weeks to work your way up from 2 ad packs to  5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional 10 weeks to work your way up from 3 ad packs to  5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional   5 weeks to work your way up from 4 ad packs to  5 ad packs.  
It would pay you to beg, borrow or steal the $1375 +$50 business center registration fee  to be 
able to save 32 weeks in that process and start out with 5 ad packs.

The marketing page thing is working out real well.  As your TelexFree affiliate site only seeks 
to promote the company's software package, you need another mechanism for recruiting 
other promoters into the system. If you don't recruit you are leaving a huge slice of the cake 
on the table. For all people who sign up under me I make for them a recruiting/marketing  page 
at my heavensfountain website, a site I created for people to market their stuff with. An example 
of what your page would look like is found at
   My wife sends out a promoter ad to 
all the places you see at  every day. That is where many 
of my 32 directs have come from. If we can do it, you can do it. Do get binary qualified. I only 
have 33 directly sponsored people, but get paid on almost 1000 people now in my downline.

Heart Health  This is absolutely the most important thing for your health you can be part of.  Also our affiliate sites have just been upgraded.
This is not an MLM, there is:
- no distributor sign up fee or kit cost, 
- no autoship requirement, in fact you don't have to buy anything to earn on affiliate sales.
- you get your own marketing webpage free like mine at    
-  you get paid four levels deep as an affiliate ($5/canister direct sales, $1/canister affiliate sales)
-  order off your own affiliate website and receive cash rebates of $5 (1 canister)  to $60 (12 canisters). MyCardioForLife heart formula has the most complete formula on the martketplace at the lowest price.
This WILL get you off pharmaceutical meds for high blood pressure, and will also drop your cholesterol and triglycerides,  lowers diabetes risk, and is a great weight control tool as when your body gets all the 70 plant based ionic minerals that are in it, it doesn't crave food. I can vouch for that. I  have added a list of 25 things you can do to lower your blood pressure on my heart page.
Still hammering us with threats to get your money in if you want to get paid.

Dear GPP Members,
This is the FINAL reminder. You must have paid for your Trust otherwise you can NOT get paid out from the GPP program.  Deadline is November 30 or 50% membership paid. We are now at 41.56% already.
Please do not wait until the last minute or you risk losing your payout funds. Read the updates on or and when you are ready to make your payment, send an email to
Global Pension Plan (GPP) TRUSTEE

Email  with your username and email addy to find out how much you need to pay them in order to get paid. I did and I got back 

The amount you need to pay is :
- $40 Courier fee for your Platinum card
- $50 Notary Fee for username : detailshere
- $210 Trust Fee for username : detailshere
The total is $300.

The date to pay your $98 trust fee has been extended to Dec 10th. Payout  supposedly 
starts on Dec 13th, 2013.

The only way to pay the $98 I know of is to send Wayne McClean and his sister Joan $156 STP 
and they will put $100 into your C-Gold account to make the payment with.  That's the only way I could figure out to fund it.  their email is  
STP does not allow those transactions anymore... and  Themco has the issue with Alertpay (payza)...
he uses exchange plus to get $98,  plus a buck for cgold's  storage charge so you don't end up short, we need to send them $136  plus it costs our bank wire fee..  The total amount you need to send them is $156.50  to itsngsus at STP.  Give them your c-gold number and HCi25 username

After you pay your $98, you have to login to the site and register your PFRPP units after your financial transaction. Make sure that you enter the exact amount that you 
have transferred( $98), and that it sums up to the amount needed for investment. 

Still imminent but it is quite clear to me he isn't going to receive money until this global 
currency reset thing completes and the prosperity program money has been paid out. Why I have 
no idea,  but it appears that's the reality of the thing. 

Still gonna happen but the when is simply not set in concrete yet. I think it too is dependant 
upon the global currency reset.

CERMA - double the life of your motor - increase gas mileage
New website, videos, improved information, great testimonies, and a chance to make 
some good money here as an affiliate with no sign up fees or autoship required.
Nano Oil conditioner protects engine for maximum lifetime and best mileage. Use 
1 ounce per oil change.
CerMa w.STM-3
Double the life of your engine with this stuff. One time 2 oz. treatment. 
Cerma and Nano Oil Conditioner come from the same company. NOW, you can become 
an affiliate to remarket this product and earn a healthy 25% commission. Just click on the 
link in the green bar at the top of the page at   the cerma store   that says "New Affiliate 
Sign up" and fill it out and you will get your own page and money machine like mine. 
Cerma is an engine protection system using a 2 micron coating of ceramics. This is high 
tech stuff.  Emissions disappear, mileage increases, engine gets quiet; not teflon based. 
Makes your diesel quit smoking also. My cummins 2004 Dodge PU without a cat combustor 
now makes NO SMOKE. I use it in all of my rigs including chain saw and lawnmower and 
add a little more with every oil change including the nano oil conditioner. Cerma is one 
of the few additives that really does work and do what it says. I am am affiliate marketer of 
this product, you can be too,  it costs nothing to be an affilaite, and it is drop shipped directly 
to you at a greatly reduced savings off of retail. This will double the life of your engine and 
increase your  gas mileage at the same time   
The least expensive source of vitamins and minerals on the planet. Great company.

Vibrant Life vitamins and Oral chelation formula. I have been taking Vibrant Life SuperLifeGlow vitamins and Bone Dense Calcium for several years now.  SuperLifeGlow is absolutely the BEST vitamin and chelation formula in existence. It contains massive quantities of more than 60 nutrients.  The bone formula contains microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, the only form of calcium proven to add bone mass. 
This is good stuff. They also have several other products including MSM. 
MSM stands for Methyl 
Sulfonyl Methane, organic sulfur. When it rains, MSM falls on the ground and is used by plants. Your 
body needs MSM and contains some but, if you had more MSM in your body, you would endure far 
less pain and suffering from arthritis, back pain, Fibromyalgia and muscle soreness.
  MSM is also an important nutrient for hair, skin and nails.

14 year old genius builds nuclear fusion reactor in his garage 

All is not well on our planet.
Here is a summary of recent worldwide disasters. Amazing summary. So many. 
Jesus said we would not know the day or the hour but watch for the signs He gave us.
These are the signs folks He spoke of. Time to get your life in order  if you have drifted. 

Follow the truckers shutdown of DC here  - lots of pics and videos - so far so good

Obamacare - it's true nature Warning: Enrolling in Obamacare allows government to link your IP address with your name, 
social security number, bank accounts and web surfing habits is not a functioning 
database application that allows people to shop for competing health plans. It is actually a 
government-run Trojan Horse that suckers people into creating accounts where they hand over
all their personal information that is then disseminated to the controlling government agencies 
like NSA.  Please read this short page before signing up for Obamacare. 

NOTE - You can pin the government shutdown solely on Obama and Harry Reid. The house of representatives voted to fund everything necessary except Obamamcare, a vile piece of legislation Obama is trying to ram down everyone's throat. He is even holding the revaluation as hostage 
until he gets his way on this. There is plenty of tax funds available to not go into default with 
anything. When are we going to get this demon out of office?

False flag on US soil being planned for and prepared for by agents loyall to obama.  
When are we going ot get rid of this traitor?

Al Bielik was one of the sailors on the USS Eldridge in 1943 which disappeared 
and was displaced to another location (think Montauk Philadelphia project). He and his 
brother tried to jump into the water when they saw things going awry. They didn't hit the 
water but woke up in a hospital in 2137. The world was quite different including much of 
the west coast missing, a 100 mile wide Mississippi river going all the way to the great lakes, 
no western Washington. He shows a map there in this video he was shown. There was a 
nuclear war. US population was reduced to 50 million. He was then taken into the 28th century 
where things get even stranger.    These are two very fascinating videos to watch/listen to on this. 
Part 1  2137
Part 2  2749 
Want more? Here's 3 hr interview with two of the survivors of the USS Eldridge  and 

Do you know about The Event? 
Spend 8 minutes with this video and you will. Interesting. Delineates all the changes we will 
undergoing when the cabal goes down and are removed. Doesn't say NESARA but many things 
are covered that are part of Nesara.  A lot of information in 8 minutes. We can only hope. 

Obama's closure of the war memorial and national parks has pissed a lot of people off and awakened many Americans up to what a vile president and administration we have. Hungary just 
pulled an Iceland and got rid of the Rothschild corrupt bankers and replaced their equivalent of 
our corrupt republicans and democrats with a third party that has put the country back into good 
shape. We need to do the same. And now. 

Obama fires 7 high ranking military generals. Why? Because they won't go along with his martial 
law and firing on American citizens plan?

How to get out of Obamacare   
We all know Obamacare is one of the worst pieces of legislation to ever be forced upon us. 
DON'T sign up for it or it will cost you. One man signed up, discovered his monthly premium was 
almost $600 and had a $14,000 deductible associated with the  coverage and tried to back out of it. 
He was told he would be given a $4000 fine and if he didn't pay it IRS would come after his home and anything else he owned. There is a way out of Obamacare. Join Samaritan Ministries which is 
legally exempt from Obamacare. It's a health plan of cost sharing with a reasonable monthly cost.   

Comet Ison debris field to hit us in December, this year - you need to watch this one
This is why all the homeland security preparations. Instead of warning us to prepare, they 
are preparing for the chaos created by the unprepared. It's hitting us now with fragments 
also but nothing like after it swings around the sun, comes back, and earth traverses through 
the debri field.

This video shows us where the earth will go through Ison's debris trail between 
Dec 1st 2013 to mid January. Doesn't look good for the path from New York across the 
upper part of the US through WA and Oregon also. 

Proof is in, good chance Syrian gas attacks originated from orders from the white 
house and CIA - A government out of control. 

Federal Reserve Act expires Dec 24th, 2013 - non renewable.  
That's why the FED is shutting down Wash DC as the European bankers have to get 
the new world order up and running by that point in time.  

The US Federal tax system is the biggest fraud in history.

Vladimir Putin walked away from the G20 Summit Meetings annoyed and angry enough with the 
clowns in the US Government to fully let the cat out of the bag and to strike his first real death 
blow upon the American Government's Official version of the events of 9/11: a suspicious yarn, 
to say the least, a BIG LIE which needs to be vanquished as 
if it were a vicious, bloodthirsty monster, 
before it kills again. This is the first time this has been done by the Russian state-run TV outlet in the English language. And it kicks off weeks of truth movement events scheduled around the US,
listed at the end of this program.   As it's been said, "The first casualty in any war is the truth," and 
as the world teeters toward World War Three, this untruth, which has led to several wars, conflagrations, 
millions of unnecessary deaths and untold suffering over the past 12 years, this untruth needs to be issued its final death blow, in order for the world to move forward, toward anything resembling peace.

This article really tells it like it is.
We have the best government money can buy; unfortunately it's not our money and our government 
hasn't our interests at stake. 

Gun control and worldwide murder statistics.
I felt this such an eye opener I copied it and posted it on a webpage   As bad as we think we have it here 
why does the United States have the second lowest murder rate in all the world? Because 
it's citizenry is armed. Everybody else has had their guns taken away from them so only the 
criminals have guns.  Only Switzerland has a better record because all Swiss are required to 
own firearms, and be trained in their use.
Watch this short clip for a real eye opener of truth. 

The US and wars and the FED. 
It's all about keeping the FED ponzi scheme going. 

Adblock Plus - Surf the web without annoying ads!
Blocks banners, pop-ups and video ads - even on Facebook and YouTube
- It's free! It works.

An awesome video of natures landscapes. This is a keeper.

Aspartame and Death - Dr. Janet Starr-Hull - Video
Also see my page on aspartame at  as well as 
They both destroy you yet I see so many diet sodas being pulled out of the cooler, as 
well as regular sodas, all containing high fructose corn syrup too which is processed by 
your body differently than regular cane sugar resulting in diabetes. These are all poisons people.

Cyprus was first, now it's Poland. Who's next?
The government of Poland announced a decision to confiscate half of the nation’s pension funds in an attempt to delay an impending government debt crisis.

This is really good. Why did the US kill millions of vietnamese with the agent orange chemical weapon.
Why didn't the US bomb Israel when Israel launched chemical attacks against their own people?
What a double friggin standard Obama tries to play by. Watch this to the end. All about using chemical weapons and the US is the most guilty party of all. This is an excellent piece that will enlighten you 
as to what is REALLY going on here and what this is all about. It is very well done. 

The US is a corporation and we are its slaves, 
Take notes on this video and understand how we got to where we are today. 

Why the US, UK, EU & Israel hate Syria
This is about as well laid out as you will even hear it. Let's see, we took out Ghadaffi because 
he wouldn't use US dollars anymore. Here's 8 unhumane reasons to take out Syria. Really brings 
you to a point of high respect for Assad and no respect for the powers that be.

One of the coolest ads you will ever see.
Would you do this for your buddy? 

Gun grabbing senators from Colorado recalled. 
Americans have had enough of this crap.  They didn't wait for election time to get rid of these 
two, and there's one more on their hit list. . We need to recall Patti Murray and Maria Cantwell 
from WA state also who just tried to give our guns away to the UN. You can bet I will be writing 
to newspapers about these morons come election time. 

Arctic Ice cap up 60% in 2013??
Then what happened to global warming and an even better question is why do they continue to 
spray the atmosphere with chemtrail toxins - aluminum, barium., strontium, fibers, etc if we no longer 
need to reflect the sunlight?  Cooling trend to continue for the next 15 years? So many lies. Will we 
ever know the truth?

The United States has enough oil to carry us over the next 2041 years. 
Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of the Rocky Mountains lies the
largest untapped oil reserve in the world. It is more than 2 TRILLION barrels. On August 8, 
2005 President Bush mandated its extraction. In three and a half years of high oil prices none 
has been extracted. Why is it not being extracted? Because the environmentalists have blocked 
all efforts to help America become independent of foreign oil! That's more than all the proven 
oil reservesof crude oil in the world today, reports The Denver Post . Think OPEC just might 
be funding the environmentalists?  Why in the world are we fighting over middle east oil? 

911 comes and goes again. 
Who did it? It's no mystery. Clue, it wasn't the Taliban or turban heads. It was the same 
corrupt government who pulled off Oklahoma City and many other false flags here in the good 
old US.
Watch this video and tell me the government isn't lying about what happened.

Are terrorists setting wildfires in the US? 

Here come de republic - some interesting reading here 

Truckloads of signs stating "this area is now under martial law" spotted.
Are you ready?

The story of Daisy; just a dog? 
Before you think of a dog as just a dog, please know that some of us will go beyond the extra 
mile for our pets. Read what all I did to save my rottie Cubby from a cancer death.  

Twins, humans, two heads but in one body - interesting.

Enjoy learning exactly how you were dumbed down 
and why your waking up is not good for the 'plan' at hand.

McDonald's massacre averted by divine intervention?
How else would you explain it? 

The Pastor’s Son

Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at the church, the Pastor and his eleven 
ear old son would go out into their town and hand out Gospel Tracts.

This particular Sunday afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go to the 
streets with their tracts, it was very cold outside, as well as pouring rain.

The boy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, ‘OK, dad, I’m ready.’

His Pastor dad asked, ‘Ready for what?’

’Dad, it’s time we gather our tracts together and go out.’

Dad responds, ‘Son, it’s very cold outside and it’s pouring rain.’

The boy gives his dad a surprised look, asking, ‘But Dad, aren’t people still going to Hell, 
even though it’s raining?’

Dad answers, ‘Son, I am not going out in this weather.’

Despondently, the boy asks, ‘Dad, can I go? Please?’

His father hesitated for a moment then said, ‘Son, you can go. Here are the tracts, 
be careful son..’

’Thanks Dad!’

And with that, he was off and out into the rain... This eleven year old boy walked the 
streets of the town going door to door and handing everybody he met in the street a 
Gospel Tract.

After two hours of walking in the rain, he was soaking, bone-chilled wet and down to his 
VERY LAST TRACT. He stopped on a corner and looked for someone to hand a tract to, 
but the streets were totally deserted.

Then he turned toward the first home he saw and started up the sidewalk to the front door 
and rang the doorbell. He rang the bell, but nobody answered.

He rang it again and again, but still no one answered. He waited but still no answer.

Finally, this eleven year old trooper turned to leave, but something stopped him.

Again, he turned to the door and rang the bell and knocked loudly on the door with his fist. 
He waited, something holding him there on the front porch!

He rang again and this time the door slowly opened.

Standing in the doorway was a very sad-looking elderly lady. She softly asked, ‘What can 
I do for you, son?’ With radiant eyes and a smile that lit up her world, this little boy said, 
‘Ma’am, I’m sorry if I disturbed you, but I just want to tell you that * JESUS REALLY DOES 
LOVE YOU * and I came to give you my very last Gospel Tract which will tell you all about 
JESUS and His great LOVE.’

With that, he handed her his last tract and turned to leave.

She called to him as he departed. ‘Thank you, son! And God Bless You!’

Well, the following Sunday morning in church Pastor Dad was in the pulpit. As the service 
began, he asked, ‘Does anybody have testimony or want to say anything?’

Slowly, in the back row of the church, an elderly lady stood to her feet.

As she began to speak, a look of glorious radiance came from her face, ‘No one in this 
church knows me. I’ve never been here before. You see, before last Sunday I was not 
a Christian. My husband passed on some time ago, leaving me totally alone in this world. 
Last Sunday, being a particularly cold and rainy day, it was even more so in my heart that 
I came to the end of the line where I no longer had any hope or will to live.

So I took a rope and a chair and ascended the stairway into the attic of my home. I fastened 
the rope securely to a rafter in the roof, then stood on the chair and fastened the other end 
of the rope around my neck. Standing on that chair, so lonely and broken-hearted I was about 
to leap off, when suddenly the loud ringing of my doorbell downstairs startled me. I thought, 
‘I’ll wait a minute, and whoever it is will go away.’

I waited and waited, but the ringing doorbell seemed to get louder and more insistent, and 
then the person ringing also started knocking loudly....

I thought to myself again, ‘Who on earth could this be? Nobody ever rings my bell or comes 
to see me.’ I loosened the rope from my neck and started for the front door, all the while the 
bell rang louder and louder.

When I opened the door and looked I could hardly believe my eyes, for there on my front 
porch was the most radiant and angelic little boy I had ever seen in my life. His SMILE, oh, 
I could never describe it to you!

The words that came from his mouth caused my heart that had long been dead, TO LEAP 
TO LIFE as he exclaimed with a cherub-like voice, ‘Ma’am, I just came to tell you that JESUS 
REALLY DOES LOVE YOU.’ Then he gave me this Gospel Tract that I now hold in my hand....

As the little angel disappeared back out into the cold and rain, I closed my door and read slowly 
every word of this Gospel Tract. Then I went up to my attic to get my rope and chair. I wouldn’t 
be needing them anymore.

You see — I am now a Happy Child of the KING. Since the address of your church was on 
the back of this Gospel Tract, I have come here to personally say THANK YOU to God’s little 
angel who came just in the nick of time and by so doing, spared my soul from an eternity in hell....’

There was not a dry eye in the church. And as shouts of praise and honor to THE KING 
resounded off the very rafters of the building, Pastor Dad descended from the pulpit to the 
front pew where the little angel was seated....

He took his son in his arms and sobbed uncontrollably.

Probably no church has had a more glorious moment, and probably this universe has never 
seen a Papa that was more filled with love & honor for his son.... Except for One.

Blessed are your eyes for reading this message.

Heaven is for His people!
Remember, God’s message CAN make the difference in the life of someone close to you.

God Bless
Buenos dias
Que Dios le bendiga

Subject: 9-8 -2013  Ber's Newsletter update 

Health issues first.

A month ago I brought you a simple method of removing gallstones from your liver and 
gallbladder (the gallbladder is the toilet of the liver so you take care of both at the same time).
How many of you did that? If you didn't you may want to revisit my page at and do so. It's necessary and I know you can afford 
the apple juice and lemons. If you didn't think there was sufficient instruction in how to do the 
enema part, Mark Rothencranz just put out a quickie video that should clear that part all up. You 
can watch it at

This months issue is breathing properly to eliminate high blood pressure and get rid of the meds.
Take a stopwatch and time yourself for one minute.
How many times do you breathe in and out in one minute? If the answer is more than 4 to 6 times, 
you need the information I just posted at 
Your breathing rate is not considered normal, is  dangerous, is conducive to many diseases and 
is probably why you have high blood pressure.

How long can you comfortably hold your breathe before it gets uncomfortable and you HAVE 
to breathe again? 40 seconds  is the norm. If you have to breathe at 20 seconds you are breathing 
enough for two people, if you  have to breathe at 10 seconds, you are breathing enough for four people. 

If you failed either or both of those two tests you need to read what I have discovered. I'm not trying 
to sell you anything, just prolong your life.  My page is about a breathing exercise device, whether 
you buy it or make it yourself that will  get your breathing rate back to where it belongs and will solve 
many health issues you may have, especially high blood pressure. 

I purchased a .pdf called "Amazing DIY (do it yourself) Breathing Device that I  will send you for 
free that tells you how to make a device instead of buying one. You only need to request this 
from me as it contains much information you need to know to commit to the task of changing 
your breathing rate you are about to undertake. It has to make sense to you before you will do it.
That's the purpose of building my page and buying the book for you; so it makes sense and you 
will actually follow through with the program. 

Use the breathing device daily for specific time periods,  progressively increasing length of time 
used each day, for four to six months and your blood pressure should normalize completely. Many 
other benefits will be realized also.  This is an amazing live saving discovery from Russia. A simple solution  to reducing your blood pressure without expensive pharmaceutical drugs that have
damaging side effects.

My Russian mother in law used (and still uses it) one of these devices to completely normalize 
her high blood pressure problem. 
My wife just went to Russia to renew her passport and came back with one of the devices you 
see pictured above.  It is the rage there because of its proven effectiveness. She immediately 
put me on the daily progression  to correct my blood carbon dioxide levels. At 11 liters/min  and 
13 cycles per minute and a CP (controlled pause) of 20 on initial breathing rate, I am considered 
very bad. Tovio, a Russian devoted to this very subject,  told me that in an email he sent me also 
some time ago. Irina tests out initially at 7 liters a minute, which is at least three too high. 2-4 liters/min 
is where we need to be at with a cp of 40 seconds.

Basically the machine pre-meters how much of your exhaled air is taken back in, in the next breath, 
and how much of that breath is new air. There is an adjustment on the canister that changes this 
ratio and is set based upon how far along in the treatment program you are. It takes 4 to 6 months 
of using this every day to reset your breathing habits. The goal with the device is to increase the 
carbon dioxide level in your bloodstream, which is the determining factor in how much oxygen carried 
by the bloodstream is actually utilized by the cells. Many of us breathe many short breaths per minute 
and this type of hyperventilating actually delivers very little of the oxygen carried by the bloodstream 
to the cells for use. It is what is responsible for restricting the capillaries and increasing our pressure 
and not letting our bodies do what they need to do. This can be reversed by changing how we 
breathe, which changes this oxygen to carbon dioxide ratio in our bloodstream, which allows more 
oxygen to be taken into the cells. When we breathe more, CO2 levels in the bloodstream decrease, 
blood vessels constrict, and vital organs (like the heart, brain, kidneys, liver, stomach, spleen, 
colon, etc) get less oxygen from the blood supply. Breathing less frequently increases CO2 
which results in more  oxygen becoming useable to the cells.

Many of us have high blood pressure.  As is discussed on my page at
as well as in the videos shown at,  this is a really  really serious
issue. Statistically we have a one in three chance of dying of heart disease, not good odds. Our 
doctors tell  us, "I don't know what causes your high blood pressure, but I got a pill for it; let's try 
this... you know the story". 
Who would have ever thought that the real solution could be so simple; how we breathe.  There's 
never a panacea for everything but this breathing exercise device has testimonials pouring in that 
they have been cured of a myriad of other diseases also; bronchitis, high cholesterol, asthma, 
colitis; it's a huge list; all from opening up the capillaries by increasing the carbon dioxide levels
in the bloodstream by reprogramming how we breathe. And it will solve erectile dysfunction problems
when those small capillaries are again opened up to allow blood to flow where it is supposed to. 

Many of us have tried expensive pharmaceutical meds prescribed by our doctors to try and get rid
of our high blood pressure. Most of us suffered the side effects of these drugs, which are many,
including erectile dysfunction. Many of us have sought alternative remedies to get rid of hypertension; garlic, grapeseed extract, magnesium citrate, hawthorne berry, L Arginine and other non pharmaceuticals. 
These provided some benefit but have not gotten us to where we need to go. We hadn't even thought about the carbon dioxide - oxygen ratio thing. 

This discovery comes out of Russia. I was emailed by a Russian man, Tovio,  some time ago wanting 
to know how to get the word out on his site on this issue as he claimed he had THEEE answer to high 
blood pressure.  is his website. All the information on his site is free. 
The site is in English. He has studied this issue for many years. I believe he does have the answer 
along with a free solution, although the breathing device may be a more accurate and quicker way to get 
the best results fastest.

In a nutshell,
we've all been taught that the blood carries oxygen to the cells through the bloodstream, 
and the cells take in this oxygen and then give up the carbon dioxide as a waste product; but what we haven't been taught is the importance that specific carbon dioxide levels in the bloodstream play in this process. If sufficient carbon dioxide is not present, the oxygen does not get assimilated and your cells starve for oxygen even though that oxygen is present. If we breathe too often, this ratio containing insufficient carbon dioxide, becomes one sided and the oxygen never gets to do it's job.

Tovio's website addresses this problem by specific exercises you perform. That's all free. 

Irina's breathing device does this more accurately as when you breathe through the device you are 
actually breathing back in a portion (and this is adjustable on the device) of your expelled air to increase 
the portion of carbon dioxide remaining in your body. It can also meter the resistance to inhaling and exhaling. Kinda like breathing into a paper bag and rebreathing some of that expelled air, but in this case the amount of CO2 taken back in is a regulated amount that is mixed with fresh air
to give the desired end result. And the whole process is painless. You really don't notice much difference when sucking on the tube. Go to here to read the whole story and don't forget to ask for your free .pdf book that explains the process and the technicalities to resetting your blood pressure and becoming chronic disease free.

I did join this program although I cannot say I fully support it as of yet because of the high cost of participating in the program, which I feel most people cannot afford, as well as the high cost of the 
gold over spot cost involved by buying gold in such a small of quantity as a gram. But the program does offer the ability to own gold most could not otherwide, and the payplan should eventually make up for the 
difference in price. The pros and cons are laid out at 

DSDomination - the DS stands for dropship 
This program has a lot of potential but is not for the lazy who won't do anything with it. 
It's going to cost you $30/mo or more to be a part of this whether you choose to make money 
with it or not. This is about how to make money reselling items you find at one place, mark up , 
and sell on another site,  and have it drop shipped from the first site, without having to take money 
out of your own pocket  to do so. You just pocket the difference. 
How it works in a nutshell
(there are other videos on that page you can watch also.)
There's a reason there are five modules to this program.  You can't learn everything at once, it 
would be overwhelming, and you need to build your business in a sequential order.
Do you use, or or or other resources to buy things
off the internet with; to save both time and money?  I do. In fact I buy so much stuff off of these
sites that my bank cancels my debit card periodically because there are so many charges against
it they think they gotta be fraudulent.
DSDomination takes this business to a new level. Start out at Pro level for $30/mo to test the waters. 
Upgrade to Elite to obtain more products at higher prices with more profit involved. When you master 
that move up to DSUnleashed for more Suppliers, More Products, A Complete Bag of Tricks for 
selling, not handling, not shipping, but selling online. Profits from $100. to $200,000 Products from 
Baby Soothers to Yachts! Learn how to get Free Vacations and Flights Unlimited Products, Pressure Washers, Rock Bottom Prices. They teach you to lower your fees and get cashback 15% or more
off on stuff you are already doing .  And if that isn't enough there are two levels above that to make 
even more money with. It took me a while to get all the facts on this one but I think I have done so
Check it out, one of the best moneymakers I have seen come along in a long time.

Dinarians and Dongians 
While we all await the revaluation and global reset of currencies, tune into  
for the latest info.
Know how to get the best rate when comes time to exchange your currency. Sign up at to be notified of the 800 # to call for your Wells Fargo appointment 
which is supposedly going to give us a better group rate than street rate.

Seed Funding
Solid low risk program where you are contributing to the agro business of super foods
on a small scale. Growing  of chia seeds is their main endeavor. Chia seeds are a super food 
even more nutritious than  flax seed. I consume ground up chia seed in my morning health drink 
every day. is dedicated to providing to small farmers the necessary capital 
resources to implement these projects. This will create new productive employment, raise the 
standard of living in the poorer communities, increase the nutrition values of food on a global 
scale and elevate the overall quality of life for everyone involved.
You can get involved for as little as $100. There are 3 plans available:
The net monthly profit figures for these three plans are 3.3%, 5.82%, and 10%/mo respectively.
That's net profit. 10%/mo for anything that is for real is very very good. Certainly not a fortune 
but definitely better than less than 1%/year bank interest. This is very low risk.  Principal is not 
returned at the end of the contracted period but is returned in the 1%/day, 6%/week, or 30%/mo 
plans along the way as is covered in the FAQ on their site.
Consider 100% of the 120%, 132%, and 150% figures is your own money being returned to you.
Low risk, good profit, and more people have come forth declaring this is a legitimate operation. 

They accept STP, Perfect Money, or Egopay.  They offer a referral fee of 5% of the 
contributions your friends make and 2% of the contributions their friends make. Only active 
accounts are eligible to receive introducing fees. This could be a good long hauler.

Silver Success   
Still Our absolute safest program. Why? Because it is bulletproof. 
 4%/mo return on principal w/ gold lease backed principal guarantee.
This program has been going almost two years now  with no hiccups, and is brought to us via 
a trader I have known almost 10 years now. Most of the things I do join reflect who I know and how 
trustworthy they are rather than what the words in the offer are. I would trust my wife, kids and 
my dog with this man. He does business extremely cautiously. He watched this trading scenario 
for over a year before being invited to participate with this group. No more than 2% of principal is 
at stake with any one trade. He has a reputation of being very cautious and rarely has a losing 
trade with anything he works with. Many small trades make up the profit puzzle, one reason the 
take to you is 4%/mo instead of more,  but let's put this in perspective. The 4%/mo figure 
exceeds all of the 50 largest hedge funds in the world for the average yearly earnings over 
the period 2005-2007 when the economy was peaking and the DOW topped 14,000. See that 
list and stats at The top fund in the world returned 47.69%
annually during those years. From 2008 – 2011 over 2,000 hedge funds have closed down 
completely and the average annual return is under 30%. 

Your principal is backed by gold. 
Key Features: 
Safety..… No more than 2% of funds under management are at risk at any given time. 
his is very conservative.
Safety….. Trades are short term, also known as "scalping".     Modest gains are realized 
in hundreds of trades. 
Safety….. SILVER SUCCESS holds gold leases to insure 100% security of the principal 
or the duration of the loan.    Premiums, gold options, are prepaid monthly by the fund manager. 
Because the win to loss ratio is so high, billion dollar gold producing companies secure the principal 
of each loan for 100%. SILVER SUCCESS will return 100% of the CURRENT principal to the lender should a circumstance such as an economic crisis arise and trade funds are not accessible.
Earnings….. 4%/ month fixed. Earnings can be taken monthly or compounded if desired. 
How to fund/receive payments…..Bank wire or Solid Trust Pay
Get more information at   or here
You have to email me for the documents for this program. This is as fer sure as it gets.

Telexfree is doing well for me.  This is a company with a vision and brilliant people behind it. 
The software phone service works good. I use it now to  call a lot of places. And the newest v
ersion isn't even out on the street yet. September should 
launch the financial services package which you could buy instead of the phone service which 
is a combination of debt consolidation services, getting your credit score back up, etc.  Many 
people need that. The weightloss package is being worked on next. The new website is 
continually being upgraded. The GPG system is now in place to get paid out through which 
minimizes the delays in getting paid out. All in all, this is looking very good.

Telexfree is NOT a revenue sharing program. We get paid for placing ads to sell a 
telecommunications service, whether those ads sell anything or not. If they do, we get paid more.   for complete concise info on the program    to register and buy ad packs.
Go to and click on Presentation Slideshow for the best quick   
overall explanation of this program I have found.

I won't spend a lot of time here on how it works. Go to  for 
that info. Basically you buy ad packs and place an ad everyday for those for a week. If your ad 
sells you get $44.91 for it, if it doesn't you still get $20 for it. This amounts to a 17.2% - 22.1%/mo 
net profit , from one to five ads, if you never sold a software package  or sponsored anyone. 
It doesn't get any easier than this. I joined in late April and currently have only 32 directs and 
over 600 indirects (people they sponsored) under me now which makes  for very nice  weekly 
binary paycheck. Several of my directs have come back and purchased 10 family packs more.
Having ten family packs working for you costs 10 x $1425 = $14,250 but returns $4000/mo to 
you if you never sponsored anyone else or never sold a software package but just placed your 
daily ads

If you bought just one family pack of five ad units today, at $1425, and took all of your earnings 
and bought another $289 ad central pack anytime those earnings were $289 or more - and you 
can do this from your back office without having to take a withdrawal and waste a week. at the 
end of 52 weeks, one year later, you would be earning $2720/week or $10,880/ mo,  which is 
probably more money than 90% of us have ever earned working a job or even running our own 
That's without giving up time and costs to travel to a job, the frustrations of fighting traffic, the 
negative challenges of dealing with running a business, the inconvenience of getting up to an 
alarm clock, etc. etc. etc. If you did that another six months, at 78 weeks that becomes 
$14,289/week.   Not per month; but per week. Interesting? That's passively; no selling or 
recruiting others. Ask me for the spread sheet someone sent me on that. 
Can you get there by only purchasing one ad central unit and working your way up? 
Yes, BUT,
it will cost you an additional 32 weeks to work your way up from 1 ad pack to 5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional 18 weeks to work your way up from 2 ad packs to  5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional 10 weeks to work your way up from 3 ad packs to  5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional   5 weeks to work your way up from 4 ad packs to  5 ad packs.  
It would pay you to beg, borrow or steal the $1375 +$50 business center registration fee  to be 
able to save 32 weeks in that process and start out with 5 ad packs.

The marketing page thing is working out real well.  As your TelexFree affiliate site only seeks 
to promote the company's software package, you need another mechanism for recruiting 
other promoters into the system. If you don't recruit you are leaving a huge slice of the cake 
on the table. For all people who sign up under me I make for them a recruiting/marketing  page 
at my heavensfountain website, a site I created for people to market their stuff with. An example 
of what your page would look like is found at
   My wife sends out a promoter ad to 
all the places you see at  every day. That is where many 
of my 32 directs have come from. If we can do it, you can do it.

Heart Health  This is absolutely the most important thing for your health you can be part of.  Also our affiliate sites have just been upgraded.
This is not an MLM, there is:
- no distributor sign up fee or kit cost, 
- no autoship requirement, in fact you don't have to buy anything to earn on affiliate sales.
- you get your own marketing webpage free like mine at    
-  you get paid four levels deep as an affiliate ($5/canister direct sales, $1/canister affiliate sales)
-  order off your own affiliate website and receive cash rebates of $5 (1 canister)  to $60 (12 canisters). MyCardioForLife heart formula has the most complete formula on the martketplace at the lowest price.
This WILL get you off pharmaceutical meds for high blood pressure, and will also drop your cholesterol and triglycerides,  lowers diabetes risk, and is a great weight control tool as when your body gets all the 70 plant based ionic minerals that are in it, it doesn't crave food. I can vouch for that. I  have added a list of 25 things you can do to lower your blood pressure on my heart page.
August 25th,2013 update is posted at 
The date to pay your $98 trust fee has been extended to Dec 10th. Payout in gold supposedly 
starts on Dec 13th, 2013.

Still imminent but it is quite clear to me he isn't going to receive money until this global 
reset thing completes and the prosperity program money has been paid out. Why I have no idea, 
but it appears that's the reality of the thing. 

Still gonna happen but the when is simply not set in concrete yet. I think it too is dependant 
upon the global currency reset.

CERMA - double the life of your motor - increase gas mileage
New website, videos, improved information, great testimonies, and a chance to make 
some good money here as an affiliate with no sign up fees or autoship required.
Nano Oil conditioner protects engine for maximum lifetime and best mileage. Use 
1 ounce per oil change.
CerMa w.STM-3
Double the life of your engine with this stuff. One time 2 oz. treatment. 
Cerma and Nano Oil Conditioner come from the same company. NOW, you can become 
an affiliate to remarket this product and earn a healthy 25% commission. Just click on the 
link in the green bar at the top of the page at   the cerma store   that says "New Affiliate 
Sign up" and fill it out and you will get your own page and money machine like mine. 
Cerma is an engine protection system using a 2 micron coating of ceramics. This is high 
tech stuff.  Emissions disappear, mileage increases, engine gets quiet; not teflon based. 
Makes your diesel quit smoking also. My cummins 2004 Dodge PU without a cat combustor 
now makes NO SMOKE. I use it in all of my rigs including chain saw and lawnmower and 
add a little more with every oil change including the nano oil conditioner. Cerma is one 
of the few additives that really does work and do what it says. I am am affiliate marketer of 
this product, you can be too,  it costs nothing to be an affilaite, and it is drop shipped directly 
to you at a greatly reduced savings off of retail. This will double the life of your engine and 
increase your  gas mileage at the same time   
The least expensive source of vitamins and minerals on the planet. Great company.

Vibrant Life vitamins and Oral chelation formula. I have been taking Vibrant Life SuperLifeGlow vitamins and Bone Dense Calcium for several years now.  SuperLifeGlow is absolutely the BEST vitamin and chelation formula in existence. It contains massive quantities of more than 60 nutrients.  The bone formula contains microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, the only form of calcium proven to add bone mass. 
This is good stuff. They also have several other products including MSM. 
MSM stands for Methyl 
Sulfonyl Methane, organic sulfur. When it rains, MSM falls on the ground and is used by plants. Your 
body needs MSM and contains some but, if you had more MSM in your body, you would endure far 
less pain and suffering from arthritis, back pain, Fibromyalgia and muscle soreness.
  MSM is also an important nutrient for hair, skin and nails.

See the original Abbot  & Costello's "Who's On First"
video at . This is truly a classic.

The Syrian war is all about a natural gas pipeline. Has nothing to do with chemicals. 
Qatar, a neighbor, needs to get it's natural gas resource to the European marketplace. 
Why has the little nation of Qatar spent 3 billion dollars to support the rebels in Syria?  
Could it be because Qatar is the largest exporter of liquid natural gas in the world and 
Assad won't let them build a natural gas pipeline through Syria?  Of course.  Qatar wants 
to install a puppet regime in Syria that will allow them to build a pipeline which will enable 
them to sell lots and lots of natural gas to Europe.  Why is Saudi Arabia spending huge 
amounts of money to help the rebels and why has Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan been
 "jetting from covert command centers near the Syrian front lines to the Élysée Palace in 
Paris and the Kremlin in Moscow, seeking to undermine the Assad regime"?  Well, it turns 
out that Saudi Arabia intends to install their own puppet government in Syria which will allow
the Saudis to control the flow of energy through the region.  On the other side, Russia very 
much prefers the Assad regime for a whole bunch of reasons.  One of those reasons is that 
Assad is helping to block the flow of natural gas out of the Persian Gulf into Europe, thus 
ensuring higher profits for Gazprom (Russia's resource).   Now the United States is getting 
directly involved in the conflict.  Why? If the U.S. is successful in getting rid of the Assad regime,
it will be good for either the Saudis or Qatar (and possibly for both), and it will be really bad 
for Russia.  This is a strategic geopolitical conflict about natural resources, religion, power, 
and money; and it really has nothing to do with chemical weapons at all.

False flag nuke event coming to South Carolina if the US doesn't strike Syria.
This comes from the sickos that run our government. What does the US have to do with the 
pipline mentioned above? Obama is in bed with the Arabs obviously. 
Senator Lindsay Graham has warned South Carolinians about the threat of a terrorist nuclear 
attack on the same day that our exclusive high level military intel revealed to us that nuclear 
warheads were being shipped to South Carolina from a major Texas airforce base under an 
off the record black ops transfer. How many of these false flag disasters do we have to go 
through before we tar and feather and run the DC trash out of town on a rail?

Who are the Syrian rebels? 
They're foreign thugs-for-hire and the paymasters are Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

Remember what government just did to Cyprus (stole it's citizen's money right out from 
their bank accounts). That was an experiment to see if they could get away with it. That same 
game plan to confiscate YOUR money kept in the big banks is already designed and waiting 
to happen here too; as well as in England, Australia, and the European Union. Don't keep a 
bunch  of money in a big bank account.  It's not safe there. This is a MUST WATCH 12 minute 
wake up call. Local small banks and local credit unions are much safer places to keep you 
money. The video explains why.  The big banks have all your funds leveraged at very high risk. 

God is doing incredible things. The last reformation spread throughout the earth. In this 
video you see a man who after he had seen some videos on healing, going out and heal the 
sick and cast out demons. What are you waiting for? Obey Jesus words and you can experience 
the same.  Watch at

Just how badly do sodas damage your teeth?To help answer that question, I recently 
captured fascinating microscopic photos and video of teeth being bathed in phosphoric 
-- the same type of acid used in sodas like Coke and Pepsi.
  In these shocking photos, 
you can see the incredible damage caused by this acid at high concentration:

Also see my page at  for more eye openers.

Niagra Falls without water - 1969 when they had to divert the river for a while

Putin's got the right idea.
Here's a message from him to us sheeple americans. He's right on. We gotta get this 
jihad loving, terrorist supporting,  america hating, socialist-communist muslim brotherhood 
member out of the white house. 

A robins nest
4 weeks in one quick video

How do you get through your day?
A amazing person this Richie. 

Ann Barnhardt - Her report on AHEAD: SYRIAN WAR, WWIII, & SHUT DOWN of US ECONOMY

Fukishima put in understandable terms 

How to do an enema, and why you would want to.

Remember the pitch on how to  rid of your gallstones I gave you a month ago
(  if you forgot) many probably didn't do it because 
of the enema part of it.  This guy above does a really good job of teaching you how to do an enema 
yourself. And if you didn't do the gallstone cleanse, you really need to. It's painless and absolutely necessary.

Our Creator and Redeemer . . . And do we THINK about it???
God's accuracy may be observed in the hatching of eggs. . . .. .
For example:
-the eggs of the potato bug hatch in 7 days;
-those of the canary in 14 days;
-those of the barnyard hen in 21 days;
-The eggs of ducks and geese hatch in 28 days;
-those of the mallard in 35 days
The eggs of the parrot and the ostrich hatch in 42 days.
(Notice, they are all divisible by seven, the number of days in a week!)
God's wisdom is seen in the making of an elephant.
The four legs of this great beast all bend forward in the same direction. No other quadruped is so made. God planned that this animal would have a huge body, too large to live on two legs. For this reason He gave it
four fulcrums so that it can rise from the ground easily.
The horse rises from the ground on its two front legs first.
A cow rises from the ground with its two hind legs first.
How wise the Lord is in all His works of creation!
God's wisdom is revealed in His arrangement of sections and segments, as well as in the number of grains.
-Each watermelon has an even number of stripes on the rind.
-Each orange has an even number of segments.
-Each ear of corn has an even number of rows.
-Each stalk of wheat has an even number of grains.
-Every bunch of bananas has on its lowest row an even number of bananas, and each row decreases by one, so that one row has an even number and the next row an odd number.
-The waves of the sea roll in on shore twenty-six to the minute in all kinds of weather.
-All grains are found in even numbers on the stalks, and the Lord specified thirty fold, sixty fold, and a hundred fold all even numbers.
God has caused the flowers to blossom at certain specified times during the day.
Linnaeus, the great botanist, once said that if he had a conservatory containing the right kind of soil, moisture and temperature, he could tell the time of day or night by the flowers that were open and those that were closed!
The lives of each of you may be ordered by the Lord in a beautiful way for

His glory, if you will only entrust Him with your life.
If you try to regulate your own life, it will only be a mess and a failure.
Only the One Who made the brain and the heart can successfully guide them to a profitable end.
May God Bless You In Ways You Never Even Dreamed.
The Bible; When you carry "the Bible", Satan has a headache, when you open it, he collapses, when he sees you reading it, he loses his strength, AND when you stand on the Word of God, Satan can't hurt you!

God Bless
Buenos dias
Que Dios le bendiga

Subject: 8-2 -2013  Ber's Newsletter update 

Two new programs have been brought to me of interest.

where you have to commit to buying a gram of gold a
week at $65/gram and supposedly 
can earn $4500/week by the end of the 3rd month. I don't see the light on this one enough
to present it to you yet. It's right in there with JubiRev, if you can put enough into it up front 
and recruit a lot of people, you will make out.  If you can't , it could be a long haul. It's not like 
TelexFree where you know for sure what you can earn if you don't recruit.  A VIP (spending 
$2K up front) earns $100 in commission when 75 units are sold, whether from personal sales 
or from spillover  or from his downline - a unit is a gram of gold. But a bronze entry who only 
bought the $130 package gets only $13 instead of $100. I have to understand this one better. 
Even though the newest addition of this claims if you send them $30/week for advertising you 
don't have to get your two, all of the presentations of income revolve around everyone who joins 
recruiting two people who do the same. In reality that just ain'ta gonna happen. This is a rich 
man's program; it's not for us two bitters. Maybe I'll change my mind if the light bulb comes on.
There are 31.1034768 grams in a troy ounce of gold. shows gold spot price at 
$1397/oz    1397÷ 31.1034 = $44.91/gram.  You can buy grams of .9999 fine gold 
at  for between $48 and $52 each depending upon the quantity you buy.   
So $65/gram, which is what Karatbards isa chargin for their gold grams,  isn't what I would 
consider the best buy going. But, if you follow the complan into the 8th week and beyond 
and IF everyone who joined recruited two others who did the same, it looks like there is good 
money to be made. But chances of people finding their two who find their two who find their 
two aren't good. I have not funded this program yet, but am watching it.

DSDomination - the DS stands for dropship 
How to make money reselling items you find at one place, mark up , and sell on another site, 
and have it drop shipped from the first site, without having to take money out of your own pocket 
to do so. You just pocket the difference. 
How it works in a nutshell
(there are other videos on that page you can watch also.)
Do you use, or or or other resources to buy things
off the internet with; to save both time and money?  I do. In fact I buy so much stuff off of these
sites that my bank cancels my debit card periodically because there are so many charges against
it they think they gotta be fraudulent.
DSDomination takes this business to a new level. Start out at Pro level for $30/mo to test the waters. 
Upgrade to Elite to obtain more products at higher prices with more profit involved. When you master 
that move up to DSUnleashed for more Suppliers, More Products, A Complete Bag of Tricks for 
selling, not handling, not shipping, but selling online. Profits from $100. to $200,000 Products from 
Baby Soothers to Yachts! Learn how to get Free Vacations and Flights Unlimited Products, Pressure Washers, Rock Bottom Prices. They teach you to lower your fees and get cashback 15% or more
off on stuff you are already doing .  And if that isn't enough there are two levels above that to make 
even more money with. It took me a while to get all the facts on this one but I think I have done so
Check it out, one of the best moneymakers I have seen come along in a long time.

Dinarians and Dongians 
While we all await the revaluation and global reset of currencies, tune into  
for the latest info.
Know how to get the best rate when comes time to exchange your currency. Sign up at to be notified of the 800 # to call for your Wells Fargo appointment 
which is supposedly going to give us a better group rate than street rate because of their deal 
with China. Remember, you are not going to "cash in"  you are going to "exchange currency". 
Banks will treat you differently if you use the wrong terminology.
  And again, once the revaluation 
happens you will be hounded by every Tom, Dick and Harry to invest in this or that.  Be wary. 

Seed Funding
Solid low risk program where you are contributing to the agro business of super foods
on a small scale. A person who has known these people for about 15 years says the growing 
of chia seeds is their main endeavor. Chia seeds are a super food even more nutritious than 
flax seed. I consume ground up chia seed in my morning health drink every day. is dedicated to providing to small farmers the necessary capital resources
to implement the projects discussed. This will create new productive employment, raise the 
standard of living in the poorer communities, increase the nutrition values of food on a global 
scale and elevate the overall quality of life for everyone involved.
You can get involved for as little as $100. There are 3 plans available:
The net monthly profit figures for these three plans are 3.3%, 5.82%, and 10%/mo respectively.
That's net profit. 10%/mo for anything that is for real is very very good. Certainly not a fortune 
but definitely better than less than 1%/year bank interest. This is very low risk.  Principal is not 
returned at the end of the contracted period but is returned in the 1%/day, 6%/week, or 30%/mo 
plans along the way as is covered in the FAQ on their site.
Consider 100% of the 120%, 132%, and 150% figures is your own money being returned to you.
Low risk, good profit, and more people have come forth declaring this is a legitimate operation. 

They accept STP, Perfect Money, or Egopay.  They offer a referral fee of 5% of the 
contributions your friends make and 2% of the contributions their friends make. Only active 
accounts are eligible to receive introducing fees. This could be a good long hauler.

Silver Success   
Still Our absolute safest program. Why? Because it is bulletproof. 
 4%/mo return on principal w/ gold lease backed principal guarantee.
This program has been going almost two years now  with no hiccups, and is brought to us via 
a trader I have known almost 10 years now. Most of the things I do join reflect who I know and how 
trustworthy they are rather than what the words in the offer are. I would trust my wife, kids and 
my dog with this man. He does business extremely cautiously. He watched this trading scenario 
for over a year before being invited to participate with this group. No more than 2% of principal is 
at stake with any one trade. He has a reputation of being very cautious and rarely has a losing 
trade with anything he works with. Many small trades make up the profit puzzle, one reason the 
take to you is 4%/mo instead of more,  but let's put this in perspective. The 4%/mo figure 
exceeds all of the 50 largest hedge funds in the world for the average yearly earnings over 
the period 2005-2007 when the economy was peaking and the DOW topped 14,000. See that 
list and stats at The top fund in the world returned 47.69%
annually during those years. From 2008 – 2011 over 2,000 hedge funds have closed down 
completely and the average annual return is under 30%. 

Your principal is backed by gold. 
Key Features: 
Safety..… No more than 2% of funds under management are at risk at any given time. 
his is very conservative.
Safety….. Trades are short term, also known as "scalping".     Modest gains are realized 
in hundreds of trades. 
Safety….. SILVER SUCCESS holds gold leases to insure 100% security of the principal 
or the duration of the loan.    Premiums, gold options, are prepaid monthly by the fund manager. 
Because the win to loss ratio is so high, billion dollar gold producing companies secure the principal 
of each loan for 100%. SILVER SUCCESS will return 100% of the CURRENT principal to the lender should a circumstance such as an economic crisis arise and trade funds are not accessible.
Earnings….. 4%/ month fixed. Earnings can be taken monthly or compounded if desired. 
How to fund/receive payments…..Bank wire or Solid Trust Pay
Get more information at   or here
You have to email me for the documents for this program. This is as fer sure as it gets.

Telexfree is doing well for me.  The software phone service works good. I use it now to 
call a lot of places. And the newest version isn't even out on the street yet. September should 
launch the financial services package which you could buy instead of the phone service which 
is a combination of debt consolidation services, getting your credit score back up, etc.  Many 
people need that. The weightloss package is being worked on next. The new website is 
continually being upgraded. The GPG system is now in place to get paid out through which 
minimizes the delays in getting paid out. All in all, this is looking good.

Telexfree is NOT a revenue sharing program. We get paid for placing ads to sell a 
telecommunications service, whether those ads sell anything or not. If they do, we get paid more.   for complete concise info on the program    to register and buy ad packs.
Go to and click on Presentation Slideshow for the best quick   
overall explanation of this program I have found.

I won't spend a lot of time here on how it works. Go to  for 
that info. Basically you buy ad packs and place an ad everyday for those for a week. If your ad 
sells you get $44.91 for it, if it doesn't you still get $20 for it. This amounts to a 17.2% - 22.1%/mo 
net profit , from one to five ads, if you never sold a software package  or sponsored anyone. 
It doesn't get any easier than this. I joined in late April and currently have only 32 directs and 
over 550 indirects (people they sponsored) under me now which makes  for very nice  weekly 
binary paycheck. Several of my directs have come back and purchased 10 family packs more.
Having ten family packs working for you costs 10 x $1425 = $14,250 but returns $4000/mo to 
you if you never sponsored anyone else or never sold a software package but just placed your 
daily ads

If you bought just one family pack of five ad units today, at $1425, and took all of your earnings 
and bought another $289 ad central pack anytime those earnings were $289 or more - and you 
can do this from your back office without having to take a withdrawal and waste a week. at the 
end of 52 weeks, one year later, you would be earning $2720/week or $10,880/ mo,  which is 
probably more money than 90% of us have ever earned working a job or even running our own 
That's without giving up time and costs to travel to a job, the frustrations of fighting traffic, the 
negative challenges of dealing with running a business, the inconvenience of getting up to an 
alarm clock, etc. etc. etc. If you did that another six months, at 78 weeks that becomes 
$14,289/week.   Not per month; but per week. Interesting? That's passively; no selling or 
recruiting others. Ask me for the spread sheet someone sent me on that. 
Can you get there by only purchasing one ad central unit and working your way up? 
Yes, BUT,
it will cost you an additional 32 weeks to work your way up from 1 ad pack to 5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional 18 weeks to work your way up from 2 ad packs to  5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional 10 weeks to work your way up from 3 ad packs to  5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional   5 weeks to work your way up from 4 ad packs to  5 ad packs.  
It would pay you to beg, borrow or steal the $1375 +$50 business center registration fee  to be 
able to save 32 weeks in that process and start out with 5 ad packs.

The marketing page thing is working out real well.  As your TelexFree affiliate site only seeks 
to promote the company's software package, you need another mechanism for recruiting 
other promoters into the system. If you don't recruit you are leaving a huge slice of the cake 
on the table. For all people who sign up under me I make for them a recruiting/marketing  page 
at my heavensfountain website, a site I created for people to market their stuff with. An example 
of what your page would look like is found at
   My wife sends out a promoter ad to 
all the places you see at  every day. That is where many 
of my 32 directs have come from. If we can do it, you can do it.

Heart Health  This is absolutely the most important thing for your health you can be part of.  Also our affiliate sites have just been upgraded.
This is not an MLM, there is:
- no distributor sign up fee or kit cost, 
- no autoship requirement, in fact you don't have to buy anything to earn on affiliate sales.
- you get your own marketing webpage free like mine at    
-  you get paid four levels deep as an affiliate ($5/canister direct sales, $1/canister affiliate sales)
-  order off your own affiliate website and receive cash rebates of $5 (1 canister)  to $60 (12 canisters). MyCardioForLife heart formula has the most complete formula on the martketplace at the lowest price.
This WILL get you off pharmaceutical meds for high blood pressure, and will also drop your cholesterol and triglycerides,  lowers diabetes risk, and is a great weight control tool as when your body gets all the 70 plant based ionic minerals that are in it, it doesn't crave food. I can vouch for that. I  have added a list of 25 things you can do to lower your blood pressure on my heart page.
August 25th,2013 update is posted at 
The date to pay your $98 trust fee has been extended to Dec 10th. Payout in gold supposedly 
starts on Dec 13th, 2013.

Still imminent but it is quite clear to me he isn't going to receive money until this global 
reset thing completes.

Still gonna happen but the when is simply not set in concrete yet. I think it too is dependant 
upon the global currency reset.

CERMA - double the life of your motor - increase gas mileage
New website, videos, improved information, great testimonies, and a chance to make 
some good money here as an affiliate with no sign up fees or autoship required.
Nano Oil conditioner protects engine for maximum lifetime and best mileage. Use 
1 ounce per oil change.
CerMa w.STM-3
Double the life of your engine with this stuff. One time 2 oz. treatment. 
Cerma and Nano Oil Conditioner come from the same company. NOW, you can become 
an affiliate to remarket this product and earn a healthy 25% commission. Just click on the 
link in the green bar at the top of the page at   the cerma store   that says "New Affiliate 
Sign up" and fill it out and you will get your own page and money machine like mine. 
Cerma is an engine protection system using a 2 micron coating of ceramics. This is high 
tech stuff.  Emissions disappear, mileage increases, engine gets quiet; not teflon based. 
Makes your diesel quit smoking also. My cummins 2004 Dodge PU without a cat combustor 
now makes NO SMOKE. I use it in all of my rigs including chain saw and lawnmower and 
add a little more with every oil change including the nano oil conditioner. Cerma is one 
of the few additives that really does work and do what it says. I am am affiliate marketer of 
this product, you can be too,  it costs nothing to be an affilaite, and it is drop shipped directly 
to you at a greatly reduced savings off of retail. This will double the life of your engine and 
increase your  gas mileage at the same time   
The least expensive source of vitamins and minerals on the planet. Great company.

Vibrant Life vitamins and Oral chelation formula. I have been taking Vibrant Life SuperLifeGlow vitamins and Bone Dense Calcium for several years now.  SuperLifeGlow is absolutely the BEST vitamin and chelation formula in existence. It contains massive quantities of more than 60 nutrients.  The bone formula contains microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, the only form of calcium proven to add bone mass. 
This is good stuff. They also have several other products including MSM. 
MSM stands for Methyl 
Sulfonyl Methane, organic sulfur. When it rains, MSM falls on the ground and is used by plants. Your 
body needs MSM and contains some but, if you had more MSM in your body, you would endure far 
less pain and suffering from arthritis, back pain, Fibromyalgia and muscle soreness.
  MSM is also an important nutrient for hair, skin and nails.

Music Site 
Free, runs 24/7 and you can select just about any kind of music you want to listen to
from a gazillion categories; from classical guitar to rock to country western to jazz, etc.
I especially like the smooth jazz station (bottom selection of the top list) at 

Listen with your heart - not your ears 

The overpass signs to impeach Obama movement is growing rapidly, almost logarithmically.  

Our days of eating ocean run fish may be over. Contamination from Fukishima continues to 
pour into the ocean every day and contaminated fish emitting radiation are showing up everywhere, 
even Alaska.

The Event

You'll find this article a bit fascinating. No more FED? No more IRS?
Vision for New Financial System – Transition from the Old Financial System to the New 
Financial System.

Are you a terrorist? You are if you are any one of these 72 type of people. 

Did US frame Assad in the chemical attacks? 

Investigative journalists inside the Eurasian country of Georgia report that they have traced 
shipments of chemical weapons to Syria from an American-controlled facility in Georgia.

OOPS, It Was An Accident (The Gas Attack In Syria) Admit Syrian Rebels Whodunit
reported by a highly credentialed AP reporter: Syrian "rebels" on Saudi payroll accidentally 
set off the gas canisters. They admitted that they did not know what they were and had not 
been properly instructed in how to handle them. These are Obama's goons.

The lies being told by US government agencies and the mainstream media over in Syria 
continue to unravel as a Free Syrian Army Rebel has come out and admitted to the Associated 
Press that the rebels were responsible for the chemical attack in Syria blamed upon Syrian 
government forces. If this information isn’t bad enough, the rebels also admit that the weapons 
were supplied to them by US ally Saudi Arabia. Is Barack Obama now going to attack Saudi 
Arabia and the FSA rebels or will this be overlooked by the globalists and the White House 
and Syria attacked anyways? A video report is at

Who/What is Really Behind the Syrian War?

Obama busted for funding Jihad takeover

Russia tells US, bomb Syria and we will obliterate you.

Is it game over for US carriers if obama starts the war?
This is a distinct possibility. Look at this carrier destroying missle.

Watch this quick video and tell Obama he is supporting the wrong side in Syria.

Current pics of Nibiru (planet X) 
This is a fascinating video well worth your watch.  Watch it all. It shows you planet X and 
tells you how long we have before the SHTF. Is the Dec 21, 2012 date really Dec 16, 2013?
Is that why Canada is being filled with evacuation/detour signs and the US DHS keeps buying 
more ammo with which to control the public with when collapse occurs. 

Pedigree dogfood is kiiling dogs.
You might want to switch brands if you are using this 

One US aircraft carrier has a more powerful air force than 70% of all countries
Amazing video of what a US Aircraft carrier is all about. Very impressive.  

Does Jesus still heal people today?  
Miracles in America - see the lame healed, the deaf hear, demons
I have witnessed this also, in fact, I have even witnessed the blind see again, have you?
If you'd like to get involved with Jesus healing people through you, sign up for a free 
online course at   starts August 11th; 
you get one email lesson a week for 20 weeks. 

Unbelieveable the tricks this dog does, plus water skies and skateboards  

You won't believe this five year old on the piano.
Is this an indigo chld?  A reincarnation? 

DHS- Dept Homeland Security - a government out of control
This whistleblower speaks out on how DHS declared her a "Domestic Terrorist" then dispatched 
a Blackhawk Helicopter SWAT raid on her home because --- She was doing her job protecting 
the border... you just need to see this and spread it to the four corners of the earth.
After 60 MINUTES interviewed former DHS Officer Julia Davis - they never aired it... effectively 
blocking the truth from the American people... because it would destroy the "War on Terror" 
facade and expose how DHS is brutally abusing their authority.

So you want to own a post 2005 vehicle?
This is how car jackers (govt) can take over your computer and assassinate you in your own car.
It is highly probable Michael Hastings, the whistleblower, was taken out in this manner along 
with a drone strike to finish the job.
Notice your friendly car dealer no longer tells you about this gadgetry installed in your vehicle. 

Oh-oh  Maybe you and I don't grow so well near wi-fi either

The Constitution Club - compensation for one's labor is not income?
We all know the IRS is an illegal tax collector for the 13 families who own the FED.
The FED prints money, spends it, gives it away, and tries to saddle us with the interest debt.
The FED has nothing to do with our federal government. Your tax dollars don't run our government.
The trick is, how do you keep them from stealing your home and stuff?
Sign up for the Constitution Club (free) and get educated.

What the REPUBLIC of the United States is supposed to be

Government tyranny: Illinois Department of Agriculture secretly destroys beekeeper’s bees 
and 15 years of research proving Monsanto’s Roundup kills bees. An Illinois beekeeper with 
more than a decade’s worth of expertise about how to successfully raise organic, chemical-free 
bees is the latest victim of flagrant government tyranny. 

Laws "against guns" are really laws against CITIZEN gun owners.
Criminals and abusive governments will always have access to all the guns they want.
I wonder how many people know that the two biggest "gun law" movements
the US history were designed to deprive one specific group of Americans from
being able to defend themselves. Listen and learn. You might be surprised.
And you might look at the current "anti-gun" (really anti-citizen) hysteria in a new light.

Louisiana sinkholes broaden, 
Check out The Louisiana Sinkhole Bugle for hard to find 
updates on the sinkhole. also for flyover footage and Assumption Parish public briefingsEveryone who is concerned about the massive and growing 
Louisiana sinkhole, the continuing poisoning in the
Gulf of Mexico from the 2010 oil spill and 
the "cleanup", earthquakes seemingly caused by gas fracking in
Texas and other states, and 
possible connection to the caldera under Yellowstone Park will want to watch andlisten to this 
in depth analysis from 2011. The Countdown starts with the "Navy Map" and takes you throughmaps, charts, statistics, all with bearing on what is going on today in Louisiana, Texas, other Gulf states,but may soon have a disastrous and possibly planned impact on most of the United States of America.

Obama's executive order 13603 can take everything you own
I warned you before about keeping anything of value in a safe deposit box. This goes much 
further than that. President Obama has created Executive Order 13603 enabling the US Govt 
the power to confiscate ANY  thing he deems necessary to keep the government afloat. The 
Govt. will confiscate anything they want under Martial Law. This is a never ending story with the 
US government. Obama has made executive order 13603 enabling him to establish a Totalitarian 
Regime. This also enables him to confiscate retirement accounts, any commodities (gold
, food, water, wages, anything and everything).

Snowden strikes fear into Putin, who is currently protecting him.
Most of you know Snowden as the whistle blower who worked in mega intelligence to be 
able to learn our government's closest  guarded secrets, whom Obama is trying to take out 
like Michael Hastings who was preparing to spill Snowden's information.  Snowden has 
uncovered much information regarding treasonous activities our government is involved in 
against it's own citizens as well as other peoples throughout the world.
Snowden’s life is not only in danger because of the secrets he is revealing, but rather the 
fear he has instilled in America's power-elite that such a lowly person of courage has risen 
against them.  Why did Obama, the Clintons and GWBush recently meet secretly in Tasmania 
Africa? This is yet to be revealed by Snowden. Two 
top-secret documents released by Snowden showing the truth that not only  everything you 
do is being captured and stored by the US government, but that the very top-brand Internet 
companies (Microsoft, Facebook, Google, etc.) are helping them do it!  The NSA is capturing
over 1 billion cell phone calls a day so they can store them and listen to them too.
The truth about the events of 11 September 2001 and who was behind it?  Snowden’s got it.  
The truth about the many assassinations of prominent researchers and scientists investigating viruses?  Snowden’s got it. The truth about what are called chemtrails? Snowden’s got it. 
The truth about crop circles and the“power” behind their making? Snowden’s got it.
perhaps, the most important: The truth behind the 9 December 2009 Norway Spiral and how 
that event ties in with the Norwegians now buying Bibles in record numbers; which is strange 
because Norway is trying to turn all their children into homosexuals and the Bible says that is 
an abomination and those people will never see the kingdom of God.  Is there a battle 
about to begin for this world? Is armageddon close?

How are you doing under Obama. 4 out of 5 Americans are near poverty, and have no jobs.

This video certainly hits the nail on the head.
One of the best you'll see. Has 6 million hits already

Thousands of people have begun Freeway Overpass protest signage
demanding Obama's impeachment.  We can see here literally the beginning of the soon 
to be VERY Popular Insurgency to drive out of power the criminal cliques who have seized 
control of the U.S. Federal government.

Don't use windows 8; it's just one big spying tool 

  The third secret of Fatima? 
The secret about the Third Secret of Fatima could be  that the Vatican
Satanists do not want
the Laity to know the Third Secret.  It was
to have been divulged in 1960.  The reason it was 
not is now obvious. 
From former Popes' and Cardinals speeches, approximately 33% of the 
Vatican Clergy are involved.  On June 29, 1963, Satan was
enthroned in the Vatican according 
to Dr. Father Malachi Martin, S.J.
who left the priesthood when he learned of the celebration of 
the Black Mass on that date, and the parallel Black Mass celebrated on that same date in Charleston, 
South Carolina. In Bible Prophesy, the
Vatican is the "Beast" and the United States of America 
is the "Image
of the Beast", thus the relevance of the Black Mass celebrations in these two locations.  Charleston, South Carolina is the seat of the Secret Societies in the U.S.A. and it is from this 
location that the
directives are given.   This information is readily available for anyone to search.  
Simply type in your search engine, "Malachi Martin / Satan
enthroned in the Vatican June 29, 1963.  
Fr. Malachi Martin was an
advisor to Cardinal Bea in the Vatican and was privy to 'inside information'. 

RFID Chip Now Being Issued In Hanna, Wyoming As Part Of New “Obamacare” Plan
Smaller than a grain of rice.

The truth about Hiromshima and Nagasaki you won't find in the history books

How to make a PVC hand pump to transfer fluids
This is really a good instruction. Save it.

Did you know Google recorded every webpage you visited for the past five years?
Imagine there’s a list somewhere that contains every single webpage you have visited in the 
last five years. It also has everything you have ever searched for, every address you looked 
up on Google GOOG +1.86% Maps, every email you sent, every chat message, every YouTube 
video you watched. Each entry is time-stamped, so it’s clear exactly, down to the minute, when 
all of this was done. 
Now imagine that list is all searchable. And imagine it’s on a clean, easy-to-
use website. With all that imagined, can you think of a way a hacker, with access to this, could 
use it against you? And once you’ve imagined all that, go over to, and 
see it all become reality. 

How our commercial passenger planes are being used to put aluminum oxide, barium, 
strontium and a host of other toxic particles into our atmosphere via chemtrails; this is from 
a pilot involved in these operations, with the result of killing bees, trees, and other living things.
   see also
for much more on the subject.

At a time when President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin appear to be 
clashing over the extradition of Edward Snowden, it’s hard to imagine signing an agreement 
that allows Russian troops to provide security at events on US soil… but that’s exactly what 
the Obama Administration did recently.

Taking pics with your smartphone/cellphone and posting it on the web leaves your family 
wide open to crime. 

Good article on where to carry a concealed weapon. 

Analysis Of The Book of Revelation
(See  for a ten youtube video series that takes you through revelation so you will know what is says and what is coming)

Here is a good summary below of what John's book of revelation has to tell us. Don't be fooled 
by the NESARA good times are coming thing. That isn't what John is telling us.  You best 
be studying preparations for ugly days ahead as all this comes to pass.

He was exiled to the tiny island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea to work in the mines because he was a faithful and fearless preacher for the Lord.  And it was here where the last surviving apostle received "The Revelation of Jesus Christ."  The emperor Domitian of Asia Minor had John sent away to silence him, but instead God opened the heavens to allow His eternal light to shine through John and for those who place their trust and faith in the Lord.
The emperor may have succeeded in getting John off the streets of Asia Minor's cities to silence his preaching but the words John left behind from the island of Patmos have had an everlasting impact on the Church Age Saint.  It is through John that we are given a glimpse of our future, the end of the history of mankind, and the beginning of a new world for those who love and follow after the Most High God.  But above all, Yahushua - Jesus gave us hope, because when all is said and done, Yahushua will have the victory over sin and evil in this world and will destroy those who rally around its banner along with their infamous leader, Satan.

      John watched as Yahushua claimed His sovereign control of the church and how He could bless it with His presence or curse it with His absence.  He saw the opening of the seven Seal Judgments and the sounding of the seven Trumpet Judgments of God.  He watched the final pouring out His vengeance through the seven Bowls of Wrath.  He was given the events of the Tribulation Period from beginning to end.  He envisioned the rise of a one world church and a one world government and the murder of the faithful supported by and then enforced by the world church and Antichrist.  He saw the rise to power of the False Prophet and the Antichrist and how they would lead the world to the brink of annihilation through the lies of peace and prosperity.

      John viewed the rise and then the destruction of the Great Harlot - the one world church and the capital city of the Antichrist's empire.  He envisioned the multitudes who would receive the mark of the Antichrist becoming owned body, soul, and spirit by Satan himself.

       He saw the world's hatred and contempt for the two great witnesses sent down from heaven to preach to a disinterested world the message of salvation.  He viewed their ministry, murders, and their glorious resurrections back to heaven.

       John envisioned how the False Prophet would deceive the church and force them into idolatry.  How the Antichrist would defile the city of Jerusalem  and demand to be worshipped as God.

       He saw the armies of the world gather at the Mount of Megiddo and then turn from destroying each other to fight against the King of Kings during the Second Coming of Christ.  He saw how Jesus would destroy these armies and cast the Antichrist and False Prophet into the lake of fire. And how one single angel would bind Satan in chains and place him into the bottomless pit.  He saw the judgment of the nations and the separating of the sheep and goats.  He witnessed the establishment of Jesus' Kingdom Age on earth and reign as the King and establish a perfect reign of government where man has repeatedly failed.  Then he saw Satan loosed from his chains in the bottomless pit and gather an army for one last desperate attempt to overthrow God.  John was shown how this last rebellion would be crushed and those who partake in it destroyed.  He saw then, at last, the eternal fate of Satan who was cast into the lake of fire to join his comrades to be tormented forever and ever.

       John was then shown the scene of the Great White Throne Judgment.  How all those through the history of mankind who rejected God's salvation were brought to stand before Him and be judged for their rejection of Him, then cast into the lake of fire to join the trio of beasts already there.

       It is at this point in the Revelation that John is given a glimpse of eternity.  The new Jerusalem and a newly created heaven and earth, for the former, God will have destroyed after His Millennial Reign.  It was more beautiful than John could describe and more awesome than we could ever imagine.  He is persuaded that the vision he received is accurate and that the Lord will return to inaugurate these events.

We have been shown a future that holds great magnitudes of destruction for this present earth but given great hope of a new one.  Through it all the Book of Revelation is not an ending, but a new beginning.

God Bless
Buenos dias
Que Dios le bendiga

Subject: 7-24 -2013  Ber's Newsletter update 
email addy –  
Something of urgent importance  first.
Liver and gallbladder cleanse
You've all heard of gallstones, right, little rocks that develop in your gallbladder that require 
surgery to remove and oftentimes you lose your gallbladder in the process. Your gallbladder 
is not an extra part you don't need.  It makes bile which is a necessary component of the 
digestion process. Think of it as the dishwashing liquid that emulsifies grease.  I've got some
pics at my page  you will be interested to see. 
This is what came out of me and the wife when we did a cleanse recently.

My wife has been after me for some time to go on a liver-gallbladder cleanse with her to get 
rid of these. I told her show me and I will then do it as a three day fast and an enema every 
morning to flush out the waste in the intestines as part of it is not my idea of a picnic. Well, 
she did, and some of what came out of her were as big as large raisins.
Most were the size of aquarium gravel or BB's. That scared me. But she got a recipe from 
Russia that may even be easier to use than the second one I have posted at my gallstonecleanse 
Quite simply you drink nothing but apple juice for three days. No water, no orange juice, no milk, 
no food; nothing but apple juice. The sugar in the apple juice keeps you from getting hungry as 
you drink it once or more times per hour 4-8 ounces at a whack. You can drink as much as you 
want, even a gallon a day. This softens the crystalized deposits so they can be easily ejected 
without blocking any passages. 

You go to Walmart and buy a rubber hot water bottle with enema tube for a about five bucks. 
Each morning you give yourself a warm water enema to try and clean the colon out as much 
as possible. Starting with day one. This means each morning for four times or more that you 
are on your knees in the shower and you shove this tube up your butt, let the water flow in and 
when you can't hold it any longer, you pull the tube out and blow out the shower wall. Do this 
at least four times in a row every morning. An understanding partner working with you makes 
this easier if you can both quit laughing over it. A little oil on the anus opening helps. 

Since the colon exits on the left side, as you are able to hold more water, you may want to 
elevate the torso then turn a little onto the right side to get the water across the transverse 
colon and down into the ascending colon. Then you can put your fingers under the right side 
of your belly and jostle the water like a washing machine. A second or third quart of water may 
be needed for deeper cleansing. Have extra warm water available  ahead of time so you don't 
have to waste time while refilling the bag.
At 7pm on the 3rd day you start taking 3 tablespoons of olive oil with 3 tablespoons of fresh 
squeezed lemon juice every fifteen minutes for the next two and a half to three hours; so like 
10 to twelve times you drink this mixture over a three hour period.  Use a timer so it is every 
15 minutes.   I thought it would taste awful but the lemon juice mixed with the olive oil goes 
down pretty easy in a couple swallows. No aftertaste of the olive oil if you chug it.  I was going 
to use a chaser but found it unnecessary.  You have to lay down on your side with a hot water 
bottle filled with hot water to warm your liver up during this three hours.  Your liver is just below 
your rib cage on your right side. You have to stay down for that three hour period. No water. 
No other fluids. You can go pee quickly but that's the only up time you are allowed get up.

You may have a bowel movement that night or you may not until the next morning.
I didn't have to go until the next morning, because after three days of fasting and enemas 
there's nothing left in there to go.  When you do, you should have a  7" diameter x 5" plastic 
container available you can put in the toilet to catch what comes out if you want to see the 
stones yourself. Who wouldn't want to see the fruits of their labor? Stones will come 
out with every bowel movement the whole next day, little ones first, then they get bigger. Let 
them dry out and they become hard just like rocks.  You should follow this up with the same 
procedure two weeks later to make sure you get them all as the stones in the back of the
liver then come forward. Then you should do this several times a year, like quarterly. Even 
monthly is good.

You will notice some weight reduction occurs after you clean your liver. When bile becomes 
more available to handle the fat in your diet, it doesn't end up on your love handles but gets 
processed and shipped out as it was intended by God's design. Fats make you sluggish for 
as long there is not sufficient bile available to handle the fat. Once the bile ducts are clear, bile 
flow and bile production return to normal and fat digestion also becomes easy again, provided 
that all the other factors that influence bile production, such getting to sleep before 10 or 10:30 pm, 
drinking enough water, avoiding stimulants, etc., clearing emotional stress, etc. are taken care 
of. The liver loses its sluggishness when it is free from congestion. It fully repairs itself and 
does not require any external help to do that. Be sure and read all of the rest of my page at as it  covers  more necessary information.

Next newsletter - another extremely important subject 
Breathing Exercises  Free very specific information 

Dinarians and Dongians 
Tune into for the latest info.
Know how to get the best rate when comes time to exchange your currency. Sign up at to be notified of the 800 # to call for your Wells Fargo appointment 
which is supposedly going to give us a better group rate than street rate because of their deal 
with China. Why will Wells Fargo give us a better rate? Much of Wells Fargo is owned by China. 
China needs oil, Iraq needs to get their dinar back. Wells Fargo is acting as the broker for the 
deal to get oil cheap for China. For that they are paying a premium for your dinar. The US will 
get it for $30/barrel. It costs Iraq only $2/barrel to get it out of the ground. The US Treasury 
has 20 or more trillion dinar right now. Wells Fargo has brokered a private deal through China 
which will give cheap oil and recover more dinar for Iraq. It's that simple. Well, the real 
explanation isn't that simple so I posted it at  because 
you need to know the difference between street rate, bank rate, and group rate and make 
sure you get into the group rate category when you go to exchange. Spend some time with 
that page so you understand the differences. It will cost you if you don't. And remember, 
you are not going to "cash in"  you are going to "exchange currency". Banks will treat you 
differently if you use the wrong terminology.

And the delay may be caused by the senate and the house trying to resurrect a depression 
days bill that would prevent banks from brokering funds.  This is Obama's attempt to make 
all dinars go through the US treasury instead of going to China to buy cheap oil for them. 
The US wants $30/barrel oil also and Iraq doesn't care; they just want their dinars back. 

Obama has just instituted a new 3.8% tax on all foreign currency exchanges also. You 
didn't really think he was going to let you skate free on the exchange did you? All snakes 
slither fulltime including the muslim in the white house.

Keep in mind when the revaluation happens the US dollar will take a 40% to 50% hit. 
So you may want to consider turning your dinars or dongs into Canadian dollars which 
are supposed to gain 20% in value instead of lose 50 % in value. 

And again, once the revaluation  happens you will be hounded by every Tom, Dick and 
Harry to invest in this or that.  I have two favorite places I am going to place significant funds.
Silver Success and Seed

Our silver success trader will accept dinar or dong at a converted rate.   So if you want a safe 
place to earn 4%/mo, consider Silver Success. $100k with him is a $4k/mo steady income.
More info further down but you have to request the docs from me to really get the info.

I also have had significant communication with the managers. Seed pays 10%/mo net profit (min $500 in to get the 10%/mo figure) but appears to 
be very legitimate  and very stable also. Providing funds to grow chia seed is their main 
endeavor although they will be branching  into other things as well, including honey bees 
and cattle.  . I inquired about the possibility of compounding but he says the website is not 
laid out to do that. But you can transfer your earnings into your ewallet and simply purchase 
new contracts with those earnings at any time.  I would call  that manual compounding. This 
is another place I will put some significant dinar/dong money. You should too.

Seed Funding
I had an almost two hour long phone conversation with the owners of this business. 
I'm almost as excited about what's happening here as they are. I took more than 3 pages 
of notes on the call between them and will revise my page to reflect some of that information.

Solid low risk program where you are contributing to the agro business of super foods
on a small scale. A person who has known these people for about 15 years says the growing 
of chia seeds is their main endeavor. Chia seeds are a super food even more nutritious than 
flax seed. I consume ground up chia seed in my morning health drink every day. is dedicated to providing to small farmers the necessary capital resources
to implement the projects discussed. This will create new productive employment, raise the 
standard of living in the poorer communities, increase the nutrition values of food on a global 
scale and elevate the overall quality of life for everyone involved.
You can get involved for as little as $10. There are 3 plans available:
The net monthly profit figures for these three plans are 3.3%, 5.82%, and 10%/mo respectively.
That's net profit. 10%/mo for anything that is for real is very very good. Certainly not a fortune 
but definitely better than less than 1%/year bank interest. This is very low risk.  Principal is not 
returned at the end of the contracted period but is returned in the 1%/day, 6%/week, or 30%/mo 
plans along the way as is covered in the FAQ on their site.
Consider 100% of the 120%, 132%, and 150% figures is your own money being returned to you.
Low risk, good profit, and more people have come forth declaring this is a legitimate operation. 

They accept STP, Perfect Money, or Egopay.  They offer a referral fee of 5% of the 
contributions your friends make and 2% of the contributions their friends make. Only active 
accounts are eligible to receive introducing fees. This could be a good long hauler.

Silver Success   
Still Our absolute safest program. Why? Because it is bulletproof. 
 4%/mo return on principal w/ gold lease backed principal guarantee.
This program has been going almost two years now  with no hiccups, and is brought to us via 
a trader I have known almost 10 years now. Most of the things I do join reflect who I know and how 
trustworthy they are rather than what the words in the offer are. I would trust my wife, kids and 
my dog with this man. He does business extremely cautiously. He watched this trading scenario 
for over a year before being invited to participate with this group. No more than 2% of principal is 
at stake with any one trade. He has a reputation of being very cautious and rarely has a losing 
trade with anything he works with. Many small trades make up the profit puzzle, one reason the 
take to you is 4%/mo instead of more,  but let's put this in perspective. The 4%/mo figure 
exceeds all of the 50 largest hedge funds in the world for the average yearly earnings over 
the period 2005-2007 when the economy was peaking and the DOW topped 14,000. See that 
list and stats at The top fund in the world returned 47.69%
annually during those years. From 2008 – 2011 over 2,000 hedge funds have closed down 
completely and the average annual return is under 30%. 

Your principal is backed by gold. 
Key Features: 
Safety..… No more than 2% of funds under management are at risk at any given time. 
his is very conservative.
Safety….. Trades are short term, also known as "scalping".     Modest gains are realized 
in hundreds of trades. 
Safety….. SILVER SUCCESS holds gold leases to insure 100% security of the principal 
or the duration of the loan.    Premiums, gold options, are prepaid monthly by the fund manager. 
Because the win to loss ratio is so high, billion dollar gold producing companies secure the principal 
of each loan for 100%. SILVER SUCCESS will return 100% of the CURRENT principal to the lender should a circumstance such as an economic crisis arise and trade funds are not accessible.
Earnings….. 4%/ month fixed. Earnings can be taken monthly or compounded if desired. 
How to fund/receive payments…..Bank wire or Solid Trust Pay
Get more information at   or here
You have to email me for the documents for this program. This is as fer sure as it gets.

Revenue sharing programs, and what is really working.  
Read the first section of my 5-12-2013 newsletter  at 
for the math and a discertation on revenue sharing programs - JubiRev, Add Wallet, AditNetwork, 
Banners Broker, Affilashare, GoFunPlaces - what you think you are earning that you are not. It 
is my opinion that any revenue sharing program NOT having a product behind it and only using 
advertising as the product, will be short lived. Beware of funding "advertising only" profit sharing 
programs. Adhitprofits, who just nose dived, is a good example. I will no longer put any money 
into any profit sharing program that uses advertising only as their product.

Telexfree is NOT a revenue sharing program. We get paid for placing ads to sell a 
telecommunications service, whether those ads sell anything or not. If they do, we get paid more.   for complete concise info on the program    to register and buy ad packs.
Go to and click on Presentation Slideshow for the best quick   
overall explanation of this program I have found.

The July 26th - 27th Extravaganza conference in California will be covered online.  You can go 
on line and watch the presentations.  Go to  and the home page will tell you 
how when the time comes. The conference is essentially sold out as well as the cruise on Sunday afterwards.
  There's a gold mine here. 
I know people who are now having four figure DAYS; not weeks or months. 

I won't spend a lot of time here on how it works. Go to  for that 
info. Basically you buy ad packs and place an ad everyday for those. If your ad sells you get $44.91 
for it, if it doesn't you still get $20 for it. This amounts to a 17.2% - 22.1%/mo net profit , 
from one to five ads, if you never sold a software pakcage  or sponsored anyone. It doesn't 
get any easier than this. 

If you bought just one family pack of five ad units today, and took all of your earnings and bought 
another $289 ad central pack anytime those earnings were $289 or more - and you can do this 
from your back office without having to take a withdrawal and waste a week. at the end of 52 
weeks, one year later, you would be earning $2720/week or $10,880/ mo,  which is probably 
more money than 90% of us have ever earned working a job or even running our own business. 
That's without giving up time and costs to travel to a job, the frustrations of fighting traffic, the 
negative challenges of dealing with running a business, the inconvenience of getting up to an 
alarm clock, etc. etc. etc.
If you did that another six months, at 78 weeks that becomes $14,289/week.   Not per month; 
but per week. Interesting? That's passively; no selling or recruiting others. Ask me for the spread 
sheet someone sent me on that. 
Can you get there by only purchasing one ad central unit and working your way up? 
Yes, BUT,
it will cost you an additional 32 weeks to work your way up from 1 ad pack to 5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional 18 weeks to work your way up from 2 ad packs to  5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional 10 weeks to work your way up from 3 ad packs to  5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional   5 weeks to work your way up from 4 ad packs to  5 ad packs.  
It would pay you to beg, borrow or steal the $1375 +$50 business center registration fee  to be 
able to save 32 weeks in that process and start out with 5 ad packs.

The marketing page thing is working out real well.  As your TelexFree affiliate site only seeks 
to promote the company's software package, you need another mechanism for recruiting 
other promoters into the system. If you don't recruit you are leaving a huge slice of the cake 
on the table. For all people who sign up under me I make for them a recruiting/marketing  page 
at my heavensfountain website, a site I created for people to market their stuff with. An example 
of what your page would look like is found at
   My wife sends out a promoter ad to 
all the places you see at  every day. That is where many 
of my 28 directs have come from. If we can do it, you can do it.

Heart Health  This is absolutely the most important thing for your health you can be part of.  Also our affiliate sites have just been upgraded.
This is not an MLM, there is:
- no distributor sign up fee or kit cost, 
- no autoship requirement, in fact you don't have to buy anything to earn on affiliate sales.
- you get your own marketing webpage free like mine at    
-  you get paid four levels deep as an affiliate ($5/canister direct sales, $1/canister affiliate sales)
-  order off your own affiliate website and receive cash rebates of $5 (1 canister)  to $60 (12 canisters). MyCardioForLife heart formula has the most complete formula on the martketplace at the lowest price.
This WILL get you off pharmaceutical meds for high blood pressure, and will also drop your cholesterol and triglycerides,  lowers diabetes risk, and is a great weight control tool as when your body gets all the 70 plant based ionic minerals that are in it, it doesn't crave food. I can vouch for that. I  have added a list of 25 things you can do to lower your blood pressure on my heart page.
Really imminent. Our trader was supposed to get his first payment July 13th, Saturday, 
but didn't. Each day he gets messages saying it is coming though.

Still gonna happen but the when is simply not set in concrete yet.

CERMA - double the life of your motor - increase gas mileage
New website, videos, improved information, great testimonies, and a chance to make 
some good money here as an affiliate with no sign up fees or autoship required.
Nano Oil conditioner protects engine for maximum lifetime and best mileage. Use 
1 ounce per oil change.
CerMa w.STM-3
Double the life of your engine with this stuff. One time 2 oz. treatment. 
Cerma and Nano Oil Conditioner come from the same company. NOW, you can become 
an affiliate to remarket this product and earn a healthy 25% commission. Just click on the 
link in the green bar at the top of the page at   the cerma store   that says "New Affiliate 
Sign up" and fill it out and you will get your own page and money machine like mine. 
Cerma is an engine protection system using a 2 micron coating of ceramics. This is high 
tech stuff.  Emissions disappear, mileage increases, engine gets quiet; not teflon based. 
Makes your diesel quit smoking also. My cummins 2004 Dodge PU without a cat combustor 
now makes NO SMOKE. I use it in all of my rigs including chain saw and lawnmower and 
add a little more with every oil change including the nano oil conditioner. Cerma is one 
of the few additives that really does work and do what it says. I am am affiliate marketer of 
this product, you can be too,  it costs nothing to be an affilaite, and it is drop shipped directly 
to you at a greatly reduced savings off of retail. This will double the life of your engine and 
increase your  gas mileage at the same time   
The least expensive source of vitamins and minerals on the planet. Great company.

Vibrant Life vitamins and Oral chelation formula. I have been taking Vibrant Life SuperLifeGlow vitamins and Bone Dense Calcium for several years now.  SuperLifeGlow is absolutely the BEST vitamin and chelation formula in existence. It contains massive quantities of more than 60 nutrients.  The bone formula contains microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, the only form of calcium proven to add bone mass. 
This is good stuff. They also have several other products including MSM. 
MSM stands for Methyl 
Sulfonyl Methane, organic sulfur. When it rains, MSM falls on the ground and is used by plants. Your 
body needs MSM and contains some but, if you had more MSM in your body, you would endure far 
less pain and suffering from arthritis, back pain, Fibromyalgia and muscle soreness.
  MSM is also an important nutrient for hair, skin and nails.

Hibiscus flower (called jamaica in Mexico) cures diabetes
If you are one of the millions with adult diabetes, here's a potential breakthrough for you in 
addition to taking cinnamon which is a mimicker of insulin.  An Indian research team investigated 
the plant Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. People have used it for centuries in traditional medicines. It 
has laxative and antiparasite effects; it fights colds and circulation problems, protects against 
cancer, and much more. It is full of antioxidants. Now we know it fights diabetes. Jamaica tea 
(hot or cold) from the Hibiscus flower is a favorite drink in Mexico. I drink it every day here. It 
is not expensive. Go to  or or to to any Mexican specialty store and ask 
for jamaica tea flowers. They are a dark purple. Put a hand full of the flower petals in boiling water, 
steep for a while, strain through some cheese cloth (we even make a second batch out of the 
same flower petals), add a little sugar and you have a great tasting health drink; hot or cold.
Think about that before you down a high fructose corn syrup laden soda pop which gives you 
diabetes in the first place. High fructose corn syrup consumption is the leading cause of diabetes. 
Your body does not process HFCS the same way it does simple cane sugar. HFCS is toxic, yet 
they put it into everything we consume it seems. Why? It's a cheap sweetener, regardless of 
the negative health aspects. How could big pharma sell us drugs to combat diabetes if they 
didn't poison us first. 

This is the best 7 minutes on gun control I have ever seen
His statistics are amazing. Send this to everyone you know.
What's so amazing is that many more people are killed by hammers, knives, 
cars, and doctors, than guns. 

The amazing coiling effect of honey
Why does it do that?

Plain spoken and clearyl a message all of us need to hear

All about Bohemian Grove 

Use google search without being tracked
Are you concerned about all the tracking of what we do on the internet? Would you like to use 
Google search but don’t want Google recording where you are and what searches you make? 
Then give a try to the search engine "StartPage"  Start Page actually uses Google for its searches 
but acts as an intermediary to protect your privacy. When you search with StartPage, all identifying information from your query is removed and it is submitted anonymously to Google. StartPage then 
gets the results back and relays them to you.  StartPage is based in the Netherlands and says that 
they are not subject to government snooping. According to their privacy statement, no records of 
user data are kept. They do not know who you are. Your IP and geographical location are not recorded. 
No tracking cookies are used. So they have no information to give to anybody, even if they are asked.

Martial Law in 2013?
They're certainly training for it.

Is the tide really turning?
Remember what the serpent said to Eve in the garden? Did God really say that you would 
surely die if you ate the fruit?  Well, we have heard about this global reset and the bad guys 
being removed from power so long now it has almost become another "the boy who cried 
wolf" story. But maybe our time has come. Read this interesting article. I must warn you though, 
this article smacks of new age. The Bible doesn't talk about such peace and prosperity. 

US laser weaponry that exists today to take out the enemy? 

Think we are not in the end times?
Jesus did not give us a date of His return. He told us to watch for signs. Think some 
of these signs might be what we are supposed to be watching for? 

This is a video of extreme truth. 
Spend five minutes with it. It is reality. 

abuses to the system ever end?
Did you know that much of the food stamp money that buys groceries,  that these recipients
are shipping welfare funded groceries to relatives in other countries?

Why Obama is stocking bullets. His real agenda. 
This is a good video. It affects your ability to feed your family. 

When you start to feeling down, things aren't going right, 
maybe you sinned knowingly and figure God isn't going to use you anymore
 just remember...

Noah was a drunk

Abraham was too old

Isaac was a daydreamer

Jacob was a liar

Leah was ugly

Joseph was abused

Moses had a stuttering problem

Gideon was afraid

Sampson had long hair and was a womanizer

Rahab was a prostitute

Jeremiah and Timothy were too young

David had an affair and was a murderer

Elijah was suicidal

Isaiah preached naked

Jonah ran from God

Naomi was a widow

Job went bankrupt

John the Baptist ate bugs

Peter denied Christ

The Disciples fell asleep while praying

Martha worried about everything

The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once

Zaccheus was too small

Paul was too religious

Timothy had an ulcer...

AND Lazarus was dead!

No more excuses now!! God can use you to your full potential. 
Besides you aren’t the message, you are just the messenger.

God Bless
Buenos dias
Que Dios le bendiga

Subject: 7-14 -2013  Ber's Newsletter update 
email addy –  

Dinarians and Dongians 
Tune into for the latest info.
Know how to get the best rate when comes time to exchange your currency. Sign up at to be notified of the 800 # to call for your Wells Fargo appointment 
which is supposedly going to give us a better group rate than street rate because of their deal 
with China. Why will Wells Fargo give us a better rate? Much of Wells Fargo is owned by China. 
China needs oil, Iraq needs to get their dinar back. Wells Fargo is acting as the broker for the 
deal to get oil cheap for China. For that they are paying a premium for your dinar. The US will 
get it for $30/barrel. It costs Iraq only $2/barrel to get it out of the ground. The US Treasury 
has 20 or more trillion dinar right now. Wells Fargo has brokered a private deal through China 
which will give cheap oil and recover more dinar for Iraq. It's that simple. Well, the real 
explanation isn't that simple so I posted it at  because 
you need to know the difference between street rate, bank rate, and group rate and make 
sure you get into the group rate category when you go to exchange. Spend some time with 
that page so you understand the differences. It will cost you if you don't. And remember, 
you are not going to "cash in"  you are going to "exchange currency". Banks will treat you 
differently if you use the wrong terminology.

I guess we are all pretty excited about this coming week, maybe even tomorrow for the 
global reset of currencies and revaluation of the Dinar and Dong. If that happens. We have 
heard it was to happen so many times before but too many hands in the cookie jar prevented it.
Some speculated a lot, others of us didn't have the funds to do that with and could only 
buy a little bit or lacked the faith to want to do that and have only a little bit to work with. 
Many thought it was a scam and will have lost out on the opportunity of a lifetime to get ahead.  
The bank tellers at my local Chase are in that category as they were brainwashed by upper 
management, and convinced this would never happen.  They just smiled and thought "crazy 
Ber" when I put down another $54 for some more dongs periodically. Once the revaluation 
happens you will be hounded by every Tom, Dick and Harry to invest in this or that. You need 
to be very careful and not invest in things that promise too much return or have too much 
potential to be taken out by big brother. We no longer live in the land of the free. Government 
will steal from you the minute they know you have something to steal. Think Cyprus before 
you put a million in a bank account anywhere. How much money do you need?  If you had a 
million dollars under your bed, how long would that last you at $4000/month with no interest? 
Answer 16 years.  I normally have the rule to not fund any program with more than would produce 
a $2k/mo income and then move on to the next best opportunity and fund it. But there are 
exceptions. I just had a chat with our Silver Success trader, whom I consider the ONLY real 
person I trust for investment information, and asked him point blank if Silver Success was safe 
enough to put $100k for each of my kids into. This would give them a $4k/mo income that 
would certainly change their lives. This is a guy who normally calls me weekly or biweekly to 
keep me updated on things I can't talk with you about. We've been through a lot together 
through the last ten years . He is one of the most conservative traders out there and has NEVER 
lost anyone's money. Anyway, he stated unequivocally yes; and he was trying to amass 7 figures 
into his trading account; it was that good and stable and the gold backed insurance plan 
solidifies it's safety. 
Now here's the good part. I asked him if he would accept dinars and dong after the revaluation 
and he said yes, as long as Forex still traded in USD, even though there would probably be a 
conversion fee involved. So if you want a safe place to earn 4%/mo, consider Silver Success. 
More info further down but you have to request the docs from me to really get the info.

I also have had communication with the manager. Seed only pays 
3.3%/mo to 10%/mo net profit (min $500 in to get the 10%/mo figure) but appears to be very legitimate 
and very stable also. Providing funds to grow chia seed is their main endeavor although they 
are into other things as well, including honey bees and cattle.  Surprisingly I found out he has 
has been on my listserve for many years, and feels he can trust me enough to give me 
some contacts to speak with who  know him and his operation. I inquired about the possibility of compounding but he says the website is not laid out to do that. But you can transfer your earnings
into your ewallet and simply purchase new contracts with those earnings at any time.  I would call 
that manual compounding. This is another place I will put some significant dinar/dong money.

Seed Funding
Solid low risk program where you are contributing to the agro business of super foods
on a small scale. A person who has known these people for about 15 years says the growing 
of chia seeds is their main endeavor. Chia seeds are a super food even more nutritious than 
flax seed. I consume ground up chia seed in my morning health drink every day. is dedicated to providing to small farmers the necessary capital resources
to implement the projects discussed. This will create new productive employment, raise the 
standard of living in the poorer communities, increase the nutrition values of food on a global 
scale and elevate the overall quality of life for everyone involved.
You can get involved for as little as $10. There are 3 plans available:
The net monthly profit figures for these three plans are 3.3%, 5.82%, and 10%/mo respectively.
That's net profit. 10%/mo for anything that is for real is very very good. Certainly not a fortune 
but definitely better than less than 1%/year bank interest. This is very  low risk.  Principal is not 
returned at the end of the contracted period but is returned in the  1%/day, 6%/week, or 30%/mo 
plans along the way as is covered in the FAQ on their site.
Consider 100% of the 120%, 132%, and 150% figures is your own money being returned to you.
Low risk, good profit, and more people have come forth declaring this is a legitimate operation. 

They accept STP, Perfect Money, or Egopay.  They offer a referral fee of 5% of the 
contributions your friends make and 2% of the contributions their friends make. Only active 
accounts are eligible to receive introducing fees. This could be a good long hauler.

Silver Success   
Still Our absolute safest program. Why? Because it is bulletproof. 
 4%/mo return on principal w/ gold lease backed principal guarantee.
This program has been going almost two years now  with no hiccups, and is brought to us via 
a trader I have known almost 10 years now. Most of the things I do join reflect who I know and how 
trustworthy they are rather than what the words in the offer are. I would trust my wife, kids and 
my dog with this man. He does business extremely cautiously. He watched this trading scenario 
for over a year before being invited to participate with this group. No more than 2% of principal is 
at stake with any one trade. He has a reputation of being very cautious and rarely has a losing 
trade with anything he works with. Many small trades make up the profit puzzle, one reason the 
take to you is 4%/mo instead of more,  but let's put this in perspective. The 4%/mo figure 
exceeds all of the 50 largest hedge funds in the world for the average yearly earnings over 
the period 2005-2007 when the economy was peaking and the DOW topped 14,000. See that 
list and stats at The top fund in the world returned 47.69%
annually during those years. From 2008 – 2011 over 2,000 hedge funds have closed down 
completely and the average annual return is under 30%. 

Your principal is backed by gold. 
Key Features: 
Safety..… No more than 2% of funds under management are at risk at any given time. 
his is very conservative.
Safety….. Trades are short term, also known as "scalping".     Modest gains are realized 
in hundreds of trades. 
Safety….. SILVER SUCCESS holds gold leases to insure 100% security of the principal 
or the duration of the loan.    Premiums, gold options, are prepaid monthly by the fund manager. 
Because the win to loss ratio is so high, billion dollar gold producing companies secure the principal 
of each loan for 100%. SILVER SUCCESS will return 100% of the CURRENT principal to the lender should a circumstance such as an economic crisis arise and trade funds are not accessible.
Earnings….. 4%/ month fixed. Earnings can be taken monthly or compounded if desired. 
How to fund/receive payments…..Bank wire or Solid Trust Pay
Get more information at   or here
You have to email me for the documents for this program. This is as fer sure as it gets.

Revenue sharing programs, and what is really working.  
Read the first section of my 5-12-2013 newsletter  at 
for the math and a discertation on revenue sharing programs - JubiRev, Add Wallet, AditNetwork, 
Banners Broker, Affilashare, GoFunPlaces - what you think you are earning that you are not. It 
is my opinion that any revenue sharing program NOT having a product behind it and only using 
advertising as the product, will be short lived. Beware of funding "advertising only" profit sharing 
programs. Adhitprofits, who just nose dived, is a good example. I will no longer put any money 
into any profit sharing program that uses advertising only as their product.

Telexfree is NOT a revenue sharing program. We get paid for placing ads to sell a 
telecommunications service, whether those ads sell anything or not. If they do, we get paid more.   for complete concise info on the program    to register and buy ad packs.
Go to and click on Presentation Slideshow for the best quick   
overall explanation of this program I have found.

I was warned when I came aboard that both the website and US admin were undergoing 
growing pains. That's putting it mildly. I spent a good portion of each morning on damage control;
fixing things from my downline that don't work right coming out the chute.  With that said; things 
are getting better, especially in the past two weeks. BUT as they continue to migrate the website 
over to the new cloud server, not everything works first time around and fixes are in the mill almost 
every day. This transition will probably take another 45 to 60 days to complete.  BUT, the money  
is there folks.  Payments are made on time. In fact I got my last withdrawal a day early. I have 
only been in this for a little over two months. I only bought one ad central pack and have needed to
take all my earnings to meet obligations. Next check I should be able to start adding ad packs. 
And I have only sponsored 25 direct people myself. But my total downline is now at about 200 people 
counting the people THEY have sponsored also. . Besides immediate non binary and binary earnings, those are worth 40 cents each every week when they resell their ad pack back to the company each week. 
In two months I have taken $2825 out of the system so far with another $300 in process. 
That's not bad for two months worth of work. If I can do it, you can do it. Getting paid hasn't been a problem. Request a withdrawal on a Tuesday and it is in your bank account the following Wednesday. 
I know people who joined back in Dec and  Jan who have over 4000 people in their total downline
now, getting 40 cents each a week on those people; that's $1600/week.  There's a gold mine here. 
I know people who are now having four figure DAYS; not weeks or months. 

I won't spend a lot of time here on how it works. Go to  for that 
info. Basically you buy ad packs and place an ad everyday for those. If your ad sells you get $44.91 
for it, if it doesn't you still get $20 for it. This amounts to a 17.2% - 22.1%/mo net profit , 
from one to five ads, if you never sold a software pakcage  or sponsored anyone. It doesn't 
get any easier than this. 

If you bought just one family pack of five ad units today, and took all of your earnings and bought 
another $289 ad central pack anytime those earnings were $289 or more - and you can do this 
from your back office without having to take a withdrawal and waste a week. at the end of 52 
weeks, one year later, you would be earning $2720/week or $10,880/ mo,  which is probably 
more money than 90% of us have ever earned working a job or even running our own business. 
That's without giving up time and costs to travel to a job, the frustrations of fighting traffic, the 
negative challenges of dealing with running a business, the inconvenience of getting up to an 
alarm clock, etc. etc. etc.
If you did that another six months, at 78 weeks that becomes $14,289/week.   Not per month; 
but per week. Interesting? That's passively; no selling or recruiting others. Ask me for the spread 
sheet someone sent me on that. 
Can you get there by only purchasing one ad central unit and working your way up? 
Yes, BUT,
it will cost you an additional 32 weeks to work your way up from 1 ad pack to 5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional 18 weeks to work your way up from 2 ad packs to  5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional 10 weeks to work your way up from 3 ad packs to  5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional   5 weeks to work your way up from 4 ad packs to  5 ad packs.  
It would pay you to beg, borrow or steal the $1375 +$50 business center registration fee  to be 
able to save 32 weeks in that process and start out with 5 ad packs.

The marketing page thing is working out real well.  As your TelexFree affiliate site only seeks 
to promote the company's software package, you need another mechanism for recruiting 
other promoters into the system. If you don't recruit you are leaving a huge slice of the cake 
on the table. For all people who sign up under me I make for them a recruiting/marketing  page 
at my heavensfountain website, a site I created for people to market their stuff with. An example 
of what your page would look like is found at
   My wife sends out a promoter ad to 
all the places you see at  every day. That is where many 
of my 28 directs have come from. If we can do it, you can do it.

Check out Steve labriola's latest conference call replay at  where he covers 
- Current International News
- New Back Office Changes And Features
- Reasons For Website Challenges 
- Product & Services Being Developed And Introduced
- Upcoming National Events 
(Please click on the above link, download the file and listen to the call. Lots of great stuff tucked 
in there! There is so much to look forward to! You are definitely in the right place at the right time!   for complete concise info on the program 

He is holding another special conference call July 15th 1PM EST
For those in United States: Please CALL: 559-726-1300 Access Pin: 466319
For the Internationals: please register at this webinar link, and we'll bridge you

There is a one evening/ one day conference in California coming up July 26th -July 27th called 
the Extravaganza that will be addressing many issues - the software, the legalities, the website 
being put on cloud servers, and upcoming products to cement the product side of this business. 
It would be worth attending if you could make it.  Friday night is free, Saturday costs $40 and 
there's a cruise on Sunday for $100 for fun.  If the dinar RV's I will go to get the information.
Many of us wonder about the legalities of this business. The TelexFree attorney is the intriguing 
part of this. One of his bios states he has never lost a network marketing case, and it appears 
he is as good as it gets. Why did he take TelexFree under his wing. Maybe this meeting will 
produce things he knows we don't yet. He will be there to discuss the legalities of TelexFree. 
To register for the meeting go to  It's the first thing that pops up.

Heart Health  This is absolutely the most important thing for your health you can be part of.  Also our affiliate sites have just been upgraded.
This is not an MLM, there is:
- no distributor sign up fee or kit cost, 
- no autoship requirement, in fact you don't have to buy anything to earn on affiliate sales.
- you get your own marketing webpage free like mine at    
-  you get paid four levels deep as an affiliate ($5/canister direct sales, $1/canister affiliate sales)
-  order off your own affiliate website and receive cash rebates of $5 (1 canister)  to $60 (12 canisters). MyCardioForLife heart formula has the most complete formula on the martketplace at the lowest price.
This WILL get you off pharmaceutical meds for high blood pressure, and will also drop your cholesterol and triglycerides,  lowers diabetes risk, and is a great weight control tool as when your body gets all the 70 plant based ionic minerals that are in it, it doesn't crave food. I can vouch for that. I  have added a list of 25 things you can do to lower your blood pressure on my heart page.
Really imminent. Our trader was supposed to get his first payment July 13th, Saturday, 
but didn't. Sounds like we are gaining on it though.

The problem is how to payout without getting the funds confiscated. What happened to Liberty 
Reserve is what is taking this process so long. No one wants the payouts to be confiscated, or 
worse, find oneself behind bars for being accused of money laundering. This is a tricky feat when 
the fed is involved, especially with the corrupt FED we now have, which thinks nothing of stealing 
from others.  If they smell it they want it. Perhaps the global reseat and revaluation of currencies 
will open up opportunity for this to actually payout. I am told the money is there.

CERMA - double the life of your motor - increase gas mileage
New website, videos, improved information, great testimonies, and a chance to make 
some good money here as an affiliate with no sign up fees or autoship required.
Nano Oil conditioner protects engine for maximum lifetime and best mileage. Use 
1 ounce per oil change.
CerMa w.STM-3
Double the life of your engine with this stuff. One time 2 oz. treatment. 
Cerma and Nano Oil Conditioner come from the same company. NOW, you can become 
an affiliate to remarket this product and earn a healthy 25% commission. Just click on the 
link in the green bar at the top of the page at   the cerma store   that says "New Affiliate 
Sign up" and fill it out and you will get your own page and money machine like mine. 
Cerma is an engine protection system using a 2 micron coating of ceramics. This is high 
tech stuff.  Emissions disappear, mileage increases, engine gets quiet; not teflon based. 
Makes your diesel quit smoking also. My cummins 2004 Dodge PU without a cat combustor 
now makes NO SMOKE. I use it in all of my rigs including chain saw and lawnmower and 
add a little more with every oil change including the nano oil conditioner. Cerma is one 
of the few additives that really does work and do what it says. I am am affiliate marketer of 
this product, you can be too,  it costs nothing to be an affilaite, and it is drop shipped directly 
to you at a greatly reduced savings off of retail. This will double the life of your engine and 
increase your  gas mileage at the same time   
The least expensive source of vitamins and minerals on the planet. Great company.

Vibrant Life vitamins and Oral chelation formula. I have been taking Vibrant Life SuperLifeGlow vitamins and Bone Dense Calcium for several years now.  SuperLifeGlow is absolutely the BEST vitamin and chelation formula in existence. It contains massive quantities of more than 60 nutrients.  The bone formula contains microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, the only form of calcium proven to add bone mass. 
This is good stuff. They also have several other products including MSM. 
MSM stands for Methyl 
Sulfonyl Methane, organic sulfur. When it rains, MSM falls on the ground and is used by plants. Your 
body needs MSM and contains some but, if you had more MSM in your body, you would endure far 
less pain and suffering from arthritis, back pain, Fibromyalgia and muscle soreness.
  MSM is also an important nutrient for hair, skin and nails.

This is your government working for you.
The US doesn't allow 50mpg cars to be sold here. They exist, lots of them.
You can buy one in Europe, you can take it into Mexico, but bring it to the US and it will be 
confiscated and destroyed. You really have to wonder about how corrupt the US really is.
Seat Toledo 64mpg, Urban Cruiser SUV by Toyota 52.8mpg, Volkswagon Passat 78mpg, 
Nissan Qashqai SUV  56mpg, 160mpg Volkswagen, Renault 4 dr hatchback 80 mpg. This is 
all for real.  It's time to clean sweep congress and the whitehouse both. 

Whistleblower Snowden reveals that HAARP is really a selective as well as large scale 
assassination machine.  The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, 
is engaged in a program of assassination and mind control and is actually used to terminate 
or manipulate would-be dissidents on the scale of millions of people. HAARP can remotely 
silence `perpetrators' of `deviant or subversive' strains of thought.  HAARP projects ultra-high-
powered radio waves. Those waves operate at the same electronic frequency as the truncus 
encephali, or brain stem, selectively inducing deaths seemingly by natural causes – including 
by some appearing to coroners as innocuous as strokes or heart attacks. Ever wonder why 
there are so many cell towers? Because they aren't just cellphone towers, they contain ELF 
antennas to direct electromagnetic energy into your home if you are targeted.

The American Civil War of 1861-65 was not about slavery at all.
Only 6% of southern whites owned slaves. Like all wars, it was about jealousy and money.
It's always about power and money. This is a real eye opening read.

Area 51 Documentary
Area 51 is the most famous secret military base in the world, the scene of many eyewitness 
accounts of recovered UFOs, the back-engineering of UFOs and the presence of non-human 
humanoids, allegedly hailing from other worlds. This documentary takes us to Area 51 and 
explores the little-known history of the base; its origin during the Cold War, with interviews of 
several experts weighing in as to what's really going on over there, including the super-secret 
zone called S4.

Breathing exercises - free
This is a rather amazing person with an amazing site on breathing. I had no idea breathing could 
affect so many conditions, like cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Spend some time on 
this site for better health; and spread the word.  Get his site out there.

Paid in full with one glass of milk

God Bless
Buenos dias
Que Dios le bendiga

Subject: 7-1 -2013  Ber's Newsletter update 
email addy –  

Note: if you are 
Roger Pendleton - katie8, 
Ernst Sisson - redhawk3, or 
Devodrick - telexaffiliate
Please send me your email addy so I can complete your Telexfree marketing page for you.
Telexfree does not give us the email addys of our sponsored people, which is just stupidity.
How do they expect us to communicate, train, and help our downline people without email addys?

Seed Funding
Solid low risk program where you are contributing to the agro business of super foods
on a small scale. A person who has known these people for about 15 years says the growing 
of chia seeds is their main endeavor. Chia seeds are a super food even more nutritious than 
flax seed. I consume ground up chia seed in my morning health drink every day. is dedicated to providing to small farmers the necessary capital resources
to implement the projects discussed. This will create new productive employment, raise the 
standard of living in the poorer communities, increase the nutrition values of food on a global 
scale and elevate the overall quality of life for everyone involved.
You can get involved for as little as $10. There are 3 plans available:
The net monthly profit figures for these three plans are 3.3%, 5.82%, and 10%/mo respectively.
Certainly not a fortune but definitely better than less than 1%/year bank interest. This is very 
low risk.  Principal is not returned at the end of the contracted period but is returned in the 
1%/day, 6%/week, or 30%/mo plans along the way as is covered in the FAQ on their site.
Consider 100% of the 120%, 132%, and 150% figures is your own money being returned to you.
Low risk, good profit, and more people have come forth declaring this is a legitimate operation. 

They accept STP, Perfect Money, or Egopay.  They offer a referral fee of 5% of the 
contributions your friends make and 2% of the contributions their friends make. Only active 
accounts are eligible to receive introducing fees. This could be a good long hauler.

Revenue sharing programs, and what is really working.  
Read the first section of my 5-12-2013 newsletter  at 
for the math and a discertation on revenue sharing programs - JubiRev, Add Wallet, AditNetwork, 
Banners Broker, Affilashare, GoFunPlaces - what you think you are earning that you are not. It 
is my opinion that any revenue sharing program NOT having a product behind it and only using 
advertising as the product, will be short lived. Beware of funding "advertising only" profit sharing 
programs. Adhitprofits, who just nose dived, is a good example. 

With that said, let me tell you about my experience with Telexfree for the past two months.
TelexFree   for complete concise info on the program    to register and buy ad packs.
Go to and click on Presentation Slideshow for the best quick   
overall explanation of this program I have found.

I was warned when I came aboard that both the website and US admin were undergoing 
growing pains. That's putting it mildly. I spend a good portion of each morning on damage control;
fixing things from my downline that don't work right coming out the chute.  With that said; things 
are getting better, especially in the past two weeks. BUT as they continue to migrate the website 
over to the new cloud server, not everything works first time around and fixes are in the mill almost 
every day. This transition will probably take another 45 to 60 days to complete.  BUT, the money  
is there folks.  Payments are made on time. In fact I got my last withdrawal a day early. I have 
only been in this for a little over two months. I only bought one ad central pack and have needed to
take all my earnings to meet obligations. Next check I should be able to start adding ad packs. 
And I have only sponsored 25 direct people myself. But my total downline is now almost 200 people 
counting the people THEY have sponsored also. . Besides non binary and binary earnings, those 
are worth 40 cents each every week when they resell their ad pack back to the company each week. 
In two months I have taken $2825 out of the system so far with another $300 in process. 
That's not bad for two months worth of work. If I can do it, you can do it. Getting paid hasn't been a problem. Request a withdrawal on a Tuesday and it is in your bank account the following Wednesday. 
I know people who joined back in Dec and  Jan who have over 4000 people in their total downline
now, getting 40 cents each a week on those people; that's $1600/week.  There's a gold mine here. 
I know people who are now having five figure DAYS; not weeks or months. 

I won't spend a lot of time here on how it works. Go to  for that 
info. Basically you buy ad packs and place an ad everyday for those. If your ad sells you get $44.91 
for it, if it doesn't you still get $20 for it. This amounts to a 17.2% - 22.1%/mo net profit , 
from one to five ads, if you never sold a software pakcage  or sponsored anyone. It doesn't 
get any easier than this. 

If you bought just one family pack of five ad units today, and took all of your earnings and bought 
another $289 ad central pack anytime those earnings were $289 or more - and you can do this 
from your back office without having to take a withdrawal and waste a week. at the end of 52 
weeks, one year later, you would be earning $2720/week or $10,880/ mo,  which is probably 
more money than 90% of us have ever earned working a job or even running our own business. 
That's without giving up time and costs to travel to a job, the frustrations of fighting traffic, the 
negative challenges of dealing with running a business, the inconvenience of getting up to an 
alarm clock, etc. etc. etc.
If you did that another six months, at 78 weeks that becomes $14,289/week.   Not per month; 
but per week. Interesting? That's passively; no selling or recruiting others. Ask me for the spread 
sheet someone sent me on that. 
Can you get there by only purchasing one ad central unit and working your way up? 
Yes, BUT,
it will cost you an additional 32 weeks to work your way up from 1 ad pack to 5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional 18 weeks to work your way up from 2 ad packs to  5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional 10 weeks to work your way up from 3 ad packs to  5 ad packs. 
it will cost you an additional   5 weeks to work your way up from 4 ad packs to  5 ad packs.  
It would pay you to beg, borrow or steal the $1375 +$50 business center registration fee  to be 
able to save 32 weeks in that process and start out with 5 ad packs.

The marketing page thing is working out real well.  As your TelexFree affiliate site only seeks 
to promote the company's software package, you need another mechanism for recruiting 
other promoters into the system. If you don't recruit you are leaving a huge slice of the cake 
on the table. For all people who sign up under me I make for them a recruiting/marketing  page 
at my heavensfountain website, a site I created for people to market their stuff with. An example 
of what your page would look like is found at
   My wife sends out a promoter ad to 
all the places you see at  every day. That is where many 
of my 25 directs have come from. If we can do it, you can do it.

Besides placing the daily required telexfree ad which promotes the software, people are 
placing ads and telling others to visit their heavensfountain marketing page which explains the 
TelexFree system a whole lot better than Telex does. Your Telexfree affiliate page does contain 
a link to promoters but it doesn't say enough to convince anyone why they would want to be a 
promoter. That's where the extra heavensfountain marketing page comes in. To help you recruit 
others into the program.

TelexFree is NOT a revenue sharing program although it's payplan operates similarly. In all 
the others we receive a daily award based upon what the company earns for the day (or 
whatever they decide to pay us that they think we will accept as an award).  You can see 
from AddWallet and JubiRev's dismal percentages recently, that revenue sharing income 
is not very dependable, they rope you in at the beginning with good numbers and then get 
down to reality a month or so later when your funds are already in there and they decide to 
change the rules as JubiRev just did. 

TelexFree pays us a set minimum per week for a whole year we can depend on no matter 
how much they earn or don't earn. To work TelexFree passively, meaning you don't have to 
sponsor others to make money,  for this minimum,  there is no monthly fee, no customer 
acquisition required or any kind of autoship required. You do have to post and validate your 
ad(s) every day to get paid. 

Revenue sharing programs are being advertised as a daily percentage payout, without 
telling you that 80% of that payout includes return of principal and membership costs 
and expiration of bid/ad points. The problem is that this is how these programs are being 
advertised; deceptively without regards to costs involved, membership and registration fees, 
expiration of units,  and addressing the only important issue, that being NET MONTHLY PROFIT. 
I don't care how they  sidestep the issue with legalspeak terminology; net monthly profit is 
the bottomline we are after.  Without qualification, claims stating .99% daily, 1.3% daily or 
1.25% daily is simply not true for any of those programs. 

Since most of these programs attempt successfully to bury your true earnings deep enough 
the average person can't actually compute a net profit/month figure, the result is most people 
think they are earning a lot more than they really are. This is evident in all the "earn 1.5%/day" 
ads I receive. Think about it, is 30 days x 1.5%/day = 45%/mo earnings realistic? What happens 
when your 90 days, 105 days or 120days is up your principal was good for and it then goes 
POOF, never to be seen again. How does that affect your net profit/mo figure? It certainly does.
So take your  1.3%/day or even 1.35%/day award  and multiply it by 20% and get 
your true net profit , which comes out 7-8%/mo at best, on your own nickel without referring.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with that when banks are paying less than 1%APR. That's a good 
deal; just not the 40%/mo lie that is being dished out to the people who won't do the math.
If I were to spend $1000 on one of these 90-120 day revenue sharing programs here's what 
I could actually earn in a month. $1000 x .013daily award x 30 days/mo x 20% actual net profit 
= $78/mo.

Here's where TelexFree gets interesting, if I were to have bought 3 TelexFree ad central packs 
for my $1000 (3 x $289 + $50 registration fee = $917) my earnings passively for that same 
month would be $20/week x 3 ad packs x 4 weeks/mo  = $240 instead of $78.

Taking into account I get paid $20/week for 52 weeks on each of those 3 ad central packs, 
the expense of the $50 registration fee and the $867 cost of 3 ad packs, the real math is: 
On 3 ad central packs that would be  3 x $1040 GROSS earnings/year = $3120 
- $867 (3 ad central packs @$289 ea) - $50 business center registration (the TARE)  = 
$2203 NET gain ÷ $917 cost = 240%/yr ÷ 12mo/yr = 20%/mo net profit
on 3 ad central packs. On a 4 pack purchase that figure would be 20.4%. On a family pack 
purchase of 5 units that figure becomes 22.1%/mo net profit. With NO sponsoring required, 
NO autoship required, NO customer acquisition required.

20%/mo vs 8%/mo and I didn't have to play the get a customer or buy overpriced products 
or spend external money on shipping game.  I do have to post 3 ads instead of one each day 
however. But using the sites   or where I can 
post 5 ads at a whack, it doesn't cost me any more time.    

 I feel TelexFree is the best program to come to our plates in a long time, 
The upside? Passive net profit per month figure  at 17.2% (1 ad) - 22.1%/mo (5 ads)  can't 
be matched.  And I sold my software packages in the first two weeks instead of turning them 
back in to thecompany at the end of the week so my profit on those was $44.91 each instead 
of $20. AndI expect a lot of those. Think that won't mess with your net profit per month percentage 
figure?  The downside. You can't make mistakes  in doing the things required or it takes time to 
get the problems resolved through support. The site is not seamless yet, nor all in English yet; 
some blurbs come up in Portuguese yet and you wonder what the ????  I have drafted black
and white instructions for all the tasks we need to do from signing up to posting ads  to becoming 
your own customer if you wish to recruit others so you don't make mistakes. There are some quirks 
about how they do business but there is nothing we can't live with. This is a good deal. 

The service works good. I call my daughter in El Paso and my son in Guadalajara on it, as well 
as any long distance calls inside the US as I removed long distance from our local phone 
company as we were constantly being billed for calls we didn't make. Clarity is as good or 
better than Skype. Make sure however that before you place a phone - phone call that the 
switch number you are calling into is not a long distance call. If it is, then use computer to 
phone , like Skype, which works very well. TelexFree also has more product line plans to 
increase customers even more. Plans are in place to grow TelexFREE beyond our comprehension.   for complete concise info on the program    to register and buy ad packs.
Go to and click on Presentation Slideshow for the best quick   
overall explanation of this program I have found.

Aging gracefully  
Someone asked me what all I do to try and beat the aging process and stay healthy.
Instead of just responding I posted a web page on it in case others may be interested also. 
AND I am interested in what all of you out there are doing also. Maybe we can expand on 
that page for everyone's benefit.

Escherian Stairwell - ever heard of it?
This Escherian Stairwell at Rochester Institute of Technology in New York has an endless staircase 
that has amazed students and baffled those who've tried to figure it out. These Penrose stairs, 
designed by a Filipino architect Rafael Nelson Aboganda, with a nod to M.C. Escher, is making 
everybody  scratch their brains out. What sorcery is this? — at Rochester Institute of Technology.
Basically you go up the stairs , turn the corner, and go up another set and end up at where you 
started from. You have to see it to believe it. There is no good explanation. 

Ark of the Covenant
Many of you know the story of the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant by Ron Wyatt quite a 
few years ago. I have that story posted with pic at 
What many of you don't know is that the mercy seat contained the dried blood of Jesus who 
was crucified 25' above where the ark of the covenant was placed 500 years previously. 
Remember when the soldier stuck the spear in his side and an earthquake occurred and all 
his blood and water ran down through a crack in the rock that was opened up. Well I caught 
my wife watching the video of the lab in Jerusalem that did a chromosone analysis of that blood.
That particular blood has only 24 chromosones, not 23 pair or 46 like you and I do. That's 23 
from Mary and a Y to make Him a him, proving Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Here's 
the link to the video.  Analysis of the blood 
on the Shroud of Turin also turned up only 24 chromosones.

"Fresh", "pure" orange juice.
It's a great, healthy way to start your day, right?  Not necessarily.
Our friends at the Real Food Channel expose one of the food industry's longest running scam.

Yahoo is giving your personal information to NSA. And it isn't just yahoo, ALL the social 
networking sites have been wrngled into turning over your information to big brother. Be 
careful in what you post in both emails as well as on facebook, twitter, etc. They are all 
information gathering sites.

NSA - Keeping you down is more important than keeping you safe.

Telling the truth as a news reporter gets you fired.
Don't drink your milk. 90% of it contains BGH which can cause cancer.
If you consumed or fed regular milk to your family today, there is more than a 90% chance that 
it was from a cow injected with BGH. (Bovine somatotropin developed by using recombinant DNA technology). You could be killing or harming your child every time you pour them a glass of milk, 
the same as pouring them a glass of slow acting poison. Court stated that there was no law to 
force that the NEWS must state the truth. NEWS was/is no different than other TV shows/reality 

All about Islam. The complete book. This is scary stuff. Is Islam destined to be the future? 

The art of dam removal. 
Lots of mud came out of this one.  
Here's a time lapse sequence of the event. 
I remember when they drained lake Cushman, a huge lake near me, many years ago to 
repair a dam . I could not believe how deep it was.  I wanted to see the town that was 
covered up by the water when the dam went in but silt had covered the town also. I came 
back up a week later and the Staircase river and accompanying storms had erroded 200'  
like a grand canyon right down the middle of it. Unbelievably deep in such a short period 
of time. I was awed by the immensity of it all. Never underestimate the power of nature. 

More on the kill shot with Ed Dames.  Sooner than later? 
An incredible number of volcanoes are going off right now. Today.

Have you any idea how much Obama's air force one trips cost us each year at $750k/hr? 

Sleepy man banjo boys
This is an example of what can happen when you don't give young
boys video games to waste their time on......

Word to the wise. Get rid of your bank safety deposit box.


FEMA called an emergency meeting this week in which it has notified the heads of all of i
ts agencies to be '90% battle strength' in the next 5 weeks, 70% strength within 7 days and 
notified him that all agency personnel are now being called in and activated. Expect some typ
of a `domestic event' within 10 to 14 days with lots of `chatter' surrounding July 3rd.

The news media would have to believe that growing food is something only multi-national
agribusiness can do.  Wrong!   Here's what can be done on just 1/10 of  an acre - in a city.

Wonder if star wars had anything to do with this?

There are NO U.S. laws prohibiting National Guard troops from also joining their State's Defense Forces. This dilemma occurred during the Civil War with many "citizen soldiers" choosing to serve their states instead of the Federal Government

Something to be said for driving older vehicles.
Can modern cars be hacked into and controlled remotely against the will of the driver?
Yes they can.

Statue of a pharoh in a museum, in a locked glass case,  spins 180 degrees during the day.
Time lapsed photography shows this.

Another monsanto GMO thing only this time about electric smart meters.
On May 10, the UK Government announced that 'smart' meter installations throughout
the country will be delayed by more than a year due to serious health and medical concerns.
This news has been completely censored by US news media outlets.
Italy has completely banned wireless so-called 'smart' meters entirely. Also
censored from the US news media. See  for why.

The Planet X threat just won't go away

Smart meters and WiFi
The first two minutes of this clip sums up everything you need to know on the health 
impact of EMR (electromagnetic radiation), at the levels that Smart Meters, wifi and 
mobiles provide. It is quite simply the health crisis of our time. For the sake of your 
family's and friend's health stop smart meters and the roll
 out of 4G. Switch off wifi 
too and go back to cables... This is not going to go away and this is not the time to be 
complacent. We must act now.

GMO Crop Torched In Oregon
Is this what it takes to get the message across?

Obama/Monsanto are really out of control - may cause a war, as Russia claims if they are 
not stopped the bee population will become extinct and we will not be able to grow food. 
Maybe that's the elite's goal.  Depopulation by starvation.

A search engine that doesn't track where you go like google does.   I use it all the time. 

Fast food burgers contain 7% meat; the other 93% will disgust you. 

Do you own a car newer than 2004?
If so, did you know govt can remotely control it to crash and malfunction at their desire.
All cars equipped with anti-lock brakes sold in the U.S. can be hacked via remote control and
have their brakes entirely disabled with the car in motion, throttle revved, and remain fully
operational with the key removed and the car in park with all driver input entirely ignored.
Looks like we've been in a police state for a long time now.

A great sermon in less than 2 minutes

More info on the hollow earth - hollow earth revealed

Summary of Obama in one minute on the house floor

I think this reasoning is right on.
It confused us as to why Obama would want to go to Tanzania and then tour only selected Gold, Diamond and asset rich African countries. Then, why the Crime Families would all fly in behind together? Entire families? Why? Then the sudden appearance of  sleazy WMD Liar bag man Tony Blair, joint War Crimes criminal, arrives and is found right in the middle of it as the Fixer, that says it all.
They could all be cashing Stolen Dinars for Gold, Diamonds and concessions,to hide vast Dinar thefts out of sight, converting huge Billions to hard assets, easy to move, nothing shows. What a massive Laundering Coup! And O got his pre Retirement Lick!  That's why you are all being delayed. A massive Pig Feast first. Now it all makes sense. The countries then cash the Dinars, no questions, and they stay hidden. What a scam! The Swine herd at work. A huge heist , no taxes and all Offshore. The Dinars and PP wait for these parties to cash out.

Egyptian Army Overthrows President in Coup 

Who the heck is running our country?  Here is a good quick summary 

Drone attacks- the history of
This is a real wake up video. Graphically it shows all the drone strikes made from 2002 forward. 
Guess what the animated graph looks like after Obama takes office. I could not download this video.
I doubt it will be on the net very long. Watch it now.
Here's the video
Here's the website showing a listing of all the strikes make since 2002.    or And we wonder why Yahweh is bringing judgment down on the US? 
We tuck our kids in with the threat "don't let the bugs bite". The middle east tucks their kids in 
with "listen for the drones coming if you don't be good."  What gives us the right to determine 
who lives and who dies? These attacks are now being made on Americans in America also. 

Red Neck Moustrap - this works

The true nature of Islam

Please watch at least the first of the four videos on Islam to understand the true nature 
of this beast and what they are about and what they are trying to accomplish.

Time and weather around the world 

Get healed over television. 
Watch this clip and be healed of whatever ails you. Yes, it is possible. Have faith it will happen. 
Remember the woman who touched Jesus' garment and was healed because of her faith. 

God Bless
Buenos dias
Que Dios le bendiga

Subject: 6-13 -2013  Ber's Newsletter update - new program  
email addy –  


Note: if you are 
Roger Pendleton - katie8, 
Ernst Sisson - redhawk3, or 
William Ennis - wennis69
Please send me your email addy so I can complete your Telexfree marketing page for you.
Telexfree does not give us the email addys of our sponsored people, which is just stupidity.
How do they expect us to communicate, train, and help our downline people without email addys?

New Program
Seed Funding
Solid low risk program where you are contributing to the agro business of super foods
on a small scale. Most of the super-foods are indigenous to development countries and 
emerging markets; therefore the risk of crop failure is negligible. Land and labor is plentiful 
and costs are very low. Growing seasons are in many regions year-round which means 
multiple harvests. In addition to crop production, projects will incorporate beef cattle, dairy, 
lamb and poultry on a smaller scale. Also bee keeping for honey production and to increase 
the bee populations which are being decimated globally. This is a serious issue. is dedicated to providing to small farmers the necessary capital resources
to implement the projects discussed. This will create new productive employment, raise the 
standard of living in the poorer communities, increase the nutrition values of food on a global 
scale and elevate the overall quality of life for everyone involved.
You can get involved for as little as $10. There are 3 plans available:
The net monthly profit figures for these three plans are 3.3%, 5.82%, and 10%/mo respectively.
Certainly not a fortune but definitely better than less than 1%/year bank interest. This is very 
low risk.  Principal is not returned at the end of the contracted period but is returned in the 
1%/day, 6%/week, or 30%/mo along the way as is covered in the FAQ on their site.
Consider 100% of the 120%, 132%, and 150% figures is your own money being returned to you.

1% per business day 
    Earn for 120 business days    120 business days @20 business days/mo is actually 6months.
    Expires at 120%                       20% gross profit ÷ 6months of bus days = 3.33%/mo net profit
    $10 minimum
    No maximum

6% per week
    Earn for 22 weeks                   32% gross profit ÷ 5.5 months = 5.82%/mo net profit 
    Expires at 132%
    $250 minimum
    No maximum

30% per month
    Earn for 5 months                    50% gross profit ÷ 5 months  = 10%/mo  net profit
    Expires at 150%
    $500 minimum
    No maximum

They accept STP, Perfect Money, or Egopay.  They offer an introducing fee of 5% of the contributions your friends make and 2% of the contributions their friends make. Only active accounts are eligible to receive introducing fees. This could be a long hauler.

Possible New Program, but not yet. 
Hasn't launched and they aren't telling the truth.
I need to be more comfortable with this before either joining it or recommending it
as I hate it when deceptive earnings figures are advertised as they do. But here's a little prelude.
The upside of this program is that if you put in $900 to $1200 you can make money; not what 
they claim , but good money. The downside is entry level at $300 doesn't earn much if you take 
everything into consideration as an expense, especially the $480/year lease cost of the unit you 
DO have to pay for. 

Earn money by buying GPS units for a company that leases them out and share in 50% of 
the lease fee. BUT, the income figures they present don't include the cost of your initial 
purchase and are very misleading. They also make you lease one of the units at full boat 
$40/mo in each of the three plans.   This is a Brazilian program and it is my opinion from 
when I was there, that most Brazilians can not pay $40/mo for a GPS tracking device 
for their car if it gets stolen. Maybe economics have changed there since I was there many 
years ago.  But here's the real math for you to take a look at, because when you get this 
program from someone else, it likely won't be the truth but only the regurgitation of what was 
sent to them. The interesting part is  that the company itself has nothing to lose as YOU are 
the one buying the GPS tracker units that are being leased out, not them. 
This isn't professionally done enough yet for me to want to jump in, especially when it only 
applies to units sold in brazil. Let's put it on the watch list and see how it fares for a while.

Revenue sharing programs, and what is really working (TelexFree).  
Read the first section of my 5-12-2013 newsletter  at 
for the math discertation on revenue sharing programs - JubiRev, Add Wallet, AditNetwork, 
Banners Broker, Affilashare, GoFunPlaces - what you think you are earning that you are not. 

TelexFree   for complete concise info on the program    to register and buy ad packs.
Go to and click on Presentation Slideshow for the best quick   
overall explanation of this program I have found.

Here's a carrot for what can be earned in TelexFree.
If you bought one family pack of five ad units today, and took all of your earnings and bought 
another $289 ad central pack anytime those earnings were $300 or more (minimum withdrawal 
is $300 required for  cash out), at the end of 52 weeks, one year later, you would be earning 
$2720/week or $10,880/ mo,  which is probably more money than 90% of us have ever earned 
working a job or even running our own business. That's without giving up time and costs to travel 
to a job, the frustrations of fighting traffic, the negative challenges of dealing with running a 
business, the inconvenience of getting up to an alarm clock, etc. etc. etc.
If you did that another six months, at 78 weeks that becomes $14,289/week.   Not per month; 
but per week. Interesting? That's passively; no selling or recruiting others. Ask me for the spread 
sheet someone sent me on that.

Can you get there by only purchasing one ad central unit and working your way up? Yes, BUT, 
it will cost you an additional 32 weeks to work your way up from 1 ad pack to just 5 ad packs. It 
would pay you to beg, borrow or steal the $1375 +$50 business center registration fee  to be 
able to save 32 weeks in that process and start out with 5 ad packs.

Although Brazil has millions of customers for this software, there are only 10,000 USA affiliate 
promoters at this point in time. This is really really really ground floor for us. As TelexFree just 
bought out another large telecommunications company, Voxbraz, they will soon be adding 
internet and cable TV to their offerings, besides the current free phone calls to forty countries 
deal. This IS a products based business from a brick and mortar company. You need to also 
understand this is an advertising company, not just a telecommunications company. When 
their advertising base of us internet promoters gets to a certain level, many other big companies 
are going to run to them to promote and advertise their products too; through us.. Soon we 
won't be promoting just a software package of free calling, but many other things as well. 
This is not a here today gone tomorrow opportunity. And at a 22%/mo net profit, passively,
I honestly don't know of anything else at the moment that is a better place to put our money.

Here's what I have discovered in two months. This is called where's the money coming from. 
If you go to my link "Understanding the pay plan" at my page 
I cover the basics of the payplan; and item #1, the $20 and $100 bonus for sponsoring new 
people, as well as #2  the $20 and $80 cycle bonus if you are binary qualified, is great; but 
that's not where the big money is. People have discovered that you can sponsor yourself to 
receive these bonuses.  We call that stacking. But you can register for one business center 
for the $50, buy just one ad central pack for the $289 and be done with it for that business 
center. I get the $20 sponsoring bonus but that's it.  People are  then registering for a second 
$50 business center under their first, with a different username. You can use the same drivers 
license, address, and credit card each time.  By purchasing the 5 unit family pack then THEY 
are getting the $100 sponsoring bonus and not me.  That's okay, because the big money 
comes in the part of the payplan where you get 40 cents each week whenever anyone in your 
entire downline 6 levels deep resells their unsold software package back to the company 
each week. More if the package actually sells, and many will. .I didn't think about that much at
first. Forty cents doesn't sound like much and I've only sponsored 18 directs so far in that two 
months. But I'm getting 40 to 60 sets of forty centses each day as they are doing the same, 
and my total downline only into levels two or three is now in the hundreds and growing daily.

The marketing page thing is working out real well.  As your TelexFree affiliate site only seeks 
to promote the company's software package, you need another mechanism for recruiting 
other promoters into the system. If you don't recruit you are leaving a huge slice of the cake 
on the table. For all people who sign up under me I make for them a recruiting/marketing  page 
at my heavensfountain website, a site I created for people to market their stuff with. An example 
of what your page would look like is found at

Besides placing the daily required telexfree ad which promotes the software, people are 
placing ads and telling others to visit their heavensfountain marketing page which explains the 
TelexFree system a whole lot better than Telex does. Your Telexfree affiliate page does contain 
a link to promoters but it doesn't say enough to convince anyone why they would want to be a 
promoter. That's where the extra heavensfountain marketing page comes in. To help you recruit 
others into the program.

TelexFree is NOT a revenue sharing program although it's payplan operates similarly. In all 
the others we receive a daily award based upon what the company earns for the day (or 
whatever they decide to pay us that they think we will accept as an award).  You can see 
from AddWallet and JubiRev's dismal percentages recently, that revenue sharing income 
is not very dependable, they rope you in at the beginning with good numbers and then get 
down to reality a month or so later when your funds are already in there and they decide to 
change the rules as JubiRev just did. 

TelexFree pays us a set minimum per week for a whole year we can depend on no matter 
how much they earn or don't earn. To work TelexFree passively, meaning you don't have to 
sponsor others to make money,  for this minimum,  there is no monthly fee, no customer 
acquisition required or any kind of autoship required. You do have to post and validate your 
ad(s) every day to get paid. 

Revenue sharing programs are being advertised as a daily percentage payout, without 
telling you that 80% of that payout includes return of principal and membership costs 
and expiration of bid/ad points. The problem is that this is how these programs are being 
advertised; deceptively without regards to costs involved, membership and registration fees, 
expiration of units,  and addressing the only important issue, that being NET MONTHLY PROFIT. 
I don't care how they  sidestep the issue with legalspeak terminology; net monthly profit is 
the bottomline we are after.  Without qualification, claims stating .99% daily, 1.3% daily or 
1.25% daily is simply not true for any of those programs. 

Since most of these programs attempt successfully to bury your true earnings deep enough 
the average person can't actually compute a net profit/month figure, the result is most people 
think they are earning a lot more than they really are. This is evident in all the "earn 1.5%/day" 
ads I receive. Think about it, is 30 days x 1.5%/day = 45%/mo earnings realistic? What happens 
when your 90 days, 105 days or 120days is up your principal was good for and it then goes 
POOF, never to be seen again. How does that affect your net profit/mo figure? It certainly does.
So take your  1.3%/day or even 1.35%/day award  and multiply it by 20% and get 
your true net profit , which comes out 7-8%/mo at best, on your own nickel without referring.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with that when banks are paying less than 1%APR. That's a good 
deal; just not the 40%/mo lie that is being dished out to the people who won't do the math.
If I were to spend $1000 on one of these 90-120 day revenue sharing programs here's what 
I could actually earn in a month. $1000 x .013daily award x 30 days/mo x 20% actual net profit 
= $78/mo.

Here's where TelexFree gets interesting, if I were to have bought 3 TelexFree ad central packs 
for my $1000 (3 x $289 + $50 registration fee = $917) my earnings passively for that same 
month would be $20/week x 3 ad packs x 4 weeks/mo  = $240 instead of $78.

Taking into account I get paid $20/week for 52 weeks on each of those 3 ad central packs, 
the expense of the $50 registration fee and the $867 cost of 3 ad packs, the real math is: 
On 3 ad central packs that would be  3 x $1040 GROSS earnings/year = $3120 
- $867 (3 ad central packs @$289 ea) - $50 business center registration (the TARE)  = 
$2203 NET gain ÷ $917 cost = 240%/yr ÷ 12mo/yr = 20%/mo net profit
on 3 ad central packs. On a 4 pack purchase that figure would be 20.4%. On a family pack 
purchase of 5 units that figure becomes 22.1%/mo net profit. With NO sponsoring required, 
NO autoship required, NO customer acquisition required.

20%/mo vs 8%/mo and I didn't have to play the get a customer or buy overpriced products 
or spend external money on shipping game.  I do have to post 3 ads instead of one each day 
however. But using the sites   or where I can 
post 5 ads at a whack, it doesn't cost me any more time.    

 I feel TelexFree is the best program to come to our plates in a long time, 
The upside? Passive net profit per month figure  at 17.2% (1 ad) - 22.1%/mo (5 ads)  can't 
be matched.  And I sold my software packages in the first two weeks instead of turning them 
back in to thecompany at the end of the week so my profit on those was $44.91 each instead 
of $20. AndI expect a lot of those. Think that won't mess with your net profit per month percentage 
figure?  The downside. You can't make mistakes  in doing the things required or it takes time to 
get the problems resolved through support. The site is not seamless yet, nor all in English yet; 
some blurbs come up in Portuguese yet and you wonder what the ????  I have drafted black
and white instructions for all the tasks we need to do from signing up to posting ads  to becoming 
your own customer if you wish to recruit others so you don't make mistakes. There are some quirks 
about how they do business but there is nothing we can't live with. This is a good deal. 

The service works good. I call my daughter in El Paso and my son in Guadalajara on it, as well 
as any long distance calls inside the US as I removed long distance from our local phone 
company as we were constantly being billed for calls we didn't make. Clarity is as good or 
better than Skype. Make sure however that before you place a phone - phone call that the 
switch number you are calling into is not a long distance call. If it is, then use computer to 
phone , like Skype, which works very well. TelexFree also has more product line plans to 
increase customers even more. Plans are in place to grow TelexFREE beyond our comprehension.   for complete concise info on the program    to register and buy ad packs.
Go to and click on Presentation Slideshow for the best quick   
overall explanation of this program I have found.

AddWallet  for the nuts and bolts, facts and email me for the math.
Is making a rebound, withdrawals are finally being paid out. Daily rates are still low, like less 
than 1% but improving.   to sign up. 

I bailed out on JubiRev with their latest program changes/requirements.

Silver Success   
Still Our absolute safest program. Why? Because it is bulletproof. 
 4%/mo return on principal w/ gold lease backed principal guarantee.
This program has been going almost two years now  with no hiccups, and is brought to us via 
a trader I have known almost 9 years now. Most of the things I do join reflect who I know and how 
trustworthy they are rather than what the words in the offer are. I would trust my wife, kids and 
my dog with this man. He does business extremely cautiously. He watched this trading scenario 
for over a year before being invited to participate with this group. No more than 2% of principal is 
at stake with any one trade. He has a reputation of being very cautious and rarely has a losing 
trade with anything he works with. Many small trades make up the profit puzzle, one reason the 
take to you is 4%/mo instead of more,  but let's put this in perspective. The 4%/mo figure 
exceeds all of the 50 largest hedge funds in the world for the average yearly earnings over 
the period 2005-2007 when the economy was peaking and the DOW topped 14,000. See that 
list and stats at The top fund in the world returned 47.69%
annually during those years. From 2008 – 2011 over 2,000 hedge funds have closed down 
completely and the average annual return is under 30%. 

Your principal is backed by gold. 
Key Features: 
Safety..… No more than 2% of funds under management are at risk at any given time. 
his is very conservative.
Safety….. Trades are short term, also known as "scalping".     Modest gains are realized 
in hundreds of trades. 
Safety….. SILVER SUCCESS holds gold leases to insure 100% security of the principal 
or the duration of the loan.    Premiums, gold options, are prepaid monthly by the fund manager. 
Because the win to loss ratio is so high, billion dollar gold producing companies secure the principal 
of each loan for 100%. SILVER SUCCESS will return 100% of the CURRENT principal to the lender should a circumstance such as an economic crisis arise and trade funds are not accessible.
Earnings….. 4%/ month fixed. Earnings can be taken monthly or compounded if desired. 
How to fund/receive payments…..Bank wire or Solid Trust Pay
Get more information at   or here
You have to email me for the documents for this program. This is as fer sure as it gets.

Latest May 31 update posted at page above. Newest payout date is Sept 28th, 2013.
HCi25 has joined forces with   a different Reverse Pension 
Plan and are now planning to pay us in gold and silver, not greenbacks. Interesting.

Login to your HCi25 site for the lastest updates. This is a mess, especially with Liberty Reserve 
being taken down by big brother and Perfect Money not wanting to do business with US citizens. 
Euclid says there is no deadline in paying the $98.

PTE -  Imminent is still the word. I don't know what else to say. His contact in treasury dept 
says the funds are in Reno, don't know why they haven't been released.

PT - Still good to go but don't look for it before the world economic reset takes place.

Heart Health  This is absolutely the most important thing for your health you can be part of.  Also our affiliate sites have just been upgraded.
This is not an MLM, there is:
- no distributor sign up fee or kit cost, 
- no autoship requirement, in fact you don't have to buy anything to earn on affiliate sales.
- you get your own marketing webpage free like mine at    
-  you get paid four levels deep as an affiliate ($5/canister direct sales, $1/canister affiliate sales)
-  order off your own affiliate website and receive cash rebates of $5 (1 canister)  to $60 (12 canisters). MyCardioForLife heart formula has the most complete formula on the martketplace at the lowest price.
This WILL get you off pharmaceutical meds for high blood pressure, and will also drop your cholesterol and triglycerides,  lowers diabetes risk, and is a great weight control tool as when your body gets all the 70 plant based ionic minerals that are in it, it doesn't crave food. I can vouch for that. I  have added a list of 25 things you can do to lower your blood pressure on my heart page.

- double the life of your motor - increase gas mileage
New website, videos, improved information, great testimonies, and a chance to make 
some good money here as an affiliate with no sign up fees or autoship required.
Nano Oil conditioner protects engine for maximum lifetime and best mileage. Use 
1 ounce per oil change.
CerMa w.STM-3
Double the life of your engine with this stuff. One time 2 oz. treatment. 
Cerma and Nano Oil Conditioner come from the same company. NOW, you can become 
an affiliate to remarket this product and earn a healthy 25% commission. Just click on the 
link in the green bar at the top of the page at   the cerma store   that says "New Affiliate 
Sign up" and fill it out and you will get your own page and money machine like mine. 
Cerma is an engine protection system using a 2 micron coating of ceramics. This is high 
tech stuff.  Emissions disappear, mileage increases, engine gets quiet; not teflon based. 
Makes your diesel quit smoking also. My cummins 2004 Dodge PU without a cat combustor 
now makes NO SMOKE. I use it in all of my rigs including chain saw and lawnmower and 
add a little more with every oil change including the nano oil conditioner. Cerma is one 
of the few additives that really does work and do what it says. I am am affiliate marketer of 
this product, you can be too,  it costs nothing to be an affilaite, and it is drop shipped directly 
to you at a greatly reduced savings off of retail. This will double the life of your engine and 
increase your 
gas mileage at the same time   
The least expensive source of vitamins and minerals on the planet. Great company.

Vibrant Life vitamins and Oral chelation formula. I have been taking Vibrant Life SuperLifeGlow vitamins and Bone Dense Calcium for several years now.  SuperLifeGlow is absolutely the BEST vitamin and chelation formula in existence. It contains massive quantities of more than 60 nutrients.  The bone formula contains microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, the only form of calcium proven to add bone mass. 
This is good stuff. They also have several other products including MSM. 
MSM stands for Methyl 
Sulfonyl Methane, organic sulfur. When it rains, MSM falls on the ground and is used by plants. Your 
body needs MSM and contains some but, if you had more MSM in your body, you would endure far 
less pain and suffering from arthritis, back pain, Fibromyalgia and muscle soreness.
  MSM is also an important nutrient for hair, skin and nails.

The creators of this video say that World war 3 has already begun 
and that this video is going to prove it.   (about 8 mins):
WOOOOOOOOOOW ... Backlash! Gun-control laws nullified
Let's give a hand to the county sheriffs. Check out all the links about 
guns on the right side of that page.

Why is Obama so intent upon removing our weapons?
You need to see what is on his agenda.

Leaked Document: Government setting up military detention centers for Activists: 

A Rothschild  child speaks out 

Obama signs executive order giving himself a payraise to $500k plus a $50,000 annual 
expense account, a $100,000 nontaxable travel account and $19,000 for entertainment.

They are really out there. The big question though is exactly who are "THEY"
Steen Greer has some answers on proof they are out there. The Bible defines, who are "THEY"

Who pulled the trigger?

Major demand to impeach Obama

Three good Sasquatch stories from same area of Wisconsin
Very interesting. I have no doubt they do exist. There is a family of them near me in the 
Big Beef river canyon out by Seabeck. Lots of stories abound here from logger sightings.

Drone killing - former drone operator says he is haunted by more than 1600 deaths.
It's Obama's tuesday morning "who do we kill today" meeting. It's all true; and the drone 
assassinations include US citizens right here inside the US also.

It has been a shocking week of explosive news about the U.S. government's police state 
surveillance of Americans.
  For starters, Obama has now admitted and confirmed that all 
Verizon mobile phone users
have their phone call data and geographic location tracked 
and archived by the NSA. Govt alsao monitors all social networking sites. Be careful what you say
or you will find a black helicopter landing in your yard to take you away, or a drone looming overhead waiting for you to come outside.

Two UFO's Exit Volcano

Buddhist Monk Dies For 3 Days: 
Comes Back To Share His Heaven & Hell "Near Death Experience"
If you are someone who still doesn't believe in the concept of `heaven' and `hell', please listen to this testimony provided by a Buddhist Monk who died for 3 days and witnessed both of them in his journey before coming back to warn all of us about it. He's not alone, visit  for many testimonies of Jesus taking people out of body on visits to both heaven and hell. Why? To warn us of what is to come if we let Satan control us.

Were all the lunar landing missions a hoax and filmed right here on earth? 
Many seem to think so.  This video kinda puts the nail in the coffin on the issue.

Dark Mission Part 1 - NASA Moon Hoax - Analysis
of the Lunar Photography

How do you know you are shopping in Texas?
I think concealed carry is going to become a bigger issue as time goes on. Worried about court 
action if an innocent bystander gets hurt? You can join  and with your membership 
you get defense protection should you have to go to court over an issue. Walking around with a 
weapon without a concealed carry permit is NOT a good idea. If you were packing and a McDonald's massacre or 7-11 robbery was about to happen; would you sit idly by because you were afraid 
what would happen afterwards? See what has to offer. I think it is a good answer. 
I think as the population becomes more rift with drugged up people (pharmaceuticals and chemtrail recipients), and those not willing to work and thinking they can take from others, more and more 
people are going to be doing concealed carry. States such as Connecticut who advocate a weapon 
in every home have a very low crime and murder rate compared to New York and Chicago where 
they try to deweaponize the people. Ruger's LCP .380 even fits in your hip pocket inside a wallet. 

Man healed after being crushed by a Kenworth truck
Jesus does heal today and angels ARE with us. 

Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
This is rather long, but ever so important to listen to all the way thru.  Do we wonder why 
there is so much cancer?   This is planned genocide folks. Do a google search for georgia
guidstones. They tell us in plain English they are reducing our population from 7 billion to less 
than 500 million. GMO's , HAARP hurricanes and tornados, and chemtrails ladden with 
chemicals, fibers,  and viruses are the weapons of choice. 

In this interview on Project Censored, Ralph Nader speaks candidly on a range of 
subjects including media censorship, rigged elections, the hijacking of the Tea Party...
and, of course, the summary execution of American citizens by President Obama.
Hard to believe but yes, American citizens are on his Tuesday morning assassination
meeting.  Who do we kill today that's causing us trouble. Sick.

Banking corruption
This is just an example of what is starting to happen around the world. There is no hiding 
the truth anymore and those responsible are starting to be exposed more and more. 
This is just one example of what we will be seeing more and more of in the coming 
weeks and months.

Glenn Beck says that within 24 hours, his network will break news from a whistleblower 
that is going to take down the entire power structure.  It will be announced that hacked emails 
were used to blackmail and extort Chief Justice Roberts. Very embarrassing emails were 
obtained, and he was told to vote to declare Obamacare constitutional, or his family life would 
be destroyed.  Beck believes that they found actual records proving that he & his wife literally 
bought their 2 children from an organization in Ireland, had them sent to Costa Rica where the 
Roberts picked them up. Such an arrangement is apparently illegal for a U.S. citizen to do, 
but that alone doesn't rise to the level of an issue so crushingly embarrassing that it would cause
a Chief Justice of the United States to violate both his oath of office AND the Constitution itself. 
There must be something else that forced Roberts to sell out 330 million Americans.

This is what Obama wants to take away from you.
More and more people are going concealed carry today also. Ruger makes a .380 LCP model 
that will fit in a wallet in your hip pocket. has legal protection with their membership
if you happen to get in trouble doing that as well as lots of instruction on how not to get in trouble.


Carl was a quiet man.. He didn’t talk much.
He would always greet you with a big smile and a firm handshake.

Even after living in our neighborhood for over 50 years,
No one could really say they knew him very well.

Before his retirement, he took the bus to work each morning.
The lone sight of him walking down the street often worried us.

He had a slight limp from a bullet wound received in WWII.

Watching him, we worried that although he had survived WWII,
He may not make it through our changing uptown neighborhood with its ever-increasing random violence, gangs, and drug activity.

When he saw the flyer at our local church asking for volunteers for caring for the gardens behind the minister’s residence, he responded in his characteristically unassuming manner. Without fanfare, he just signed up.

He was well into his 87th year when the very thing we had always feared finally happened..

He was just finishing his watering for the day when three gang members approached him.
Ignoring their attempt to intimidate him, he simply asked,
"Would you like a drink from the hose?"
The tallest and toughest-looking of the three said, "Yeah, sure," with a malevolent little smile.

As Carl offered the hose to him, the other two grabbed Carl’s arm, throwing him down.
As the hose snaked crazily over the ground, dousing everything in its way, Carl’s assailants stole his retirement watch and his wallet, and then fled.

Carl tried to get himself up, but he had been thrown down on his bad leg.
He lay there trying to gather himself as the minister came running to help him.
Although the minister had witnessed the attack from his window, he couldn’t get there fast 
enough to stop it.

"Carl, are you okay? Are you hurt?" the minister kept asking as he helped Carl to his feet.

Carl just passed a hand over his brow and sighed, shaking his head.
 "Just some punk kids. I hope they’ll wise-up someday."

His wet clothes clung to his slight frame as he bent to pick up the hose.
He adjusted the nozzle again and started to water..

Confused and a little concerned, the minister asked, "Carl, what are you doing?"
"I’ve got to finish my watering. It’s been very dry lately," came the calm reply.
Satisfying himself that Carl really was all right, the minister could only marvel.
Carl was a man from a different time and place.

A few weeks later the three returned.. Just as before their threat was unchallenged.
Carl again offered them a drink from his hose.

This time they didn’t rob him.
They wrenched the hose from his hand and drenched him head to foot in the icy water.

When they had finished their humiliation of him, they sauntered off down the street, throwing catcalls and curses, falling over one another laughing at the hilarity of what they had just done.

Carl just watched them.
Then he turned toward the warmth giving sun, picked up his hose, and went on with his watering.

The summer was quickly fading into fall Carl was doing some tilling when he was startled by the sudden approach of someone behind him.
He stumbled and fell into some evergreen branches.

As he struggled to regain his footing, he turned to see the tall leader of his summer tormentors reaching down for him. He braced himself for the expected attack.

"Don’t worry old man, I’m not gonna hurt you this time."
The young man spoke softly, still offering the tattooed and scarred hand to Carl. As he helped Carl get up, the man pulled a crumpled bag from his pocket and handed it to Carl.

"What’s this?"
Carl asked. "It’s your stuff," the man explained. "It’s your stuff back.
Even the money in your wallet" "I don’t understand," Carl said. "Why would you help me now?"

The man shifted his feet, seeming embarrassed and ill at ease. "I learned something from you," he said. "I ran with that gang and hurt people like you we picked you because you were old and we knew we could do it But every time we came and did something to you, instead of yelling and fighting back, you tried to give us a drink. You didn’t hate us for hating you. You kept showing love against our hate."

He stopped for a moment. "I couldn’t sleep after we stole your stuff, so here it is back."

He paused for another awkward moment, not knowing what more there was to say. "That bag’s my way of saying thanks for straightening me out, I guess." And with that, he walked off down the street.
Carl looked down at the sack in his hands and gingerly opened it. He took out his retirement watch and put it back on his wrist. Opening his wallet, he checked for his wedding photo. He gazed for a moment at the young bride that still smiled back at him from all those years ago..

He died one cold day after Christmas that winter. Many people attended his funeral in spite of the weather.
In particular the minister noticed a tall young man that he didn’t know sitting quietly in a distant corner of the church.

The minister spoke of Carl’s garden as a lesson in life.
In a voice made thick with unshed tears, he said, "Do your best and make your garden as beautiful as you can. We will never forget Carl and his garden."

The following spring another flyer went up. It read: "Person needed to care for Carl’s garden."

The flyer went unnoticed by the busy parishioners until one day when a knock was heard at the minister’s office door.

Opening the door, the minister saw a pair of scarred and tattooed hands holding the flyer. "I believe this is my job, if you’ll have me," the young man said.
The minister recognized him as the same young man who had returned the stolen watch and wallet to Carl.

He knew that Carl’s kindness had turned this man’s life around. As the minister handed him the keys to the garden shed, he said, "Yes, go take care of Carl’s garden and honor him."

The man went to work and, over the next several years, he tended the flowers and vegetables just as Carl had done.

During that time, he went to college, got married, and became a prominent member of the community. But he never forgot his promise to Carl’s memory and kept the garden as beautiful as he thought Carl would have kept it.

One day he approached the new minister and told him that he couldn’t care for the garden any longer. He explained with a shy and happy smile, "My wife just had a baby boy last night, and she’s bringing him home on Saturday."

 "Well, congratulations!" said the minister, as he was handed the garden shed keys. "That’s wonderful! What’s the baby’s name?"
"Carl," he replied.

That’s the whole gospel message simply stated.
Take 60 seconds give this a shot! Let’s just see if Satan stops this one.
All you do is:

1. Simply say a small prayer for the person who sent you this.

God bless this person in whatever it is that You know he or she may be needing this day!

 2. Then send it on to five other people. Within hours five people have prayed for you, and you caused a multitude of people to pray to God for other people.

Then sit back and watch the power of God work in your life for doing the thing that you know He loves.


God Bless
Buenos dias
Que Dios le bendiga

Subject: 5-30 -2013  Ber's Newsletter update - new program  
email addy –  

Revenue sharing programs, and what is really working (TelexFree).  
Read the first section of my 5-12-2013 newsletter  at 
for the math discertation on revenue sharing programs - JubiRev, Add Wallet, AditNetwork, 
Banners Broker, Affilashare, GoFunPlaces - what you think you are earning that you are not. 
This is important stuff to know. Lying by omission is still deception. Don't be a victim. We now 
have a solid program  where instead of 99% of the people failing because the program depends 
on selling and/or sponsoring to  make anything; 100% of the people succeed because no 
selling or sponsoring is required. EVERYONE gets paid. There is less than a 2% dropout 
rate in this program. You earn $20/week for 52 weeks for every advertising unit you purchase 
and place an ad for. That's a 17.2% - 22.1%/mo net profit MINIMUM (working 1 ad to 5 ads)  
with NO selling and NO sponsoring required. That's minimum for just placing an ad each day. 
If you choose to work the program actively by recruiting others, sky is the limit. 
TelexFree is a real brick and mortar business with a 9 year history and a real product supporting 
the program. They pay us to advertise for their product.

TelexFree is NOT a revenue sharing program although it's payplan operates similarly. In all 
the others we receive a daily award based upon what the company earns for the day (or 
whatever they decide to pay us that they think we will accept as an award).  You can see 
from AddWallet and JubiRev's dismal percentages last week, that revenue sharing income 
is not very dependable, they rope you in at the beginning with good numbers and then get 
down to reality a month or so later when your funds are already in there and they decide to 
change the rules as JubiRev just did. TelexFree pays us a set minimum per week for a whole 
year we can depend on no matter how much they earn or don't earn. To work TelexFree 
passively, meaning you don't have to sponsor others to make money,  for this minimum,  there 
is no monthly fee, no customer acquisition or any kind of autoship required.

Revenue sharing programs are being advertised as a daily percentage payout, without 
telling you that 80% of that payout includes return of principal and membership costs 
and expiration of bid/ad points. The problem is that this is how these programs are being 
advertised; deceptively without regards to costs involved, membership and registration fees, 
expiration of units,  and addressing the only important issue, that being NET MONTHLY PROFIT. 
I don't care how they  sidestep the issue with legalspeak terminology; net monthly profit is 
the bottomline we are after.  Without qualification, claims stating .99% daily, 1.3% daily or 
1.25% daily is simply not true for any of those programs. 

Since most of these programs attempt successfully to bury your true earnings deep enough 
the average person can't actually compute a net profit/month figure, the result is most people 
think they are earning a lot more than they really are. This is evident in all the "earn 1.5%/day" 
ads I receive. Think about it, is 30 days x 1.5%/day = 45%/mo earnings realistic? What happens 
when your 90 days, 105 days or 120days is up your principal was good for and it then goes 
POOF, never to be seen again. How does that affect your net profit/mo figure? It certainly does.
So take your  1.3%/day or even 1.35%/day award  and multiply it by 20% and get 
your true net profit , which comes out 7-8%/mo at best, on your own nickel without referring.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with that when banks are paying less than 1%APR. That's a good 
deal; just not the 40%/mo lie that is being dished out to the people who won't do the math.
If I were to spend $1000 on one of these 90-120 day revenue sharing programs here's what 
I could actually earn in a month. $1000 x .013daily award x 30 days/mo x 20% actual net profit 
= $78/mo.

Here's where TelexFree gets interesting, if I were to have bought 3 TelexFree ad central packs 
for my $1000 (3 x $289 + $50 registration fee = $917) my earnings passively for that same 
month would be $20/week x 3 ad packs x 4 weeks/mo  = $240 instead of $78.

Taking into account I get paid $20/week for 52 weeks on each of those 3 ad central packs, 
the expense of the $50 registration fee and the $867 cost of 3 ad packs, the real math is: 
On 3 ad central packs that would be  3 x $1040 GROSS earnings/year = $3120 
- $867 (3 ad central packs @$289 ea) - $50 business center registration (the TARE)  = 
$2203 NET gain ÷ $917 cost = 240%/yr ÷ 12mo/yr = 20%/mo net profit
on 3 ad central packs. On a 4 pack purchase that figure would be 20.4%. On a family pack 
purchase of 5 units that figure becomes 22.1%/mo net profit. With NO sponsoring required, 
NO autoship required, NO customer acquisition required.

20%/mo vs 8%/mo and I didn't have to play the get a customer or buy overpriced products 
or spend external money on shipping game.  I do have to post 3 ads instead of one each day 
however. But using the sites   or where I can 
post 5 ads at a whack, it doesn't cost me any more time.    

 I feel TelexFree is the best program to come to our plates in a long time, 
The upside? Passive net profit per month figure  at 17.2% (1 ad) - 22.1%/mo (5 ads)  can't 
be matched.  And I sold my software packages in the first two weeks instead of turning them 
back in to thecompany at the end of the week so my profit on those was $44.91 each instead 
of $20. AndI expect a lot of those. Think that won't mess with your net profit per month percentage 
figure?  The downside. You can't make mistakes  in doing the things required or it takes time to 
get the problems resolved through support. The site is not seamless yet, nor all in English yet; 
some blurbs come up in Portuguese yet and you wonder what the ????  I have drafted black
and white instructions for all the tasks we need to do from signing up to posting ads  to becoming 
your own customer if you wish to recruit others so you don't make mistakes. There are some quirks 
about how they do business but there is nothing we can't live with. This is a good deal. 

The service works good. I call my daughter in El Paso and my son in Guadalajara on it, as well 
as any long distance calls inside the US as I removed long distance from our local phone 
company as we were constantly being billed for calls we didn't make. Clarity is as good or 
better than Skype. Make sure however that before you place a phone - phone call that the 
switch number you are calling into is not a long distance call. If it is, then use computer to 
phone which works very well. TelexFree also has more product line plans to increase 
customers even more. Plans are in place to grow TelexFREE beyond our comprehension. 

TelexFree   for complete concise info on the program    to register and buy ad packs.
Go to and click on Presentation Slideshow for the best quick   
overall explanation of this program I have found.

TelexFree  is a large telecommunications software company with a track record and big 
money behind it. It is not a here today gone tomorrow hyip. TelexFree is a 9 year old 
telecommunications business that went into hyperdrive when they adapted the  marketing 
ploy of using the internet and us people to do their advertising. And they pay us well for it. 
With NO selling and NO recruiting , just working the program passively, we can earn 17.7%/mo 
to 22.1%/mo minimum net profit. That's take to the bank earnings. For every $289 ad central 
pack we buy we can earn $20/week minimum on it for 52 weeks.
For every $1375 family pack of 5 units we buy we can earn $100/week for 52 weeks on it.
I have the math posted at  TelexFree is NOT a revenue 
sharing program. They pay us a set fee if we sell nothing or recruit no one else for placing 
daily ads for them. They pay us well for doing their advertising 
for their VOIP software telecommunications packages. You don't have to subscribe to the 
software, use the software, or actually sell the software  to make money. You just have to 
post and record the ads each day that sell it. The more ad packs you buy to earn on , the 
more ads each day you have to place, and the more money you earn. There is no upper 
limit as to what you can earn.  What they pay us is not related to what the company earns for 
the day, so it is not revenue sharing in that sense. Our pay doesn't vary each day. There is 
no monthly fee to get paid passively. It will cost you $5/mo through our team, much more 
through other teams, if you want to earn on all the comp plan aspects of recruiting others; 
and you get to use the software for that also.The key is we get paid if you sold nothing nor 
recruited anyone else which is highly unlikely.  We get paid for simply placing ads each day 
for the telecommunications software package they sell. We place one ad per day for every 
ad pack unit we purchase and want to earn money on. If we sell the unit from our ads we 
earn $44.91on it. If we don't sell it to a customer, we return it to the company at the end of 
the week for $20, hence the $20 minimum. Everybody gets paid if they simply place their 
ad. If you want to recruit others into the program sky is the limit on income. All that is covered 
on my page. 
Basically they are paying us to advertise for them a communications software package that 
gives the ability to call over 40 countries (these are listed on the "software" page link on the 
TelExFree site) from any computer, cellphone or any landline, for free. The software also 
allows for free video calls, free conference calls, uploading and sharing files, free chat 
messaging, and screen sharing with remote access.  You can get an hour free to try the 
service to see how it works. You do not have to use the service to make money advertising 
the software packages, but at $5/mo to promote the system actively and make referral money, 
your real out of pocket cost if you come in via our team, you probably will.
They give us the ads to use and places to put them just like as in Zeek or JubiRev. 
So why would people want the software? Let's take just skype for example, many of us use,
myself included. I have a US subscription which allows me to use my computer
to call any landline phone in the US for free. But that costs $36/year and
it's just one country and I have to use my computer to call out on instead of the phone.  But 
if my wife calls Russia and yaks with her mom for an hour, it's 5 cents/min and they do that often. 
If I call from the US to my friends in Mexico using skype it's thirty some cents a minute. Using 
Telexfree VOIP software and my computer, both calls would be free; in fact I could use my 
landline phone to call my friends in Guadalajara; for $5/mo if I am my own customer.
Can you  even imagine how many Mexican people live in the US needing to call their families
back in Mexico and escape Tex's outrageous 30+cents/min monoply? And maybe families in 
39 other countries also? Sign them up under our team, teach them how to be their own customer, 
and all those free calls will only be $5/mo out of  pocket.

How many of you cancelled long distance service on your local phone because you were 
getting charged for long distance calls you never made each month? We did. And those 
billings were always more than $5. The TelexFree service solves that problem as those 
people are looking for a long distance call alternative to getting ripped off by their local 
phone company. 

 Beginning to see why this is going to be huge? Take the time to read my page. There 
are less than 8000 people as promoters in the US right now, it just came to the US, Nov of 
2012.  TelexFree is licensed to do business in all 50 states. It just doesn't get more ground 
floor than this. This is not a complicated program. But as it is a US company that started this 
advertising methodology in Brazil (creating 23 millionaires in the first year) , the transition to 
US marketing has not been seamless. If you want seamless, wait another 60 days. If you want 
to make money today, all is in place to do so if you have patience over the little things that 
don't happen in the time frame you think they should. The support people above me in our 
team are superb in both training and resolving problems. Won't you join us? Everything you 
need to know is found at
  including powerpoint 
presentations, extensive FAQ,  and videos explaining the system

A $9167 investment (bad word) in add wallet or JubiRev will net you about $1000/mo take to 
the bank money taking into consideration membership fees and expiring ad points. Buying 
$4379 worth of TelexFree ad packs will accomplish the same $1000/mo take to the bank 
money ; IF you never sold anything (highly unlikely) or recruited anyone else (also highly unlikely).

 Go to and click on Presentation Slideshow for the best quick   
overall explanation of this program I have found.

nother great overview of the program in pics and text format  at is a site by Randy Crosby, the team leader of our group.
There is a short overview video and then a more lengthy in depth presentation.

 Program overview videos - short 
    Part 1 - Introduction 
    Part 2 compensation plan 
    Part 3 compensation plan continued 

AddWallet  for the nuts and bolts, facts and email me for the math.
AddWallet and JubiRev are both profit sharing programs, they are very different.
AddWallet is very simple and is also doing very well, although last weeks daily earnings 
were down, and has  almost a three month track record behind it.  You buy ad units, you buy 
a membership, you keep a URL posted to the ad you want  others to see  each day, you view 
7 sites a day looking at ads others have placed, and you get paid. You don't have to recruit. 
You don't have to find or buy or sell anything to customers. No monthly personal CV 
purchase requirement. Your ad unit is good for 120 days until it expires. 
I bought a silver $10 membership and purchased only $10 worth of ad units on Feb 17th, 
set my repurchase meter at 100% and on April1st, my point bucket was over 800 ad units.
I reset my repurchase meter to 25% and had enough by April 8th to upgrade to diamond to 
gain the other .5%/day earnings. I also found out that the real diamond difference was only and not .5%/day as advertised. Soooo it only pays to go diamond at 2800 points and 
not 1000 points. You will earn a higher monthly net profit if you upgrade to 
diamond at about 2800 points  than you will by staying at silver, due to the extra .1%/day 
you get as a diamond. I reset my repurchase meter back to 100% and then at 25% about May 
20th as I needed some money.  Also make sure you do NOT convert your ecash earnings to 
ewallet money as you cannot reverse that. You can only spend ewallet money on membership 
fees or buying more ad credits, you can't cash out with it. Send your ecash to STP first and 
then come back with enough to pay membership fees out of instead of converting it to ewallet 
money first.   As of May 30th my point accumulation was 2183 points. 
Assuming, as in Zeek,  only 20% of my daily earnings is take the bank money, the other 80% 
has to go to repurchase ads or points to keep the point bucket at the same level with regard to membership fees and expiring bid points, and our daily profit sharing remains consistent at 
1.4%/day; which it did NOT last week, my net worth today of that 2183 points is 2183 x .014 
x .20 x 30days/mo = $183/mo take to the bank money.  I hope this last weeks performance 
is not indicative of what is to come. There were days as low as .34%.  And it worries me that 
advertising is their only product. NO advertising only program has ever stood the test of time. 
And again this is only a 8%-10%/mo net profit program versus TelexFree at 20%/mo.   for the info   to sign up. 

I am bailing out on JubiRev with their latest program changes/requirements.
I have been in this program for two months now. In that time period I have earned 
very little ($36) , because I didn't have a lot to start with ($75) , recruited very few people (3), 
and have actually lost money if I include membership dues (-$200). What JubiRev fails 
to tell people is that if they don't keep putting 80% of their daily profit share earnings back in 
and buy more JubiPoints with it, the point bucket they are earning on will continue to decrease 
until one day they will have no principal left that they are earning on. Zeek rewards operated the 
same way and they told us flat out if you wanted to maintain your point bucket level you had to 
respend 80% of your daily earnings to purchase new points daily to replace the expiring bid 
points.  JubiRev uses the same expiring bid point scenario, but fails to address the impact of 
the expiring bid points on the JubiBuck purchases (principal).  JubiRev was at best an 8%/mo 
net profit program considering the expiring bid point feature as well as the daily point share 
average of 1.3%/day or less. The last two days were 1.2% and .93%.  Remember of that 
1.3%/day only 20% or .26%/day was take to the bank profit not counting referral income.  If 
you put $10,000 into the program you still only earn a net monthly profit of 7.8%/mo if they 
averaged 1.3% profit sharing a day which they have not. $10,000 x .013 x 30 x .20 = $780 
profit ÷ $10,000 = 7.8%/mo net profit. 
JubiRev is not a passive program. You have to recruit customers, you are now going to have 
to spend at least $30/mo out of pocket for personal product purchase, plus shipping charges 
or you won't receive your daily profit share even if you post your ad. 
I have a hard time wanting to put more money into JubiRev when Telexfree pays 
17.2 - 22.1%/month completely passively and my weekly pay is not tied into any profitsharing.
Considering the new constrictions and requirements to get paid at JubiRev I am probably not 
going to pursue this program from this point on.
  The new changes JubiRev is instituting will 
make it even more difficult to make money here unless you are a recruiting whiz. I am not.
I feel the JubiRev program is set up to make money for JubiRev; not sure about the rest of us.
Here is a transcript of the 5-28-2013 webinar that delineates the major changes being 
made in the JubiRev program. This is at the bottom of my Jubirev page at  

Most of you are aware by now that the three top tools for weightloss are green coffee beans, 
raspberry ketones, and garcinia cambogia.   Wonderlabs
  is the least expensive resource for 
all of those.
  Capsicum pepper extract and acai berry   in 
MegaCapsitrim works really well too to turn up the heat without the use of caffeine, guarana, 
gotakola, and ephedrine stimulants
which can cause jitters and a heart attack in people with 
high blood pressure. In green coffee beans you want 100% PURE 800mg per serving  
Green Coffee Bean Extract with 50% Chlorogenic Acid and No Fillers 
Green Coffee Bean Extract (which costs only half to one third of other highly 
advertised sources) contains a natural compound called Chlorogenic Acid, which has been 
shown to naturally inhibit the release of glucose while at the same time boosting metabolism 
for great results. These two mechanisms work synergistically to inhibit fat absorption. It takes 
less energy to burn fat before it's stored and since fat absorption is slower and metabolism 
is higher your body burns more fat thanks to Chlorogenic Acid. You may be wondering if you 
can get the same results from the coffee you drink - and the truth is you can not! When coffee 
beans are roasted, the chlorogenic acid is destroyed. Green Coffee Bean Extract has gained 
huge recognition due to the popular daytime show Dr. Oz where he reported it as a safe, 
effective weight loss supplement with no negative side effects. Add raspberry keytones
and Capsicum /acai extract and you are on the way to slimmer you. 
More on MegaCapsicum from GoodLife.  For decades, scientists have known about the proven weight-loss potential of red hot peppers, also known as capsicum. Capsaicinoids are a group of compounds which cause the “heat” found in hot peppers. In fact, over the past 30 years, studies have proven the enormous potential of capsicum and capsaicinoids as a safe, effective nutritional ingredient to support weight management. The problem has been delivery. Capsicum extract is unbearably hot and effective levels are highly irritating to the stomach. Capsimax™ is the breakthrough! 
Using a proprietary patented matrix of excipients and coatings, Capsimax™ capsicum extract 
gives users the maximum effectiveness of Capsaicinoids - without any oral or gastric irritation.  
We’ve combined the breakthrough product Capsimax™ with the antioxidant and nutritional 
benefits of Acai to create a product, that along with a sensible diet and exercise, is designed 
to increase energy and stamina. Mega Capsitrim™ also increases your metabolism and helps 
promote weight loss.

Silver Success   
Still Our absolute safest program. Why? Because it is bulletproof. 
 4%/mo return on principal w/ gold lease backed principal guarantee.
This program has been going almost two years now  with no hiccups, and is brought to us via 
a trader I have known almost 9 years now. Most of the things I do join reflect who I know and how 
trustworthy they are rather than what the words in the offer are. I would trust my wife, kids and 
my dog with this man. He does business extremely cautiously. He watched this trading scenario 
for over a year before being invited to participate with this group. No more than 2% of principal is 
at stake with any one trade. He has a reputation of being very cautious and rarely has a losing 
trade with anything he works with. Many small trades make up the profit puzzle, one reason the 
take to you is 4%/mo instead of more,  but let's put this in perspective. The 4%/mo figure 
exceeds all of the 50 largest hedge funds in the world for the average yearly earnings over 
the period 2005-2007 when the economy was peaking and the DOW topped 14,000. See that 
list and stats at The top fund in the world returned 47.69%
annually during those years. From 2008 – 2011 over 2,000 hedge funds have closed down 
completely and the average annual return is under 30%. 

Your principal is backed by gold. 
Key Features: 
Safety..… No more than 2% of funds under management are at risk at any given time. 
his is very conservative.
Safety….. Trades are short term, also known as "scalping".     Modest gains are realized 
in hundreds of trades. 
Safety….. SILVER SUCCESS holds gold leases to insure 100% security of the principal 
or the duration of the loan.    Premiums, gold options, are prepaid monthly by the fund manager. 
Because the win to loss ratio is so high, billion dollar gold producing companies secure the principal 
of each loan for 100%. SILVER SUCCESS will return 100% of the CURRENT principal to the lender should a circumstance such as an economic crisis arise and trade funds are not accessible.
Earnings….. 4%/ month fixed. Earnings can be taken monthly or compounded if desired. 
How to fund/receive payments…..Bank wire or Solid Trust Pay
Get more information at   or here
You have to email me for the documents for this program. This is as fer sure as it gets.

HCi25 has joined forces with   a different Reverse Pension 
Plan and are now planning to pay us in gold and silver, not greenbacks. Interesting.

Login to your HCi25 site for the lastest updates. This is a mess, especially with Liberty Reserve 
being taken down by big brother and Perfect Money not wanting to do business with US citizens. 
Euclid says there is no deadline in paying the $98.

PTE -  Imminent is still the word. I don't know what else to say.

PT - Still good to go but don't look for it before the world economic reset takes place.

Heart Health  This is absolutely the most important thing for your health you can be part of.  Also our affiliate sites have just been upgraded.
L-Arginine, the magic bullet for cardiovascular health, but you gotta take more than 1 scoop a day 
to get the job done.  On Oct 1 I made major revisions to my heart page. New information gained 
shows a 2 scoop three times a day regimine (not just one or two scoops a day) of using L Arginine CAN yield up to 100% clear arteries in 6 months. AND you can buy it cheapest by signing up as an affiliate, for free, and making the purchase off you own affiliate site, saving $5/canister. If you buy 6 canisters the price comes down to $32.50/canister w/free shipping including your $30 rebate; if you buy 12 you can get it for $25/canister w/free shipping including your $60 rebate. Buy cheapest and sign up free as an affiliate to make money from sales to others 4 levels deep. Why would I tell you this instead of making $5/canister off you purchasing off my site? This is a consumable. Everyone should be on this for life. Here is a 13 page list of the ingredients and what each does for you. By earning only $1/canister 4 levels deep from affiliate sales and showing people how they can buy it for the least amount of dollars out of pocket, more people will use it and you will earn more on $1 repeat sales as opposed to a larger $5 commission one time.
This is not an MLM, there is:
- no distributor sign up fee or kit cost, 
- no autoship requirement, in fact you don't have to buy anything to earn on affiliate sales.
- you get your own marketing webpage free like mine at    
-  you get paid four levels deep as an affiliate ($5/canister direct sales, $1/canister affiliate sales)
-  order off your own affiliate website and receive cash rebates of $5 (1 canister)  to $60 (12 canisters). MyCardioForLife heart formula has the most complete formula on the martketplace at the lowest price.
This WILL get you off pharmaceutical meds for high blood pressure, and will also drop your cholesterol and triglycerides,  lowers diabetes risk, and is a great weight control tool as when your body gets all the 70 plant based ionic minerals that are in it, it doesn't crave food. I can vouch for that. I  have added a list of 25 things you can do to lower your blood pressure on my heart page.
This page is not just about selling you a can of powder that may save your life. This page has 
many many things you need to know about heart health, such as a DPA test to tell you your arterial 
age and condition.  And a link to get all my heart ebooks for free.
for articles and videos on why you need this. especially watch the videos, they are all good. 
What's in it, the ingredients label?   Go to  
to see this and just below it is a comparison chart for the nearest competitors. The 13 page description 
of ingredients is more complete. As you will see, there is no comparison, Dr. Elwardt wants to save lives, others want to make money using MLM's which have a lot of fish to feed   His formula has minimal profit in it ; the others have L Arginine and L Citrulline but bare bones anything else.  MyCardioforLife gives you 100mg CoQ10 PER SCOOP and would cost $60/mo alone just for that component. 6 scoops/day would cost you a couple hundred bucks and if you bought MyCardioForLife in 12 canister lots you would only be paying $150/mo for a 2 scoop three times a day regimine, and getting all the other ingredients that come with it. This is a bargain folks. 

Ingredient list describing what each component will do for you.  A more complete list here.
Also explore the FAQ and Articles/Videos section for more information.  As a food supplement it is available to ship in the US, Canada, Puerto Rico as well as Internationally.

- double the life of your motor - increase gas mileage
New website, videos, improved information, great testimonies, and a chance to make 
some good money here as an affiliate with no sign up fees or autoship required.
Nano Oil conditioner protects engine for maximum lifetime and best mileage. Use 
1 ounce per oil change.
CerMa w.STM-3
Double the life of your engine with this stuff. One time 2 oz. treatment. 
Cerma and Nano Oil Conditioner come from the same company. NOW, you can become 
an affiliate to remarket this product and earn a healthy 40% commission. Just click on the 
link in the green bar at the top of the page at   the cerma store   that says "New Affiliate 
Sign up" and fill it out and you will get your own page and money machine like mine. 
Cerma is an engine protection system using a 2 micron coating of ceramics. This is high 
tech stuff.  Emissions disappear, mileage increases, engine gets quiet; not teflon based. 
Makes your diesel quit smoking also. My cummins 2004 Dodge PU without a cat combustor 
now makes NO SMOKE. I use it in all of my rigs including chain saw and lawnmower and 
add a little more with every oil change including the nano oil conditioner. Cerma is one 
of the few additives that really does work and do what it says. I am am affiliate marketer of 
this product, you can be too,  it costs nothing to be an affilaite, and it is drop shipped directly 
to you at a greatly reduced savings off of retail. This will double the life of your engine and 
increase your 
gas mileage at the same time

My dealer ID is 5146130
You can buy Amsoil at retail or wholesale. 
I  lay it all out for you here at my page  
What is Amsoil? A company who makes lubricants and synthetic motor oil that can 
extend your oil change time by a factor of three or more, make your motor last a lot 
longer, and save you an additional 6.5% in fuel savings.  Using Amsoil as well as Cerma 
products are your best guarantee of engine longevity there is. 

A pitch for your health
There are four products I take currently to reverse my biological clock; and it IS working. Most all 
aches and pains have disappeared, my hair is turning back to brown from white, the lines in my 
fingernails are disappearing.  My regimen? 
I start off the day with two scoops of MyCardioForLife when I first get up. The discovery for what's 
in this stuff won the Nobel Prize. I follow that up with 2 scoops mid afternoon and 2 more scoops just before bedtime. 2 scoops three times a day is optimal dose to ensure heart disease doesn't cut you short.  An hour later I take a shake for breakfast. It contains a whey product, StemTech's ST5 powder, Guanabana powder, ground up chia seed, psyllium husks, beet, cabbage, carrots, pineapple, strawberries, apple in season, and alpiste powder. Just the drink will keep you full of energy until 2-3 in the afternoon. 

I also take two StemEnhance  capsules night and morning along with 2 Laminine capsules (laminin 
is the glue that holds our cells together) and two Isagenix Product B Telomerase capsules, another 
Nobel Prize discovery which lengthens the telomers at the end of our genes which make us reverse 
aging. When your telomers get short, you die. We now have the means to lengthen them.

Why do all this you say? Because the technology exists to keep us young and functional even if 
we are chronologically over the hill. I am 69 and I still dirt bike steep motorcycle trails even though 
I downsized to a CRF230L over my 350,  can put in a  full days work in the garden, pitch slowpitch 
softball games, play volleyball several days a week. Without these discoveries and miracle products 
I simply wouldn't be able to do that. I hate doctors. The last thing on my list is to see a doctor. My life 
is based on preventative health measures, not after the fact band aids.  Explore these four things.   
The least expensive source of vitamins and minerals on the planet. Great company.

Vibrant Life vitamins and Oral chelation formula. I have been taking Vibrant Life SuperLifeGlow vitamins and Bone Dense Calcium for several years now. When we were about to run out of the SuperLifeGlow caps my wife stole the bottle for her own personal continuance , as an incentive for 
me to reorder rapidly. She really likes them. SuperLifeGlow is absolutely the BEST vitamin and 
chelation formula in existence. It contains massive quantities of more than 60 nutrients.  The bone formula contains microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, the only form of calcium proven to add bone mass. 
This is good stuff. They also have several other products including MSM. 
MSM stands for Methyl 
Sulfonyl Methane, organic sulfur. When it rains, MSM falls on the ground and is used by plants. Your 
body needs MSM and contains some but, if you had more MSM in your body, you would endure far 
less pain and suffering from arthritis, back pain, Fibromyalgia and muscle soreness.
  MSM is also an important nutrient for hair, skin and nails.

Hungary destroys all Monsanto GMO corn fields.
When are we going to get smart enough to do the same?

Brics nations to destroy US currency
There are two ways to sleep well at night be ignorant, or be prepared.

Disarming reality. As guns sales soar gun related crimes plummet

Obama explains the FEMA camps

Very accurate exposee' of the Obama's and this administration's policies and where 
they are taking us. Never before have we had such a traitor in the whitehouse so dead 
set on the destruction of America. 

IRS debunked ..... there is NO income tax law!

11 Reasons the Federal Reserve Should be Abolished

Rand Paul hits it on the head
My Toilet Doesn't Work! Please watch this video - it's GREAT!!

Montsantos GMO cottonseed pollen is killing people in Alabama

Boycott Monsanto - don't buy products from these companies.

Are false flag events the norm now? 
What can we do to get rid of our government trying to kill us?
The Oklahoma City 200mph tornado has been confirmed as  a HAARP event.

Watch out for road block stops - guns are being confiscated

Liberty Reserve is history?

Population density by country 

Does this vision describe what it will be like when our system collapses?
I would go down squeezing the AK47 trigger before I would allow myself to
be taken by these goons. Without question. The Bible says to kill while defending 
oneself and family is not  sinning. Caution, reading this could give you nightmares,
especially the part about throwing babies up in the air and catching them on bayonets.

Learn what chemtrails are all about from the horses mouth 
At the 2013 Atlanta Music Liberty Fest, Kristen Meghan, former Air Force Bio-Environmental 
Engineer gave a ground breaking presentation of what she had discovered about Chemtrails 
while serving her Country.  This BRAVE young lady has put her livelihood/life on the line for US.
Please take a minute to thank her and help US by redistributing this video and any other VALID 
information about Chemtrails to as many people as you can!  This is a GLOBAL issue, other 
countries must get this information as well. "They" are spraying the majority of the population...

Heaven's Grocery Store
As I was walking
Down life's highway
Many years ago

I came upon a
Sign that read

Heavens Grocery Store..

When I got a
Little closer

The doors swung
Open wide

And when I came
To myself

I was standing

I saw a host of

They were
Standing everywhere

One handed me a

And said 'My
Child shop with care..'

Everything a
Human needed
Was in that
Grocery store

And what you
Could not carry
You could come
Back for more

First I got some

Love was in that
Same row.

Further down was
You need that
Everywhere you go..

I got a box or
Two of Wisdom
And Faith a bag
Or two.

And Charity of
I would need some
Of that too..

I couldn't miss
The Holy Ghost
It was all over
The place.

And then some
And Courage to
Help me run this race.

My basket was
Getting full
But I remembered
I needed Grace,

And then I chose
Salvation for
Salvation was for

I tried to get
Enough of that to do
For you and me..

Then I started to
The counter
To pay my grocery

For I thought I
Had everything
To do the Masters

As I went up the
I saw Prayer and
Put that in,

For I knew when I
Stepped outside
I would run into

Peace and Joy
Were plentiful,
The last things
On the shelf.

Song and Praise
Were hanging near
So I just helped

Then I said to
The angel

'Now how much do
I owe?'

He smiled and

'Just take them
Everywhere you go.'

Again I asked
'Really now,

How much do I

'My child' he
Said, 'God paid your bill
A long long time

This poem has
Been sent to you
With love and 

God's Blessings.
God Bless
Buenos dias
Que Dios le bendiga

Subject: 5-12 -2013  Ber's Newsletter update - new program  
email addy –  

Revenue sharing programs. 
JubiRev, Add Wallet, TelexFree and several others we are being bombarded with daily. 
Who is the best? Actually TelexFree is NOT a revenue sharing program although it's payplan 
operates like one. In all the others we receive a daily award based upon what the company 
earns for the day (or whatever they decide to pay us that they think we will accept as an award).  
TelexFree pays us a set minimum per week for a whole year no matter how much they earn 
or don't earn.

I received an emal recently that simply stated:  TelexFree at $20 a week- just under 0.99% daily.
GoFunPlaces andJubiRev about 1.30% daily minimum so far.
AddWallet 1.25%-1.4% daily.  Note: returns include return of investment. 

The problem is that this is how these programs are being advertised; deceptively without regards 
to costs involved, such as membership and registration fees, expiration of units,  and addressing
the only important issue, that being NET MONTHLY PROFIT; I don't care how they  sidestep the 
issue with legalspeak terminology; net monthly profit is the bottomline we are after.
Without qualification the above paragraph stating .99% daily, 1.3% daily or 1.25% daily is simply 
not true for any of those programs. Today's newsletter will deal with some math. 

Let's say I have a pickup truck that weighs 8500 pounds full of gas with me in it. I fill it up with 
scrap metal from cleaning up my barn and shop and take the load to the scrap metal dealer.
He puts me on his scale with the load of scrap in the back and gives me a GROSS weight figure, 
let's say 9500 pounds.  I go offload the scrap metal and come back onto the scale empty. He 
then gives me a TARE weight (empty truck with me in it of 8500 pounds) and a NET weight of 1000 pounds. . It's the NET weight that represents how much scrap metal I just sold that I get paid on. 

It's the same with these programs. We have to take all the money we spend on the program; 
registration fees, ad pack or ad credits or JubiBuck fees, monthly membership fees and deduct 
it from what the program actually pays us. In simpler terms that is total earnings including return 
of principal, less membership and any registration fees. That figure is net profit. Divide it by the 
number of months involved and that becomes net profit/month - the only meaningful term in 
what we are truly earning and can use to compare with similar programs. 

Since most of these programs attempt successfully to bury your true earnings deep enough 
the average person can't actually compute a net profit/month figure, the result is most people 
think they are earning a lot more than they really are. This is evident in all the "earn 1.5%/day" 
ads I receive. Think about it, is 30 days x 1.5%/day = 45%/mo earnings realistic? What happens 
when your 90 days, 105 days or 120days is up your principal was good for and it then goes 
POOF, never to be seen again. How does that affect your net profit/mo figure? It certainly does.

The first thing to look for is what is the product being sold? What are chances this program 
will be around a year from now? We have seen many of the sites such as affilashare, AditNetwork 
and others trying to sell advertising and banner ads come out the gate strong only to fold up or 
peter out a few months downstream. I truly question putting a lot of either time or money into 
revenue sharing programs that only have advertising as their product of interest. I don't think any 
of them are long haulers. JubiRev has products. They're overpriced, they charge too much for 
shipping, and some of their products are of questionable quality - the heart powder is one of 
those. Tastes like throwup, burps like throwup; most people will not want a second 300gram 
canister for $40-$50 when they could buy a 465 gram cannister of MyCardioForLife  that tastes 
good for lots less money and that  has a 13 page ingredient list  of what all is in it and what each of 
those components will do for you . My wife doesn't like glycerine in her JubiRev hand cream. 
The weightloss shake tastes good but when I see a label listing ingredients in terms of % 
minimum daily requirement (that amount that barely keeps you out of the grave) instead of mg 
or units, I get suspicious that something is lacking. But their business model should be sustainable
 as is TelexFree who markets a software package many, many people are going to want once 
they get educated on it.  

All of the 90 day to 120 dayers are Zeek wannabees. Lets analyze the Zeek model. I spent a lot 
of time on Zeek to understand it. My Zeek page is still posted if you want to go examine the model. 
In Zeek you purchased auction bids, in Add Wallet it is ad credits, in JubRev it is JubiBucks .  
You earn money on these for a period of time  ;  90 days, to 120 days depending upon program 
and membership level, but at the end of that time period your principal goes poof and and there 
is no further ability to earn on that principal.  This is what is not being taken into account in these 
programs. Let this next sentence sink in. In Zeek you had to repurchase units with 80% of your
daily earnings in order to compensate for expiring bid points and membership costs. Zeek told 
us this and it proved out when we ran excel spreadsheets on it. This means that only 20% of that 
daily profit sharing award was net profit, the other 80% had to purchase more units each day so 
your point bucket remained at the same level. Well guess what, except for TelexFree who gives 
you a year instead of 90-120 days to earn on your principal, and then lets you repurchase at half 
cost for the following year; all the other guys operate just like Zeek.  Now I am dealing with passive 
income here, not dealing with referral income at all.  If I can't make money passively, then others 
can't either.

So take your  1.3%/day or even 1.35%/day award with Jubi and multiply it by 20% and get 
your true net profit . Add wallet may be a skosh higher because of the 120 day versus 90-105 
day your units are good for.  Let's say a person bought 1000 ad credits or jubiBucks out the gate. 

A person with 1000 Jubibucks or AddWallet ad credits out the gate starting would only be earning 
1000 x .0135 x 30 x .2 = $81/mo take to the bank money on his own nickel. The other 80% has 
to be spent on repurchase just as in Zeek to keep his point bucket level the same for the whole 
year. Hey, there's nothing wrong with 8%/mo real net profit when banks are paying less than 1%APR. That's $81/mo real profit over the course of a year. That's a good deal; just not the 40%/mo lie 
that is being advertised because people don't know how to subtract the TARE from the GROSS to get 
the true NET, which is the only thing that counts. 

Hey, I was at our camping club meeting the other night and the treasurer gave the numbers of 
what our $5000 bank CD is earning and was asking if we wanted to turn it over for another year. 
It earns .7% per year. That's $35 per year on a $5000 investment. To me that is just unbelievable. 
So all things have to be put into perspective.  If I told them they could earn 8%/month or 20%/mo 
on that CD, all expenses included,  they would look at me as if I was on some other planet. 
Yet many of them know I have not had a job for the past 13 years. They don't know how little 
money we have existed on during some of that time period either when programs crashed. 

But, and here's where it gets interesting, if I were to have bought 3 TelexFree ad central packs 
for my $1000 (3 x $289 + $50 registration fee = $917) my earnings passively for that same 
month would be $20/week x 3 ad packs x 4 weeks/mo  = $240
Taking into account the expense of the $50 registration fee and the $867 cost of 4 ad packs, 
the real math is: On 3 ad central packs that would be  3 x $1040 gross earnings/year = $3120 
- $867 (3 ad central packs @$289 ea) - $50 business center registration (the TARE)  = 
$2203 net gain ÷ $917 cost = 240%/yr ÷ 12mo/yr = 20%/mo net profit
on 3 ad central packs. On a 4 pack purchase that figure would be 20.4%. On a family pack 
purchase of 5 units that figure becomes 22.1%/mo net profit. That's per month, not per year.

20%/mo vs 8%/mo and I didn't have to play the get a customer or spend external money on 
shipping game.  I do have to post 3 ads instead of one each day however. But using the site   where I can post 5 ads at a whack, it doesn't cost me any more time.

Here's a short summary on what I feel is the best program to come to our plates in a long time, 
TelexFree. The upside? Passive net profit per month figure  at 20-22%/mo can't be matched. 
And I sold my software packages in the first two weeks instead of turning them back in to the
company at the end of the week so my profit on those was $44.91 each instead of $20. And
I expect a lot of those. Think that won't mess with your net profit per month percentage figure?  
The downside. 
You can't make mistakes  in doing the things required or it takes time to get the problems 
resolved through support. The site is not seamless yet, nor all in English yet; some blurbs come 
up in Portuguese yet and you wonder what the ????  I am drafting black and white instructions 
as fast as I can for all the tasks we need to do from signing up to posting ads  to becoming your 
own customer so you don't make mistakes. There are some quirks about how they do business 
but there is nothing we can't live with. They are at a TelexFree conference in Orlando, Florida 
right now. You can watch it live streaming at - a live feed 

TelexFree   for complete concise info on the program    to register and buy ad packs.
Go to and click on Presentation Slideshow for the best quick   
overall explanation of this program I have found.

TelexFree  is a large telecommunications software company with a track record and big 
money behind it. It is not a here today gone tomorrow hyip. TelexFree is a 9 year old 
telecommunications business that went into hyperdrive when they adapted the  marketing 
ploy of using the internet and us people to do their advertising. And they pay us well for it. 
With NO selling and NO recruiting , just working the program passively, we can earn 17.7%/mo 
to 22.1%/mo minimum net profit. That's take to the bank earnings. For every $289 ad central 
pack we buy we can earn $20/week minimum on it for 52 weeks.
For every $1375 family pack of 5 units we buy we can earn $100/week for 52 weeks on it.
I have the math posted at  TelexFree is NOT a revenue 
sharing program although it operates that way. They pay us a set fee if we sell nothing or 
recruit no one else for placing daily ads for them. They pay us well for doing their advertising 
for their VOIP software telecommunications packages. You don't have to subscribe to the 
software, use the software, or actually sell the software  to make money. You just have to 
post and record the ads each day that sell it. The more ad packs you buy to earn on , the 
more ads each day you have to place, and the more money you earn. There is no upper 
limit as to what you can earn.  What they pay us is not related to what the company earns for 
the day, so it is not revenue sharing in that sense. Our pay doesn't vary each day. There is 
no monthly fee to get paid passively. It will cost you $5/mo through our team, much more 
through other teams, if you want to earn on all the comp plan aspects of recruiting others; 
and you get to use the software for that also.The key is we get paid if you sold nothing nor 
recruited anyone else which is highly unlikely.  We get paid for simply placing ads each day 
for the telecommunications software package they sell. We place one ad per day for every 
ad pack unit we purchase and want to earn money on. If we sell the unit from our ads we 
earn $44.91on it. If we don't sell it to a customer, we return it to the company at the end of 
the week for $20, hence the $20 minimum. Everybody gets paid if they simply place their 
ad. If you want to recruit others into the program sky is the limit on income. All that is covered 
on my page. 
Basically they are paying us to advertise for them a communications software package that 
gives the ability to call over 40 countries (these are listed on the "software" page link on the 
TelExFree site) from any computer, cellphone or any landline, for free. The software also 
allows for free video calls, free conference calls, uploading and sharing files, free chat 
messaging, and screen sharing with remote access.  You can get an hour free to try the 
service to see how it works. You do not have to use the service to make money advertising 
the software packages, but at $5/mo to promote the system actively and make referral money, 
your real out of pocket cost if you come in via our team, you probably will.
They give us the ads to use and places to put them just like as in Zeek or JubiRev. 
So why would people want the software? Let's take just skype for example, many of us use,
myself included. I have a US subscription which allows me to use my computer
to call any landline phone in the US for free. But that costs $36/year and
it's just one country and I have to use my computer to call out on instead of the phone.  But 
if my wife calls Russia and yaks with her mom for an hour, it's 5 cents/min and they do that often. 
If I call from the US to my friends in Mexico using skype it's thirty some cents a minute. Using 
Telexfree VOIP software and my computer, both calls would be free; in fact I could use my 
landline phone to call my friends in Guadalajara; for $5/mo if I am my own customer.
Can you  even imagine how many Mexican people live in the US needing to call their families
back in Mexico and escape Tex's outrageous 30+cents/min monoply? And maybe families in 
39 other countries also? Sign them up under our team, teach them how to be their own customer, 
and all those free calls will only be $5/mo out of  pocket. 
Beginning to see why this is going to be huge? Take the time to read my page. There 
are less than 8000 people as promoters in the US right now, it just came to the US, Nov of 
2012.  TelexFree is licensed to do business in all 50 states. It just doesn't get more ground 
floor than this. This is not a complicated program. But as it is a US company that started this 
advertising methodology in Brazil (creating 23 millionaires in the first year) , the transition to 
US marketing has not been seamless. If you want seamless, wait another 60 days. If you want 
to make money today, all is in place to do so if you have patience over the little things that 
don't happen in the time frame you think they should. The support people above me in our 
team are superb in both training and resolving problems. Won't you join us? Everything you 
need to know is found at
  including powerpoint presentations, 
extensive FAQ,  and videos explaining the system

A $9167 investment (bad word) in add wallet or JubiRev will net you about $1000/mo take to 
the bank money taking into consideration membership fees and expiring ad points. Buying 
$4379 worth of TelexFree ad packs will accomplish the same $1000/mo take to the bank 
money ; IF you never sold anything (highly unlikely) or recruited anyone else (also highly unlikely).

 This is another great overview of the program in pics and text format  at is a site by Randy Crosby, the team leader of our group.
There is a short overview video and then a more lengthy in depth presentation.

 Program overview videos - short 
    Part 1 - Introduction 
    Part 2 compensation plan 
    Part 3 compensation plan continued 


AddWallet  for the nuts and bolts, facts and email me for the math.
AddWallet and JubiRev are both profit sharing programs, they are very different.
AddWallet is very simple and is also doing very well and has  a two month track record 
behind it.  You buy ad units, you buy a membership, you keep a URL posted to the ad you 
want  others to see  each day, you view 7 sites a day looking at ads others have placed, 
and you get paid. You don't have to recruit. You don't have to find or buy or sell anything to 
customers. Your ad unit is good for 120 days until it expires. 
I bought a silver $10 membership and purchased only $10 worth of ad units on Feb 17th, 
set my repurchase meter at 100% and on April1st, my point bucket was over 800 ad units.
I reset my repurchase meter to 25% and had enough by April 8th to upgrade to diamond to 
gain the other .5%/day earnings. I also found out that the real diamond difference was only and not .5%/day as advertised, soooo it only pays to go diamond at 2800 points and 
not 1000 points. You will earn a higher monthly net profit if you upgrade to 
diamond at about 2800 points  than you will by staying at silver, due to the extra .1%/day 
you get as a diamond. I reset my repurchase meter back to 100%. As of May 11th 
my point accumulation was 2000 points. 
Assuming, as in Zeek,  only 20% of my daily earnings is take the bank money, the other 80% 
has to go to repurchase ads or points to keep the point bucket at the same level with regard to membership fees and expiring bid points, and our daily profit sharing remains consistent at 
1.4%/day; my net worth today of that 2000 points is 2000 x .014 x .20 x 30days/mo = $168/mo 
take to the bank money.  I am happy with what add wallet is doing. it worries me that advertising 
is their product.   for the info   to sign up. 

Today, out of every 100 people aged 65 ; only three are financially independent - I didn't say 
rich, I said financially independent; meaning they can pay their bills and do what they want 
without financial struggle to make ends meet. Only 3. Seven never made it to 65, they are dead.
And 90% of the people aged 65 and older depend on jobs, social security, family , government
subsidizing, food stamps, welfare, and other means to just survive; and many live at below 
poverty level standards. Been there, done that, doing that, know what that's all about. 48% of 
the American population is on some form of social welfare subsistence.  TelexFree, AddWallet 
and JubiRev are  a  means to get you some breathing room in a short period of time if you 
are willing to absorb the information on how they work, learn what to do from the leaders,  and 
actually follow through on the game plan. Better financial opportunities probably don't exist 
out there for us average "Joe Plumbers" and "Suzy Homemakers". 

  to sign up   for more info
 JubiRev requires understanding and effort but maybe has greater income potential as you 
build a downline and can make more use of the ten ways to get paid. My page  at  and your JubiRev affiliate site and watching webinars and 
accessing the training videos on your site provides the understanding. 
The effort is in advertising for customers and getting customers to trade in their free Jubibucks 
you give away to them for merchandise they have to pay shipping and handling on. But in six 
months to a year downstream, I believe this can return good dividends; and because real 
goods are involved, it appears to be maybe the most SEC bulletproof program of all the profit 
sharing programs out there and has very firm footing.
I've put a lot of time into understanding JubiRev not only because of the  potential it 
holds, but because it is not simple, the website is overwhelming to try and figure out what the 
nuts and bolts of the program really are.  The Rah Rah Rah  - how great this is - in the webinars 
that are not delivering the nuts and bolts, and to me, are extremely aggravating. I don't like 
the fact you are not going to make this work with a $10 -$20 spend. The program is geared
to make the rich richer. If I were rich I would buy a gazillion TelexFree ad packs and be done 
with it as I believe you can earn over twice in TelexFree what you can at JubiRev for the same 
dollar spent.  But it is too early to state that as fact. If you can't start with at least a Jade $15/mo membership and at least $100 - $500 - $1000 worth of JubiBucks out the gate,  you are going 
to be left behind and become disenchanted.   I joined as a diamond with $75 in JubiBucks out the 
gate, but with thirty days recorded since launch my point bucket is only at 130 points. 
Of 61 people I introduced to the program 56 of them are still at free member status and only 
one new person has joined in a month. I went back to silver.  I see a slow grind ahead with 
JubiRev. I think JubiRev is geared to make JubiRev wealthy, not sure about the 
rest of us. But again it is too early to tell. It's definitely not the opportunity TelexFree is IMHO.

My page at  keeps growing as the pieces to the puzzle are 
put into place.. This is a nuts and bolts page, how it works, without the hype and  "trust me this 
is great" you are hearing on the webinars. We'll know how great it is when we start seeing more 
points accumulate in our point bucket. So far I am not impressed. Meanwhile the mechanics 
and logistics are getting better. Read my page over and over until you get it. You can earn an 
honest 8%/mo net profit here.

Most of you are aware by now that the three top tools for weightloss are green coffee beans, 
raspberry ketones, and garcinia cambogia. Capsicum pepper extract and acai berry   in 
MegaCapsitrim works really well too to turn up the heat without the use of caffeine, guarana, 
gotakola, and ephedrine stimulants
which can cause jitters and a heart attack in people with 
high blood pressure. In green coffee beans you want 100% PURE 800mg per serving  
Green Coffee Bean Extract with 50% Chlorogenic Acid and No Fillers 
Wonderlabs  Green Coffee Bean Extract (which costs only half to one third of other highly 
advertised sources) contains a natural compound called Chlorogenic Acid, which has been 
shown to naturally inhibit the release of glucose while at the same time boosting metabolism 
for great results. These two mechanisms work synergistically to inhibit fat absorption. It takes 
less energy to burn fat before it's stored and since fat absorption is slower and metabolism 
is higher your body burns more fat thanks to Chlorogenic Acid. You may be wondering if you 
can get the same results from the coffee you drink - and the truth is you can not! When coffee 
beans are roasted, the chlorogenic acid is destroyed. Green Coffee Bean Extract has gained 
huge recognition due to the popular daytime show Dr. Oz where he reported it as a safe, 
effective weight loss supplement with no negative side effects. Add raspberry keytones
and Capsicum /acai extract and you are on the way to slimmer you. 
More on MegaCapsicum from GoodLife.  For decades, scientists have known about the proven weight-loss potential of red hot peppers, also known as capsicum. Capsaicinoids are a group of compounds which cause the “heat” found in hot peppers. In fact, over the past 30 years, studies have proven the enormous potential of capsicum and capsaicinoids as a safe, effective nutritional ingredient to support weight management. The problem has been delivery. Capsicum extract is unbearably hot and effective levels are highly irritating to the stomach. Capsimax™ is the breakthrough! 
Using a proprietary patented matrix of excipients and coatings, Capsimax™ capsicum extract 
gives users the maximum effectiveness of Capsaicinoids - without any oral or gastric irritation.  
We’ve combined the breakthrough product Capsimax™ with the antioxidant and nutritional 
benefits of Acai to create a product, that along with a sensible diet and exercise, is designed 
to increase energy and stamina. Mega Capsitrim™ also increases your metabolism and helps 
promote weight loss.

New news posted   here  
HCi25 has joined forces with   a different Reverse Pension 
Plan and are now planning to pay us in gold and silver, not greenbacks. Interesting. 

Silver Success   
Still Our absolute safest program. Why? Because it is bulletproof. 
 4%/mo return on principal w/ gold lease backed principal guarantee.
This program has been going almost two years now  with no hiccups, and is brought to us via 
a trader I have known almost 9 years now. Most of the things I do join reflect who I know and how 
trustworthy they are rather than what the words in the offer are. I would trust my wife, kids and 
my dog with this man. He does business extremely cautiously. He watched this trading scenario 
for over a year before being invited to participate with this group. No more than 2% of principal is 
at stake with any one trade. He has a reputation of being very cautious and rarely has a losing 
trade with anything he works with. Many small trades make up the profit puzzle, one reason the 
take to you is 4%/mo instead of more,  but let's put this in perspective. The 4%/mo figure 
exceeds all of the 50 largest hedge funds in the world for the average yearly earnings over 
the period 2005-2007 when the economy was peaking and the DOW topped 14,000. See that 
list and stats at The top fund in the world returned 47.69%
annually during those years. From 2008 – 2011 over 2,000 hedge funds have closed down 
completely and the average annual return is under 30%. 

Your principal is backed by gold. 
Key Features: 
Safety..… No more than 2% of funds under management are at risk at any given time. 
his is very conservative.
Safety….. Trades are short term, also known as "scalping".     Modest gains are realized 
in hundreds of trades. 
Safety….. SILVER SUCCESS holds gold leases to insure 100% security of the principal 
or the duration of the loan.    Premiums, gold options, are prepaid monthly by the fund manager. 
Because the win to loss ratio is so high, billion dollar gold producing companies secure the principal 
of each loan for 100%. SILVER SUCCESS will return 100% of the CURRENT principal to the lender should a circumstance such as an economic crisis arise and trade funds are not accessible.
Earnings….. 4%/ month fixed. Earnings can be taken monthly or compounded if desired. 
How to fund/receive payments…..Bank wire or Solid Trust Pay
Get more information at   or here
You have to email me for the documents for this program. This is as fer sure as it gets.

PTE -  Imminent is still the word.

Heart Health  This is absolutely the most important thing for your health you can be part of.  Also our affiliate sites have just been upgraded.
L-Arginine, the magic bullet for cardiovascular health, but you gotta take more than 1 scoop a day 
to get the job done.  On Oct 1 I made major revisions to my heart page. New information gained 
shows a 2 scoop three times a day regimine (not just one or two scoops a day) of using L Arginine CAN yield up to 100% clear arteries in 6 months. AND you can buy it cheapest by signing up as an affiliate, for free, and making the purchase off you own affiliate site, saving $5/canister. If you buy 6 canisters the price comes down to $32.50/canister w/free shipping including your $30 rebate; if you buy 12 you can get it for $25/canister w/free shipping including your $60 rebate. Buy cheapest and sign up free as an affiliate to make money from sales to others 4 levels deep. Why would I tell you this instead of making $5/canister off you purchasing off my site? This is a consumable. Everyone should be on this for life. Here is a 13 page list of the ingredients and what each does for you. By earning only $1/canister 4 levels deep from affiliate sales and showing people how they can buy it for the least amount of dollars out of pocket, more people will use it and you will earn more on $1 repeat sales as opposed to a larger $5 commission one time.
This is not an MLM, there is:
- no distributor sign up fee or kit cost, 
- no autoship requirement, in fact you don't have to buy anything to earn on affiliate sales.
- you get your own marketing webpage free like mine at    
-  you get paid four levels deep as an affiliate ($5/canister direct sales, $1/canister affiliate sales)
-  order off your own affiliate website and receive cash rebates of $5 (1 canister)  to $60 (12 canisters). MyCardioForLife heart formula has the most complete formula on the martketplace at the lowest price.
This WILL get you off pharmaceutical meds for high blood pressure, and will also drop your cholesterol and triglycerides,  lowers diabetes risk, and is a great weight control tool as when your body gets all the 70 plant based ionic minerals that are in it, it doesn't crave food. I can vouch for that. I  have added a list of 25 things you can do to lower your blood pressure on my heart page.
This page is not just about selling you a can of powder that may save your life. This page has 
many many things you need to know about heart health, such as a DPA test to tell you your arterial 
age and condition.  And a link to get all my heart ebooks for free.
for articles and videos on why you need this. especially watch the videos, they are all good. 
What's in it, the ingredients label?   Go to  
to see this and just below it is a comparison chart for the nearest competitors. The 13 page description 
of ingredients is more complete. As you will see, there is no comparison, Dr. Elwardt wants to save lives, others want to make money using MLM's which have a lot of fish to feed   His formula has minimal profit in it ; the others have L Arginine and L Citrulline but bare bones anything else.  MyCardioforLife gives you 100mg CoQ10 PER SCOOP and would cost $60/mo alone just for that component. 6 scoops/day would cost you a couple hundred bucks and if you bought MyCardioForLife in 12 canister lots you would only be paying $150/mo for a 2 scoop three times a day regimine, and getting all the other ingredients that come with it. This is a bargain folks. 

Ingredient list describing what each component will do for you.  A more complete list here.
Also explore the FAQ and Articles/Videos section for more information.  As a food supplement it is available to ship in the US, Canada, Puerto Rico as well as Internationally.

- double the life of your motor - increase gas mileage
New website, videos, improved information, great testimonies, and a chance to make 
some good money here as an affiliate with no sign up fees or autoship required.
Nano Oil conditioner protects engine for maximum lifetime and best mileage. Use 
1 ounce per oil change.
CerMa w.STM-3
Double the life of your engine with this stuff. One time 2 oz. treatment. 
Cerma and Nano Oil Conditioner come from the same company. NOW, you can become 
an affiliate to remarket this product and earn a healthy 40% commission. Just click on the 
link in the green bar at the top of the page at   the cerma store   that says "New Affiliate 
Sign up" and fill it out and you will get your own page and money machine like mine. 
Cerma is an engine protection system using a 2 micron coating of ceramics. This is high 
tech stuff.  Emissions disappear, mileage increases, engine gets quiet; not teflon based. 
Makes your diesel quit smoking also. My cummins 2004 Dodge PU without a cat combustor 
now makes NO SMOKE. I use it in all of my rigs including chain saw and lawnmower and 
add a little more with every oil change including the nano oil conditioner. Cerma is one 
of the few additives that really does work and do what it says. I am am affiliate marketer of 
this product, you can be too,  it costs nothing to be an affilaite, and it is drop shipped directly 
to you at a greatly reduced savings off of retail. This will double the life of your engine and 
increase your 
gas mileage at the same time

My dealer ID is 5146130
You can buy Amsoil at retail or wholesale. 
I  lay it all out for you here at my page  
What is Amsoil? A company who makes lubricants and synthetic motor oil that can 
extend your oil change time by a factor of three or more, make your motor last a lot 
longer, and save you an additional 6.5% in fuel savings.  Using Amsoil as well as Cerma 
products are your best guarantee of engine longevity there is. 


A pitch for your health
There are four products I take currently to reverse my biological clock; and it IS working. Most all 
aches and pains have disappeared, my hair is turning back to brown from white, the lines in my 
fingernails are disappearing.  My regimen? 
I start off the day with two scoops of MyCardioForLife when I first get up. The discovery for what's 
in this stuff won the Nobel Prize. I follow that up with 2 scoops mid afternoon and 2 more scoops just before bedtime. 2 scoops three times a day is optimal dose to ensure heart disease doesn't cut you short.  An hour later I take a shake for breakfast. It contains a whey product, StemTech's ST5 powder, Guanabana powder, ground up chia seed, psyllium husks, beet, cabbage, carrots, pineapple, strawberries, apple in season, and alpiste powder. Just the drink will keep you full of energy until 2-3 in the afternoon. 

I also take two StemEnhance  capsules night and morning along with 2 Laminine capsules (laminin 
is the glue that holds our cells together) and two Isagenix Product B Telomerase capsules, another 
Nobel Prize discovery which lengthens the telomers at the end of our genes which make us reverse 
aging. When your telomers get short, you die. We now have the means to lengthen them.

Why do all this you say? Because the technology exists to keep us young and functional even if 
we are chronologically over the hill. I am 69 and I still dirt bike steep motorcycle trails even though 
I downsized to a CRF230L over my 350,  can put in a  full days work in the garden, pitch slowpitch 
softball games, play volleyball several days a week. Without these discoveries and miracle products 
I simply wouldn't be able to do that. I hate doctors. The last thing on my list is to see a doctor. My life 
is based on preventative health measures, not after the fact band aids.  Explore these four things.   
The least expensive source of vitamins and minerals on the planet. Great company.

Vibrant Life vitamins and Oral chelation formula. I have been taking Vibrant Life SuperLifeGlow vitamins and Bone Dense Calcium for several years now. When we were about to run out of the SuperLifeGlow caps my wife stole the bottle for her own personal continuance , as an incentive for 
me to reorder rapidly. She really likes them. SuperLifeGlow is absolutely the BEST vitamin and 
chelation formula in existence. It contains massive quantities of more than 60 nutrients.  The bone formula contains microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, the only form of calcium proven to add bone mass. 
This is good stuff. They also have several other products including MSM. 
MSM stands for Methyl 
Sulfonyl Methane, organic sulfur. When it rains, MSM falls on the ground and is used by plants. Your 
body needs MSM and contains some but, if you had more MSM in your body, you would endure far 
less pain and suffering from arthritis, back pain, Fibromyalgia and muscle soreness.
  MSM is also an important nutrient for hair, skin and nails.

BYE BYE President    Published on Apr 24, 2013
President I’LL-BOMB-YA is about to be impeached....

Nukes to be detonated nationwide by NWO to usher in total martial law.
As in May 5th to May 6th, 2013

Operation Broken Arrow

What our government does to people who know the truth about their plans.
The microdish that fries your insides;article=121808 

Real Boston Bomber caught on video; the brothers were set up

No bank deposits spared from confiscation
That's ours they are talking about here folks.

This is not good. Has China accidently released the virus that will truly depopulate the world?

Outrageous facts about our government most people don't know 

Never leave the playground - a must watch
We should all follow in this guy's path. Glad I took time to watch this one. Very inspiring. 

Gun control works killer and threat to everyone

How did they do it?  cut a woman in two using transparent boxes?
The most amazing ever made magic - sawing a woman in half
using clear boxes to see through:
The twins, Gary and Paul, received for this performance the Best trick
of the year in Las Vegas at the World Magic Award 2009. 

Obama is getting ready to send weapons to Syrian rebels. 

Colorado sheriff after Obama's visit to Colorado
Concisely, without emotion and to the point precision

Nuclear waste is now leaking from the Hanford nuclear facility in Washington state: 

Eric Holder says the feds will ignore statel laws and enforce the gun grab.

April, 2013 DHS documents provide evidence of foreknowledge 
and complicity in the deaths and injuries sustained in the 4/15/2013 Boston Bombing

Big brother does not want you to be able to be self sufficient or receive help from charities,
they want you dependent upon them!!!!!!  This will hurt a whole lot of people! 

Check here to see which senators voted  for the internet tax. 
Remember that next time - get them down the road.

Life explained:
On the first day, God created the dog and said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and 
bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years."

The dog said, "That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you 
back the other ten?"

So God agreed......

On the second day, God created the monkey and said, "Entertain people, do tricks, and 
make them laugh. For this, I'll give you a twenty-year life span."

The monkey said, "Monkey tricks for twenty years? That's a pretty long time to perform. 
How about I give you back ten like the dog did?"

And God agreed......

On the third day, God created the cow and said, "You must go into the field with the 
farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the 
farmer's family. For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years."

The cow said, "That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. How about 
twenty and I'll give back the other forty?"

And God agreed again......

On the fourth day, God created humans and said, "Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy 
your life. For this, I'll give you twenty years."

But the human said, "Only twenty years? Could you possibly give me my twenty, the 
forty the cow gave back, the ten the monkey gave back, and the ten the dog gave back; 
that makes eighty, okay?"

"Okay," said God. "You asked for it."

So that is why for our first twenty years, we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves. For 
the next forty years, we slave in the sun to support our family. For the next ten years, 
we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren. And for the last ten years, we sit on 
the front porch and bark at everyone.

Life has now been explained to you.

There is no need to thank me for this valuable information. I'm doing it as a public service.

If you are looking for me I will be on the front porch.

God Bless
Buenos dias
Que Dios le bendiga

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