Cancer Information updated Oct 23 2017
There is absolutely no reason to die from cancer today. Cancer is big business.
Alternative natural cures are known but kept secret from us in the interest of 
power and money. This page is devoted to alternative methods to beat cancer 
outside of chemotherapy, radiation therapy,  and the knife. Those methods give 
you only a 3% chance to live. Ty Bolinger at also 
has some excellent videos to share with you on alternative methods to beat cancer.

I have 25 ebooks and docs on cancer for you to read 
I have an 11 part truth about cancer video series for you also

I have an 18 part cancer answer video seminar for you also

I have two other cancer seminar sets copied also but they are longer 
than 1 gig per session (about 9-10 sessions per seminar) and they won't 

I have all my ebooks and docs on hypertension and heart cures available also.

I used to have all these posted at but they closed up shop so now you have
to send me snail mail a 64 gig flashdrive and I will copy everything onto it and send it 
back to you in the self addressed stamped envelope you provide. Everything I have 
takes up 63.3 gigs.   You can buy 64 gig  flashdrives at for like 
$32 and less.

Note - I sell nothing. This page is information only. If the FDA catches you selling stuff at the 
same time you are educating people about what the products will do, you are history. They will 
throw you in jail. That's why you see no claims for what your vitamins will do for you anymore on 
the bottle. You have to get the information somewhere else besides where you are buying the 
vitamins. It's even gotten to the point the vitamin stores can't even have books in the same stores 
as they have the vitamins. There is no common sense in government today. It's all about the money 
and protecting the big pharma multibillion dollar drug industry. 

This page is devoted to alternative methods to beat cancer outside of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and the knife. Those methods give you only a 3% chance to live. Here's why. 
97% of the time Chemo does not work. It is cancerous to use Chemo. It's the only treatment 
where-by doctors who prescribe it get a % of profits. This video is 5 mins long. If you know anyone 
who has cancer, is undergoing chemo, or is considering this highly profitable  epic fail treatment, 
SHOW them this video!

Surgery for larger tumors should also be thought of as "getting the rocks" in advanced stages.  
It is then up to you to get the pebbles and sand left over afterwards so it doesn't reoccur and you 
can get your immune system back up to speed to combat any leftovers. The above treatments kill 
from 80% - 97% of the patients, are expensive, and are painful; so seeking alternative methods to 
beat cancer certainly has it's merits.
For all the pain and agony you go through with radiation/chemo
therapy you only have a 3% chance of survival.
You'll find many methods on this page to give you a 
better chance at survival than chemo and radiation therapy.
See for the story about Ellagiplex; a red raspberry seed powder (along with 170 other synergistic compounds) to cure my large Rottweiler of cancer, with pics.

Also see my pages at   cancerreport
     cancer report 2     MMS    MMS2   Hydrogen Peroxide  
Colloidal Silver
  Baking soda cure      Overnight cure for cancer    cancerisafungus

E Books
AND, if you will email me and put "cancer books" in the subject header I will send you 
25+ excellent ebooks on the subject. 

These are free. There is absolutely no reason to die from cancer today. Read my testimony further down 
about a woman who lived near us that the chemo therapy boys sent home to die who followed  
the protocols I recommended and today is cancer free, has all her hair back and lives a normal 
life. Yes, this is a mission with me, just as heart disease is a mission. See my HEART page for that .

Visit  for much information about cancer. Ty recently had 
an 11 day video series, Quest for Cancer,  on alternative treatments for cancer that was 
very very good and downloadable each day they were presented.  You can order that series 
on his site. If you can't afford it see the links at the top of this page.

A lot of the treatments I have designed were specifically to kill those microbes. And typically, not always, the way to do that is to have a combination of a Trojan horse and something that kills microbes. The Trojan horse is designed to get the thing that kills microbes inside of the cancer cells. I’ll give you a good example: honey and Curcumin, honey and ginger, honey and cinnamon. Those are three good examples. Honey is the Trojan horse. Cancer cells love sweets and so you mix up the honey with the curcumin/turmeric, or the ginger, and the honey gets the other things in there.

Ellagiplex - an extra fine (micronized) grind of red raspberry seeds. 
They are blended with 170 other synergists to enable efficient conversion of 
ellagitannins to ellagic acid in your body. With the exact nutrients and potencies 
in Exsula Superfoods EllagiPlex, you can feed and activate your natural mechanisms 
to kill precancerous and cancerous cells.
Ellagiplex gives you one of the best defenses 
against cancer that exists today. See more about this unique product near the bottom 
of my page   here  where I cured my Rotweiller of a nasty cancer growth using it. 
At  click on products, then superfoods, 
the Ellagiplex. Both my wife and I take a teaspoon of Ellagiplex daily as a cancer 
preventative in our smoothie drink comprised of a scoop of protein powder, 1/2 cup 
frozen blueberries,1/2 cup frozen strawberries, heaping teaspoon of beet powder, 
heaping teaspoon of ground up chia seed, heaping teaspoon of graviola (also called 
guanabana) powder, and one banana. Makes a great immune system building , cancer 
fighting shake.

We also take a level teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of hot water upon waking each day.
We drink NO soda pop, use only honey for sweetener - no sugar, eat nothing out of a box 
with a list of ingredients on the side, limit our intake of fruit juices except we consume a 
glass of lemonade made with a real lemon each day.And even with our own well water, we
use a Berkey Filter to make sure there is NOTHING else in what we drink besides pure water.
There is no better water filter available, and they are cheap.

Many Cures
The people at

have done everyone a real service by collecting a number of videos and articles on cancer cures 
into one web site.  They left out the MMS cure though which is one of the best tools we have to 
work with. I cover MMS (sodium chlorite that when mixed with citric acid becomes chlorine dioxide) 
on this page and at my page 

When I was at the Superlake store in Nov 2009 to pray over my blind man Luis again, I ran into Pastor Ken who was selling pies there he made  to pay for medical care for his wife Lupita who had terminal cancer. I asked him how she was doing.  He said not well, she had been taking chemotherapy and her white blood cell count was now so low they refused to give her any more treatments and it was spreading. Now the first thing you are going to ask is why hasn't Jesus healed her? We are all involved in healing ministry here. Why doesn't Luis see yet?  I've witnessed other blind people see again. I've witnessed cancer tumors disappear overnight. God knows they've both had enough prayers said over  them by the best of the best.  I don't have an answer why He heals some and not others. We have certainly seen enough miracles down here now to know that He does. It's not my job to know. It's my job to do my part which is laying hands on them and petitioning Jesus and the Holy Spirit for the healing. Anyway, when I left, my spirit started troubling me, bigtime. He said to me, you have collected all this information on cancer, DO SOMETHING! Get off your dead ass and DO SOMETHING! Why have I collected all these books and information on cancer? Because statistically you and I have a 1 in 3 chance now in getting cancer. And also statistically those that opt for radiation and  chemotherapy have a 97% chance of dying of it, not good odds. I figure I'll get cancer someday and when that time comes I don't want to say, oh-oh, better start studying alternative methods and then take another month to buy the stuff.  I want to have the homework completed and the stuff here at hand to take care of the problem. Actually my studies have brought me to the preventative table so we should never get it. Take 6 drops of MMS every day and 200mg of B17 everyday and you shouId NEVER get cancer.  I had started her on the MMS program months ago, but she didn't like the taste so didn't keep up on it. MMS, Mineral Miracle Supplement is not a mineral at all. It is sodium chlorite that when mixed with citric acid forms chlorine dioxide which is an extremely effective oxidizer against malaria virus (100% kill, most in 4 hours), it kills AIDs virus, hepatitus virus, the H1N1 flu virus and is now being used against cancer. We just used it and colloidal silver to cure Jana's cold/flu virus and she's back in school again. When they bought juice to chase it they didn't realize that ALL store bought juice has vitamin C added as a preservative which neutralizes the effectiveness of the MMS. You have to make your own fresh juice out of real pineapples or real apples or real grapes to chase it with. Do not use orange juice as it contains vitamin C which renders it useless. Using fresh pineapple is best because it contains the enzymes needed to soften the cancer cell's walls. I reread both of Jim Humbolt's books on MMS to see what I had missed. You can find book one as a free pdf download at   and at 
You can request book 2 and the latest protocols free from me by sending me an email and putting MMS books in the subject line. 

MMS is an amazing story. I have a page at www.detailshere.,com/mms.htm  with links on it where to buy the stuff.  It's cheap, but because big pharma can't patent it they are trying to get it off the market, just like laetrile. I strongly suggest you get some now and study up as it will become one of your best weapons against swine flu. I then made a trip to Jocotepec to meet with Pastor Ken and his wife  Lupita and took them many documents I copied off the internet, books I had copied and to find out if I bought the B17, could I get her started on laetrile. They were very discouraged with the medical establishment's attempts to heal her and were finally willing to listen to alternative methods, especially after seeing the statistics of her chemotherapy survival chances. Which brings us to the next set of sites you should look at.  The laetrile story is simply amazing. Laetrile, apricot seeds, amygdalin, or B17 is all the same thing. B17, or amygdalin, is manmade. Apricot seeds are natural, but all contain the same component that kills cancer cells, cyanide.  But cyanide is only released when a particular enzyme is missing and cancer cells are the only cells which don't have this enzyme, thus causing the release of the cyanide to them only. Isn't God great? Only a creator could do this. To make a long story short. Normal cells in any organism contain an enzyme called rodhanese which neutralizes the amygdalin. This enzyme does not allow the amygdalin to release it's cyanide. In this way amygdalin only serves as glucose to healthy cells providing energy. Malignant (cancerous) cells do not contain this enzyme - it's a God thing.  In the absence of rodhanese the amygdalin is activated liberating the cyanide radical only inside the malignant cell causing it's destruction. Why doesn't laetrile heal 100% of the people? Because by the time many patients seek alternative therapies, they have already gone through chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and there is already extensive damage caused by these orthodox treatments and even the cancer itself. And by the time some people hear about the healing properties of vitamin B-17 it is already too late. B-17 is simply a natural metabolic agent that, under the right circumstances, will help the body get rid of cancer when used as part of a nutritional or metabolic therapy which also involves the administration of other vitamins, certain enzymes, and a diet from which animal protein has been mostly removed. It is not to be mistaken for a magic pill that will wipe out cancer and rebuild you a new body. BUT, take it before you get cancer and it will ensure you NEVER get cancer. 

To make a long story shorter - we put Lupita on 6 grams of Laetrile a day along with 30 drops of MMS per day (5 doses of 6 drops each) for three and half months.   It actually took a week to build up to the 30 drops a day of MMS. It is now mid February 2010. Lupita is now cancer free! She has tested cancer free at the hospital. She has a good head of hair again, looking good, feeling good,  making and selling pies herself at SuperLake Grocery. Did Jesus heal her? Did the MMS and laetrile heal her? Did Jesus heal her via the MMS and Laetrile? He doesn't always work the way we expect Him too. I don't particularly care where the credit lies, she's alive, well and totally healed. She also takes a maintenance dose of 6 drops of MMS each day to stay healed. If they could afford it she should also be taking half a 500 mg B17 Laetrile pill also.
She should also be taking a shot of asparagus juice each day. See how asparagus cures cancer  here. 

Besides the sources you will find on this page just look at one video and read one PDF book which is a condensation of the 368 page book  World without Cancer by Griffin. The one video to watch tells a disgusting story of big pharma and money, but also tells exactly how to use laetrile, dosage required, how it works,  what it does, and the other supplements necessary to take make it effective.   The condensed book, a free 41 page download,   can be found at  2nd item down on the right hand side of the page where it shows the book cover  World without Cancer. It is only 41 pages long instead of 368 pages and tells virtually everything you need to know about laetrile. Nearer the bottom on the same site is the video World without cancer, 55minutes long, and it will be the best 55 minutes you have ever spent on the subject. 
Video link 
You can see this in larger format starting at 
Book link 

You can buy Laetrile, B17, Amygdalin and apricot seeds  at  
and at  cytopharma is the cheapest in Tiajuana. I think everyone else 
gets their product from them. There is now a new source at  out of CA. You can also buy high strength B17 (amygdalin) at 

MMS Mineral Miracle Solution  - which isn't a mineral at all but has cured many things including 
cancer, malaria, hepatitus, aids, herpes, colds, flu, remove pathogens from the arterial network, 
lowering blood pressure, and much more.  This is an amazing story. I have many youtube videos 
to watch on my MMS page as well as many resources links.

Killing cancer cells using high pH therapy

The 1 minute cure for cancer using oxygen therapy

Hydrogen Peroxide Cancer cure info

Asparagus juice as a cancer cure

Inexpensive Zeolite is patented to kill cancer; read about it at  

Eclonia Cava - an algae extract that kills cancer

Colloidal Silver - a colloidal silver generator is a MUST in every household
See my page at 
A good inexpensive colloidal silver making machine  can be found 
A better one, the SG6 auto,  can be found at 

Fresh Lemon grass drink causes apostosis to cancer cells

The Miracle drink
It is like a Miracle Drink! It is simple.
You need one beet root, one carrot and one apple that
combine together to make the JUICE! Wash the above, cut 
with the skin on into pieces and put them into the juicer and
immediately you drink the juice.

You can add some lime or lemon for more refreshing taste.
This Miracle Drink will be effective for the following ailments:

1. Prevent cancer cells to develop.It will restrain cancer cells to grow.
2. Prevent liver, kidney, pancreas disease and it can cure ulcer as well.
3. Strengthen the lung, prevent heart attack and high blood pressure.
4. Strengthen the immune system
5. Good for the eyesight, eliminate red and tired eyes or dry eyes
6. Help to eliminate pain from physical training, muscle ache
7. Detoxify, assist bowel movement, eliminate constipation. Therefore it 
will make skin healthy & LOOK more radiant.It is God sent for acne problem.
8. Improve bad breath due to indigestion, throat infection,
10. Assist Hay Fever Sufferer from Hay Fever attack.
There is absolutely no side effect. Highly nutritious and easily absorbed.Very 
effective if you need to loose weight. You will notice your immune system will 
be improved after a 2 week routine.

Please make sure to drink immediately from the juicer for best effect.

You might want to look on the web site - www.knowthecause. com 
This is Doug Kaufmann's site.......he contends cancer is a fungus.
Has several books on the subject.

The asparagus cure 

Read about using baking soda to cure cancer here
More about Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) as a cancer cure
A great free report on sodium bicarbonate as a cancer cure can be found at 

Here's another man who cured his cancer with simple baking soda. 

Germanium is considered priceless when it comes to the cure for cancer. 
Germanium has shown results when it comes to tumor reduction (in colon, prostate, breast, lung, ovarian and 
cervical cancers), boosting the immune system, and relieving Rheumatoid Arthritis.
THE expert on Germanium, 
Dr. Asai, wrote an extensive book on Germanium called Miracle Cure Organic Germanium. The entire book is 
published on Karl Loren’s website here:  Dr. Ralph Moss may be one of the first people to contact with regards to alternative 
cancer treatment options. He is considered one of the foremost experts for alternative cancer information. He 
provides a service to the cancer patient whereby he will provide a detailed report of the best available alternative 
cancer products/treatments/clinics based on the type and stage of cancer. He has a free newsletter.  Bar none, this is by far the most extensive and informative (and unbiased) site that I 
am aware of for alternative cancer (or just cancer) information. Their site is so detailed that they even provide detailed protocols depending on the patient's stage of cancer. Here is a link to inexpensive but effective alternative treatments for cancer for even later stages.   Bill Henderson will also provide coaching/consultation to the cancer patient 
(He is most likely less expensive than if you go through Dr. Moss). You can also sign up for his free newsletter.  The guy that runs highly recommends this site (owned by a guy 
named Larry) for those that especially want a treatment involving cesium chloride (nature's most alkaline mineral).  They list and explain a wide assortment of alternative cancer products/treatments and where to obtain them, if available.

Learn how Apricot seeds, containing nitrilosides or B17,  kill cancer  here   and more   here
If you have cancer you need to take about 25 seeds over the course of a whole day.

Watch the G. Edward Griffin B17 Video which tells the whole B17 kill cancer story at
You can find many videos besides this one on that page at the left side also.

As a preventative, Dr. Krebs (the scientist who discovered vitamin B17) asserts that 7 or more apricot seeds per 
day or 1 to 3 --100mg of B17 tablets will make it impossible to develop cancer in one's lifetime.
If you already have cancer the recommended dosage is from between 24 kernels a day up to 40 to 50 kernels a day, spread throughout the day. For a person in remission, 16 apricot kernals a day should be used as a minimum.
For a person who has cancer, use of Vitamin B17 pills or laetrile
up to 700mg of B17 per day is prescribed.
Laetrile or B17 is the concentrated form of the nitrilosides contained in the apricot seeds. 
Grape seeds and apple seeds also contain this ingredient, in fact seeds of many plants contain nitrilosides. 
See my page at  for more info on the laetrile form. 
Some foods that contain B17 or nitrilosides include cereal millet, buckwheat, macademia nuts, bamboo shoots, mung beans, lima beans, alfalfa sprouts, lima beans, butter beans, garden peas, bitter almonds (which has been banned from the US - pharmaceutical politics), flaxseed, wheat grass, lima and garbanzo beans, blackberries, raspberries, peach and plum pits and of course apricot seeds. Bitter almonds and apricot seed scontain the highest concentrated sources of B17.
Storage:  The best way to store apricot kernels is to place them in the fridge or freezer.  They will last 10 to 18 months. But the idea is to use them up way before that!
Consumption:  In general all seeds and nuts should be soaked before consuming.  This process activates the enzymes and is easier on the digestive tract.  It is a good idea to take the amount you wish to consume (for example 8-10 kernels), soak them overnight in just enough pure water to cover them.  Remove the kernels from the water in the morning and they can be stored in the fridge.  The soaked kernels can be consumed throughout the day.  The water has an alkaline effect and can be consumed on an empty stomach.
Testimonies of people who claim they were cured by B17 can be found at 

Chabacano pagina in Español  aqui

Below are two links for the BEST videos on the cure for cancer ever made!
Part 1 -
Part 2-
To order vitamin B17 and raw apricot seeds at
discount prices
Phone orders - 305-648-1933
Another good source of B17 tables 

But  has the BEST pricing. All the others may get their products from these guys.

One Answer to Cancer

More info at  

Read more about B17 here

Apple peels contain substances that kills cancer

Read about 4 ingredients that halt cancer here 

Japanese cancer cure AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated  Compound).
Gets the immune system back up to speed.

The papaya leaf/stem tea cure

Curing cancer using the herb bloodroot 

Major help for stage IV cancer can be found at 

Read about a laser light method for tumors close to the surface  here 

Read about an element in raspberries, ellagitannins - one of the most powerful antioxidants known, that combats cancer. This extract has been isolated and is sold on the site below. 
Hi Ber,For many years I have had a lump on the side of my head.
I have taken cleansing Herbs to keep it in check. Since taking this product, 
I can feel a difference in the size of the bump. It sounded like this acts like the drug you describe in the newsletter, but without the side effects.

Go to   for yet another kind of treatment  for a wealth of information

I have posted the Jason Vale story  to show you how the pharmaceutical companies own our government and attempt to suppress anything that works with little expense and that they can't make a buck off of.  Go to here for that story. Also see  for much more info on cancer.

also see my page on Cancell  here

see book on cancer   here 

Also see
The information in this section could save someone's life who is dying of cancer. There are many sources of information here; as well as products and herbals to help the immune system beat cancer. A lot of different people have contributed to the information in this section of our site; in hopes of saving lives. The exciting part is; this stuff DOES work if you believe it will and commit to putting the knowledge and products you find here to work. 

Burzynski Cancer Clinic
A cancer clinic in Houston, Texas with an exceptional record for success 
using non evasive treatments - no radiation therapy, no chemottherapy, no butcherwork.  Their website is at 

Q.   How can I find out what Dr. Burzynski has done for others?      
A.   Dr. Burzynski has helped many people, some of whom have formed a "Patient Group Website" on the internet. This site will provide you with encouraging information and stories of optimism that are very supportive to prospective patients, their family and friends. The patient group website can be found at  (The site is not endorsed or maintained by the Burzynski Clinic.) We encourage anyone who needs help to call one of the patient coordinators at 713-335-5697 and discuss their individual cases. 

Ironically , the story here I post does not have a happy ending because the patient did not follow through completely with the treatment. 

The following is an actual unedited testimony.  
Burzynski Cancer Clinic
I was away in Houston, Texas to take my brother to the Burzynski
Cancer Clinic. I would like to give you a report of my "experience" at the
Burzynski  Clinic SO THAT YOU, IF YOU LIKE, CAN FORWARD TO YOUR MAIL LIST. The WORLD  needs to know about Dr. Burzynski,s Cancer Clinic.
Keep in mind, Dr. Burzynski discovered this cancer cure in the 70's
and has  been held back to the point of JAIL by the FDA, court battles, and you name  it from our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. He is, now doing, FDA approved "clinical  trials".

Here is my story:

My brother was diagnosed with Metastatic Malignant Melanoma about 8
weeks  ago. He had two tumors in his brain, PLUS MANY tumors in his
lungs, liver,  neck, and throughout his body with ALL lymph nodes
swelled indicating  possible tumors in multiple lymph nodes. He was
experiencing SEVERE SWEATS  EVERY NIGHT, and had a SEVERE cough
wherein he could not say a complete  sentence without coughing VERY
hard, PLUS he had very little energy. At two m "cancer clinics", one
that specialized in Melanoma, he was told he had from 3  weeks to 6
months to live. The ONLY treatment available was, FIRST, radiation  
to his whole head wherein he would PERMANENTLY loose ALL hair
including eye  brows, and eye lashes, and would be "highly
susceptible to stroke" that would  cripple or KILL him. SECOND,
assuming he survive the radiation, he would  received massive
Chemotherapy to the fullest extent that his body could stand  without
dying for 3 to 4 months. THIRD, due to the massive Chemo he would  
need a bone marrow transplant from one of his two brothers to restore
the  damage from Chemo. The report had one section near the end of
this gruesome  report titled, "Alternative Treatments". It was a very
short paragraph that  said (and I QUOTE) " There are NO alternative
treats from Metastatic  Malignant Melanoma."

I had learned about Dr. Burzynski via Dr. Julian Whittacker in the
early 80's  and had even sent money to support his legal battle, pay
bonds to avoid jail  by FDA. I told my brother who had decided to NOT
take the radiation and  Chemo, AND to just ride it out and DIE. He
immediately accepted my offer to  drive him to Texas.
Here in what has happened: We arrived at the clinic 8/4/00. After
consultation with two Oncologist and  Dr. Burzynski, it was recommend
that we treat the cancer orally with the  Burzynski medication rather
than intravenously as some patients require that  do not still have
good body functions and activity. The next day, 8/5/00  he(my
brother - Jimmy) began taking one capsule six times per day, then 2
six  times then 3 six times, etc. until eventually he will reach 12
six times per  day. The reason for the slow increase is to conform
with the FDA protocol,  AND to allow the body to compensate for the
influx of medication. Jimmy had  NO, repeat NO, ill effects
whatsoever from the medication. On Monday morning  Jimmy noticed that
the two LARGEST Swollen lymph nodes on his neck (half the  size of an
egg) "seemed" to be SMALLER. Jimmy had about 15 lymph nodes that  you
could feel swollen around his neck, under his arms, etc. Jimmy
continued  to increase by one capsule each day(six times). Jimmy was
examined by the  Oncologist on Wednesday (THIS WAS AN EXCITING DAY).
As he examined Jimmy he  said in an excited voice, the swelling is
ALL GONE in ALL Lymph glands. He  turned to the Doctor recording the
findings and said, "Write, ALL swelled  glands are normal", and
continued to examine. We told the Doctor that Jimmy's  cough seemed
to be better. The cough was caused by a large tumor the size of  a
baseball pressing against his wind pipe. Jimmy also seemed to be
feeling  better.  We asked the Doctor, how soon we could leave since
Jimmy had NO INSURANCE and  the cost of staying in a motel was fairly
expensive AND I needed to get back  home to my wife. He said if,
everything, looked OK on Thursday 8/10 we could  go home. On
Thursday, another full physical found EVERYTHING AOK, Jimmy was  
feeling MUCH better, cough even better, sweats the same but he was
sleeping  better. We were then given a box FULL of bottled capsules,
and headed for  home.

NOW, as I write this, Jimmy just reported, NO MORE night sweats, NO,
repeat  NO, coughing, and he is feeling better (energy wise) than he
has felt in  "months". He plans to go back to work on Monday!!!!!!
NOTE: He is up to 9 or  10 (not sure) capsules six times per day and
STILL NO side effects. He has  started the diet recommended by Dr.
Burzynski's Staff Dietitian which is  designed so as to NOT "feed"
the cancer cells.

This letter would be far too long if I began to tell how impressed we
were  with the HIGH professionalism we saw at the Burzynski Clinic,
how impressed  with staff, the building, and everything we saw.  
Jimmy feels that he has beat the IMPOSSIBLE odds with Burzynzki's
treatment.  I MUST say that MANY prayers have been prayed, and I
believe God worked the  "miracle" through Dr. Burzynski.  We saw MANY
patients that had seen similar results. One that had Throat  Cancer
that completely disappeared in two weeks. Please do NOT get the idea  
that ALL patients are cured "instantly". Most take longer. All start
on the  road to health "instantly", but are SO far down the road that
it takes longer  to get back to good health. Jimmy had only
been "sick" a few months ( 2 or 3)  before the symptoms began to
surface, and he found he had a VERY FAST growing  cancer that was
spreading RAPIDLY. He was going down FAST, DAILY.

Pass this along for the SOLE PURPOSE of letting other cancer patients
WORKS. Also, I would ask every person  that will, to go to Dr.
Burzynski's very detailed website, AND use the links  to write your
Congress Person, and Representative about a Bill that is before  
Congress AS WE SPEAK that will restore a parents right to decide
treatment  for their child. There is a your child named Thomas
Navarro that is literally  waiting in Houston for the Bill to pass so
that he can receive Dr.  Burzynski's treatment. There are NO
documented records of ANY child  recovering from the cancer that
young Thomas has, except that Dr. Burzynski  has successfully treated
7 out of 8 children with that cancer. THE PROBLEM: A  child cannot
request alternative treatment, and the LAW says that ONLY the  FDA
can make that decision - the parents cannot. READ the story of
Thomas  Navarro. My heart goes out to him and his parents.

I pray that at least ONE person will read this AND respond to their
Political  Representative on behalf of this child. ALSO, I pray that
those is need of  cancer treatment will have the opportunity to
consider this cancer treatment.

It has certainly worked for my brother, Jimmy. He will continue the  
medication for 4 to 6 months, and will return to Houston in 8 weeks
for more  MRI's, and CT Scans, and examinations. NOTE: he will be
examined and  monitored by a local Doctor on a daily basis in accord
with the FDA  requirements on the Burzynski Clinical Trial
Treatments. Hopefully, Burzynski will soon be able to practice his art EVERYWHERE, so that we can  FINALLY conquer cancer. The Burzynski Website is   


The man who wrote this letter is an associate of mine from net investing activities. A follow up letter I received from Tom  in May 2001when I inquired as to his brother's progress:

As to my brother, he did NOT complete the Burzynski treatment even though he was having excellent results. Frankly, I do NOT know WHY he quit. He had all kinds of excuses, but I believe he did not want to pay the price (he had no insurance). The cost was $4500 per month. After stopping the Burzynski treatment, a health minister was sent to him by God (I know of no other way he could have been sent). At that point my brother was on oxygen constantly
to the point of not even being able to walk across the room to the toilet. He, the health minister, would visit my brother for 2 to 3 hours per day for 30 days giving him colon cleansing enemas, AND juicing carrots, beets, and celery. He "forced" my brother to drink approximately a gallon of the juice daily. NOTE: Each gallon of juice was made from about 7 pounds of carrots, 3 beets (leaves included), and 1 bunch of celery, ALL organically grown if possible). After 8 days Jimmy (my brother) was so improved that he no longer needed ANY oxygen, had energy to go places, was clear of mind, and the swollen lymph nodes were going away rapidly. Then he leveled off, and seemed to improve over slightly over the next few days, then very little progression for the duration of the 30 days. The 30 day treatment was last October. He
was told to continue drinking the juice at the rate of 16 to 32 ounces per day after the health minister finished the 30 period. His conditioned seemed to be stable or level for many weeks thru November and December. In January his condition worsened. February was even worse, and in March he died. Here is the sad part of the story, the part I do NOT like to tell, and the part that I will never know the answers to: I talked to the health minister on
Tuesday before Jimmy died on Thursday. He told me that they "grade" the patients as to how they participated in the treatment. Jimmy got a "B" the first week, a "C" the second week, a "D" the third week, a "what should have been worse, "D" the fourth week. Why? He simply would not drink the juice and would NOT stay off sweets. I later learned from his daughter that he virtually quit the juice during the second month, and started eating "normal things" like meat, and cooked vegetables, and sweets. My brother was a very, very independent hard headed person (I called him PIG HEADED). He simply did not want to conform to anything and thought he "had it whipped", but when the going got tough he would NOT revert back to what had helped him which would have proved him WRONG in that he did NOT "have it whipped". Sad. Sad. Sad.

At the start of this I said there was "hope", and I suppose you are wondering by this point IF you read it correctly. There IS hope.
FIRST: The Burzynski program IS a good program, and DOES work even though it is very expensive. You may choose to go to Texas and let them do an analysis before you make a choice between this and the SECOND choice below. I actually do NOT know of the success Dr. K has had with prostate cancer.

SECOND: My experience with the Health Ministers treatment of Jimmy caused me to take notice of another TREATMENT FOR ALL SICKNESS, namely the Hallelujah Diet. Without going into much detail about the diet here since the website is
very adequate, I will say that the Hallelujah Diet is the THE answer to HEALTH. Just read the testimonies from those that have been cured of MANY things on the site. The most amazing thing IS that it is based on carrot juice as well as barley green. Of course, the carrot juice was the main ingredient used in the treatment of Jimmy. Basically the H. Diet consist of 85% RAW fruits and vegetables (organically grown if possible), and 15% cooked vegetables, BUT NO meat, NO dairy, and NO sugar. I have been on it for 5
weeks with absolutely GREAT results. I have lost 24 pounds, and have more energy than I have had since I was 29 (41 years ago) (so you will not have to do the math, I am 60 - LOL). When I said there is "hope", by that I was referring to the H. Diet, and I do not believe I would say that without having seen the drastic improvement in Jimmy after only a week on the carrot/beet/celery juice. Now I will tell you exactly what I would do IF I were in your husbands position/condition:

1. Go to the Hallelujah Diet website  and read the entire site.

2. Purchase the Green Life Juice extractor. I bought it as a result of
reading the "study" of juicers as done by Hallelujah Acres as seen on the web site, and I am VERY pleased with it. Several people have seen it, and say it is far superior to what they have.

3.Get on the H. Diet NOW. By this "NOW", I would stop ALL cooked food NOW, stop ALL sugar NOW, stop ALL dairy NOW. Start eating only fruits, salads, and any type of vegetable RAW that I could find. There are lots of them: Mangos, Pineapple. Bananas, Plums, Cherries, Tomatoes, Oranges, Grapes, etc., just on
and on. And I mean NOW - NOT after you get the stuff from Hallelujah Acres such as the Barley Green, the juicer, etc., - I mean NOW. Stop eating POISON NOW.

ALL the info is on the site so I will not try to duplicate it further. Read Genesis 1:29 to see what "the" original diet was.

NOTE: Be sure to order the two tapes called "How to Eliminate Sickness".

Final NOTE: I make NOTHING from you "doing" the H. Diet. This is NOT a MLM thingy. It simply IS a way to eliminate sickness including prostate cancer.

My experience with Jimmy, the Healing Minister, and the past few weeks of being on the H. Diet gives me total confidence in the H. Diet.

One Final, Final NOTE: The H. Diet that is given for general health should be altered as follows IN MY OPINION. It says approx. 16 ounces of CARROT juice daily. Due to existing cancer, I would INCREASE that to at least 32 ounces,  AND add beets, and celery as I was juicing the carrots. I even do this currently because of the Jimmy experience. Also, I like the taste of the
mixture. My routine is 4 or 5 large carrots, a slice of beet with a leaf or two, 2 or 3 stalks of celery - vary to YOUR taste. Also, I recommend purchasing some of the tablet form of barley green for use when it is NOT convenient to do the powdered barley green. DO NOT swallow the tablets - let them dissolve in your mouth. I think they are GOOD, and use them if I feel even the slightest hunger when I am working and running late for lunch.

There IS hope.

IF I had only known what I know NOW, when Jimmy first got sick, he would still be doing air conditioner work, IF he would actually do the diet. I find it VERY easy to adhere to and will NEVER revert to eating meat, cooked food, sugar, etc. It is the answer as given by God in Genesis 1:29 "Then God said,'Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;' "


Cancer / high blood pressure   - 

Cancer / high blood pressure / weightloss and much more 

Read this very interesting letter on what doctors would do if they got cancer; it might surprise you. 

TR4  Herbal Cancer Cure - an amazing story

Source of Essiac - 4 herb (cancer/AIDS) tea
The Essiac Story

EXCELLENT  Anti Cancer product -   a good source of info

Alternative Medicines - 

Low Cost Generic Vitamins  - 

Sources of Germanium 132 -   and  

Herbal Cancer healing that WORKS -

Irina's Russian cancer cure metholdology 

New book on cancer cures

Dr. Karl Loren's  website
A most incredible site with over 3000 pages of information regarding  curing cancer, lowering blood pressure via oral and intraveneous chelation therapy in lieu of taking drugs, and life extension can be found at . Dr. Karl Loren's  product called Grow Life Plus is probably one of the most beneficial and foremost supplemental  of products available to build the immune system to combat cancer and other diseases that exists today. 

For an overview of some of the material on his site covering cancer &  heart disease  - go  to   here

If you order products from his site please be sure and tell him 
"detailshere" sent you; each time; thanks. Ber    Vibrant Life main site       Karl Loren's Book, Life Flow One            Vibrant Life MSM web site    Karl Loren's Information about the Immune System    Information about arthritis        Herbal Cigarette Project

Low Cost Generic Vitamins - like 120  500mg  of Chitosan fat sucker tablets for $6.89 instead of $30 most charge. Not a big menu but important items. 

Decades ago, European research scientist Dr. Johanna Budwig, a six-time Nobel Award nominee, discovered a totally natural formula. It not only protects against the development of cancer, but fights existing cancer as well. People all over the world who were diagnosed with incurable cancer and sent home to die have greatly benefited from this research and went on to lead normal lives-- thanks to this amazing formula.

After 30 years of study, Dr. Budwig observed that the blood of seriously ill cancer patients was deficient in certain nutrients. It was the lack of these nutrients that allowed cancer cells to grow out of control.

By simply eating a combination of two natural and delicious foods (found on page 134) not only can cancer be prevented -- but in case after case it was actually healed! "Symptoms of cancer, liver dysfunction, and diabetes were completely alleviated." Remarkably, what Dr. Johanna Budwig discovered was a totally natural way for eradicating cancer. Her book , Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infraction, Cancer and other Diseases, is available from for $6.25. 

Poulsbo firm develops mineral MAXIMIN product to fight disease 
and help immune system

Could there be a natural substance with wide ranging health benefits and no side effects? Watching the television commercials for drugs of all kinds and hearing them list side effects that sound worse then what they’re being used to treat, makes one wonder.

That’s why when Poulsbo International principals Gene Hallum and Marion Sluys, who’s best known for creating world famous breads and pastries, first heard of a plan to embark on such a venture they were somewhat cynical before deciding to invest in the creation of a new product known as “Maximin.”

The pair originally learned about the technology needed to make the supplement from some Croatian businessmen in 1996. The Croations came here seeking money to get their business up and running. Sluys and Hallum agreed to help, and Poulsbo International was formed with $1 million in seed money.

The firm currently manufactures the product in Southern California, but Hallum said the group has plans to open a research, manufacturing and processing facility in Kitsap sometime this year.

According to Hallum, the M-2 technology the firm developed is a mechanical process to physically alters the microscopic structure of zeolite, the clay silicate mineral used in Maximin. The results he says, are astounding.

“It actually absorbs waste and stimulates activity as it passes through the body,” he said. He added that Poulsbo International expects the product to become the new paradigm in the field of nutraceuticals and dietary supplements. “We intend to make this product as common as aspirin,” Hallum added.

Hallum discussed the fact the supplement was first tested on animals, then re-tested on humans. What researchers found was that while the benefits were wide-ranging, there, were no side effects — something unusual in this type of research.

Hallum enthusiastically noted that in test cases, Maximin displayed excellent results in helping ease the side effects of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. “We’re marketing it as an immune system booster,” he commented, adding that it also helped reduce tumors and had “good success” with people suffering from Hepatitis C — a condition with no known cure.

“This technology has applications in other areas as well,” Hallum noted, saying that Maximin has about 300 practical uses. The fine mineral powder used in it can even improve the healing of wounds or increase the shelf life of bread products — something that could come in very handy for Sluys.

Currently, Maximin is being marketed as an all-natural super-antioxidant and an immune system booster that aids digestion, revitalizes organs, reduces free radicals, improves cell-to-cell communication and eases the side effects of cancer treatment.

The product is available at the company’s offices in Poulsbo and online at  

PO Box  279  Poulsbo, WA 98370
(360)779-3313   Fax (360) 779-8204 
Contact   Gene Hallum


Poulsbo International, Inc., a company based near Seattle, Washington  announced the introduction of a revolutionary mineral based dietary supplement that has been developed after several years of clinical and patient studies here in the United States and in Europe. This new product is called MAXIMIN~ and it is available for sale through the Company’s web site:

  According to Gene Hallum, Vice President of Poulsbo International, the parent company behind MAXIMIN, “there is absolutely no product on the market today that performs like this one does”.  While it is completely natural and free of harmful side effects it has been shown to be through patient trials and case histories a potent factor in the treatment of many chronic diseases such as multiple forms of cancer, hepatitis, diabetes and many other chronic diseases.

One of the most remarkable applications of MAXIMIN~ has been its ability to eliminate or reduce the harmful side effects related to chemotherapy. Doctors gave MAXIMIN~ to dozens of voluntary patients that were undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Almost all of the patients experienced no harmful side effects from their chemotherapy treatment or very limited side effects. Doctors and scientists that investigated the results believe that the main reason for MAXIMIN’S effectiveness as a treatment against these side effects is its strong antioxidant capabilities for the reduction of harmful free radicals in the body. They also speculated that the mineral’s strong ionic exchange characteristics were a major reason for its success.

MAXIMIN  is classed as a “nutraceutical”. These are food or food-based products that have a medical health benefit including prevention and treatment of disease.

Poulsbo International has raised and invested millions of dollars over the past four years to develop a technology with the code name: “M-2” Technology. This technology is a proprietary mechanical process that physically changes the microscopic structure of volcanic clay silicate minerals that are the active ingredient in MAXIMIN.

Poulsbo International calls MAXIMIN~ a “new paradigm” in the field of nutraceuticals or dietary supplements. Websters New World Dictionary defines the word “paradigm” as follows: “An example or model”. MAXIMIN 
is truly a new model in that it combines both prevention and restoration of health!

Scientific research professionals that have conducted clinical studies on our technology are extremely enthusiastic about the prospects of this new and natural technology in the prevention and treatment of disease. Many of these professionals have stated that they have never seen in their many years of research such a powerful natural substance for the prevention and treatment of disease!

Since MAXIMIN~ is completely natural and mineral based there will be no need for a prescription to purchase the product although the company will carry out an extensive campaign of education so that health professionals in the fields of traditional and natural medicine will have the information they need to treat their patients.

Some of the applications of MAXIMIN~ are as follows:

    ·     Boosting the human body’s immune system response through the              reduction of harmful “free radicals” via its super-antioxidant capability

·    Improved metabolic functions

·    Improved organ function

·    Improved elimination of toxins and toxic elements from the body (ion exchange)

·    Protection from chronic disease

·    Treatment of chronic disease

  Gene Hallum, Chief Financial Officer of Poulsbo International was quoted to say the following about MAXIMIN : “This product is very timely. At a time when people desperately need help with serious health problems we have a completely safe and natural solution for them that they can take without the fear of harmful side effects.” This is a product that everyone will want to have in their home as a means of preventing the onset of serious disease.

MAXIMIN  will initially be sold in bottles of one (100) hundred capsules thorough the Company’s web site: The retail price of the product is $29.95. This price includes shipment to any address in North America. One bottle of capsules in approximately 1.5 to 2 months supply for normal applications as a preventative.

Germanium 32 is one of the strongest agents against cancer.  I have a video that literally shows cancer cells being destroyed by Germanium 32 under the microscope.   A great source to read about this form of attack on cancer is at a site  whose URL is    click on the Germanium 32 link on that site and there's a whole book this man wrote to tell you all about it; plus he has product avaiable.   The formulas you will find on this site are expensive but probably the most potent formulations available for extending life, reducing blood pressure without drugs, and curing cancer.  Another source of Germanium 32 can be found at 

Water Cure for Cancer

I am very pressed for time but want to share two web sites with you. I had hundreds of responses to my letter about plain water.
Actually, I only scratched the surface. For a complete explanation of how one can cure/prevent most diseases using plain water visit:

This is a non commercial site and has a wealth of good information.
I had an interesting chat with a retired Delta Airlines pilot who
cured himself of cancer. He has become a missionary for
Pau-d-Arco, a well known herb.

He claims that a simple tea, made from this, will CURE most
viral based diseases. I have no idea if this is accurate.
What peaked my interest is that he will give away the product
to those with cancer, who cannot afford his modest price of about
$10.00/pound, about 20% of what others sell it for.

He kindly sent me a sample. We brewed the tea. I am not thrilled
with the taste, but if I had cancer, that wouldn't matter.

You can see his site and some extraordinary testimonials
(which have no scientific value) at:    a pure raspberry extract which is supposedly very good for cancer prevention and treatment

Click on the link for Ellagic Acid on the left. After reading this
page, go to the link at the top for "Forum". Click on this.

Once at Forum, you will find two headings near the top labeled  
Re: Ellagic Acid. Click on these separately. The first one will direct you to  . This is a good website. Click the link to the
page in the center.

The most encouraging new supplemental drug is Gleevec (STI571). Go to:  then go to the health link on the left.
After entering the Health section enter "Leukemia cure" then hit search and
keep looking for the heading " A Chat With Cancer Expert Dr. Brian Druker".

This doctor from Oregon has found a supplement which when taken twice a day will shrink tumors and reverse Leukemia!!!! It has worked in many people with cancer. It may not be the total answer but it is very encouraging.

 Gleevec, the cancer pill approved in record time for its unparalleled power against a type of leukemia, has had success fighting untreatable gastrointestinal tumors, U.S. researchers reported Sunday.

Made by Swiss drug giant Novartis AG Gleevec was evaluated for its potential to shrink advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors, or GISTs, rare malignancies that do not yield to any chemotherapy.

An estimated 5,000 Americans annually develop GISTs, which can be found in the esophagus, stomach lining or intestines. Patients usually die within a year of diagnosis if the tumors cannot be surgically removed.

With daily Gleevec treatment, 59 percent of 148 patients in a clinical trial went into remission, reported Dr. Charles Blanke of Oregon Health Sciences University. None of the patients has relapsed. Blanke cautioned that he has studied them for only four-and-a-half months so it is too soon to tell how long Gleevec's effects may last.

''The fact that (the tumors) are not growing ... is preliminary but it's incredibly encouraging,'' Blanke said in an interview. Blanke's findings were reported at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, a gathering of more than 25,000 cancer specialists. U.S. regulators cleared Gleevec for marketing last week after a two-and-a-half-month review of its effectiveness against chronic myeloid leukemia, or CML. In that rare disease, Gleevec helped 90 percent of patients in some trials.


The drug, also known as STI-571, is one of a new generation of medicines that are designed to zero in on molecules that fuel cancer growth. In CML, the drug blocks activity of a gene called bcr-abl, which makes a protein that spurs a deadly overproduction of white blood cells.

But in GIST tumors, Gleevec interferes with a signal from a gene called c-kit that promotes cell multiplication when the gene is stuck in the ''on'' position. Despite his findings, Blanke said he would discourage physicians from prescribing Gleevec for GIST tumors until further studies clarify how it should be used. Patients wanting to try the drug should seek to enroll in a clinical trial, he said.

Dr. Allan van Oosterom, who has studied Gleevec in Belgium, stressed that Gleevec is designed for use only in tumors where the c-kit gene is contributing to cancer, something physicians can test for.

Prescribing Gleevec in other tumors would be ''irresponsible,'' van Oosterom said, because the drug can cause potentially dangerous tumor bleeding and eye and leg swelling. ''In the first eight weeks, this drug is not easy to handle,'' von Oosterom said, adding that side effects fade after longer use.

David Parkinson, head of Novartis' oncology research and development, said the company hoped to apply later this year for worldwide approval of Gleevec for treating GISTs. Gleevec also is being studied in breast, lung and prostate cancers and other leukemias. 


Source: Tony Luboff  Innovative Health Technology, Inc.

Phone: 805.933.2447
EFax: 309.412.5475
Orders: 800.621.7225
Intl: 1+805.933.2447

Some clinical studies that certainly seem to indicate that glutathione in Immunocal has indeed done some remarkable things with cancer especially. 
You can get more from Tony Luboff  ( ) if you would like. But from my own experience, my wife Yolanda was in the hospital and her kidneys failed starting her on dialysis. She was on it for a month and no improvement in kidney function. As soon as she started the immunocal her kidney function improved until completely normal and the doctors removed the shunt and discontinued dialysis. Preliminary studies have shown that the product increases blood flow to the kidneys. I certainly believe it is a remarkable product and many could benefit from it. You can learn more at

These are testimonials you see in Dr. Jimmy Gutman's book, "Glutathione - GSH - Your Body's Most Powerful Healing Agent" (Health Book Edition - Published by Gutman & Schettini / Montreal - Canada)

Dr. Gutman is the Undergraduate Director and Residency Training Director of Emergency Medicine at McGill University in Montreal...Keep these for your files.... Tony :^ )
Prostate Cancer:
Franklin was a semi-retired general practitioner who at age 68 scored a PSA reading of over 8 micrograms/liter on a routine screening exam, suggesting a high possibility of prostate cancer. In continued tests, a urologist took a cystoscopic biopsy and confirmed the diagnosis. Four out of Franklin's six biopsy sites tested positive for high-grade tumor. For personal and practical reasons, Franklin delayed aggressive treatment and opted to take 30 grams/day of Immunocal, a protein isolate that raises glutathione levels. Bimonthly PSA levels showed a gradual decline, his latest reading being 3.8 u/L. He is still being closely followed by his urologist, and his decision to undergo chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery will be deferred unless his PSA levels rise again.

Ovarian Cancer:
Complaining of abdominal pains, Louisa from Alberta found out she had ovarian cancer. While awaiting surgery, she fell ill with a persistent cough and malaise which turned out to be a metastasis (spreading cancer) which had traveled to her lung. She ultimately needed pelvic surgery to relieve her discomfort, but decided not to undergo treatment for her lung metastasis. She started taking Immunocal and multivitamins daily and noticed a great improvement after several weeks. Four months later, repeat chest x-rays showed no increase in tumor size. Nine month later the radiographs revealed a decrease in tumor size. Louise continues to enjoy tending to her family and household.

Breast Cancer:
Quebecer Ivy-Marie is a very active thirty-seven year old breast cancer survivor. After undergoing her initial surgery, the pathologist's report suggested she undergo a dozen sessions of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She experienced many side-effects, including profound weakness and fatigue - a new experience for her. After ten session of therapy and many visits to her doctor to treat side-effects, she was put on 30 gm/day of the whey protein concentrate Immunocal. Her strength and sense of well-being improved within a week and she tolerated her last session of chemotherapy with few side-effects. She is back to her usual routine, and remains disease-free.
Chronic Fatigue:
Sheryl was a 32-year-old mother of four children who had fallen ill following the caesarian delivery of her last child two years earlier - the surgical incision was taking far too long to heal. Her gynecologist was puzzled and noted some muscular atrophy. She experienced periods of such profound weakness that she was bedridden for days. Over the next 18 months this weakness recurred and she was eventually admitted to hospital. Various diagnoses were considered, including multiple sclerosis and chronic fatigue syndrome, but supportive treatments for these conditions did not help. Then her dentist suggested that mercury toxicity might be a contributing factor so she had her mercury amalgams removed. Herbal supplementation was attempted to rid her of residual mercury. Her symptoms improved modestly. Some internet research led the dentist to Immunocal, which he suggested to Sheryl. Within five days she experienced a marked increase in strength. After ten days she was walking without pain. Two weeks later she rode her bike for the first time in two and a half years. Three weeks later, she felt "almost back to normal." She still feels well and continues to raise an active family.

Chronic Fatigue:
William, a lawyer from Alabama, noticed a change in his health at age 39. His initial visits to number of physicians were neither conclusive nor accurate in their diagnoses, nor were any treatment options helpful. He was unable to carry on his usual demanding workload and was forced to end his law practice in 1994. His own research led him to a local CFS support group. They suggested that he consult a prestigious south-eastern clinic specializing in chronic fatigue. Initial treatment with vitamins, nutrients and dietary changes proved minimally successful. The head of this clinic was investigating the use of Immunocal and after William was on the product 12 weeks, improvement were noticeable. Three months later, he woke up one morning and "felt well again". That day he picked up his golf clubs for the first time in five years. Today he is shooting in the low 90's and will be restarting his law practice in the fall.

Skin Lesions:
The 61 year-old Canadian Charles loved boating. His dream was to retire and spent most of his time on the water, travelling the coasts. Tall, handsome and fair-skinned, he was unfortunately prone to sunburn. Despite sunscreens and hats, being on the water often left him unprotected and his complexion grew ruddy and inflamed. His physician was worried about the possible development of pre-cancerous sun-induced lesions on his face. Charles had already started taking Immunocal for a potential prostate problem. After several weeks he noticed that his tendency to burn was significantly decreased, despite some "accidental" exposures. In two months his in-the-sun complexion was no longer so different from his winter complexion.

Roland is a 44 year-old energetic and sociable business entrepreneur who suffered from psoriasis for ten years. Itchy, scaly eruptions often covered his entire body, and aggressive scratching led to bleeding and scabbing. His dermatologist tried many different treatments including strong topical corticosteroids and methotrexate tablets, which he had to discontinue due to side-effects. Ultraviolet light therapy was suggested, but having the financial means, Roland preferred frequent trips to Mexico and the Caribbean to sitting in artificial light. Having done significant homework on his condition, he concluded that the psoriasis was caused by an immune dysfunction. He started taking 40 grams/day of Immunocal to raise his glutathione levels. Within two weeks he was free of bleeding and scabs and described his scaling as 75% improved.

Low Energy:
Benjamin, a 44 year-old physician, always wished for a 36-hour day so he'd have time to see his patients, do his research, practice his music, keep in shape, and spend more time with his wife and children. Like many other professionals, time and energy were at a premium. Aware of the effect of GSH on the immune system, he took a course of vitamins, selenium and amino acids in the hope of more easily fighting off the viral illness to which he was exposed daily. He incorporated Immunocal in to his regimen, wishing to take advantage of its GSH precursors. He soon noticed he was waking up from 30 to 60 minutes before his alarm went off, and he felt just as refreshed. Now he regularly works later into the evening.

Since poor antioxidant and detoxification defenses are implicated in kidney disease and the complications of dialysis, there is no reason to believe that GSH supplementation may help individuals like George, a 62 year old former country and western singer. George had struggled with diabetes for over thirty years. Following only moderate success controlling his sugar levels, he developed progressive kidney failure and subsequent anemia. In a few short years he went from an active , gregarious entertainer to a listless, sofa-ridden recluse. His energy level and concentration deteriorated more and more and the local hospital clinic in Hawaii where he lived was obliged to monitor his condition closely. His levels of biliary urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine crept higher and higher - signs of diminishing kidney function - and his red blood cell (hemoglobin) value continued to fall. His physician placed him on a waiting list to undergo preparation for dialysis. After hearing about GSH, George started taking 20 grams per day of a whey protein isolate high in GSH precursors. Within three weeks his BUN and creatinine levels started to fall - a sign of improving kidney function. After a further three weeks his hemoglobin climbed by one full gram per deciliter (g/dL) of blood and he was again singing at his friend's parties. His wife was uncomfortable about his exposure to alcohol and cigarettes but three months later his renal function tests and hemoglobin levels had improved so much his physician put plans for dialysis on hold.

Deana was a motivated, positive entrepreneur who developed a wellness health center even though she suffered from a serious case of diabetes. Increasingly fatigued, this 32 year-old Texan continued to run her center even after receiving and rejecting a kidney transplant, failing eyesight and dialysis treatments. Eventually she developed a chronic foot infection that required weekly debriding of dead tissue. Her doctor feared that amputation might prove necessary. She began taking high doses of the whey protein isolate Immunocal and found her energy levels increased over several weeks. Kidney function tests and hemoglobin levels improved. Medication doses for her anemia and hypertension were decreased or eliminated. Peripheral circulation was better. Five months later the foot was healed. Deana has since married and continues to run her clinic.

Parkinson's disease:
Glutathione is part of the body's defense system and protects us against the onset of many disease processes. It can also help to reverse certain conditions or symptoms, either temporarily or permanently. The following story illustrates the apparent helpfulness of GSH supplementation in one particular case. Wally, a seventy-four year-old baseball fan, was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in May 1997. His disease progressed quickly and his doctors placed him on Sinemet (carbidopa/levodopa). In November he began to experience severe headaches - presumably from the medication - and he discontinued it. Up to this point he had been a very active man, but now he deteriorated to the point where he could not get out of bed or even rise from a chair without help. He says movement felt like "walking in cement". He was constantly fatigued and soon needed a wheelchair to go outdoors. The doctors used other medications including Eldepryl (selegiline hydrochloride) and Requip (ropinirole hydrochloride). They helped slightly. In March 1998 he started taking Immunocal, a natural protein which raises GSH levels. After five days his headaches were gone. Within two weeks his fatigue has lessened. Two months later Wally was walking well again and was eventually able to visit the new Angels baseball stadium, Edison Field, and jog around the block. There was no other therapeutic intervention and seven months later his active lifestyles continued. 
Parkinson's disease:
62 year-old Carol maintained an active legal practice until 1990. After a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease in 1986, she was able for a while to continue her career as a lawyer, but eventually had to quit. The stress was aggravating her symptoms and the symptoms were in turn increasing her stress levels. She was treated with a number of different medications but her health continued to deteriorate until she eventually needed help at home to carry out day-to-day tasks. She quit driving her car and stopped taking her daily walks, which she loved. Then, within days of starting to take a bioactive whey protein isolate she noticed her strength returning. Weeks afterwards she was once more exploring her neighborhood and nine months later she was driving again.

Tylenol Overdose:
Linda was a recently unemployed 24 year-old office manager whose common-law husband had abruptly moved out of their apartment. After drinking two bottles of wine, she swallowed 30-40 tablets of extra-strength (500mg) acetaminophen. The next morning, after the effects of the alcohol had worn off, she showed up at the emergency department of the local hospital. Her stomach was not pumped because it had been so long since she took the pills. Her acetaminophen blood level was at 150 micrograms per milliliter (µg/ml) - enough to damage the liver if left untreated - and her initial liver enzyme profile was already showing mild abnormalities. A dose of NAC (Nacetyl-cysteine) treatment was given immediately and continued every four hours for the next three days. Oral charcoal was also used on the first day. Her liver enzyme abnormalities worsened over the first forty-eight hours but were finally reversed and returned to normal. Although suffering from nausea and cramps during her hospital stay, she was glad to be alive. After being cleared by the psychiatric consultant, she was sent home. 

Cystic Fibrosis:
Eight year-old Zach, a cystic fibrosis patient, loved baseball. He was smaller than the rest of the kids, but it was shortness of breath and recurrent respiratory problems, not height, that kept him off the team. He took more care of his nutritional needs and was good about taking his additional vitamins and antioxidant supplementation. His parents learned how to provide him with home aerosol treatments by mask. He has been using both oral and nebulized (by mask) Mucomist (N-acetylcysteine). Although primarily used as a "bench-warmer," Zach is back on the team.
Note from the author of this page:
The Celine Dion Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for Kids is using Immunocal.

Burzynski Cancer Clinic

Q.   How can I find out what Dr. Burzynski has done for others?      
A.   Dr. Burzynski has helped many people, some of whom have formed a "Patient Group Website" on the internet. This site will provide you with encouraging information and stories of optimism that are very supportive to prospective patients, their family and friends. The patient group website can be found at (The site is not endorsed or maintained by the Burzynski Clinic.)

From one of my associates on the net:
I was away in Houston, Texas to take my brother to the Burzynski Cancer Clinic. 
I would like to give you a report of my "experience" at the Burzynski  Clinic SO THAT YOU, IF YOU LIKE, CAN FORWARD TO YOUR MAIL LIST. The WORLD  needs to know about Dr. Burzynski,s Cancer Clinic. Keep in mind, Dr. Burzynski discovered this cancer cure in the 70's and has  been held back to the point of JAIL by the FDA, court battles, and you name  it from our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. He is, now doing, FDA approved "clinical  trials".
Here is my story:

My brother was diagnosed with Metastatic Malignant Melanoma about 8 weeks  ago. He had two tumors in his brain, PLUS MANY tumors in his lungs, liver,  neck, and throughout his body with ALL lymph nodes swelled indicating  possible tumors in multiple lymph nodes. He was experiencing SEVERE SWEATS  EVERY NIGHT, and had a SEVERE cough wherein he could not say a complete  sentence without coughing VERY hard, PLUS he had very little energy. At two m "cancer clinics", one that specialized in Melanoma, he was told he had from 3  weeks to 6 months to live. The ONLY treatment available was, FIRST, radiation  to his whole head wherein he would PERMANENTLY loose ALL hair including eye  brows, and eye lashes, and would be "highly susceptible to stroke" that would  cripple or KILL him. SECOND, assuming he survive the radiation, he would  received massive Chemotherapy to the fullest extent that his body could stand  without dying for 3 to 4 months. THIRD, due to the massive Chemo he would  need a bone marrow transplant from one of his two brothers to restore the  damage from Chemo. The report had one section near the end of this gruesome  report titled, "Alternative Treatments". It was a very short paragraph that  said (and I QUOTE) " There are NO alternative treats from Metastatic  Malignant Melanoma."

I had learned about Dr. Burzynski via Dr. Julian Whittacker in the early 80's  and had even sent money to support his legal battle, pay bonds to avoid jail  by FDA. I told my brother who had decided to NOT take the radiation and  Chemo, AND to just ride it out and DIE. He immediately accepted my offer to  drive him to Texas.
Here in what has happened: We arrived at the clinic 8/4/00. After consultation with two Oncologist and  Dr. Burzynski, it was recommend that we treat the cancer orally with the  Burzynski medication rather than intravenously as some patients require that  do not still have good body functions and activity. The next day, 8/5/00  he(my brother - Jimmy) began taking one capsule six times per day, then 2 six  times then 3 six times, etc. until eventually he will reach 12 six times per  day. The reason for the slow increase is to conform with the FDA protocol,  AND to allow the body to compensate for the influx of medication. Jimmy had  NO, repeat NO, ill effects whatsoever from the medication. On Monday morning  Jimmy noticed that the two LARGEST Swollen lymph nodes on his neck (half the  size of an egg) "seemed" to be SMALLER. Jimmy had about 15 lymph nodes that  you could feel swollen around his neck, under his arms, etc. Jimmy continued  to increase by one capsule each day(six times). Jimmy was examined by the  Oncologist on Wednesday (THIS WAS AN EXCITING DAY). As he examined Jimmy he  said in an excited voice, the swelling is ALL GONE in ALL Lymph glands. He  turned to the Doctor recording the findings and said, "Write, ALL swelled  glands are normal", and continued to examine. We told the Doctor that Jimmy's  cough seemed to be better. The cough was caused by a large tumor the size of  a baseball pressing against his wind pipe. Jimmy also seemed to be feeling  better.  We asked the Doctor, how soon we could leave since Jimmy had NO INSURANCE and  the cost of staying in a motel was fairly expensive AND I needed to get back  home to my wife. He said if, everything, looked OK on Thursday 8/10 we could  go home. On Thursday, another full physical found EVERYTHING AOK, Jimmy was  feeling MUCH better, cough even better, sweats the same but he was sleeping  better. We were then given a box FULL of bottled capsules, and headed for  home.

NOW, as I write this, Jimmy just reported, NO MORE night sweats, NO, repeat  NO, coughing, and he is feeling better (energy wise) than he has felt in  "months". He plans to go back to work on Monday!!!!!! NOTE: He is up to 9 or  10 (not sure) capsules six times per day and STILL NO side effects. He has  started the diet recommended by Dr. Burzynski's Staff Dietitian which is  designed so as to NOT "feed" the cancer cells.

This letter would be far too long if I began to tell how impressed we were  with the HIGH professionalism we saw at the Burzynski Clinic, how impressed  with staff, the building, and everything we saw.  Jimmy feels that he has beat the IMPOSSIBLE odds with Burzynzki's treatment.  I MUST say that MANY prayers have been prayed, and I believe God worked the  "miracle" through Dr. Burzynski.  We saw MANY patients that had seen similar results. One that had Throat  Cancer that completely disappeared in two weeks. Please do NOT get the idea  that ALL patients are cured "instantly". Most take longer. All start on the  road to health "instantly", but are SO far down the road that it takes longer  to get back to good health. Jimmy had only been "sick" a few months ( 2 or 3)  before the symptoms began to surface, and he found he had a VERY FAST growing  cancer that was spreading RAPIDLY. He was going down FAST, DAILY.

Pass this along for the SOLE PURPOSE of letting other cancer patients know that there IS AN ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT TO ANY CANCER THAT REALLY WORKS. Also, I would ask every person  that will, to go to Dr. Burzynski's very detailed website, AND use the links  to write your Congress Person, and Representative about a Bill that is before  Congress AS WE SPEAK that will restore a parents right to decide treatment  for their child. There is a your child named Thomas Navarro that is literally  waiting in Houston for the Bill to pass so that he can receive Dr.  Burzynski's treatment. There are NO documented records of ANY child  recovering from the cancer that young Thomas has, except that Dr. Burzynski  has successfully treated 7 out of 8 children with that cancer. THE PROBLEM: A  child cannot request alternative treatment, and the LAW says that ONLY the  FDA can make that decision - the parents cannot. READ the story of Thomas  Navarro. My heart goes out to him and his parents.

I pray that at least ONE person will read this AND respond to their Political  Representative on behalf of this child. ALSO, I pray that those is need of  cancer treatment will have the opportunity to consider this cancer treatment.

It has certainly worked for my brother, Jimmy. He will continue the  medication for 4 to 6 months, and will return to Houston in 8 weeks for more  MRI's, and CT Scans, and examinations. NOTE: he will be examined and  monitored by a local Doctor on a daily basis in accord with the FDA  requirements on the Burzynski Clinical Trial Treatments. Hopefully,

Burzynski will soon be able to practice his art EVERYWHERE, so that we can  FINALLY conquer cancer. The Burzynski Website is  

A follow up letter from Tom I received in May 2001when I inquired as to his brother's progress.

As to my brother, he did NOT complete the Burzynski treatment even though he was having excellent results. Frankly, I do NOT know WHY he quit. He had all kinds of excuses, but I believe he did not want to pay the price (he had no insurance). The cost was $4500 per month. After stopping the Burzynski treatment, a health minister was sent to him by God (I know of no other way he could have been sent). At that point my brother was on oxygen constantly
to the point of not even being able to walk across the room to the toilet. He, the health minister, would visit my brother for 2 to 3 hours per day for 30 days giving him colon cleansing enemas, AND juicing carrots, beets, and celery. He "forced" my brother to drink approximately a gallon of the juice daily. NOTE: Each gallon of juice was made from about 7 pounds of carrots, 3 beets (leaves included), and 1 bunch of celery, ALL organically grown if possible). After 8 days Jimmy (my brother) was so improved that he no longer needed ANY oxygen, had energy to go places, was clear of mind, and the swollen lymph nodes were going away rapidly. Then he leveled off, and seemed to improve over slightly over the next few days, then very little progression for the duration of the 30 days. The 30 day treatment was last October. He
was told to continue drinking the juice at the rate of 16 to 32 ounces per day after the health minister finished the 30 period. His conditioned seemed to be stable or level for many weeks thru November and December. In January his condition worsened. February was even worse, and in March he died. Here is the sad part of the story, the part I do NOT like to tell, and the part that I will never know the answers to: I talked to the health minister on
Tuesday before Jimmy died on Thursday. He told me that they "grade" the patients as to how they participated in the treatment. Jimmy got a "B" the first week, a "C" the second week, a "D" the third week, a "what should have been worse, "D" the fourth week. Why? He simply would not drink the juice and would NOT stay off sweets. I later learned from his daughter that he virtually quit the juice during the second month, and started eating "normal things" like meat, and cooked vegetables, and sweets. My brother was a very, very independent hard headed person (I called him PIG HEADED). He simply did not want to conform to anything and thought he "had it whipped", but when the going got tough he would NOT revert back to what had helped him which would have proved him WRONG in that he did NOT "have it whipped". Sad. Sad. Sad.

At the start of this I said there was "hope", and I suppose you are wondering by this point IF you read it correctly. There IS hope.
FIRST: The Burzynski program IS a good program, and DOES work even though it is very expensive. You may choose to go to Texas and let them do an analysis before you make a choice between this and the SECOND choice below. I actually do NOT know of the success Dr. K has had with prostate cancer.

SECOND: My experience with the Health Ministers treatment of Jimmy caused me to take notice of another TREATMENT FOR ALL SICKNESS, namely the Hallelujah Diet. Without going into much detail about the diet here since the website is
very adequate, I will say that the Hallelujah Diet is the THE answer to HEALTH. Just read the testimonies from those that have been cured of MANY things on the site. The most amazing thing IS that it is based on carrot juice as well as barley green. Of course, the carrot juice was the main ingredient used in the treatment of Jimmy. Basically the H. Diet consist of 85% RAW fruits and vegetables (organically grown if possible), and 15% cooked vegetables, BUT NO meat, NO dairy, and NO sugar. I have been on it for 5
weeks with absolutely GREAT results. I have lost 24 pounds, and have more energy than I have had since I was 29 (41 years ago) (so you will not have to do the math, I am 60 - LOL). When I said there is "hope", by that I was referring to the H. Diet, and I do not believe I would say that without having seen the drastic improvement in Jimmy after only a week on the carrot/beet/celery juice. Now I will tell you exactly what I would do IF I were in your husbands position/condition:

1. Go to the Hallelujah Diet website  and read the entire site.

2. Purchase the Green Life Juice extractor. I bought it as a result of
reading the "study" of juicers as done by Hallelujah Acres as seen on the web site, and I am VERY pleased with it. Several people have seen it, and say it is far superior to what they have.

3.Get on the H. Diet NOW. By this "NOW", I would stop ALL cooked food NOW, stop ALL sugar NOW, stop ALL dairy NOW. Start eating only fruits, salads, and any type of vegetable RAW that I could find. There are lots of them: Mangos, Pineapple. Bananas, Plums, Cherries, Tomatoes, Oranges, Grapes, etc., just on
and on. And I mean NOW - NOT after you get the stuff from Hallelujah Acres such as the Barley Green, the juicer, etc., - I mean NOW. Stop eating POISON NOW.

ALL the info is on the site so I will not try to duplicate it further. Read Genesis 1:29 to see what "the" original diet was.

NOTE: Be sure to order the two tapes called "How to Eliminate Sickness".

Final NOTE: I make NOTHING from you "doing" the H. Diet. This is NOT a MLM thingy. It simply IS a way to eliminate sickness including prostate cancer.

My experience with Jimmy, the Healing Minister, and the past few weeks of being on the H. Diet gives me total confidence in the H. Diet.

One Final, Final NOTE: The H. Diet that is given for general health should be altered as follows IN MY OPINION. It says approx. 16 ounces of CARROT juice daily. Due to existing cancer, I would INCREASE that to at least 32 ounces, vvvvvvvvvvv AND add beets, and celery as I was juicing the carrots. I even do this currently because of the Jimmy experience. Also, I like the taste of the
mixture. My routine is 4 or 5 large carrots, a slice of beet with a leaf or two, 2 or 3 stalks of celery - vary to YOUR taste. Also, I recommend purchasing some of the tablet form of barley green for use when it is NOT convenient to do the powdered barley green. DO NOT swallow the tablets - let them dissolve in your mouth. I think they are GOOD, and use them if I feel even the slightest hunger when I am working and running late for lunch.

There IS hope.

IF I had only know what I know NOW, when Jimmy first got sick, he would still be doing air conditioner work, IF he would actually do the diet. I find it VERY easy to adhere to and will NEVER revert to eating meat, cooked food, sugar, etc. It is the answer as given by God in Genesis 1:29 "Then God said,'Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;' "


Another source of Rife Technology devices  

Are you familiar with the Rife Machine? Here's an unbelievable story of governmental repression of  successful technology because it isn't in the monetary  interests of the billions/year medical industry.

Royal Raymond Rife
Get ready for a shock. We urge you to keep an open mind and reserve judgment until you read all the facts. This is the true story of the use of deceit, arson, sabotage, and murder to deliberately bury what doctors called the end to all disease.
The scientist Royal Raymond Rife discovered that THE UNIQUE ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE OF EACH SPECIFIC DISEASE can be modified to eliminate nearly every affliction known to man - rapidly and harmlessly.
The distinguished medical doctors who originally confirmed part or all of this discovery included: E.C. Rosenow, Sr. (Chief of Bacteriology, 32 yrs., at Mayo Clinic), Frederic Koch (Detroit, Brazil), Gaston Naessens (Quebec), Sakae Inoue (Japan), George Mazet (France), Franz Gerlach (Germany), Niello Mori and Clara Fonti (Italy), Cameron Gruner (McGill Univ.), T.J. Glover (Canada), Florence Seibert (V.A. Research Lab, Bay Pines, Fla.), Irene Diller (Inst. of Cancer Research, Phila., Penn), Eleanor Alex. Jackson and Virginia Livingston (NJ and San Diego clinics).
The University of Southern California sponsored a Special Medical Research team years ago, to evaluate the electronic therapy of Rife's on the terminally ill. An initial success rate of 87.5% was recorded. After Rife developed some improvements on the treatments, EVERY PATIENT, all 16 in the study, had recovered without side effects of any kind after 130 days.
Rife's medical team which evaluated the therapy for the University of Southern California included: Rufus Klein-Schmidt (President, Univ. of Southern California), Milbank Johnson (then President of the southern Calif. AMA), Arthur Kendall (Director, Northwestern Medical School), Edward Kopps (Metabolic Clinic, La Jolla), George Fischer (Children's Hospital, NY), Karl Meyer (Hooper Foundation, San Francisco), Whalen Morrison (Chief Surgeon, Santa. Fe Railway), George Dock.
The gifted scientist Royal Raymond Rife truly had discovered the cure for deadly disease. Rife's treatments were based upon a mechanical application of frequency to the body. Other medical treatments were either biological or chemical in nature and depended on the bodies own immune system to heal the sick. In reality a sick person has a very poor immune system or one that is temporarily losing the battle. Rife's discoveries took the burden of healing off the body and left only the task of removing the dead disease from the systems.
Rife's work was so astonishing that he was awarded 14 government contracts to develop practical uses for his discoveries of specific frequency. Rife discovered that any disease can be eliminated with frequencies based on its individual electromagnetic signature. One of Rife's projects was to eliminate the diseases that were plaguing the poultry industry. Rife treated an entire flock of chickens and made them disease free. One government contract requested that Rife destroy the bacteria in fossil fuels so that our national reserve of gas and oil would not spoil and could be stored indefinitely without being replaced every few months. Think of the money that would be saved by the American public. Alas, Richard Nixon announced that his friends in the oil industry would never have to worry about Rife hurting their business and had his inventions destroyed.
Royal Raymond Rife was perhaps the most brilliant and persistent scientist in history. What follows is a brief description of how Rife developed this remarkable technology. Where technology didn't exist, Rife invented it - the first microdissectors, micromanipulators, and heterodyning ultraviolet microscopes. Rife won 14 government awards for scientific discoveries, and a medical degree (hon.) from the University of Heidelberg. Millionaires like Henry Timken (owner of Timken Bearings) financed Rife's work, such as the Universal Microscope, with 5,682 parts. With this superb microscope, Royal Raymond Rife became the first human being to actually SEE a living virus in its natural color.
After nearly 20,000 unsuccessful attempts, Rife finally isolated and identified the human cancer virus, and named it Cryptocides Primordiales. Rife inoculated 400 lab animals with this virus, created 400 tumors, and then eliminated them. He did the same with many other diseases. The discoveries of Rife were presented to the Smithsonian Institute in Washington and the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia along with the instruments used. This is all chronicled in The Cancer Cure That Worked, a book written by Barry Lynes in 1987.
How did Rife's instruments eliminate so many different afflictions? For decades, Rife painstakingly identified the precise energetic signature unique to each disease, using spectroscopic microscopes. By exposing disease organisms to destructive resonance derived from their own unique pattern of oscillation, Rife discovered he could destroy them by the millions in seconds. Every biochemical compound oscillates at its own distinct frequency pattern. Therefore, every living thing has its own unique electromagnetic signature, and this pattern is unlike any other species or organism.
After decades of research, Rife isolated the patterns, modified them and used them to kill the microbes that produced them! Just as the resonant frequency which shatters a wine glass can only shatter that type of glass, so Rife's frequencies destroy only disease organisms with the exact same pattern of oscillation. Therefore, Rife therapy is one of the very few therapies known to be free of ANY side effect. This is in contrast to any synthetic drug, whose unnatural chemistry eventually produces such damaging side effects as impotence, high blood pressure, hair loss, and damage to heart, kidneys, and immune system. If history is any indication, the drug industry will stop at nothing to eliminate any threat to its profits. I believe that it will use every ounce of its political muscle to restrict sale of Rife instruments before customers find them far more effective than drugs.
Now why would the medical industry destroy a cure for disease? The cartel was alarmed that their customers might abandon drugs for a far more effective cure such as Rife's that costs only pennies in electricity to use. This would eliminate profits of nearly a billion dollars a week for the drug industry. How long do you think it would ignore such a threat? The answer is, not long. After a preliminary offer you can't refuse made by Morris Fishbein (the President of the American Medical Association), to buy the miraculous discoveries of Rife, Rife refused to sell out and tried to bring his electronic cures to the people.
This is what happened to Rife and his astonishing electronic therapy: First, arsonists burned the Burnett Lab in New Jersey, which was validating Rife's work. Then, someone fatally poisoned Dr. Millbank Johnson, president of the Southern California American Medical Association. He died hours before a press conference where he was to announce to the world that Rife's electronic therapy had cured every patient (16 out of 16) in that medical study supervised by the University of Southern California. (First thought to be accidental death, the poison was discovered years later by federal investigators when Dr. Johnson's body was exhumed). Dr. Nemens, who had duplicated some of Rife's work just 40 miles from Rife's lab, was killed in a mysterious fire which destroyed his lab. Rife himself was finally killed at Grossmont Hospital by an accidental lethal dose of Valium.
Following Dr. Milbank Johnson's murder, threats, and a string of other incidents, doctors who had actually been photographed with Rife denied they ever met him. Dr. Isaac Kendall, Rife's chief research associate and Dean of Northwestern Medical School, disappeared for years after receiving $200,000 in grants.
By now you are probably saying to yourself, But this is crazy! Are you saying that after all these doctors proved there is a harmless electronic method to rapidly eliminate all this pain and suffering, the medical profession didn't use it? Maybe you think that hospitals would want it. But why would hospital administrators be interested in anything that costs pennies to use, and keeps people out of the hospital? Remember - conventional therapy keeps a patient in bed at $600 a day (for the bed). And hospitals can bill a cancer patient $200,000 if he has insurance.
Okay, then how about research foundations or teaching institutions? Wrong. Who wants a cure that eliminates hundreds of millions of dollars in grants along with the diseases it eliminates? Even the billion - dollar insurance industry could be eliminated by a cure for most illness such as Rife discovered. First, understand that the drug industry supports the medical journals almost entirely with its advertising. It kept Rife's electronic therapy out of the journals merely by threatening to pull its ads from any one publishing it. Meanwhile, the regular news media naively assumes that if anyone had such a versatile cure, the proper authorities would tell them. But health care is just too profitable. Those whose livelihood depends on treating disease are often quick to mislead those who ask about anything that might replace their services. Even using beneficial herbs or vitamins is often branded quackery.
If you discovered a cheap and harmless method of eliminating nearly every incurable disease, what would you expect? Medicine's highest awards? It's more likely that your discovery will be received as heresy, for challenging orthodox views and authority. Pasteur, for example, was ridiculed and reviled, until medicine finally accepted his germ theory of disease. And before him, Semmelweis was hounded to death merely for claiming that 19th century surgeons might be killing patients by operating with dirty hands. Other visionaries who were discredited and roasted over a pit in a medical Inquisition were Roentgen for discovering X-rays, Morton for Ether anesthesia, and Harvey for claiming that blood circulates! And now that health care is the nations's largest industry, anything that eliminates all illness will be highly unpopular with a lot of folks whose services become unnecessary.
The following are just a few of the distinguished medical doctors harassed and persecuted in recent years for discoveries that threatened the health care industry - Doctors Revici, Burzynski, Livingston, Ivy, Burton, W.F. Koch, Coley, Glover, Lincoln, Priore and Naessens, a scientist. There is a tragic story behind each of these names: Dr. Koch was killed by arsenic injected in his toothpaste. Perhaps now you understand 'that any true cure for cancer, diabetes, arthritis and other diseases must always be suppressed for the status quo to continue. It's just like war: millions of people suffer and die because it's so very profitable for others. The story you are reading is one of the most fascinating and horrifying tales ever told. Can you imagine the good the discoveries of Rife would bring to mankind, and that Rife's discoveries were announced and made public in the 1930's!
Royal Raymond Rife died in 1971 at the age of 83 a broken man. All clinical records of his work have been erased from the archives of the scientific community.

June 17, 2000 [ This replaces all previous publications regarding this subject matter. ] This is what I know or have been told about the RIFE machine  versus the Sound Wave Machine. The information regarding the RIFE machine may or may not be totally accurate, as I have never used one nor have I been educated re the RIFE. I do know of a gentleman, and I have talked to him, who has a number of RIFE machines to treat people, and he has put them  into a storage area. He went to the training on the Sound Wave Machine and is now using them to treat his people. The information regarding the sound wave machine is accurate because I and my wife and many friends have used it and I know the following to be true of such:

1 - The RIFE is from $2000 and up and is advertised on the Internet. A true RIFE machine is $4400. The others that cost less are RIFE Wannabe's.

The SWM is $2,500 and is not advertised anywhere. It is strictly "word of mouth".

2 - The RIFE was invented in 1934 by Raymond Royal Rife. The SWM was invented in 1942 by Elton Pigg. Could be and  probably is later technology.

3 - RIFE - sends out electricity and you can only stay on it a maximum of 45 minutes per day for 2 days, rest a day, and  then 2 more days, etc. SWM - you can stay on it forever and it is totally harmless.  You can even fall asleep and not have to worry.

4 - RIFE - can cause internal bleeding if you do not follow  the directions precisely. This is what I have been told. SWM - has no ill effects. Stay on it steady for weeks or  years, won't hurt you.

5 - RIFE - it is "guess and by golly" regarding the settings  and who tells you what is wrong with you? If you have a doctor  telling you what is wrong with you, he is only guessing and does  not know your total numbers of diseases. It would take him forever  to test you for let's say ten different diseases and will cost a  fortune to find out. When one has cancer, the body is so ravished, that it is very very common to have a total of ten or more diseases in  oneself. SWM - you fax in a saliva sample and they send  you a list of the total number of diseases you have and their severity  and the 18 different numbers for you to set on the 18 different dials.  This is done speedily by a diagnostic machine, not an individual, and  it will come up let's say with ten different diseases within three hours  and the total cost is $100. Each body is different and the settings for cancer or botulism on your  body may be different than the settings for cancer or botulism on my  body. And these settings will or could change if you wait too long to  get on the machine. They fax this information back to you. More  accurate and takes all the guesswork out.

6 - RIFE - the succeeding days, you have no idea where you  are......You do not know if you are improving or not. You do not know when to quit the machine. No one is supervising you. SWM - you fax in a saliva sample daily - cost free. This cost is  included in the price of the machine when you purchase it. They  fax back to you your improvement, your severity level, and they may  change the 18 different numbers for the 18 different dials. When you  return to a severity level of zero for all ten diseases, you stop using  the machine.

7 - RIFE - some diseases automatically come back on you within 2 or 3 weeks. How do you know when this happens????? Spend a fortune with a doctor to find out every two or three weeks. Not hardly. SWM - you send in a saliva sample weekly in the beginning - cost $50. When a disease comes back, you get on the machine again for a day or  two until it is gone. Don't take me wrong. In the thirties, the RIFE was and is wonderful  compared with other methods. The SWM has more "up to date" technology and is safer, easier, no guesswork, and is less expensive.

Hope this helps, Chuck Seabert   for more info

Sam Biser Video Series

One other source I have comes from a herbal expert named Sam Biser. I took Sam's newsletter for many years and do have a copy of his earlier video series as a poor copied version. His new series has a lot more stuff in it. This is a man who has spent most of his life digging up these herbal cures and he is very good at it.  He has a 12 video collection of videos called the "Save your life" collection. The save your life herbal video collection (a layman's course on killing cancer) includes 12 amazing videos with an accompanying 670 page user  manual.demonstrating what is shown nowehere else: exactly and precisely what Dr. Richard Schultz did in his former clinic to cure cases that NO herbalist, NO wholistic doctor and NO medical doctor was able to cure. These methods worked - after all doctors and all natural methods in the US and foreign countries had failed.   These are the last chance cures for incurable diseases. Includes all types of cancer from kidney/bladder cancer, to fast growing cancers like pancreatic cancer and leukemia, to cancer in children, to bone cancer, brain cancer, breast cancer, ovarian and uteral cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, skin cancer, and all other types of cancer, even terminal cancers in late stages. They can be cured with this information that is available nowhere else. 
To order the Save Your Life Collection, call 1-818-503-5980 and ask for Sally.

Other sources of cancer information:

If you or anyone you know ever have the misfortune to

suffer from cancer, or any other serious problem, I
recommend you go to the following websites. 
This is remarkable and surely God at work. There is a book describing all called 'The Miracle Man' which should be available in most bookstores, or you can order through the website.  All I know is if I come down with a life threatening situation, I will be on the next plane to Brazil. 
This wonderful Lady cures cancer, even if in their last weeks. In fact you can inexpensively do it yourself. She has written three do it yourself books, namely
The cure for all diseases
The cure for cancer and AIDS
The cure for advanced cancer.
She has a clinic in Mexico. She is seventy something,and recently was thrown in jail, for practicing medicine without a license, but more probably because she is totally successful. Anyway, she beat the charge, so is still helping people. She has devoted her life to this cause of helping others.

NOTE: This is not an endorsement of this therapy. A colleague visited the clinic and was very impressed.


We are sorry, but you probably have only two more months left, at the outside," the doctors told John Franzoni, as they've told millions of other people. "There's nothing more that we can do for you."
The doctors had done plenty, including traditional radiation treatment, in an attempt to destroy the tumors on John's esophagus and in his lungs. The radiation left him sick and debilitated, but at the end of treatment the tumors were not only still there, they had doubled in mass.   Because of this, chemotherapy was not considered an option.
Four months later, however, John not only wasn't dead, he was feeling better than he had in years.   The three tumors on his throat and tongue, which the doctors thought would quickly overwhelm him, were completely gone.   The cancer tumors in his lungs had been reduced 25% so far.   All signs have him headed toward remission. The reason: he was guided by a friend to a clinic in Mexico that had just started using a therapy that conventional medicine had first ignored and then successfully quashed over the past 38 years.

The clinic was BioPulse, and the therapy they employed has the formidable-sounding name of Insulin-induced Hypoglycemic Therapy (IHT).

And formidable it is, as a therapy that is showing amazing results in reversing even end-stage cancer.   BioPulse only began using IHT in June 1999.   At the time this article is being written, they have used this therapy on thirty-two patients, with about thirty treatments each.   Every patient treated has had their tumors substantially reduced or completely eliminated.   It is the same with their pain--diminished or gone altogether.   Patients report increased appetite, improved mental outlook and sense of humor, and general sense of well-being.   There have been absolutely no adverse effects.   While it is obviously too early to tell if their cancer will never reoccur, there is no reason to think it will.   In conjunction with IHT, BioPulse employs a comprehensive detoxification and fortification program, along with nutrition and lifestyle education.   This is an integrated systemic approach.   As long as patients adhere to healthy life habits, their bodies should prove inhospitable for cancer or any other degenerative disease.
The patients treated so far with IHT at BioPulse have had a variety of different cancers, including cancer of the lung, colon, pancreas, liver, breast, prostate, esophagus, bone and blood.   Their conditions range from early-stage to advanced.   Some went straight to BioPulse soon after they were diagnosed; others didn't go until after they had undergone excruciating radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy that had left them severely debilitated, but uncured and facing death.
How IHT Works
IHT involves intravenously introducing insulin to produce a state of profoundly lowered blood sugar.   This state lasts for a period of about an hour under careful clinical supervision.   It is this hypoglycemic condition that changes the environment in the body to one in which cancer cells cannot survive.
Insulin Therapy was first employed in 1928 as an experimental treatment to cure morphine addiction.   Its efficacy caused it to quickly gain popularity and be used to treat other mental conditions.   Its first and only use for cancer treatment was by a single physician, Dr. Surgis Koroljow, for a period of a few years in the late 1950s.   He reported spectacular success, but was forced to stop his work after the state of New Jersey threatened to revoke his license.
Because its use as a treatment for cancer has been so limited, no one is sure of the exact mechanism whereby IHT destroys cancer cells.   However, because of its wide use to treat mental illnesses for over 20 years, the physiological effects that IHT has on the body are well known.
Oxygen and glucose are normally metabolized together.   When glucose levels are lowered by insulin, the body's metabolism slows, oxygen accumulates in the blood, and the production of carbon dioxide decreases.   This, in turn, increases the pH of the blood and tissues, so that they go from an acidic to an alkaline condition.   Tumor cells have been described as " immature," and in some ways they are more vulnerable than normal cells, in the same way that healthy adults are better able to resist disease than sickly infants.   Cancer cells cannot survive in an oxygenated, alkaline environment.   Since hypoglycemic sleep is actually produced by excess oxygen in the blood through the paralysis of oxidation-reduction enzymes, it has been theorized that the extreme pH of the blood inactivates enzymes responsible for cancer cells' energy, and their ability to replicate.   Repeated exposure to these conditions does not harm healthy cells, but it kills cancer cells.
Receiving IHT at Biopulse
It takes five days of preparation once a patient arrives at BioPulse before IHT is formally commenced.   Initial small insulin injections are given on a daily basis at first, with the patient's blood glucose tested every quarter-hour for one hour, and then every hour for four hours, to determine the proper dosage for each individual.   The blood is also analyzed to detect any nutritional deficiencies or abnormalities.   Based on what the staff learns the first week, they prepare an IV that is given an hour prior to the insulin.
The IV contains vitamins and minerals tailored to the patient's needs, including high amounts of vitamin A and melatonin to protect brains cells from a lack of glucose.
Then the insulin itself is administered.   A critical care physician and registered nurse are at bedside, continually monitoring every moment, and modifying the IV to maintain the desired glucose level.   The sessions last 1 1/2 hours, during which time glucose levels are lowered from the normal level of 100 to 150, mg/dL, down to 20 mg/dL or below.   Oxygen is also administered during the entire session.   Patients are brought out of their sleep with the injection of methylene blue and an IV of glucose.   BioPulse has found that the regulation of glucose return--not too fast and not too slow--is vital to the comfort of the patient.   Therefore they emerge smoothly, without any side effects, with a feeling of well-being.   They are generally soaked with sweat, which is a positive therapeutic sign.   They are also almost always hungry, which is extremely positive for a cancer patient.
Most positive of all is that 75% of the patients report a reduction in their pain from the very first session.   Virtually all feel substantially better after the third session, and some are completely pain-free by then.   The present course of treatment consists of 30 to 35 sessions over the course of eight weeks.   With refinement, BioPulse is hoping to reduce their protocol to a four-week period, when their patients can leave the clinic well on the road to recovery, or even cancer-free.
A Total Program Patients at BioPulse are never treated by IHT alone.   This kills the cancer cells, but cancer is a systemic disease, and the entire environment of the body must be changed.   To be truly cured of cancer, and to prevent its reoccurrence, the body must be detoxified, the immune system rebuilt, nutritional deficiencies rectified, and all biological functions normalized as much as possible.
To accomplish all this, BioPulse employs a number of techniques.   Not all methods are employed for every patient, but combined as appropriate.   For almost everyone, vitamin and mineral IVs are given to strengthen the body, along with amino acid and enzyme therapies, and oral supplementation.   Nutrition and nutrition education are fundamental.   Dr. Bernarda Lara, BioPulse's critical care M.D., personally determines a custom menu of five different breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for patients to use as guidelines when they return home.
For detoxification BioPulse uses chelation, and a program of colonics and enemas.   Patients are sent to biological dentists to remedy problems caused by toxic amalgam fillings and infections from root canals.   Other weapons in the clinic's medical arsenal include Hyberbaric Oxygen, and energy protocols such as Pulsed Magnetic Wave Therapy and Acoustic Light Wave Therapy.
Case Histories The course of even successful therapy rarely runs smoothly.   Take the case of 55-year-old John Franzoni, mentioned at the beginning of this article.   The friend who originally referred John to BioPulse was the actress Sally Kirkland.   She had learned about the clinic from Alternative Medicine's Burton Goldberg, when she consulted him about getting detoxified after having her silicone breast implants removed.   When John arrived at BioPulse he had one large tumor on the back of his tongue and two large tumors on the inside of his throat that were so large he could hardly speak or eat.   His conventional doctors thought that, if nothing else, these would cause John to starve to death.   He also had one large tumor in the occipital area at the base of his skull that caused him dizziness.   Plus, a life-long smoker, his lungs were riddled with tumors.
After a week of prep work, he began IHT.   He emerged from his third session feeling especially good, until one-half hour later he began spitting up blood.   He spat up blood for some hours, until at 8:00 PM he spat up three chunks of tissue.   BioPulse analyzed them in their laboratory and determined they were not coagulated blood but fibrous tissue.   Immediately afterwards, however, John began to speak clearly for the first time in three weeks.   Dr. Lara looked down his throat and saw that the three tumors were gone--either he had coughed them up or swallowed them.   However, he now had three open lesions and they were bleeding.
John was taken to a San Diego area hospital's emergency room, but four hours later the hospital phoned BioPulse and said "This patient is going to be dead in nine hours. Where do you want us to ship the body?" So Loran Swensen, president of BioPulse, drove over and found John sitting up in bed.
"How do you feel?" Loran asked.   "I feel fine," John replied, and, pointing to the ER physician, continued, "but this ass-- here tells me I'm going to die."   "Well, he's bleeding internally," said the doctor. "I don't think so," explained Loran, "I think he's just bleeding where he had had three tumors.   They just came off."   "That's impossible," said the doctor. "Look," Loran went on, "he's got three open lesions in his throat that just need cauterizing."   The doctor refused to admit John, insisting that the procedure would be futile.   John discharged himself, and Loran took him to the University of California at San Diego Medical Center, where he was admitted.   The lesions were cauterized and the bleeding stopped immediately.   John returned to the clinic ten days later and is doing fantastic.   After three more weeks of IHT the remaining tumors in his lungs have decreased by 25 percent.   Experiences like this prompted biopulse to open their own critical care center on site in October, 1999.
Another amazing story is that of Talia Yampel, a 13-year-old girl from Tel Aviv, Israel.   Talia had developed a tumor in her thigh. It grew to the size of a walnut, and then rapidly spread like a spider web throughout the entire thigh.
Her physician, Yacov Goshen, M.D., at the Schneider Children's Medical Center in Israel, felt that the only thing he could do was to remove all the diseased tissue, which would have left her leg utterly deformed and useless.   Her family had read about BioPulse in Alternative Medicine magazine, however, and decided to fly her to the clinic.   Talia was given the full protocol of 35 IHT treatments.   And although she felt better, two MRI's given during that time revealed that the tumor had not become even one millimeter smaller.   Her walking improved, and her appetite; after the treatments, it didn't seem like she was sick at all, except that the tumor appeared to still be there, intact.
The staff at BioPulse didn't know what else to do, and felt that perhaps they had encountered their first failure with this new procedure.   Talia flew back to Israel, and went into the hospital to have the tumor removed surgically.   But when her surgeon opened the leg, the tumor looked strange to him.   He didn't proceed with the mutilating operation and instead took a biopsy.   The results came back: the tumor was no longer malignant, it was completely benign.   The treatments at BioPulse hadn't dissolved it, but they had changed its character. "I don't know how to explain this," her physician said, "I've never seen anything like it. Consider it a miracle.   But there is no point in removing the tissue, because it is not a threat to the body.   Talia can keep her leg.
There are, as of now, thirty similar stories at BioPulse, but Loran hastens to add, "The sooner people come to us, the better.   Don't wait until you've exhausted your bone marrow and everything else and expect us to send you home cured.   At that point, even if we are able to reverse the cancer, the body is so weakened from radiation and chemotherapy that it is vulnerable to infections and other problems that survival is still problematic."
As the doctors and staff at BioPulse are the first to state, thirty-odd cases treated over a four-month period is not conclusive proof that IHT is indeed a cancer cure for the millennium.   But while this may not be equivalent to a large-sample study over an extended period of time, the absolutely amazing "anecdotal" results are no less compelling-especially for the three dozen patients who are the living, breathing "anecdotes."
Contact: Besides treating patients, BioPulse is developing a program to train physicians in IHT. The BioPulse Rejuvenation Center is located in Tijuana, Mexico. Tel: 888-552-2855 (from U.S.); 801-233-9094 (outside U.S.); international direct: 011-526-686-1880. Fax: 801-233-9089.


Billion-dollar drug company hides astounding  discovery of a natural cancer killer that's 10,000  times stronger than chemo - but without the side
effects! Deep within the Amazon grows a tree that  could literally revolutionize what you, your  doctor, and the rest of the world thinks about 
cancer treatment and chances of survival. The  future has never looked more promising... 

Chinese Herbalist  -  William S. Huang

see another way to attack cancer    here 

A lady had been taking the full-stalk canned style asparagus that she pureed and she took 4 tablespoons in the morning and 4 tablespoons later in the day. She did this for over a month. She is on chemo pills for Stage 3 lung cancer in the plbeural area and her cancer cell count went from 386  down to 125 as of this past week. Her oncologist said she does not need to see him for 3 months.

Several years ago, I had a man seeking asparagus for a friend who had cancer. He gave me a photocopied copy of an article,entitled,
`Asparagus for cancer’ printed in Cancer News Journal, December 1979.
I will share it here, just as it was shared with me:
 ’I am a biochemist,and have specialized in the relation of diet to health for over 50 years..Several years ago, I learned of the discovery of Richard R. Vensal, D.D.S. that asparagus might cure cancer.
Since then, I have worked with him on his project. We have accumulated a number of favorable case histories. Here are a few examples:
Case No. 1, A man with an almost hopeless case of Hodgkin’s disease (cancer of the lymph glands) who was completely incapacitated. Within 1 year of starting the asparagus therapy, his doctors were unable to detect any signs of ca ncer, and he was back on a schedule of strenuous exercise.
Case No. 2, a successful businessman 68 years old who suffered from cancer of the bladder for 16 years. After years of medical treatments, including radiation without improvement, he went on asparagus. Within 3 months, examinations revealed that his bladder tumor had disappeared and that his kidneys were normal.
Case No. 3, a man who had lung cancer. On March 5th 1971, he was put on the operating table where they found lung cancer so widely spread that it was inoperable. The surgeon sewed him up and declared his case hopeless On April 5th he heard about the asparagus therapy and immediately started taking it. By August, x-ray pictures revealed that all signs of the cancer had disappeared.. He is back at his regular business routine.
Case No. 4, a woman who was troubled for a number of years with skin cancer. She finally developed different skin cancers which were diagnosed by the acting specialist as advanced. Within 3 months after starting on asparagus, her skin specialist said that her skin looked fine and no more skin lesions. This woman reported that the asparagus therapy also cured her kidney disease, which started in 1949. She had over 10 operations for kidney stones, and was receiving government disability payments for an  inoperable, terminal, kidney condition. She attributes the cure of this kidney trouble entirely to the asparagus.

I was not surprised at this result, as `The elements of materia medica’, edited in 1854 by a Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, stated that asparagus was used as a popular remedy for kidney stones. He even referred to experiments, in 1739, on the power of asparagus in dissolving stones. Note the dates!
We would have other case histories but the medical establishment has interfered with our obtaining some of the records I am therefore appealing to readers to spread this good news and help us to gather a large number of case histories that will overwhelm the medical skeptics about this unbelievably simple and natural remedy.
For the treatment, asparagus should be cooked before using, and therefore canned asparagus is just as good as fresh.
I have corresponded with the two leading canners of asparagus, Giant and Stokely, and I am satisfied that these brands contain no pesticides or preservatives.
Place the cooked asparagus in a blender and liquefy to make a puree, and store in the refrigerator. Give the patient 4 full tablespoons twice daily, morning and evening.
Patients usually show some improvement in from 2-4 weeks. It can be diluted with water and used as a cold or hot drink. This suggested dosage is based on present experience, but certainly larger amounts can do no harm and may be needed in some cases.
As a biochemist I am convinced of the old saying that `what cures can prevent’. Based on this theory, my wife and I have been using asparagus puree as a beverage with our meals.
We take 2 tablespoons diluted in water to suit our taste with breakfast and with dinner. I take mine hot and my wife prefers hers cold. For years we have made it a practice to have blood surveys taken as part of our regular checkups.
The last blood survey, taken by a medical doctor who specializes in the nutritional approach to health, showed substantial improvements in all categories over the last one, and we can attribute these improvements to nothing but the asparagus drink…
As a biochemist, I have made an extensive study of all aspects of cancer, and all of the proposed cures. As a result, I am convinced that asparagus fits in better with the latest theories about cancer. Asparagus contains a good supply of protein called histones, which are believed to be active in controlling cell growth.  For that reason, I believe asparagus can be said to contain a substance that I call cell growth normalizer. That accounts for its action on cancer and in acting as a general body tonic.
In any event, regardless of theory, asparagus used as we suggest, is a harmless substance. The FDA cannot prevent you from using it and it may do you much good. It has been reported by the US National Cancer Institute, that asparagus is the highest tested food containing glutathione, which is considered one of the body’s most potent anticarcinogens and antioxidants.
Please spread the news… the most unselfish act one can ever do is paying forward all the kindness one has received, even to the most undeserved person.   

PS: bookmark this website, then read the testimonials & look at the pictures — 

My 7012 cancer page - contains some different information than above.

Cancer Information updated 7-11-2012 

Note - I sell nothing. This page is information only. If the FDA catches you selling stuff at the same time you are 
educating people about what the products will do, you are history. They will throw you in jail. That's why you see 
no claims for what your vitamins will do for you anymore on the bottle. You have to get the information somewhere 
else besides where you are buying the vitamins. It's even gotten to the point the vitamin stores can't even have 
books in the same stores as they have the vitamins. There is no common sense in government today. It's all about 
the money and protecting the big pharma multibillion dollar drug industry. 

This page is devoted to alternative methods to beat cancer outside of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and the knife. Those methods give you only a 3% chance to live. Surgery for larger tumors should also be thought of as "getting the rocks" in advanced stages.  It is then up to you to get the pebbles and sand left over afterwards so it doesn't reoccur 
and you can get your immune system back up to speed to combat any leftovers. The above treatments kill from 80% - 
97% of the patients, are expensive, and are painful; so seeking alternative methods to beat cancer certainly has it's attributes. You'll find many methods on this page to give you a better chance at survival than chemo and radiation therapy. 
Also see my pages at   cancerreport
     cancer report 2     MMS    MMS2   Hydrogen Peroxide  Colloidal Silver
Baking soda cure 
     Overnight cure for cancer    cancerisafungus

AND, if you will email me and put "cancer books" in the subject header I will send you several excellent ebooks 
on the subject. Books I have purchased to be able to give you for free. There is absolutely no reason to die from 
cancer today. Read my testimony further down about a woman who lives near me that the chemo therapy boys 
sent home to die who followed  the protocols I recommended and today is cancer free, has all her hair back and 
lives a normal life. Yes, this is a mission with me, just as heart disease is a mission. See my HEART page for that 

The one video you HAVE to watch tells a disgusting story of big pharma and money, but also tells exactly how to use laetrile, dosage required, how it works,  what it does, and the other supplements necessary to take to make it effective.   
The condensed book, a free 41 page download,   can be found at  2nd item down on the right hand side of the page where it shows the book cover  World without Cancer. Or  email me and I will send you a copy of the condensed book  World without Cancer as a pdf attachment. It is only 41 pages long instead of 368 pages and tells virtually everything you need to know about laetrile. Nearer the bottom on the same site is the video World without Cancer, 55 minutes long, and it will be the best 55 minutes you have ever spent on the subject. 
The video link to World without Cancer is 
You can find many videos besides World without Cancer on that page also.

You have several excellent alternative cures for cancer outside of chemo therapy, radiation therapy, and the 
knife; all of which will give you only a 3% chance to live, remove all your money and let you die in great pain. What 
I just stated is a true statement. If you didn't get that message clearly rfom the video above, World without Cancer, it is only because you didn't  watch the video. If you would rather have a 97% chance to live then read on and don't be afraid; 
if you put these protocols into action and follow them, you can live and be cancer free. If you would rather just give 
up and die, do nothing, but you should go to my Parachute page and make sure you have your parachute on, as the journey your spirit makes at death is one way only and is irreversible. Once in hell there is never a chance to get out.
There are many treatments discussed on this page but my three favorites; and the three which I would incorporate 
all at the same time if I got cancer, would be the apricot seed - laetrile - B-17 - amagdalin (all the same thing) cure, 
using MMS1 and maybe even MMS2, and using the sodium bicarbonate treatment.  And maybe even the food grade hydrogen peroxide protocol. These are all cheap. The Burzynski cure (see the movie link below) works good also.
See cancer is a fungus and it can be cured.

1. Using apricot seeds or Laetrile or B17 or Amagdalin.  All these use the same mechanism. B17 is simply the active component in apricot seeds, extracted and concentrated or synthesized.  It's very effective.  You can buy Laetrile - 
also called amagdalin or  B-17 at Cytopharma in Tijuana, Mexico.   A 500 mg, 100 
capsule  bottle costs about $85. The movie or book above give you dosages.
Vitamin B-17 (nitriloside, amygdaline) 
is  found in over 800 plants, many of which are edible. They comprise molecules made of sugar, hydrogen cyanide, 
and a benzene ring or an acetone. It is the cyanide component that kills the cancer. It's a God thing, as it ONLY 
works on cancer cells, not healthy cells.
There is only one substance that can unlock the B17 molecule and release the cyanide. That substance is an enzyme called "beta-glucosidase", which is called the "unlocking enzyme". When 
B17 comes in contact with this enzyme in the presence of water, not only is the cyanide released, but also the benzaldehyde, which is highly toxic by itself. In fact, these two working together synergistically are at least a hundred times more poisonous than either of them separately; a phenomenon know in biochemistry as synergism.  Fortunately, the "unlocking enzyme" is not found  in the body "except at the cancer cell", where it always is present in great quantity, sometimes at levels in excess of one hundred times that of the surrounding normal cells. The result is that the Vitamin B17 is unlocked at the cancer cell, releases its poisons to the cancer cell and ONLY TO THE CANCER CELL and kills it. Like I said, it's a God thing. Why doesn't it poison healthy cells also?
There is another important enzyme called "rhodanese", which we shall identify as the "protecting enzyme". (Since 
about 1965, rhodanese has been identified in the technical literature as thiosulfate transulfurase.) The reason is that 
it has the ability to neutralize cyanide by converting it instantly into by-products that actually are beneficial and essential 
to health. This enzyme is found in great quantities in every part of the body EXCEPT the cancer cell which, 
consequently, is not protected. Since Laetrile or B17 is an extreme threat to the pharmaceutical industry's pocketbook, the FDA watchdog does everything it can to prevent you from getting it. But it works, and it works well. Just as does protocol #2 next, MMS.

2. MMS
MMS is an even larger threat to big pharma because what started out as being a quick cure for malaria 
(MMS kills malaria in as little as four hours) has now been expanded to include cures for many maladies and diseases, cancer being one of these. See  for a list of these which includes Diabetes, Hepatitis, 
Aids, Herpes, and much more. 
MMS is such a huge threat today to big pharma's pocketbook that the FDA is doing SWAT raids on businesses selling the product and trying to throw the owners into jail for 5 years. It makes about as 
much sense as the current FDA SWAT raids on the Raw Milk and organic produce industry. What has our country 
come down to besides a political mafia gestapo.  Anyway MMS is a pathogen killer. It kills bacteria, viruses and protozoas; very effectively.
MMS is nothing more than the chemical sodium chlorite that when citric acid is added to it, it chemically transforms into chlorine dioxide and simply is deadly to any pathogen. Water treatment plants use it to clean up the water you drink. The stupidity of our government to try and ban this product from consumers just because it prevents people from having to buy expensive drugs from the pharmaceutical industry shows the degree of degradation and corruption big brother has stooped to.  Read further down on this page for more in depth information on MMS besides that found at my MMS page.    Email me for the 3 latest protocol ebooks. MMS is very inexpensive and non patentable. $20 worth will last you all year. You need to get it and keep it on hand before you no longer can. It will knock out the common cold and flue is as little as a day or two.

3. Sodium Bicarbonate cure.
Basically just using simple, inexpensive baking soda (not to be confused with baking powder which 
contains aluminum and is harmful) to bring your body up to a pH of 8 for a short period of time, as measured 
by pH strips or stix of your saliva and urine,  will eliminate cancer also. See as well as my page at   As little as two or three teaspoons  twice a day will get rid of your cancer by alkalinizing your body.  Cancer cells can't live in an alkaline environment.  

You can buy MMS here.
At this site 
here   you can buy apricot seeds, B17 tablets, Essiac Tea herbs, MMS, colloidal silver, 
alkaline water, air purifiers and more.

Full length Dr Burzynski movie. He cures cancer and government keeps trying to put him out of business.

Take a few minutes to watch this video at 
It explains what's in the book Outsmart Your Cancer  by  Tanya Harter Pierce, who has researched intensely the natural cures to beat cancer. One over the counter drink that costs less than $75/mo will wipe out most cancers. Drink this and cancer comes pouring out of your body. I don't sell this book, the link above does though if you want a hard copy.  I 
bought the ebook version so I can give it to you for free  if you simply request it from me.  Email me and put "Outsmart your Cancer" in the subject line. I will also include the abbreviated ebook versions of World Without Cancer and the cancer chapter from Shawn Ellisons book Over -the-Counter Natural Cures. 

Here is the link for a presentation given by National Health Dossier which details 11 cures for different diseases and which includes the Burn Cancer out of Your Body cure.
The presentation is about 47 minutes long and you can stop and start it at any time by clicking on the webpage.
You can also download the video ( 144 MB ).

The Gerson tapes on curing cancer 
Have you heard about the Gerson Tapes? They're a collection of interviews and teachings from Charlotte Gerson, who runs the Gerson clinics that have successfully treated thousands of cancer patients with a therapy based on cleansing, detoxification and live foods nutrition.  The treatment is so successful that, even today, thousands of patients from around the world flock to the Gerson clinics in Mexico ( to heal themselves of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other chronic degenerative conditions.  Why are the clinics in Mexico? Because, not surprisingly, U.S. authorities have outlawed all natural cancer treatments in America and even viciously attacked the top scientists who discovered scientifically-valid cancer cures that really work. Want some proof? Watch the shocking documentary "Burzynski" and you'll be stunned by what you learn.  That documentary is available to be watched, full length, at no charge right now at NaturalNews.TV. Seriously, watch this video and you will be absolutely blown away by how the government has declared war on our country's best anti-cancer pioneers who could cure millions of people.  Watch it now at:

Cancer combating foods

Bromelain in pineapple arrests cancer cells

Personal Testimony of a woman cured of cancer using these protocols
When I was at the Superlake store in Nov 2009 to pray over my blind man Luis again, I ran into Pastor Ken who was selling pies there he made  to pay for medical care for his wife Lupita who had terminal cancer. I asked him how she was doing.  He said not well, she had been taking chemotherapy and her white blood cell count was now so low they refused to give her any more treatments and it was spreading and they sent her home to die.. Now the first thing you are going to ask is why hasn't Jesus healed her? We are all involved in healing ministry here. Why doesn't Luis see yet?  I've witnessed other blind people see again. I've witnessed cancer tumors disappear overnight. God knows they've both had enough prayers said over  them by the best of the best.  I don't have an answer why He heals some and not others. We have certainly seen enough miracles down here now to know that He does. It's not my job to know. It's my job to do my part which is laying hands on them and petitioning Jesus and the Holy Spirit for the healing. Anyway, when I left, my spirit started troubling me, bigtime. He said to me, you have collected all this information on cancer, DO SOMETHING! Why have I collected all these books and information on cancer? Because statistically you and I have a 1 in 3 chance now in getting cancer. And also statistically those that opt for radiation and  chemotherapy have a 97% chance of dying of it, not good odds. I figure I'll get cancer someday and when that time comes I don't want to say, oh-oh, better start studying alternative methods and then take another month to buy the stuff.  I want to have the homework completed and the stuff here at hand to take care of the problem. Actually my studies have brought me to the preventative table so we should never get it. Take 6 drops of MMS every day and 200mg of B17 everyday and you shouId NEVER get cancer.
The MMS Solution
I had started her on the MMS program months ago, but she didn't like the taste so didn't keep up on it. MMS, Mineral Miracle Supplement is not a mineral at all. It is sodium chlorite that when mixed with citric acid forms chlorine dioxide which is an extremely effective oxidizer against malaria virus (100% kill, most in 4 hours), it kills AIDs virus, hepatitus virus, the H1N1 flu virus and is now being used against cancer. We just used it and colloidal silver to cure Jana's cold/flu virus and she's back in school again. When they bought juice to chase it they didn't realize that ALL store bought juice has vitamin C added as a preservative which neutralizes the effectiveness of the MMS. You have to make your own fresh juice out of real pineapples or real apples or real grapes to chase it with. I prefer guayaba fruits. Chase it with guayaba juice immediately after putting the mms down and you can't taste it. Do not use orange juice as it contains vitamin C which renders it useless. Using fresh pineapple is good too because it contains the enzymes needed to soften the cancer cell's walls. I reread both of Jim Humbolt's books on MMS to see what I had missed. 
You can find book one as a free pdf download at  
You can request books 2 and 3 FREE from me by sending me an email and putting MMS2 and MMS3 in the subject line. 
You can also get MMS as well as Essiac Tea herbs at 

MMS is nothing more than the chemical sodium chlorite that when citric acid is added to it chemically transforms into chlorine dioxide and simply is deadly to any pathogen. We use it on the common cold. 
Instead of coughing for three weeks to a month, I take 5, 8 and ten drops of MMS each day twice a day and in a 
couple days, it's gone. No foolin. I don't play the cold hack cough game anymore. Read more about this at   
You can order a DVD with complete instructions to treat others from the Jim Humbolt site at .  
You can download for free the first MMS book at
Books 2 and 3 (Master Miracle of the Third Millenium) cost money unless you request them from me.  I bought 
them so I could supply them to you for free. Send an email to  and put  MMS2 or MMS3 
in the subject line and I will forward those books to you. This is a product you need to have on hand at all times.

You can buy small quantities of MMS liquid as well as the citric acid activator  here.
At this site 
here   you can buy apricot seeds, B17 tablets, Essiac Tea herbs, MMS, colloidal silver, 
alkaline water, air purifiers and more  or  for only $19.95 for a 
4oz bottle +$2.98 for the citric acid activator. Shipping is $3.95 USPS for 1 bottle or $5.95 for 2-6 bottles. 
That's a cheap cure folks. very cheap.  A $20   4 oz bottle will last you all year. MMS liquid and powder can also be purchased at  

There's also a source in Mexico at  click on the English 
or Spanish button on the upper left to get the language you want.  Lots of info on that site.
You have to send an email to  to place an order

The FDA is currently raiding and trying to destroy all sources of MMS inside the United States.
I strongly suggest you get a supply NOW, especially the powder that will last a long time before
our corrupt government controlled by big pharma wipes out all sources of this amazing discovery.
Understand. MMS is cheap and cures many many things - cancer, hepatitis, aids, herpes, and more.
It IS a threat to the billions big pharma rakes in each year by selling you their expensive concoctions.

Also go to  and type in MMS to find more sources still available.  

Sodium Chlorite powder can be purchased at 
You should store sodium chlorite powder as well as citric acid powder for longer term storage.
1 pound of powder mixed with 32 oz of water makes 34 oz of MMS liquid. That lasts a long time.
For smaller quantitites, 6 level tablespoons of sodium chlorite powder mixed with 3 oz of warm water 
will make 4 oz of liquid MMS. 
Citric acid powder can be obtained in health food stores and in wine/beer making stores
Simply mix the powdered citric acid with water in a 9 -1 ratio. 1 spoon of citric acid powder to 9 spoons 
of water for a 10% solution. Using a 10% solution, citric acid liquid should be mixed with the MMS liquid 
in the ratio of 5 drops citric acid to 1 drop MMS liquid.
This needs to be mixed and let set for 3 minutes (but no longer than 10 minutes before consumption) for the 
chemical reaction to occur which transforms the solution into chlorine dioxide, and should be consumed within
ten minutes after mixing to ensure proper strength. I mix the MMS and citric acid in a shot glass. After three 
minutes I add half a shotglass of guayaba juice (anything but orange juice) , stir it, chug it, and chase it with pure 
guayaba juice afterwards so I don't taste it. Otherwise the MMS and citric acid taste really bad. Don't take it straight
because you probably won't take it again if you do that. The fruit juice chaser is the only way to go. 

You can make a 50% solution by mixing water and citric acid 1 to 1. 1 spoon citric acid powder to 1 spoon water. 
This is used then 1 drop MMS to 1 drop citric acid.

MMS is an amazing story. I have a page at  with links on it where to buy the stuff.  It's cheap, but because big pharma can't patent it they are trying to get it off the market, just like laetrile. I strongly suggest you get some now and study up as it will become one of your best weapons against swine flu. I then made a trip to Jocotepec to meet with Pastor Ken and his wife  Lupita and took them many documents I copied off the internet, books I had copied and to find out if I bought the B17, could I get her started on laetrile. They were very discouraged with the medical establishment's attempts to heal her and were finally willing to listen to alternative methods, especially after seeing the statistics of her chemotherapy survival chances. Which brings us to the next set of sites you should look at.  The laetrile story is simply amazing. Laetrile, apricot seeds, amygdalin, or B17 is all the same thing. B17, or amygdalin, is manmade. Apricot seeds are natural, but all contain the same component that kills cancer cells, cyanide.  But cyanide is only released when a particular enzyme is missing and cancer cells are the only cells which don't have this enzyme, thus causing the release of the cyanide to them only. Isn't God great? Only a creator could do this. To make a long story short. Normal cells in any organism contain an enzyme called rodhanese which neutralizes the amygdalin. This enzyme does not allow the amygdalin to release it's cyanide. In this way amygdalin only serves as glucose to healthy cells providing energy. Malignant (cancerous) cells do not contain this enzyme - it's a God thing.  In the absence of rodhanese the amygdalin is activated liberating the cyanide radical only inside the malignant cell causing it's destruction. Why doesn't laetrile heal 100% of the people? Because by the time many patients seek alternative therapies, they have already gone through chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and there is already extensive damage caused by these orthodox treatments and even the cancer itself. And by the time some people hear about the healing properties of vitamin B-17 it is already too late. B-17 is simply a natural metabolic agent that, under the right circumstances, will help the body get rid of cancer when used as part of a nutritional or metabolic therapy which also involves the administration of other vitamins, certain enzymes, and a diet from which animal protein has been mostly removed. It is not to be mistaken for a magic pill that will wipe out cancer and rebuild you a new body. BUT, take it before you get cancer and it will ensure you NEVER get cancer. 

To make a long story shorter - we put Lupita on 6 grams of Laetrile a day along with 30 drops of MMS per day (5 doses of 6 drops each) for three and half months.   It actually took a week to build up to the 30 drops a day of MMS. It is now mid August 2011. Lupita is now cancer free! She has tested cancer free at the hospital. She has a good head of hair again, looking good, feeling good,  making and selling pies herself at SuperLake Grocery. Did Jesus heal her? Did the MMS and laetrile heal her? Did Jesus heal her via the MMS and Laetrile? He doesn't always work the way we expect Him too. I don't particularly care where the credit lies, she's alive, well and totally healed. She also takes a maintenance dose of 6 drops of MMS each day to stay healed. If they could afford it she should also be taking half a 500 mg B17 Laetrile pill a day also. She should also be taking a shot of asparagus juice each day. See how asparagus cures cancer  here. 

Key information sources
Besides the sources you will find on this page just look at one video and read one PDF book which is a condensation of the 368 page book  World without Cancer by Griffin. The one video to watch tells a disgusting story of big pharma and money, but also tells exactly how to use laetrile, dosage required, how it works,  what it does, and the other supplements necessary to take make it effective.   The condensed book, a free 41 page download,   can be found at  2nd item down on the right hand side of the page where it shows the book cover  World without Cancer. It is only 41 pages long instead of 368 pages and tells virtually everything you need to know about laetrile. Nearer the bottom on the same site is the video World without cancer, 55minutes long, and it will be the best 55 minutes you have ever spent on the subject. 
Video link
You can find many videos besides this one on that page also.
Book link  email me for a pdf copy of the condensed book. In subject header put "world without cancer pdf"  

You can buy Laetrile, B17, Amygdalin and apricot seeds  at and at  cytopharma is the cheapest in Tiajuana. I think everyone else gets their product from them.

"What else can I do besides vitamin B17 and MMS?

Lemons - drug company says they are better than chemotherapy.

Essiac Tea - 4 herbs that beat cancer buy at 

Check out the Lose Dose Naltrexone  therapy

Keeping reading on this page.  
Start out at low doses and increase slowly to
high levels (10,000mg to 20,000mg a day) of vitamin C.

Drink Alkaline water.
See     and 

De-chlorinate your bath and shower water.

This is a great video about how you can cure cancer by eating raw fruits, vegetables, and 
juices to cleanse your body of all toxins.

Breathe clean indoor air...
Go to and type in air ionizer
Here's an expensive one that's very good.

Use chemical free personal care products

Eat organic food and drink raw cow or goats milk. Eat as little processed and packaged foods as you can.

How does consuming high fructose corn syrup (like in soda pop) affect cancer growth? 

MMS Mineral Miracle Solution  - which isn't a mineral at all but has cured many things including cancer, malaria, 
hepatitus, aids, herpes, colds, flu, remove pathogens from the arterial network, lowering blood pressure, and much more.
This is an amazing story. I have many youtube videos to watch on my MMS page as well as many resources links.

The 1 minute cure for cancer using oxygen therapy
Watch the video  for some very interesting statistics  at

Hydrogen Peroxide Cancer cure info  the info you need is here FREE! including the drop chart.

Asparagus juice as a cancer cure 

Immune System Enhancement  info at buy product at

Inexpensive Zeolite is patented to kill cancer; read about it at  

Ecklonia Cava - an algae extract that kills cancer

Colloidal Silver - a colloidal silver generator is a MUST in every household
See my page at 
A good inexpensive colloidal silver making machine  can be found 
A better one, the SG6 auto,  can be found at 

Fresh Lemon grass drink causes apostosis to cancer cells

You might want to look on the web site - www.knowthecause. com 
This is Doug Kaufmann's site.......he contends cancer is a fungus.
Has several books on the subject.

Read about using baking soda to cure cancer here
More about Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) as a cancer cure
A great free report on sodium bicarbonate as a cancer cure can be found at 

Germanium is considered priceless when it comes to the cure for cancer. 
Germanium has shown results when it comes to tumor reduction (in colon, prostate, breast, lung, ovarian and 
cervical cancers), boosting the immune system, and relieving Rheumatoid Arthritis.
THE expert on Germanium, 
Dr. Asai, wrote an extensive book on Germanium called Miracle Cure Organic Germanium. The entire book is 
published on Karl Loren’s website here:  Dr. Ralph Moss may be one of the first people to contact with regards to alternative 
cancer treatment options. He is considered one of the foremost experts for alternative cancer information. He 
provides a service to the cancer patient whereby he will provide a detailed report of the best available alternative 
cancer products/treatments/clinics based on the type and stage of cancer. He has a free newsletter.  Bar none, this is by far the most extensive and informative (and unbiased) site that I 
am aware of for alternative cancer (or just cancer) information. Their site is so detailed that they even provide detailed protocols depending on the patient's stage of cancer. Here is a link to inexpensive but effective alternative treatments for cancer for even later stages.   Bill Henderson will also provide coaching/consultation to the cancer patient 
(He is most likely less expensive than if you go through Dr. Moss). You can also sign up for his free newsletter.  The guy that runs highly recommends this site (owned by a guy 
named Larry) for those that especially want a treatment involving cesium chloride (nature's most alkaline mineral).  They list and explain a wide assortment of alternative cancer products/treatments and where to obtain them, if available.

Learn how Apricot seeds, containing nitrilosides or B17,  kill cancer  here   and more   here
If you have cancer you need to take about 25 seeds over the course of a whole day.

Watch the G. Edward Griffin B17 Video which tells the whole B17 kill cancer story at
You can find many videos besides this one on that page at the left side also.

As a preventative, Dr. Krebs (the scientist who discovered vitamin B17) asserts that 7 or more apricot seeds per 
day or 1 to 3 --100mg of B17 tablets will make it impossible to develop cancer in one's lifetime.
If you already have cancer the recommended dosage is from between 24 kernels a day up to 40 to 50 kernels a day, spread throughout the day. For a person in remission, 16 apricot kernals a day should be used as a minimum.
For a person who has cancer, use of Vitamin B17 pills or laetrile up to 700mg of B17 per day is prescribed.
Laetrile or B17 is the concentrated form of the nitrilosides contained in the apricot seeds. 
Grape seeds and apple seeds also contain this ingredient, in fact seeds of many plants contain nitrilosides. 
See my page at  for more info on the laetrile form. 
Some foods that contain B17 or nitrilosides include cereal millet, buckwheat, macademia nuts, bamboo shoots, mung beans, lima beans, alfalfa sprouts, lima beans, butter beans, garden peas, bitter almonds (which has been banned from the US - pharmaceutical politics), flaxseed, wheat grass, lima and garbanzo beans, blackberries, raspberries, peach and plum pits and of course apricot seeds. Bitter almonds and apricot seed scontain the highest concentrated sources of B17.
Storage:  The best way to store apricot kernels is to place them in the fridge or freezer.  They will last 10 to 18 months. But the idea is to use them up way before that!
Consumption:  In general all seeds and nuts should be soaked before consuming.  This process activates the enzymes and is easier on the digestive tract.  It is a good idea to take the amount you wish to consume (for example 8-10 kernels), soak them overnight in just enough pure water to cover them.  Remove the kernels from the water in the morning and they can be stored in the fridge.  The soaked kernels can be consumed throughout the day.  The water has an alkaline effect and can be consumed on an empty stomach.
Testimonies of people who claim they were cured by B17 can be found at 

Chabacano pagina in Español  aqui

Below are two links for the BEST videos on the cure for cancer ever made!
Part 1 -
Part 2-
To order vitamin B17 and raw apricot seeds at
discount prices
Phone orders - 305-648-1933
Another good source of B17 tables 

But  has the BEST pricing. All the others may get their products from these guys.

One Answer to Cancer

More info at  

Read more about B17 here

Apple peels contain substances that kills cancer

Read about 4 ingredients that halt cancer here 

Japanese cancer cure AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated  Compound).
Gets the immune system back up to speed.

The papaya leaf/stem tea cure

Curing cancer using the herb bloodroot 

Major help for stage IV cancer can be found at 

Read about a laser light method for tumors close to the surface  here 

Read about an element in raspberries, ellagitannins - one of the most powerful antioxidants known, that combats cancer. This extract has been isolated and is sold on the site below. 
Hi Ber,For many years I have had a lump on the side of my head.
I have taken cleansing Herbs to keep it in check. Since taking this product, 
I can feel a difference in the size of the bump. It sounded like this acts like the drug you describe in the newsletter, but without the side effects.

Go to  for yet another kind of treatment  for a wealth of information

I have posted the Jason Vale story  to show you how the pharmaceutical companies own our government and attempt to suppress anything that works with little expense and that they can't make a buck off of.  Go to here for that story. Also see  for much more info on cancer.

also see my page on Cancell  here

see book on cancer   here 

Also see
The information in this section could save someone's life who is dying of cancer. There are many sources of information here; as well as products and herbals to help the immune system beat cancer. A lot of different people have contributed to the information in this section of our site; in hopes of saving lives. The exciting part is; this stuff DOES work if you believe it will and commit to putting the knowledge and products you find here to work. 

Burzynski Cancer Clinic
A cancer clinic in Houston, Texas with an exceptional record for success 
using non evasive treatments - no radiation therapy, no chemottherapy, no butcherwork.  Their website is at 

Q.   How can I find out what Dr. Burzynski has done for others?      
A.   Dr. Burzynski has helped many people, some of whom have formed a "Patient Group Website" on the internet. This site will provide you with encouraging information and stories of optimism that are very supportive to prospective patients, their family and friends. The patient group website can be found at  (The site is not endorsed or maintained by the Burzynski Clinic.) We encourage anyone who needs help to call one of the patient coordinators at 713-335-5697 and discuss their individual cases. 

Ironically , the story here I post does not have a happy ending because the patient did not follow through completely with the treatment. 

The following is an actual unedited testimony.  
Burzynski Cancer Clinic
I was away in Houston, Texas to take my brother to the Burzynski
Cancer Clinic. I would like to give you a report of my "experience" at the
Burzynski  Clinic SO THAT YOU, IF YOU LIKE, CAN FORWARD TO YOUR MAIL LIST. The WORLD  needs to know about Dr. Burzynski,s Cancer Clinic.
Keep in mind, Dr. Burzynski discovered this cancer cure in the 70's
and has  been held back to the point of JAIL by the FDA, court battles, and you name  it from our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. He is, now doing, FDA approved "clinical  trials".

Here is my story:

My brother was diagnosed with Metastatic Malignant Melanoma about 8
weeks  ago. He had two tumors in his brain, PLUS MANY tumors in his
lungs, liver,  neck, and throughout his body with ALL lymph nodes
swelled indicating  possible tumors in multiple lymph nodes. He was
experiencing SEVERE SWEATS  EVERY NIGHT, and had a SEVERE cough
wherein he could not say a complete  sentence without coughing VERY
hard, PLUS he had very little energy. At two m "cancer clinics", one
that specialized in Melanoma, he was told he had from 3  weeks to 6
months to live. The ONLY treatment available was, FIRST, radiation  
to his whole head wherein he would PERMANENTLY loose ALL hair
including eye  brows, and eye lashes, and would be "highly
susceptible to stroke" that would  cripple or KILL him. SECOND,
assuming he survive the radiation, he would  received massive
Chemotherapy to the fullest extent that his body could stand  without
dying for 3 to 4 months. THIRD, due to the massive Chemo he would  
need a bone marrow transplant from one of his two brothers to restore
the  damage from Chemo. The report had one section near the end of
this gruesome  report titled, "Alternative Treatments". It was a very
short paragraph that  said (and I QUOTE) " There are NO alternative
treats from Metastatic  Malignant Melanoma."

I had learned about Dr. Burzynski via Dr. Julian Whittacker in the
early 80's  and had even sent money to support his legal battle, pay
bonds to avoid jail  by FDA. I told my brother who had decided to NOT
take the radiation and  Chemo, AND to just ride it out and DIE. He
immediately accepted my offer to  drive him to Texas.
Here in what has happened: We arrived at the clinic 8/4/00. After
consultation with two Oncologist and  Dr. Burzynski, it was recommend
that we treat the cancer orally with the  Burzynski medication rather
than intravenously as some patients require that  do not still have
good body functions and activity. The next day, 8/5/00  he(my
brother - Jimmy) began taking one capsule six times per day, then 2
six  times then 3 six times, etc. until eventually he will reach 12
six times per  day. The reason for the slow increase is to conform
with the FDA protocol,  AND to allow the body to compensate for the
influx of medication. Jimmy had  NO, repeat NO, ill effects
whatsoever from the medication. On Monday morning  Jimmy noticed that
the two LARGEST Swollen lymph nodes on his neck (half the  size of an
egg) "seemed" to be SMALLER. Jimmy had about 15 lymph nodes that  you
could feel swollen around his neck, under his arms, etc. Jimmy
continued  to increase by one capsule each day(six times). Jimmy was
examined by the  Oncologist on Wednesday (THIS WAS AN EXCITING DAY).
As he examined Jimmy he  said in an excited voice, the swelling is
ALL GONE in ALL Lymph glands. He  turned to the Doctor recording the
findings and said, "Write, ALL swelled  glands are normal", and
continued to examine. We told the Doctor that Jimmy's  cough seemed
to be better. The cough was caused by a large tumor the size of  a
baseball pressing against his wind pipe. Jimmy also seemed to be
feeling  better.  We asked the Doctor, how soon we could leave since
Jimmy had NO INSURANCE and  the cost of staying in a motel was fairly
expensive AND I needed to get back  home to my wife. He said if,
everything, looked OK on Thursday 8/10 we could  go home. On
Thursday, another full physical found EVERYTHING AOK, Jimmy was  
feeling MUCH better, cough even better, sweats the same but he was
sleeping  better. We were then given a box FULL of bottled capsules,
and headed for  home.

NOW, as I write this, Jimmy just reported, NO MORE night sweats, NO,
repeat  NO, coughing, and he is feeling better (energy wise) than he
has felt in  "months". He plans to go back to work on Monday!!!!!!
NOTE: He is up to 9 or  10 (not sure) capsules six times per day and
STILL NO side effects. He has  started the diet recommended by Dr.
Burzynski's Staff Dietitian which is  designed so as to NOT "feed"
the cancer cells.

This letter would be far too long if I began to tell how impressed we
were  with the HIGH professionalism we saw at the Burzynski Clinic,
how impressed  with staff, the building, and everything we saw.  
Jimmy feels that he has beat the IMPOSSIBLE odds with Burzynzki's
treatment.  I MUST say that MANY prayers have been prayed, and I
believe God worked the  "miracle" through Dr. Burzynski.  We saw MANY
patients that had seen similar results. One that had Throat  Cancer
that completely disappeared in two weeks. Please do NOT get the idea  
that ALL patients are cured "instantly". Most take longer. All start
on the  road to health "instantly", but are SO far down the road that
it takes longer  to get back to good health. Jimmy had only
been "sick" a few months ( 2 or 3)  before the symptoms began to
surface, and he found he had a VERY FAST growing  cancer that was
spreading RAPIDLY. He was going down FAST, DAILY.

Pass this along for the SOLE PURPOSE of letting other cancer patients
WORKS. Also, I would ask every person  that will, to go to Dr.
Burzynski's very detailed website, AND use the links  to write your
Congress Person, and Representative about a Bill that is before  
Congress AS WE SPEAK that will restore a parents right to decide
treatment  for their child. There is a your child named Thomas
Navarro that is literally  waiting in Houston for the Bill to pass so
that he can receive Dr.  Burzynski's treatment. There are NO
documented records of ANY child  recovering from the cancer that
young Thomas has, except that Dr. Burzynski  has successfully treated
7 out of 8 children with that cancer. THE PROBLEM: A  child cannot
request alternative treatment, and the LAW says that ONLY the  FDA
can make that decision - the parents cannot. READ the story of
Thomas  Navarro. My heart goes out to him and his parents.

I pray that at least ONE person will read this AND respond to their
Political  Representative on behalf of this child. ALSO, I pray that
those is need of  cancer treatment will have the opportunity to
consider this cancer treatment.

It has certainly worked for my brother, Jimmy. He will continue the  
medication for 4 to 6 months, and will return to Houston in 8 weeks
for more  MRI's, and CT Scans, and examinations. NOTE: he will be
examined and  monitored by a local Doctor on a daily basis in accord
with the FDA  requirements on the Burzynski Clinical Trial
Treatments. Hopefully, Burzynski will soon be able to practice his art EVERYWHERE, so that we can  FINALLY conquer cancer. The Burzynski Website is   


The man who wrote this letter is an associate of mine from net investing activities. A follow up letter I received from Tom  in May 2001when I inquired as to his brother's progress:

As to my brother, he did NOT complete the Burzynski treatment even though he was having excellent results. Frankly, I do NOT know WHY he quit. He had all kinds of excuses, but I believe he did not want to pay the price (he had no insurance). The cost was $4500 per month. After stopping the Burzynski treatment, a health minister was sent to him by God (I know of no other way he could have been sent). At that point my brother was on oxygen constantly
to the point of not even being able to walk across the room to the toilet. He, the health minister, would visit my brother for 2 to 3 hours per day for 30 days giving him colon cleansing enemas, AND juicing carrots, beets, and celery. He "forced" my brother to drink approximately a gallon of the juice daily. NOTE: Each gallon of juice was made from about 7 pounds of carrots, 3 beets (leaves included), and 1 bunch of celery, ALL organically grown if possible). After 8 days Jimmy (my brother) was so improved that he no longer needed ANY oxygen, had energy to go places, was clear of mind, and the swollen lymph nodes were going away rapidly. Then he leveled off, and seemed to improve over slightly over the next few days, then very little progression for the duration of the 30 days. The 30 day treatment was last October. He
was told to continue drinking the juice at the rate of 16 to 32 ounces per day after the health minister finished the 30 period. His conditioned seemed to be stable or level for many weeks thru November and December. In January his condition worsened. February was even worse, and in March he died. Here is the sad part of the story, the part I do NOT like to tell, and the part that I will never know the answers to: I talked to the health minister on
Tuesday before Jimmy died on Thursday. He told me that they "grade" the patients as to how they participated in the treatment. Jimmy got a "B" the first week, a "C" the second week, a "D" the third week, a "what should have been worse, "D" the fourth week. Why? He simply would not drink the juice and would NOT stay off sweets. I later learned from his daughter that he virtually quit the juice during the second month, and started eating "normal things" like meat, and cooked vegetables, and sweets. My brother was a very, very independent hard headed person (I called him PIG HEADED). He simply did not want to conform to anything and thought he "had it whipped", but when the going got tough he would NOT revert back to what had helped him which would have proved him WRONG in that he did NOT "have it whipped". Sad. Sad. Sad.

At the start of this I said there was "hope", and I suppose you are wondering by this point IF you read it correctly. There IS hope.
FIRST: The Burzynski program IS a good program, and DOES work even though it is very expensive. You may choose to go to Texas and let them do an analysis before you make a choice between this and the SECOND choice below. I actually do NOT know of the success Dr. K has had with prostate cancer.

SECOND: My experience with the Health Ministers treatment of Jimmy caused me to take notice of another TREATMENT FOR ALL SICKNESS, namely the Hallelujah Diet. Without going into much detail about the diet here since the website is
very adequate, I will say that the Hallelujah Diet is the THE answer to HEALTH. Just read the testimonies from those that have been cured of MANY things on the site. The most amazing thing IS that it is based on carrot juice as well as barley green. Of course, the carrot juice was the main ingredient used in the treatment of Jimmy. Basically the H. Diet consist of 85% RAW fruits and vegetables (organically grown if possible), and 15% cooked vegetables, BUT NO meat, NO dairy, and NO sugar. I have been on it for 5
weeks with absolutely GREAT results. I have lost 24 pounds, and have more energy than I have had since I was 29 (41 years ago) (so you will not have to do the math, I am 60 - LOL). When I said there is "hope", by that I was referring to the H. Diet, and I do not believe I would say that without having seen the drastic improvement in Jimmy after only a week on the carrot/beet/celery juice. Now I will tell you exactly what I would do IF I were in your husbands position/condition:

1. Go to the Hallelujah Diet website  and read the entire site.

2. Purchase the Green Life Juice extractor. I bought it as a result of
reading the "study" of juicers as done by Hallelujah Acres as seen on the web site, and I am VERY pleased with it. Several people have seen it, and say it is far superior to what they have.

3.Get on the H. Diet NOW. By this "NOW", I would stop ALL cooked food NOW, stop ALL sugar NOW, stop ALL dairy NOW. Start eating only fruits, salads, and any type of vegetable RAW that I could find. There are lots of them: Mangos, Pineapple. Bananas, Plums, Cherries, Tomatoes, Oranges, Grapes, etc., just on
and on. And I mean NOW - NOT after you get the stuff from Hallelujah Acres such as the Barley Green, the juicer, etc., - I mean NOW. Stop eating POISON NOW.

ALL the info is on the site so I will not try to duplicate it further. Read Genesis 1:29 to see what "the" original diet was.

NOTE: Be sure to order the two tapes called "How to Eliminate Sickness".

Final NOTE: I make NOTHING from you "doing" the H. Diet. This is NOT a MLM thingy. It simply IS a way to eliminate sickness including prostate cancer.

My experience with Jimmy, the Healing Minister, and the past few weeks of being on the H. Diet gives me total confidence in the H. Diet.

One Final, Final NOTE: The H. Diet that is given for general health should be altered as follows IN MY OPINION. It says approx. 16 ounces of CARROT juice daily. Due to existing cancer, I would INCREASE that to at least 32 ounces,  AND add beets, and celery as I was juicing the carrots. I even do this currently because of the Jimmy experience. Also, I like the taste of the
mixture. My routine is 4 or 5 large carrots, a slice of beet with a leaf or two, 2 or 3 stalks of celery - vary to YOUR taste. Also, I recommend purchasing some of the tablet form of barley green for use when it is NOT convenient to do the powdered barley green. DO NOT swallow the tablets - let them dissolve in your mouth. I think they are GOOD, and use them if I feel even the slightest hunger when I am working and running late for lunch.

There IS hope.

IF I had only known what I know NOW, when Jimmy first got sick, he would still be doing air conditioner work, IF he would actually do the diet. I find it VERY easy to adhere to and will NEVER revert to eating meat, cooked food, sugar, etc. It is the answer as given by God in Genesis 1:29 "Then God said,'Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;' "


Cancer / high blood pressure   - 

Cancer / high blood pressure / weightloss and much more 

Read this very interesting letter on what doctors would do if they got cancer; it might surprise you. 

TR4  Herbal Cancer Cure - an amazing story

Source of Essiac - 4 herb (cancer/AIDS) tea
The Essiac Story

EXCELLENT  Anti Cancer product -   a good source of info

Alternative Medicines - 

Low Cost Generic Vitamins  - 

Sources of Germanium 132 -   and  

Herbal Cancer healing that WORKS -

Irina's Russian cancer cure metholdology 

New book on cancer cures

Dr. Karl Loren's  website
A most incredible site with over 3000 pages of information regarding  curing cancer, lowering blood pressure via oral and intraveneous chelation therapy in lieu of taking drugs, and life extension can be found at . Dr. Karl Loren's  product called Grow Life Plus is probably one of the most beneficial and foremost supplemental  of products available to build the immune system to combat cancer and other diseases that exists today. 

For an overview of some of the material on his site covering cancer &  heart disease  - go  to   here

If you order products from his site please be sure and tell him 
"detailshere" sent you; each time; thanks. Ber    Vibrant Life main site       Karl Loren's Book, Life Flow One            Vibrant Life MSM web site    Karl Loren's Information about the Immune System    Information about arthritis        Herbal Cigarette Project

Low Cost Generic Vitamins - like 120  500mg  of Chitosan fat sucker tablets for $6.89 instead of $30 most charge. Not a big menu but important items. 

Decades ago, European research scientist Dr. Johanna Budwig, a six-time Nobel Award nominee, discovered a totally natural formula. It not only protects against the development of cancer, but fights existing cancer as well. People all over the world who were diagnosed with incurable cancer and sent home to die have greatly benefited from this research and went on to lead normal lives-- thanks to this amazing formula.

After 30 years of study, Dr. Budwig observed that the blood of seriously ill cancer patients was deficient in certain nutrients. It was the lack of these nutrients that allowed cancer cells to grow out of control.

By simply eating a combination of two natural and delicious foods (found on page 134) not only can cancer be prevented -- but in case after case it was actually healed! "Symptoms of cancer, liver dysfunction, and diabetes were completely alleviated." Remarkably, what Dr. Johanna Budwig discovered was a totally natural way for eradicating cancer. Her book , Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infraction, Cancer and other Diseases, is available from for $6.25. 

Poulsbo firm develops mineral MAXIMIN product to fight disease 
and help immune system

Could there be a natural substance with wide ranging health benefits and no side effects? Watching the television commercials for drugs of all kinds and hearing them list side effects that sound worse then what they’re being used to treat, makes one wonder.

That’s why when Poulsbo International principals Gene Hallum and Marion Sluys, who’s best known for creating world famous breads and pastries, first heard of a plan to embark on such a venture they were somewhat cynical before deciding to invest in the creation of a new product known as “Maximin.”

The pair originally learned about the technology needed to make the supplement from some Croatian businessmen in 1996. The Croations came here seeking money to get their business up and running. Sluys and Hallum agreed to help, and Poulsbo International was formed with $1 million in seed money.

The firm currently manufactures the product in Southern California, but Hallum said the group has plans to open a research, manufacturing and processing facility in Kitsap sometime this year.

According to Hallum, the M-2 technology the firm developed is a mechanical process to physically alters the microscopic structure of zeolite, the clay silicate mineral used in Maximin. The results he says, are astounding.

“It actually absorbs waste and stimulates activity as it passes through the body,” he said. He added that Poulsbo International expects the product to become the new paradigm in the field of nutraceuticals and dietary supplements. “We intend to make this product as common as aspirin,” Hallum added.

Hallum discussed the fact the supplement was first tested on animals, then re-tested on humans. What researchers found was that while the benefits were wide-ranging, there, were no side effects — something unusual in this type of research.

Hallum enthusiastically noted that in test cases, Maximin displayed excellent results in helping ease the side effects of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. “We’re marketing it as an immune system booster,” he commented, adding that it also helped reduce tumors and had “good success” with people suffering from Hepatitis C — a condition with no known cure.

“This technology has applications in other areas as well,” Hallum noted, saying that Maximin has about 300 practical uses. The fine mineral powder used in it can even improve the healing of wounds or increase the shelf life of bread products — something that could come in very handy for Sluys.

Currently, Maximin is being marketed as an all-natural super-antioxidant and an immune system booster that aids digestion, revitalizes organs, reduces free radicals, improves cell-to-cell communication and eases the side effects of cancer treatment.

The product is available at the company’s offices in Poulsbo and online at  

PO Box  279  Poulsbo, WA 98370
(360)779-3313   Fax (360) 779-8204 
Contact   Gene Hallum


Poulsbo International, Inc., a company based near Seattle, Washington  announced the introduction of a revolutionary mineral based dietary supplement that has been developed after several years of clinical and patient studies here in the United States and in Europe. This new product is called MAXIMIN~ and it is available for sale through the Company’s web site:

  According to Gene Hallum, Vice President of Poulsbo International, the parent company behind MAXIMIN, “there is absolutely no product on the market today that performs like this one does”.  While it is completely natural and free of harmful side effects it has been shown to be through patient trials and case histories a potent factor in the treatment of many chronic diseases such as multiple forms of cancer, hepatitis, diabetes and many other chronic diseases.

One of the most remarkable applications of MAXIMIN~ has been its ability to eliminate or reduce the harmful side effects related to chemotherapy. Doctors gave MAXIMIN~ to dozens of voluntary patients that were undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Almost all of the patients experienced no harmful side effects from their chemotherapy treatment or very limited side effects. Doctors and scientists that investigated the results believe that the main reason for MAXIMIN’S effectiveness as a treatment against these side effects is its strong antioxidant capabilities for the reduction of harmful free radicals in the body. They also speculated that the mineral’s strong ionic exchange characteristics were a major reason for its success.

MAXIMIN  is classed as a “nutraceutical”. These are food or food-based products that have a medical health benefit including prevention and treatment of disease.

Poulsbo International has raised and invested millions of dollars over the past four years to develop a technology with the code name: “M-2” Technology. This technology is a proprietary mechanical process that physically changes the microscopic structure of volcanic clay silicate minerals that are the active ingredient in MAXIMIN.

Poulsbo International calls MAXIMIN~ a “new paradigm” in the field of nutraceuticals or dietary supplements. Websters New World Dictionary defines the word “paradigm” as follows: “An example or model”. MAXIMIN 
is truly a new model in that it combines both prevention and restoration of health!

Scientific research professionals that have conducted clinical studies on our technology are extremely enthusiastic about the prospects of this new and natural technology in the prevention and treatment of disease. Many of these professionals have stated that they have never seen in their many years of research such a powerful natural substance for the prevention and treatment of disease!

Since MAXIMIN~ is completely natural and mineral based there will be no need for a prescription to purchase the product although the company will carry out an extensive campaign of education so that health professionals in the fields of traditional and natural medicine will have the information they need to treat their patients.

Some of the applications of MAXIMIN~ are as follows:

    ·     Boosting the human body’s immune system response through the              reduction of harmful “free radicals” via its super-antioxidant capability

·    Improved metabolic functions

·    Improved organ function

·    Improved elimination of toxins and toxic elements from the body (ion exchange)

·    Protection from chronic disease

·    Treatment of chronic disease

  Gene Hallum, Chief Financial Officer of Poulsbo International was quoted to say the following about MAXIMIN : “This product is very timely. At a time when people desperately need help with serious health problems we have a completely safe and natural solution for them that they can take without the fear of harmful side effects.” This is a product that everyone will want to have in their home as a means of preventing the onset of serious disease.

MAXIMIN  will initially be sold in bottles of one (100) hundred capsules thorough the Company’s web site: The retail price of the product is $29.95. This price includes shipment to any address in North America. One bottle of capsules in approximately 1.5 to 2 months supply for normal applications as a preventative.

Germanium 32 is one of the strongest agents against cancer.  I have a video that literally shows cancer cells being destroyed by Germanium 32 under the microscope.   A great source to read about this form of attack on cancer is at a site  whose URL is    click on the Germanium 32 link on that site and there's a whole book this man wrote to tell you all about it; plus he has product avaiable.   The formulas you will find on this site are expensive but probably the most potent formulations available for extending life, reducing blood pressure without drugs, and curing cancer.  Another source of Germanium 32 can be found at 

Water Cure for Cancer

I am very pressed for time but want to share two web sites with you. I had hundreds of responses to my letter about plain water.
Actually, I only scratched the surface. For a complete explanation of how one can cure/prevent most diseases using plain water visit:

This is a non commercial site and has a wealth of good information.
I had an interesting chat with a retired Delta Airlines pilot who
cured himself of cancer. He has become a missionary for
Pau-d-Arco, a well known herb.

He claims that a simple tea, made from this, will CURE most
viral based diseases. I have no idea if this is accurate.
What peaked my interest is that he will give away the product
to those with cancer, who cannot afford his modest price of about
$10.00/pound, about 20% of what others sell it for.

He kindly sent me a sample. We brewed the tea. I am not thrilled
with the taste, but if I had cancer, that wouldn't matter.

You can see his site and some extraordinary testimonials
(which have no scientific value) at:    a pure raspberry extract which is supposedly very good for cancer prevention and treatment

Click on the link for Ellagic Acid on the left. After reading this
page, go to the link at the top for "Forum". Click on this.

Once at Forum, you will find two headings near the top labeled  
Re: Ellagic Acid. Click on these separately. The first one will direct you to  . This is a good website. Click the link to the
page in the center.

The most encouraging new supplemental drug is Gleevec (STI571). Go to:  then go to the health link on the left.
After entering the Health section enter "Leukemia cure" then hit search and
keep looking for the heading " A Chat With Cancer Expert Dr. Brian Druker".

This doctor from Oregon has found a supplement which when taken twice a day will shrink tumors and reverse Leukemia!!!! It has worked in many people with cancer. It may not be the total answer but it is very encouraging.

 Gleevec, the cancer pill approved in record time for its unparalleled power against a type of leukemia, has had success fighting untreatable gastrointestinal tumors, U.S. researchers reported Sunday.

Made by Swiss drug giant Novartis AG Gleevec was evaluated for its potential to shrink advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors, or GISTs, rare malignancies that do not yield to any chemotherapy.

An estimated 5,000 Americans annually develop GISTs, which can be found in the esophagus, stomach lining or intestines. Patients usually die within a year of diagnosis if the tumors cannot be surgically removed.

With daily Gleevec treatment, 59 percent of 148 patients in a clinical trial went into remission, reported Dr. Charles Blanke of Oregon Health Sciences University. None of the patients has relapsed. Blanke cautioned that he has studied them for only four-and-a-half months so it is too soon to tell how long Gleevec's effects may last.

''The fact that (the tumors) are not growing ... is preliminary but it's incredibly encouraging,'' Blanke said in an interview. Blanke's findings were reported at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, a gathering of more than 25,000 cancer specialists. U.S. regulators cleared Gleevec for marketing last week after a two-and-a-half-month review of its effectiveness against chronic myeloid leukemia, or CML. In that rare disease, Gleevec helped 90 percent of patients in some trials.


The drug, also known as STI-571, is one of a new generation of medicines that are designed to zero in on molecules that fuel cancer growth. In CML, the drug blocks activity of a gene called bcr-abl, which makes a protein that spurs a deadly overproduction of white blood cells.

But in GIST tumors, Gleevec interferes with a signal from a gene called c-kit that promotes cell multiplication when the gene is stuck in the ''on'' position. Despite his findings, Blanke said he would discourage physicians from prescribing Gleevec for GIST tumors until further studies clarify how it should be used. Patients wanting to try the drug should seek to enroll in a clinical trial, he said.

Dr. Allan van Oosterom, who has studied Gleevec in Belgium, stressed that Gleevec is designed for use only in tumors where the c-kit gene is contributing to cancer, something physicians can test for.

Prescribing Gleevec in other tumors would be ''irresponsible,'' van Oosterom said, because the drug can cause potentially dangerous tumor bleeding and eye and leg swelling. ''In the first eight weeks, this drug is not easy to handle,'' von Oosterom said, adding that side effects fade after longer use.

David Parkinson, head of Novartis' oncology research and development, said the company hoped to apply later this year for worldwide approval of Gleevec for treating GISTs. Gleevec also is being studied in breast, lung and prostate cancers and other leukemias. 


Source: Tony Luboff  Innovative Health Technology, Inc.

Phone: 805.933.2447
EFax: 309.412.5475
Orders: 800.621.7225
Intl: 1+805.933.2447

Some clinical studies that certainly seem to indicate that glutathione in Immunocal has indeed done some remarkable things with cancer especially. 
You can get more from Tony Luboff  ( ) if you would like. But from my own experience, my wife Yolanda was in the hospital and her kidneys failed starting her on dialysis. She was on it for a month and no improvement in kidney function. As soon as she started the immunocal her kidney function improved until completely normal and the doctors removed the shunt and discontinued dialysis. Preliminary studies have shown that the product increases blood flow to the kidneys. I certainly believe it is a remarkable product and many could benefit from it. You can learn more at

These are testimonials you see in Dr. Jimmy Gutman's book, "Glutathione - GSH - Your Body's Most Powerful Healing Agent" (Health Book Edition - Published by Gutman & Schettini / Montreal - Canada)

Dr. Gutman is the Undergraduate Director and Residency Training Director of Emergency Medicine at McGill University in Montreal...Keep these for your files.... Tony :^ )
Prostate Cancer:
Franklin was a semi-retired general practitioner who at age 68 scored a PSA reading of over 8 micrograms/liter on a routine screening exam, suggesting a high possibility of prostate cancer. In continued tests, a urologist took a cystoscopic biopsy and confirmed the diagnosis. Four out of Franklin's six biopsy sites tested positive for high-grade tumor. For personal and practical reasons, Franklin delayed aggressive treatment and opted to take 30 grams/day of Immunocal, a protein isolate that raises glutathione levels. Bimonthly PSA levels showed a gradual decline, his latest reading being 3.8 u/L. He is still being closely followed by his urologist, and his decision to undergo chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery will be deferred unless his PSA levels rise again.

Ovarian Cancer:
Complaining of abdominal pains, Louisa from Alberta found out she had ovarian cancer. While awaiting surgery, she fell ill with a persistent cough and malaise which turned out to be a metastasis (spreading cancer) which had traveled to her lung. She ultimately needed pelvic surgery to relieve her discomfort, but decided not to undergo treatment for her lung metastasis. She started taking Immunocal and multivitamins daily and noticed a great improvement after several weeks. Four months later, repeat chest x-rays showed no increase in tumor size. Nine month later the radiographs revealed a decrease in tumor size. Louise continues to enjoy tending to her family and household.

Breast Cancer:
Quebecer Ivy-Marie is a very active thirty-seven year old breast cancer survivor. After undergoing her initial surgery, the pathologist's report suggested she undergo a dozen sessions of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She experienced many side-effects, including profound weakness and fatigue - a new experience for her. After ten session of therapy and many visits to her doctor to treat side-effects, she was put on 30 gm/day of the whey protein concentrate Immunocal. Her strength and sense of well-being improved within a week and she tolerated her last session of chemotherapy with few side-effects. She is back to her usual routine, and remains disease-free.
Chronic Fatigue:
Sheryl was a 32-year-old mother of four children who had fallen ill following the caesarian delivery of her last child two years earlier - the surgical incision was taking far too long to heal. Her gynecologist was puzzled and noted some muscular atrophy. She experienced periods of such profound weakness that she was bedridden for days. Over the next 18 months this weakness recurred and she was eventually admitted to hospital. Various diagnoses were considered, including multiple sclerosis and chronic fatigue syndrome, but supportive treatments for these conditions did not help. Then her dentist suggested that mercury toxicity might be a contributing factor so she had her mercury amalgams removed. Herbal supplementation was attempted to rid her of residual mercury. Her symptoms improved modestly. Some internet research led the dentist to Immunocal, which he suggested to Sheryl. Within five days she experienced a marked increase in strength. After ten days she was walking without pain. Two weeks later she rode her bike for the first time in two and a half years. Three weeks later, she felt "almost back to normal." She still feels well and continues to raise an active family.

Chronic Fatigue:
William, a lawyer from Alabama, noticed a change in his health at age 39. His initial visits to number of physicians were neither conclusive nor accurate in their diagnoses, nor were any treatment options helpful. He was unable to carry on his usual demanding workload and was forced to end his law practice in 1994. His own research led him to a local CFS support group. They suggested that he consult a prestigious south-eastern clinic specializing in chronic fatigue. Initial treatment with vitamins, nutrients and dietary changes proved minimally successful. The head of this clinic was investigating the use of Immunocal and after William was on the product 12 weeks, improvement were noticeable. Three months later, he woke up one morning and "felt well again". That day he picked up his golf clubs for the first time in five years. Today he is shooting in the low 90's and will be restarting his law practice in the fall.

Skin Lesions:
The 61 year-old Canadian Charles loved boating. His dream was to retire and spent most of his time on the water, travelling the coasts. Tall, handsome and fair-skinned, he was unfortunately prone to sunburn. Despite sunscreens and hats, being on the water often left him unprotected and his complexion grew ruddy and inflamed. His physician was worried about the possible development of pre-cancerous sun-induced lesions on his face. Charles had already started taking Immunocal for a potential prostate problem. After several weeks he noticed that his tendency to burn was significantly decreased, despite some "accidental" exposures. In two months his in-the-sun complexion was no longer so different from his winter complexion.

Roland is a 44 year-old energetic and sociable business entrepreneur who suffered from psoriasis for ten years. Itchy, scaly eruptions often covered his entire body, and aggressive scratching led to bleeding and scabbing. His dermatologist tried many different treatments including strong topical corticosteroids and methotrexate tablets, which he had to discontinue due to side-effects. Ultraviolet light therapy was suggested, but having the financial means, Roland preferred frequent trips to Mexico and the Caribbean to sitting in artificial light. Having done significant homework on his condition, he concluded that the psoriasis was caused by an immune dysfunction. He started taking 40 grams/day of Immunocal to raise his glutathione levels. Within two weeks he was free of bleeding and scabs and described his scaling as 75% improved.

Low Energy:
Benjamin, a 44 year-old physician, always wished for a 36-hour day so he'd have time to see his patients, do his research, practice his music, keep in shape, and spend more time with his wife and children. Like many other professionals, time and energy were at a premium. Aware of the effect of GSH on the immune system, he took a course of vitamins, selenium and amino acids in the hope of more easily fighting off the viral illness to which he was exposed daily. He incorporated Immunocal in to his regimen, wishing to take advantage of its GSH precursors. He soon noticed he was waking up from 30 to 60 minutes before his alarm went off, and he felt just as refreshed. Now he regularly works later into the evening.

Since poor antioxidant and detoxification defenses are implicated in kidney disease and the complications of dialysis, there is no reason to believe that GSH supplementation may help individuals like George, a 62 year old former country and western singer. George had struggled with diabetes for over thirty years. Following only moderate success controlling his sugar levels, he developed progressive kidney failure and subsequent anemia. In a few short years he went from an active , gregarious entertainer to a listless, sofa-ridden recluse. His energy level and concentration deteriorated more and more and the local hospital clinic in Hawaii where he lived was obliged to monitor his condition closely. His levels of biliary urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine crept higher and higher - signs of diminishing kidney function - and his red blood cell (hemoglobin) value continued to fall. His physician placed him on a waiting list to undergo preparation for dialysis. After hearing about GSH, George started taking 20 grams per day of a whey protein isolate high in GSH precursors. Within three weeks his BUN and creatinine levels started to fall - a sign of improving kidney function. After a further three weeks his hemoglobin climbed by one full gram per deciliter (g/dL) of blood and he was again singing at his friend's parties. His wife was uncomfortable about his exposure to alcohol and cigarettes but three months later his renal function tests and hemoglobin levels had improved so much his physician put plans for dialysis on hold.

Deana was a motivated, positive entrepreneur who developed a wellness health center even though she suffered from a serious case of diabetes. Increasingly fatigued, this 32 year-old Texan continued to run her center even after receiving and rejecting a kidney transplant, failing eyesight and dialysis treatments. Eventually she developed a chronic foot infection that required weekly debriding of dead tissue. Her doctor feared that amputation might prove necessary. She began taking high doses of the whey protein isolate Immunocal and found her energy levels increased over several weeks. Kidney function tests and hemoglobin levels improved. Medication doses for her anemia and hypertension were decreased or eliminated. Peripheral circulation was better. Five months later the foot was healed. Deana has since married and continues to run her clinic.

Parkinson's disease:
Glutathione is part of the body's defense system and protects us against the onset of many disease processes. It can also help to reverse certain conditions or symptoms, either temporarily or permanently. The following story illustrates the apparent helpfulness of GSH supplementation in one particular case. Wally, a seventy-four year-old baseball fan, was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in May 1997. His disease progressed quickly and his doctors placed him on Sinemet (carbidopa/levodopa). In November he began to experience severe headaches - presumably from the medication - and he discontinued it. Up to this point he had been a very active man, but now he deteriorated to the point where he could not get out of bed or even rise from a chair without help. He says movement felt like "walking in cement". He was constantly fatigued and soon needed a wheelchair to go outdoors. The doctors used other medications including Eldepryl (selegiline hydrochloride) and Requip (ropinirole hydrochloride). They helped slightly. In March 1998 he started taking Immunocal, a natural protein which raises GSH levels. After five days his headaches were gone. Within two weeks his fatigue has lessened. Two months later Wally was walking well again and was eventually able to visit the new Angels baseball stadium, Edison Field, and jog around the block. There was no other therapeutic intervention and seven months later his active lifestyles continued. 
Parkinson's disease:
62 year-old Carol maintained an active legal practice until 1990. After a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease in 1986, she was able for a while to continue her career as a lawyer, but eventually had to quit. The stress was aggravating her symptoms and the symptoms were in turn increasing her stress levels. She was treated with a number of different medications but her health continued to deteriorate until she eventually needed help at home to carry out day-to-day tasks. She quit driving her car and stopped taking her daily walks, which she loved. Then, within days of starting to take a bioactive whey protein isolate she noticed her strength returning. Weeks afterwards she was once more exploring her neighborhood and nine months later she was driving again.

Tylenol Overdose:
Linda was a recently unemployed 24 year-old office manager whose common-law husband had abruptly moved out of their apartment. After drinking two bottles of wine, she swallowed 30-40 tablets of extra-strength (500mg) acetaminophen. The next morning, after the effects of the alcohol had worn off, she showed up at the emergency department of the local hospital. Her stomach was not pumped because it had been so long since she took the pills. Her acetaminophen blood level was at 150 micrograms per milliliter (µg/ml) - enough to damage the liver if left untreated - and her initial liver enzyme profile was already showing mild abnormalities. A dose of NAC (Nacetyl-cysteine) treatment was given immediately and continued every four hours for the next three days. Oral charcoal was also used on the first day. Her liver enzyme abnormalities worsened over the first forty-eight hours but were finally reversed and returned to normal. Although suffering from nausea and cramps during her hospital stay, she was glad to be alive. After being cleared by the psychiatric consultant, she was sent home. 

Cystic Fibrosis:
Eight year-old Zach, a cystic fibrosis patient, loved baseball. He was smaller than the rest of the kids, but it was shortness of breath and recurrent respiratory problems, not height, that kept him off the team. He took more care of his nutritional needs and was good about taking his additional vitamins and antioxidant supplementation. His parents learned how to provide him with home aerosol treatments by mask. He has been using both oral and nebulized (by mask) Mucomist (N-acetylcysteine). Although primarily used as a "bench-warmer," Zach is back on the team.
Note from the author of this page:
The Celine Dion Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for Kids is using Immunocal.

Burzynski Cancer Clinic

Q.   How can I find out what Dr. Burzynski has done for others?      
A.   Dr. Burzynski has helped many people, some of whom have formed a "Patient Group Website" on the internet. This site will provide you with encouraging information and stories of optimism that are very supportive to prospective patients, their family and friends. The patient group website can be found at (The site is not endorsed or maintained by the Burzynski Clinic.)

From one of my associates on the net:
I was away in Houston, Texas to take my brother to the Burzynski Cancer Clinic. 
I would like to give you a report of my "experience" at the Burzynski  Clinic SO THAT YOU, IF YOU LIKE, CAN FORWARD TO YOUR MAIL LIST. The WORLD  needs to know about Dr. Burzynski,s Cancer Clinic. Keep in mind, Dr. Burzynski discovered this cancer cure in the 70's and has  been held back to the point of JAIL by the FDA, court battles, and you name  it from our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. He is, now doing, FDA approved "clinical  trials".
Here is my story:

My brother was diagnosed with Metastatic Malignant Melanoma about 8 weeks  ago. He had two tumors in his brain, PLUS MANY tumors in his lungs, liver,  neck, and throughout his body with ALL lymph nodes swelled indicating  possible tumors in multiple lymph nodes. He was experiencing SEVERE SWEATS  EVERY NIGHT, and had a SEVERE cough wherein he could not say a complete  sentence without coughing VERY hard, PLUS he had very little energy. At two m "cancer clinics", one that specialized in Melanoma, he was told he had from 3  weeks to 6 months to live. The ONLY treatment available was, FIRST, radiation  to his whole head wherein he would PERMANENTLY loose ALL hair including eye  brows, and eye lashes, and would be "highly susceptible to stroke" that would  cripple or KILL him. SECOND, assuming he survive the radiation, he would  received massive Chemotherapy to the fullest extent that his body could stand  without dying for 3 to 4 months. THIRD, due to the massive Chemo he would  need a bone marrow transplant from one of his two brothers to restore the  damage from Chemo. The report had one section near the end of this gruesome  report titled, "Alternative Treatments". It was a very short paragraph that  said (and I QUOTE) " There are NO alternative treats from Metastatic  Malignant Melanoma."

I had learned about Dr. Burzynski via Dr. Julian Whittacker in the early 80's  and had even sent money to support his legal battle, pay bonds to avoid jail  by FDA. I told my brother who had decided to NOT take the radiation and  Chemo, AND to just ride it out and DIE. He immediately accepted my offer to  drive him to Texas.
Here in what has happened: We arrived at the clinic 8/4/00. After consultation with two Oncologist and  Dr. Burzynski, it was recommend that we treat the cancer orally with the  Burzynski medication rather than intravenously as some patients require that  do not still have good body functions and activity. The next day, 8/5/00  he(my brother - Jimmy) began taking one capsule six times per day, then 2 six  times then 3 six times, etc. until eventually he will reach 12 six times per  day. The reason for the slow increase is to conform with the FDA protocol,  AND to allow the body to compensate for the influx of medication. Jimmy had  NO, repeat NO, ill effects whatsoever from the medication. On Monday morning  Jimmy noticed that the two LARGEST Swollen lymph nodes on his neck (half the  size of an egg) "seemed" to be SMALLER. Jimmy had about 15 lymph nodes that  you could feel swollen around his neck, under his arms, etc. Jimmy continued  to increase by one capsule each day(six times). Jimmy was examined by the  Oncologist on Wednesday (THIS WAS AN EXCITING DAY). As he examined Jimmy he  said in an excited voice, the swelling is ALL GONE in ALL Lymph glands. He  turned to the Doctor recording the findings and said, "Write, ALL swelled  glands are normal", and continued to examine. We told the Doctor that Jimmy's  cough seemed to be better. The cough was caused by a large tumor the size of  a baseball pressing against his wind pipe. Jimmy also seemed to be feeling  better.  We asked the Doctor, how soon we could leave since Jimmy had NO INSURANCE and  the cost of staying in a motel was fairly expensive AND I needed to get back  home to my wife. He said if, everything, looked OK on Thursday 8/10 we could  go home. On Thursday, another full physical found EVERYTHING AOK, Jimmy was  feeling MUCH better, cough even better, sweats the same but he was sleeping  better. We were then given a box FULL of bottled capsules, and headed for  home.

NOW, as I write this, Jimmy just reported, NO MORE night sweats, NO, repeat  NO, coughing, and he is feeling better (energy wise) than he has felt in  "months". He plans to go back to work on Monday!!!!!! NOTE: He is up to 9 or  10 (not sure) capsules six times per day and STILL NO side effects. He has  started the diet recommended by Dr. Burzynski's Staff Dietitian which is  designed so as to NOT "feed" the cancer cells.

This letter would be far too long if I began to tell how impressed we were  with the HIGH professionalism we saw at the Burzynski Clinic, how impressed  with staff, the building, and everything we saw.  Jimmy feels that he has beat the IMPOSSIBLE odds with Burzynzki's treatment.  I MUST say that MANY prayers have been prayed, and I believe God worked the  "miracle" through Dr. Burzynski.  We saw MANY patients that had seen similar results. One that had Throat  Cancer that completely disappeared in two weeks. Please do NOT get the idea  that ALL patients are cured "instantly". Most take longer. All start on the  road to health "instantly", but are SO far down the road that it takes longer  to get back to good health. Jimmy had only been "sick" a few months ( 2 or 3)  before the symptoms began to surface, and he found he had a VERY FAST growing  cancer that was spreading RAPIDLY. He was going down FAST, DAILY.

Pass this along for the SOLE PURPOSE of letting other cancer patients know that there IS AN ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT TO ANY CANCER THAT REALLY WORKS. Also, I would ask every person  that will, to go to Dr. Burzynski's very detailed website, AND use the links  to write your Congress Person, and Representative about a Bill that is before  Congress AS WE SPEAK that will restore a parents right to decide treatment  for their child. There is a your child named Thomas Navarro that is literally  waiting in Houston for the Bill to pass so that he can receive Dr.  Burzynski's treatment. There are NO documented records of ANY child  recovering from the cancer that young Thomas has, except that Dr. Burzynski  has successfully treated 7 out of 8 children with that cancer. THE PROBLEM: A  child cannot request alternative treatment, and the LAW says that ONLY the  FDA can make that decision - the parents cannot. READ the story of Thomas  Navarro. My heart goes out to him and his parents.

I pray that at least ONE person will read this AND respond to their Political  Representative on behalf of this child. ALSO, I pray that those is need of  cancer treatment will have the opportunity to consider this cancer treatment.

It has certainly worked for my brother, Jimmy. He will continue the  medication for 4 to 6 months, and will return to Houston in 8 weeks for more  MRI's, and CT Scans, and examinations. NOTE: he will be examined and  monitored by a local Doctor on a daily basis in accord with the FDA  requirements on the Burzynski Clinical Trial Treatments. Hopefully,

Burzynski will soon be able to practice his art EVERYWHERE, so that we can  FINALLY conquer cancer. The Burzynski Website is  

A follow up letter from Tom I received in May 2001when I inquired as to his brother's progress.

As to my brother, he did NOT complete the Burzynski treatment even though he was having excellent results. Frankly, I do NOT know WHY he quit. He had all kinds of excuses, but I believe he did not want to pay the price (he had no insurance). The cost was $4500 per month. After stopping the Burzynski treatment, a health minister was sent to him by God (I know of no other way he could have been sent). At that point my brother was on oxygen constantly
to the point of not even being able to walk across the room to the toilet. He, the health minister, would visit my brother for 2 to 3 hours per day for 30 days giving him colon cleansing enemas, AND juicing carrots, beets, and celery. He "forced" my brother to drink approximately a gallon of the juice daily. NOTE: Each gallon of juice was made from about 7 pounds of carrots, 3 beets (leaves included), and 1 bunch of celery, ALL organically grown if possible). After 8 days Jimmy (my brother) was so improved that he no longer needed ANY oxygen, had energy to go places, was clear of mind, and the swollen lymph nodes were going away rapidly. Then he leveled off, and seemed to improve over slightly over the next few days, then very little progression for the duration of the 30 days. The 30 day treatment was last October. He
was told to continue drinking the juice at the rate of 16 to 32 ounces per day after the health minister finished the 30 period. His conditioned seemed to be stable or level for many weeks thru November and December. In January his condition worsened. February was even worse, and in March he died. Here is the sad part of the story, the part I do NOT like to tell, and the part that I will never know the answers to: I talked to the health minister on
Tuesday before Jimmy died on Thursday. He told me that they "grade" the patients as to how they participated in the treatment. Jimmy got a "B" the first week, a "C" the second week, a "D" the third week, a "what should have been worse, "D" the fourth week. Why? He simply would not drink the juice and would NOT stay off sweets. I later learned from his daughter that he virtually quit the juice during the second month, and started eating "normal things" like meat, and cooked vegetables, and sweets. My brother was a very, very independent hard headed person (I called him PIG HEADED). He simply did not want to conform to anything and thought he "had it whipped", but when the going got tough he would NOT revert back to what had helped him which would have proved him WRONG in that he did NOT "have it whipped". Sad. Sad. Sad.

At the start of this I said there was "hope", and I suppose you are wondering by this point IF you read it correctly. There IS hope.
FIRST: The Burzynski program IS a good program, and DOES work even though it is very expensive. You may choose to go to Texas and let them do an analysis before you make a choice between this and the SECOND choice below. I actually do NOT know of the success Dr. K has had with prostate cancer.

SECOND: My experience with the Health Ministers treatment of Jimmy caused me to take notice of another TREATMENT FOR ALL SICKNESS, namely the Hallelujah Diet. Without going into much detail about the diet here since the website is
very adequate, I will say that the Hallelujah Diet is the THE answer to HEALTH. Just read the testimonies from those that have been cured of MANY things on the site. The most amazing thing IS that it is based on carrot juice as well as barley green. Of course, the carrot juice was the main ingredient used in the treatment of Jimmy. Basically the H. Diet consist of 85% RAW fruits and vegetables (organically grown if possible), and 15% cooked vegetables, BUT NO meat, NO dairy, and NO sugar. I have been on it for 5
weeks with absolutely GREAT results. I have lost 24 pounds, and have more energy than I have had since I was 29 (41 years ago) (so you will not have to do the math, I am 60 - LOL). When I said there is "hope", by that I was referring to the H. Diet, and I do not believe I would say that without having seen the drastic improvement in Jimmy after only a week on the carrot/beet/celery juice. Now I will tell you exactly what I would do IF I were in your husbands position/condition:

1. Go to the Hallelujah Diet website  and read the entire site.

2. Purchase the Green Life Juice extractor. I bought it as a result of
reading the "study" of juicers as done by Hallelujah Acres as seen on the web site, and I am VERY pleased with it. Several people have seen it, and say it is far superior to what they have.

3.Get on the H. Diet NOW. By this "NOW", I would stop ALL cooked food NOW, stop ALL sugar NOW, stop ALL dairy NOW. Start eating only fruits, salads, and any type of vegetable RAW that I could find. There are lots of them: Mangos, Pineapple. Bananas, Plums, Cherries, Tomatoes, Oranges, Grapes, etc., just on
and on. And I mean NOW - NOT after you get the stuff from Hallelujah Acres such as the Barley Green, the juicer, etc., - I mean NOW. Stop eating POISON NOW.

ALL the info is on the site so I will not try to duplicate it further. Read Genesis 1:29 to see what "the" original diet was.

NOTE: Be sure to order the two tapes called "How to Eliminate Sickness".

Final NOTE: I make NOTHING from you "doing" the H. Diet. This is NOT a MLM thingy. It simply IS a way to eliminate sickness including prostate cancer.

My experience with Jimmy, the Healing Minister, and the past few weeks of being on the H. Diet gives me total confidence in the H. Diet.

One Final, Final NOTE: The H. Diet that is given for general health should be altered as follows IN MY OPINION. It says approx. 16 ounces of CARROT juice daily. Due to existing cancer, I would INCREASE that to at least 32 ounces, vvvvvvvvvvv AND add beets, and celery as I was juicing the carrots. I even do this currently because of the Jimmy experience. Also, I like the taste of the
mixture. My routine is 4 or 5 large carrots, a slice of beet with a leaf or two, 2 or 3 stalks of celery - vary to YOUR taste. Also, I recommend purchasing some of the tablet form of barley green for use when it is NOT convenient to do the powdered barley green. DO NOT swallow the tablets - let them dissolve in your mouth. I think they are GOOD, and use them if I feel even the slightest hunger when I am working and running late for lunch.

There IS hope.

IF I had only know what I know NOW, when Jimmy first got sick, he would still be doing air conditioner work, IF he would actually do the diet. I find it VERY easy to adhere to and will NEVER revert to eating meat, cooked food, sugar, etc. It is the answer as given by God in Genesis 1:29 "Then God said,'Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;' "


Another source of Rife Technology devices

Are you familiar with the Rife Machine? Here's an unbelievable story of governmental repression of  successful technology because it isn't in the monetary  interests of the billions/year medical industry.

Royal Raymond Rife
Get ready for a shock. We urge you to keep an open mind and reserve judgment until you read all the facts. This is the true story of the use of deceit, arson, sabotage, and murder to deliberately bury what doctors called the end to all disease.
The scientist Royal Raymond Rife discovered that THE UNIQUE ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE OF EACH SPECIFIC DISEASE can be modified to eliminate nearly every affliction known to man - rapidly and harmlessly.
The distinguished medical doctors who originally confirmed part or all of this discovery included: E.C. Rosenow, Sr. (Chief of Bacteriology, 32 yrs., at Mayo Clinic), Frederic Koch (Detroit, Brazil), Gaston Naessens (Quebec), Sakae Inoue (Japan), George Mazet (France), Franz Gerlach (Germany), Niello Mori and Clara Fonti (Italy), Cameron Gruner (McGill Univ.), T.J. Glover (Canada), Florence Seibert (V.A. Research Lab, Bay Pines, Fla.), Irene Diller (Inst. of Cancer Research, Phila., Penn), Eleanor Alex. Jackson and Virginia Livingston (NJ and San Diego clinics).
The University of Southern California sponsored a Special Medical Research team years ago, to evaluate the electronic therapy of Rife's on the terminally ill. An initial success rate of 87.5% was recorded. After Rife developed some improvements on the treatments, EVERY PATIENT, all 16 in the study, had recovered without side effects of any kind after 130 days.
Rife's medical team which evaluated the therapy for the University of Southern California included: Rufus Klein-Schmidt (President, Univ. of Southern California), Milbank Johnson (then President of the southern Calif. AMA), Arthur Kendall (Director, Northwestern Medical School), Edward Kopps (Metabolic Clinic, La Jolla), George Fischer (Children's Hospital, NY), Karl Meyer (Hooper Foundation, San Francisco), Whalen Morrison (Chief Surgeon, Santa. Fe Railway), George Dock.
The gifted scientist Royal Raymond Rife truly had discovered the cure for deadly disease. Rife's treatments were based upon a mechanical application of frequency to the body. Other medical treatments were either biological or chemical in nature and depended on the bodies own immune system to heal the sick. In reality a sick person has a very poor immune system or one that is temporarily losing the battle. Rife's discoveries took the burden of healing off the body and left only the task of removing the dead disease from the systems.
Rife's work was so astonishing that he was awarded 14 government contracts to develop practical uses for his discoveries of specific frequency. Rife discovered that any disease can be eliminated with frequencies based on its individual electromagnetic signature. One of Rife's projects was to eliminate the diseases that were plaguing the poultry industry. Rife treated an entire flock of chickens and made them disease free. One government contract requested that Rife destroy the bacteria in fossil fuels so that our national reserve of gas and oil would not spoil and could be stored indefinitely without being replaced every few months. Think of the money that would be saved by the American public. Alas, Richard Nixon announced that his friends in the oil industry would never have to worry about Rife hurting their business and had his inventions destroyed.
Royal Raymond Rife was perhaps the most brilliant and persistent scientist in history. What follows is a brief description of how Rife developed this remarkable technology. Where technology didn't exist, Rife invented it - the first microdissectors, micromanipulators, and heterodyning ultraviolet microscopes. Rife won 14 government awards for scientific discoveries, and a medical degree (hon.) from the University of Heidelberg. Millionaires like Henry Timken (owner of Timken Bearings) financed Rife's work, such as the Universal Microscope, with 5,682 parts. With this superb microscope, Royal Raymond Rife became the first human being to actually SEE a living virus in its natural color.
After nearly 20,000 unsuccessful attempts, Rife finally isolated and identified the human cancer virus, and named it Cryptocides Primordiales. Rife inoculated 400 lab animals with this virus, created 400 tumors, and then eliminated them. He did the same with many other diseases. The discoveries of Rife were presented to the Smithsonian Institute in Washington and the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia along with the instruments used. This is all chronicled in The Cancer Cure That Worked, a book written by Barry Lynes in 1987.
How did Rife's instruments eliminate so many different afflictions? For decades, Rife painstakingly identified the precise energetic signature unique to each disease, using spectroscopic microscopes. By exposing disease organisms to destructive resonance derived from their own unique pattern of oscillation, Rife discovered he could destroy them by the millions in seconds. Every biochemical compound oscillates at its own distinct frequency pattern. Therefore, every living thing has its own unique electromagnetic signature, and this pattern is unlike any other species or organism.
After decades of research, Rife isolated the patterns, modified them and used them to kill the microbes that produced them! Just as the resonant frequency which shatters a wine glass can only shatter that type of glass, so Rife's frequencies destroy only disease organisms with the exact same pattern of oscillation. Therefore, Rife therapy is one of the very few therapies known to be free of ANY side effect. This is in contrast to any synthetic drug, whose unnatural chemistry eventually produces such damaging side effects as impotence, high blood pressure, hair loss, and damage to heart, kidneys, and immune system. If history is any indication, the drug industry will stop at nothing to eliminate any threat to its profits. I believe that it will use every ounce of its political muscle to restrict sale of Rife instruments before customers find them far more effective than drugs.
Now why would the medical industry destroy a cure for disease? The cartel was alarmed that their customers might abandon drugs for a far more effective cure such as Rife's that costs only pennies in electricity to use. This would eliminate profits of nearly a billion dollars a week for the drug industry. How long do you think it would ignore such a threat? The answer is, not long. After a preliminary offer you can't refuse made by Morris Fishbein (the President of the American Medical Association), to buy the miraculous discoveries of Rife, Rife refused to sell out and tried to bring his electronic cures to the people.
This is what happened to Rife and his astonishing electronic therapy: First, arsonists burned the Burnett Lab in New Jersey, which was validating Rife's work. Then, someone fatally poisoned Dr. Millbank Johnson, president of the Southern California American Medical Association. He died hours before a press conference where he was to announce to the world that Rife's electronic therapy had cured every patient (16 out of 16) in that medical study supervised by the University of Southern California. (First thought to be accidental death, the poison was discovered years later by federal investigators when Dr. Johnson's body was exhumed). Dr. Nemens, who had duplicated some of Rife's work just 40 miles from Rife's lab, was killed in a mysterious fire which destroyed his lab. Rife himself was finally killed at Grossmont Hospital by an accidental lethal dose of Valium.
Following Dr. Milbank Johnson's murder, threats, and a string of other incidents, doctors who had actually been photographed with Rife denied they ever met him. Dr. Isaac Kendall, Rife's chief research associate and Dean of Northwestern Medical School, disappeared for years after receiving $200,000 in grants.
By now you are probably saying to yourself, But this is crazy! Are you saying that after all these doctors proved there is a harmless electronic method to rapidly eliminate all this pain and suffering, the medical profession didn't use it? Maybe you think that hospitals would want it. But why would hospital administrators be interested in anything that costs pennies to use, and keeps people out of the hospital? Remember - conventional therapy keeps a patient in bed at $600 a day (for the bed). And hospitals can bill a cancer patient $200,000 if he has insurance.
Okay, then how about research foundations or teaching institutions? Wrong. Who wants a cure that eliminates hundreds of millions of dollars in grants along with the diseases it eliminates? Even the billion - dollar insurance industry could be eliminated by a cure for most illness such as Rife discovered. First, understand that the drug industry supports the medical journals almost entirely with its advertising. It kept Rife's electronic therapy out of the journals merely by threatening to pull its ads from any one publishing it. Meanwhile, the regular news media naively assumes that if anyone had such a versatile cure, the proper authorities would tell them. But health care is just too profitable. Those whose livelihood depends on treating disease are often quick to mislead those who ask about anything that might replace their services. Even using beneficial herbs or vitamins is often branded quackery.
If you discovered a cheap and harmless method of eliminating nearly every incurable disease, what would you expect? Medicine's highest awards? It's more likely that your discovery will be received as heresy, for challenging orthodox views and authority. Pasteur, for example, was ridiculed and reviled, until medicine finally accepted his germ theory of disease. And before him, Semmelweis was hounded to death merely for claiming that 19th century surgeons might be killing patients by operating with dirty hands. Other visionaries who were discredited and roasted over a pit in a medical Inquisition were Roentgen for discovering X-rays, Morton for Ether anesthesia, and Harvey for claiming that blood circulates! And now that health care is the nations's largest industry, anything that eliminates all illness will be highly unpopular with a lot of folks whose services become unnecessary.
The following are just a few of the distinguished medical doctors harassed and persecuted in recent years for discoveries that threatened the health care industry - Doctors Revici, Burzynski, Livingston, Ivy, Burton, W.F. Koch, Coley, Glover, Lincoln, Priore and Naessens, a scientist. There is a tragic story behind each of these names: Dr. Koch was killed by arsenic injected in his toothpaste. Perhaps now you understand 'that any true cure for cancer, diabetes, arthritis and other diseases must always be suppressed for the status quo to continue. It's just like war: millions of people suffer and die because it's so very profitable for others. The story you are reading is one of the most fascinating and horrifying tales ever told. Can you imagine the good the discoveries of Rife would bring to mankind, and that Rife's discoveries were announced and made public in the 1930's!
Royal Raymond Rife died in 1971 at the age of 83 a broken man. All clinical records of his work have been erased from the archives of the scientific community.

June 17, 2000 [ This replaces all previous publications regarding this subject matter. ] This is what I know or have been told about the RIFE machine  versus the Sound Wave Machine. The information regarding the RIFE machine may or may not be totally accurate, as I have never used one nor have I been educated re the RIFE. I do know of a gentleman, and I have talked to him, who has a number of RIFE machines to treat people, and he has put them  into a storage area. He went to the training on the Sound Wave Machine and is now using them to treat his people. The information regarding the sound wave machine is accurate because I and my wife and many friends have used it and I know the following to be true of such:

1 - The RIFE is from $2000 and up and is advertised on the Internet. A true RIFE machine is $4400. The others that cost less are RIFE Wannabe's.

The SWM is $2,500 and is not advertised anywhere. It is strictly "word of mouth".

2 - The RIFE was invented in 1934 by Raymond Royal Rife. The SWM was invented in 1942 by Elton Pigg. Could be and  probably is later technology.

3 - RIFE - sends out electricity and you can only stay on it a maximum of 45 minutes per day for 2 days, rest a day, and  then 2 more days, etc. SWM - you can stay on it forever and it is totally harmless.  You can even fall asleep and not have to worry.

4 - RIFE - can cause internal bleeding if you do not follow  the directions precisely. This is what I have been told. SWM - has no ill effects. Stay on it steady for weeks or  years, won't hurt you.

5 - RIFE - it is "guess and by golly" regarding the settings  and who tells you what is wrong with you? If you have a doctor  telling you what is wrong with you, he is only guessing and does  not know your total numbers of diseases. It would take him forever  to test you for let's say ten different diseases and will cost a  fortune to find out. When one has cancer, the body is so ravished, that it is very very common to have a total of ten or more diseases in  oneself. SWM - you fax in a saliva sample and they send  you a list of the total number of diseases you have and their severity  and the 18 different numbers for you to set on the 18 different dials.  This is done speedily by a diagnostic machine, not an individual, and  it will come up let's say with ten different diseases within three hours  and the total cost is $100. Each body is different and the settings for cancer or botulism on your  body may be different than the settings for cancer or botulism on my  body. And these settings will or could change if you wait too long to  get on the machine. They fax this information back to you. More  accurate and takes all the guesswork out.

6 - RIFE - the succeeding days, you have no idea where you  are......You do not know if you are improving or not. You do not know when to quit the machine. No one is supervising you. SWM - you fax in a saliva sample daily - cost free. This cost is  included in the price of the machine when you purchase it. They  fax back to you your improvement, your severity level, and they may  change the 18 different numbers for the 18 different dials. When you  return to a severity level of zero for all ten diseases, you stop using  the machine.

7 - RIFE - some diseases automatically come back on you within 2 or 3 weeks. How do you know when this happens????? Spend a fortune with a doctor to find out every two or three weeks. Not hardly. SWM - you send in a saliva sample weekly in the beginning - cost $50. When a disease comes back, you get on the machine again for a day or  two until it is gone. Don't take me wrong. In the thirties, the RIFE was and is wonderful  compared with other methods. The SWM has more "up to date" technology and is safer, easier, no guesswork, and is less expensive.

Hope this helps, Chuck Seabert   for more info

Sam Biser Video Series

One other source I have comes from a herbal expert named Sam Biser. I took Sam's newsletter for many years and do have a copy of his earlier video series as a poor copied version. His new series has a lot more stuff in it. This is a man who has spent most of his life digging up these herbal cures and he is very good at it.  He has a 12 video collection of videos called the "Save your life" collection. The save your life herbal video collection (a layman's course on killing cancer) includes 12 amazing videos with an accompanying 670 page user  manual.demonstrating what is shown nowehere else: exactly and precisely what Dr. Richard Schultz did in his former clinic to cure cases that NO herbalist, NO wholistic doctor and NO medical doctor was able to cure. These methods worked - after all doctors and all natural methods in the US and foreign countries had failed.   These are the last chance cures for incurable diseases. Includes all types of cancer from kidney/bladder cancer, to fast growing cancers like pancreatic cancer and leukemia, to cancer in children, to bone cancer, brain cancer, breast cancer, ovarian and uteral cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, skin cancer, and all other types of cancer, even terminal cancers in late stages. They can be cured with this information that is available nowhere else. 
To order the Save Your Life Collection, call 1-818-503-5980 and ask for Sally.

Other sources of cancer information:

If you or anyone you know ever have the misfortune to

suffer from cancer, or any other serious problem, I
recommend you go to the following websites.


This is remarkable and surely God at work. There is a book describing all called 'The Miracle Man' which should be available in most bookstores, or you can order through the website.  All I know is if I come down with a life threatening situation, I will be on the next plane to Brazil.


This wonderful Lady cures cancer, even if in their last weeks. In fact you can inexpensively do it yourself. She has written three do it yourself books, namely
The cure for all diseases
The cure for cancer and AIDS
The cure for advanced cancer.
She has a clinic in Mexico. She is seventy something,and recently was thrown in jail, for practicing medicine without a license, but more probably because she is totally successful. Anyway, she beat the charge, so is still helping people. She has devoted her life to this cause of helping others.

NOTE: This is not an endorsement of this therapy. A colleague visited the clinic and was very impressed.


We are sorry, but you probably have only two more months left, at the outside," the doctors told John Franzoni, as they've told millions of other people. "There's nothing more that we can do for you."
The doctors had done plenty, including traditional radiation treatment, in an attempt to destroy the tumors on John's esophagus and in his lungs. The radiation left him sick and debilitated, but at the end of treatment the tumors were not only still there, they had doubled in mass.   Because of this, chemotherapy was not considered an option.
Four months later, however, John not only wasn't dead, he was feeling better than he had in years.   The three tumors on his throat and tongue, which the doctors thought would quickly overwhelm him, were completely gone.   The cancer tumors in his lungs had been reduced 25% so far.   All signs have him headed toward remission. The reason: he was guided by a friend to a clinic in Mexico that had just started using a therapy that conventional medicine had first ignored and then successfully quashed over the past 38 years.

The clinic was BioPulse, and the therapy they employed has the formidable-sounding name of Insulin-induced Hypoglycemic Therapy (IHT).

And formidable it is, as a therapy that is showing amazing results in reversing even end-stage cancer.   BioPulse only began using IHT in June 1999.   At the time this article is being written, they have used this therapy on thirty-two patients, with about thirty treatments each.   Every patient treated has had their tumors substantially reduced or completely eliminated.   It is the same with their pain--diminished or gone altogether.   Patients report increased appetite, improved mental outlook and sense of humor, and general sense of well-being.   There have been absolutely no adverse effects.   While it is obviously too early to tell if their cancer will never reoccur, there is no reason to think it will.   In conjunction with IHT, BioPulse employs a comprehensive detoxification and fortification program, along with nutrition and lifestyle education.   This is an integrated systemic approach.   As long as patients adhere to healthy life habits, their bodies should prove inhospitable for cancer or any other degenerative disease.
The patients treated so far with IHT at BioPulse have had a variety of different cancers, including cancer of the lung, colon, pancreas, liver, breast, prostate, esophagus, bone and blood.   Their conditions range from early-stage to advanced.   Some went straight to BioPulse soon after they were diagnosed; others didn't go until after they had undergone excruciating radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy that had left them severely debilitated, but uncured and facing death.
How IHT Works
IHT involves intravenously introducing insulin to produce a state of profoundly lowered blood sugar.   This state lasts for a period of about an hour under careful clinical supervision.   It is this hypoglycemic condition that changes the environment in the body to one in which cancer cells cannot survive.
Insulin Therapy was first employed in 1928 as an experimental treatment to cure morphine addiction.   Its efficacy caused it to quickly gain popularity and be used to treat other mental conditions.   Its first and only use for cancer treatment was by a single physician, Dr. Surgis Koroljow, for a period of a few years in the late 1950s.   He reported spectacular success, but was forced to stop his work after the state of New Jersey threatened to revoke his license.
Because its use as a treatment for cancer has been so limited, no one is sure of the exact mechanism whereby IHT destroys cancer cells.   However, because of its wide use to treat mental illnesses for over 20 years, the physiological effects that IHT has on the body are well known.
Oxygen and glucose are normally metabolized together.   When glucose levels are lowered by insulin, the body's metabolism slows, oxygen accumulates in the blood, and the production of carbon dioxide decreases.   This, in turn, increases the pH of the blood and tissues, so that they go from an acidic to an alkaline condition.   Tumor cells have been described as " immature," and in some ways they are more vulnerable than normal cells, in the same way that healthy adults are better able to resist disease than sickly infants.   Cancer cells cannot survive in an oxygenated, alkaline environment.   Since hypoglycemic sleep is actually produced by excess oxygen in the blood through the paralysis of oxidation-reduction enzymes, it has been theorized that the extreme pH of the blood inactivates enzymes responsible for cancer cells' energy, and their ability to replicate.   Repeated exposure to these conditions does not harm healthy cells, but it kills cancer cells.
Receiving IHT at Biopulse
It takes five days of preparation once a patient arrives at BioPulse before IHT is formally commenced.   Initial small insulin injections are given on a daily basis at first, with the patient's blood glucose tested every quarter-hour for one hour, and then every hour for four hours, to determine the proper dosage for each individual.   The blood is also analyzed to detect any nutritional deficiencies or abnormalities.   Based on what the staff learns the first week, they prepare an IV that is given an hour prior to the insulin.
The IV contains vitamins and minerals tailored to the patient's needs, including high amounts of vitamin A and melatonin to protect brains cells from a lack of glucose.
Then the insulin itself is administered.   A critical care physician and registered nurse are at bedside, continually monitoring every moment, and modifying the IV to maintain the desired glucose level.   The sessions last 1 1/2 hours, during which time glucose levels are lowered from the normal level of 100 to 150, mg/dL, down to 20 mg/dL or below.   Oxygen is also administered during the entire session.   Patients are brought out of their sleep with the injection of methylene blue and an IV of glucose.   BioPulse has found that the regulation of glucose return--not too fast and not too slow--is vital to the comfort of the patient.   Therefore they emerge smoothly, without any side effects, with a feeling of well-being.   They are generally soaked with sweat, which is a positive therapeutic sign.   They are also almost always hungry, which is extremely positive for a cancer patient.
Most positive of all is that 75% of the patients report a reduction in their pain from the very first session.   Virtually all feel substantially better after the third session, and some are completely pain-free by then.   The present course of treatment consists of 30 to 35 sessions over the course of eight weeks.   With refinement, BioPulse is hoping to reduce their protocol to a four-week period, when their patients can leave the clinic well on the road to recovery, or even cancer-free.
A Total Program Patients at BioPulse are never treated by IHT alone.   This kills the cancer cells, but cancer is a systemic disease, and the entire environment of the body must be changed.   To be truly cured of cancer, and to prevent its reoccurrence, the body must be detoxified, the immune system rebuilt, nutritional deficiencies rectified, and all biological functions normalized as much as possible.
To accomplish all this, BioPulse employs a number of techniques.   Not all methods are employed for every patient, but combined as appropriate.   For almost everyone, vitamin and mineral IVs are given to strengthen the body, along with amino acid and enzyme therapies, and oral supplementation.   Nutrition and nutrition education are fundamental.   Dr. Bernarda Lara, BioPulse's critical care M.D., personally determines a custom menu of five different breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for patients to use as guidelines when they return home.
For detoxification BioPulse uses chelation, and a program of colonics and enemas.   Patients are sent to biological dentists to remedy problems caused by toxic amalgam fillings and infections from root canals.   Other weapons in the clinic's medical arsenal include Hyberbaric Oxygen, and energy protocols such as Pulsed Magnetic Wave Therapy and Acoustic Light Wave Therapy.
Case Histories The course of even successful therapy rarely runs smoothly.   Take the case of 55-year-old John Franzoni, mentioned at the beginning of this article.   The friend who originally referred John to BioPulse was the actress Sally Kirkland.   She had learned about the clinic from Alternative Medicine's Burton Goldberg, when she consulted him about getting detoxified after having her silicone breast implants removed.   When John arrived at BioPulse he had one large tumor on the back of his tongue and two large tumors on the inside of his throat that were so large he could hardly speak or eat.   His conventional doctors thought that, if nothing else, these would cause John to starve to death.   He also had one large tumor in the occipital area at the base of his skull that caused him dizziness.   Plus, a life-long smoker, his lungs were riddled with tumors.
After a week of prep work, he began IHT.   He emerged from his third session feeling especially good, until one-half hour later he began spitting up blood.   He spat up blood for some hours, until at 8:00 PM he spat up three chunks of tissue.   BioPulse analyzed them in their laboratory and determined they were not coagulated blood but fibrous tissue.   Immediately afterwards, however, John began to speak clearly for the first time in three weeks.   Dr. Lara looked down his throat and saw that the three tumors were gone--either he had coughed them up or swallowed them.   However, he now had three open lesions and they were bleeding.
John was taken to a San Diego area hospital's emergency room, but four hours later the hospital phoned BioPulse and said "This patient is going to be dead in nine hours. Where do you want us to ship the body?" So Loran Swensen, president of BioPulse, drove over and found John sitting up in bed.
"How do you feel?" Loran asked.   "I feel fine," John replied, and, pointing to the ER physician, continued, "but this ass-- here tells me I'm going to die."   "Well, he's bleeding internally," said the doctor. "I don't think so," explained Loran, "I think he's just bleeding where he had had three tumors.   They just came off."   "That's impossible," said the doctor. "Look," Loran went on, "he's got three open lesions in his throat that just need cauterizing."   The doctor refused to admit John, insisting that the procedure would be futile.   John discharged himself, and Loran took him to the University of California at San Diego Medical Center, where he was admitted.   The lesions were cauterized and the bleeding stopped immediately.   John returned to the clinic ten days later and is doing fantastic.   After three more weeks of IHT the remaining tumors in his lungs have decreased by 25 percent.   Experiences like this prompted biopulse to open their own critical care center on site in October, 1999.
Another amazing story is that of Talia Yampel, a 13-year-old girl from Tel Aviv, Israel.   Talia had developed a tumor in her thigh. It grew to the size of a walnut, and then rapidly spread like a spider web throughout the entire thigh.
Her physician, Yacov Goshen, M.D., at the Schneider Children's Medical Center in Israel, felt that the only thing he could do was to remove all the diseased tissue, which would have left her leg utterly deformed and useless.   Her family had read about BioPulse in Alternative Medicine magazine, however, and decided to fly her to the clinic.   Talia was given the full protocol of 35 IHT treatments.   And although she felt better, two MRI's given during that time revealed that the tumor had not become even one millimeter smaller.   Her walking improved, and her appetite; after the treatments, it didn't seem like she was sick at all, except that the tumor appeared to still be there, intact.
The staff at BioPulse didn't know what else to do, and felt that perhaps they had encountered their first failure with this new procedure.   Talia flew back to Israel, and went into the hospital to have the tumor removed surgically.   But when her surgeon opened the leg, the tumor looked strange to him.   He didn't proceed with the mutilating operation and instead took a biopsy.   The results came back: the tumor was no longer malignant, it was completely benign.   The treatments at BioPulse hadn't dissolved it, but they had changed its character. "I don't know how to explain this," her physician said, "I've never seen anything like it. Consider it a miracle.   But there is no point in removing the tissue, because it is not a threat to the body.   Talia can keep her leg.
There are, as of now, thirty similar stories at BioPulse, but Loran hastens to add, "The sooner people come to us, the better.   Don't wait until you've exhausted your bone marrow and everything else and expect us to send you home cured.   At that point, even if we are able to reverse the cancer, the body is so weakened from radiation and chemotherapy that it is vulnerable to infections and other problems that survival is still problematic."
As the doctors and staff at BioPulse are the first to state, thirty-odd cases treated over a four-month period is not conclusive proof that IHT is indeed a cancer cure for the millennium.   But while this may not be equivalent to a large-sample study over an extended period of time, the absolutely amazing "anecdotal" results are no less compelling-especially for the three dozen patients who are the living, breathing "anecdotes."
Contact: Besides treating patients, BioPulse is developing a program to train physicians in IHT. The BioPulse Rejuvenation Center is located in Tijuana, Mexico. Tel: 888-552-2855 (from U.S.); 801-233-9094 (outside U.S.); international direct: 011-526-686-1880. Fax: 801-233-9089.


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A lady had been taking the full-stalk canned style asparagus that she pureed and she took 4 tablespoons in the morning and 4 tablespoons later in the day. She did this for over a month. She is on chemo pills for Stage 3 lung cancer in the plbeural area and her cancer cell count went from 386  down to 125 as of this past week. Her oncologist said she does not need to see him for 3 months.

Several years ago, I had a man seeking asparagus for a friend who had cancer. He gave me a photocopied copy of an article,entitled,
`Asparagus for cancer’ printed in Cancer News Journal, December 1979.
I will share it here, just as it was shared with me:
 ’I am a biochemist,and have specialized in the relation of diet to health for over 50 years..Several years ago, I learned of the discovery of Richard R. Vensal, D.D.S. that asparagus might cure cancer.
Since then, I have worked with him on his project. We have accumulated a number of favorable case histories. Here are a few examples:
Case No. 1, A man with an almost hopeless case of Hodgkin’s disease (cancer of the lymph glands) who was completely incapacitated. Within 1 year of starting the asparagus therapy, his doctors were unable to detect any signs of ca ncer, and he was back on a schedule of strenuous exercise.
Case No. 2, a successful businessman 68 years old who suffered from cancer of the bladder for 16 years. After years of medical treatments, including radiation without improvement, he went on asparagus. Within 3 months, examinations revealed that his bladder tumor had disappeared and that his kidneys were normal.
Case No. 3, a man who had lung cancer. On March 5th 1971, he was put on the operating table where they found lung cancer so widely spread that it was inoperable. The surgeon sewed him up and declared his case hopeless On April 5th he heard about the asparagus therapy and immediately started taking it. By August, x-ray pictures revealed that all signs of the cancer had disappeared.. He is back at his regular business routine.
Case No. 4, a woman who was troubled for a number of years with skin cancer. She finally developed different skin cancers which were diagnosed by the acting specialist as advanced. Within 3 months after starting on asparagus, her skin specialist said that her skin looked fine and no more skin lesions. This woman reported that the asparagus therapy also cured her kidney disease, which started in 1949. She had over 10 operations for kidney stones, and was receiving government disability payments for an  inoperable, terminal, kidney condition. She attributes the cure of this kidney trouble entirely to the asparagus.

I was not surprised at this result, as `The elements of materia medica’, edited in 1854 by a Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, stated that asparagus was used as a popular remedy for kidney stones. He even referred to experiments, in 1739, on the power of asparagus in dissolving stones. Note the dates!
We would have other case histories but the medical establishment has interfered with our obtaining some of the records I am therefore appealing to readers to spread this good news and help us to gather a large number of case histories that will overwhelm the medical skeptics about this unbelievably simple and natural remedy.
For the treatment, asparagus should be cooked before using, and therefore canned asparagus is just as good as fresh.
I have corresponded with the two leading canners of asparagus, Giant and Stokely, and I am satisfied that these brands contain no pesticides or preservatives.
Place the cooked asparagus in a blender and liquefy to make a puree, and store in the refrigerator. Give the patient 4 full tablespoons twice daily, morning and evening.
Patients usually show some improvement in from 2-4 weeks. It can be diluted with water and used as a cold or hot drink. This suggested dosage is based on present experience, but certainly larger amounts can do no harm and may be needed in some cases.
As a biochemist I am convinced of the old saying that `what cures can prevent’. Based on this theory, my wife and I have been using asparagus puree as a beverage with our meals.
We take 2 tablespoons diluted in water to suit our taste with breakfast and with dinner. I take mine hot and my wife prefers hers cold. For years we have made it a practice to have blood surveys taken as part of our regular checkups.
The last blood survey, taken by a medical doctor who specializes in the nutritional approach to health, showed substantial improvements in all categories over the last one, and we can attribute these improvements to nothing but the asparagus drink…
As a biochemist, I have made an extensive study of all aspects of cancer, and all of the proposed cures. As a result, I am convinced that asparagus fits in better with the latest theories about cancer. Asparagus contains a good supply of protein called histones, which are believed to be active in controlling cell growth.  For that reason, I believe asparagus can be said to contain a substance that I call cell growth normalizer. That accounts for its action on cancer and in acting as a general body tonic.
In any event, regardless of theory, asparagus used as we suggest, is a harmless substance. The FDA cannot prevent you from using it and it may do you much good. It has been reported by the US National Cancer Institute, that asparagus is the highest tested food containing glutathione, which is considered one of the body’s most potent anticarcinogens and antioxidants.
Please spread the news… the most unselfish act one can ever do is paying forward all the kindness one has received, even to the most undeserved person.   

PS: bookmark this website, then read the testimonials & look at the pictures —  

