Aging gracefully - supplements - exercise to keep us running as we get older

This was written in response to a gentleman on my list who complained he wasn't feeling 
good, didn't sleep well,  even after taking supplements and riding his bicycle several miles a day.
I don't give advice but am willing to tell people what I do. I hate doctors. I can't afford doctors so 
preventative medicine and taking charge of my own health is what I try to practice. The following 
is what I am willing to do to preserve myself and an active lifestyle as I age. I am presently 69.

First let's deal with exercise. There are three components to mandatory exercise in my opinion.
First is a daily 10 minute session or two on a whole body vibration machine. The only two I would 
buy out there is the NoblerexK1 or the Hypervibe. Both are in the $2500 range. Both of these 
machines have the amplitude and frequency to accommodate the proper G Force to do you some 
good. I own a NobleRexK1. I recently tried out the HyperVibe to see if I liked it better as we need 
one for here too as ours is in Mexico. I will probably go with another NobleRexK1. They are 
bulletproof and not as harsh as the Hypervibe and it has better programming options plus a 
remote control with intensity selection and three different automatic programs.  

The second is a mile to mile and a half fast walk each day for heart health. Simply walk as fast 
as you can; no trottting or running, just a fast walk.  Out of breath is good. No stopping but you 
can slow down to catch your breath.  A fast walk has been shown to do more good than an hour 
of cardio on a treadmill or running which tears down your joints. 

The third component is weight training of some kind. You don't have to buy a whole gym and 
dumbbells would work just fine. I prefer a machine called a Power Tower. They are cheap 
but allow you to do chinups, pullups, dips, and push ups. If you get the spring or rubber band 
assisted models you can do more reps. Go to  and put in power tower to see 
some examples. You can buy used home gyms at St Vincent De Paul, Salvation Army and 
GoodWill stores for very little also. But some weight training three days a week is necessary.

You also need to do squats. But 100 squats or more a day on the whole body vibration machine 
is best, even if you can't go all the way down. You can actually do many exercises while on the 
whole body vibration machine that will enhance the benefit. The vibration machine will create 
a muscle contraction 15 to 28 times a second, which we can't do with any other form of exercise. 
But it doesn't completely substitute for loading the muscle via weights either.
Seniors decay away because they quit exercising, lose much of their muscle and fat doesn't support 
skeletal bones very well so they break.  You do NOT need calcium supplements. They simply 
clog your arterial network. You need trampolining or whole body vibration to maintain bone density. 
I do both. I do 200-300 trampline bounces each day on a four foot trampoline also. It's the 
increase in gravity that you are after and at the bottom of the bounce you weigh twice as much 
and all of your muscles have to react to that. When astronauts return from space they utilize both 
whole body vibration and trampolining to recover both the bone and muscle mass they lost while 
out in space.
Supplement wise I take a lot of things but the necessities are:
A probiotic pill each day to keep your intestinal flora healthy. The one I take is from Super
Nutrient Corp called Platinum Plus Essential Amino Acids - Protein digestion enzyme activation 
for optimal health.

I eat a raw beet, raw apple, raw carrot, raw pineapple and dried cranberry shredded salad every 
breakfast. It's very tasty. Those components keep cancer away, give you proper fiber and 
roughage for good bowel  movement and promote heart health. 

I also make a whey protein shake for breakfast. I add to it ground up chia seed, alpiste powder,
psyllium husks, guanabana powder (available on ebay and/or - another cancer 
deterrant - called graviola in Brazil), ST-5 powder from StemTech, a whole banana, and a 
handfull of frozen strawberries, blueberries, and a few pineapple chunks. Put it all in a blender, 
add water, it's a meal in itself. 

An hour before breakfast I take two scoops of MyCardioForLife powder. I prefer the peach 
flavor. This is the least expensive and most complete heart supplement out there. Go to  for a listing of what all is in this and 
what benefit each of those components has for you, especially the fulvic minerals. Read more 
about it on my heart page.  You can get it at   12 canisters 
at a whack is the cheapest way to buy it. As we have a 1 in 3 chance of either dying of heart 
disease and/or cancer today, my personal wellness program is geared to keeping both of these 
killers at bay. I have compiled an immense amount of information on both in the form of ebooks, 
word and pdf documents I share with people for free to keep them from becoming victim to 
these diseases also. Just email me and request them.

Also for my heart I take two garlic caps, two hawthorne berry caps, and two grapeseed extract 
caps; twice a day.  These are the key components in the CardioFX formula from the peoples chemist.

Next on the list is Laminine from Life Pharma.
This is another amazing story of what is available today to bring us back to health.
Laminin is the protein glue inside our body, shaped like crosses, that hold us together.
Laminine is the product which increases our laminin. I can email you info on this but I due to 
company policy I cannot post that information on the web. If you have older pets, this stuff can 
give them a new lease on life.   You can buy it here
My sponsor name is  Berry Ball  my distributor number is 1003623.
Vibrant Life vitamins and Oral chelation formula
SuperLifeGlow is absolutely the BEST vitamin and chelation formula in existence. It 
contains massive quantities of more than 60 nutrients.  If you have plugged up arteries, 15 caps 
a day is required to get rid of the plaque.

Lengthen your telomeres
Telomerase  for more information  
for more information and to order as either a retail customer or as a distributor.
If you are interested in turning back the clock, study this page, watch the videos.
Four years ago this would have cost $25,000 a year. Today it is $22 a week or less 
See  for a short video.
See  for a more indepth complete video of the aging process and why 
we need this. You can see more Isagenix videos at 

Why do we age?
We age because our cells age. When you were conceived your Telomeres (little thingys in 
every cell in your body at the end of your chromosones) were 15,000 units long. They get 
shorter every time a cell divides, which they do all the time. When you were born the Telomeres 
were about 10,000 units long. They have been getting shorter with every cell division, and when 
they get down to about 5,000 units long, YOU WILL DIE !
How long your telomeres are can be measured with a blood test.
Telomeres are your ‘Body Clock’.   Password "stopthebodyclock"

The Science is really very simple.

   1. Telomeres are our Body Clock. They get shorter with every cell division.
    2. Telomerase is a naturally occurring enzyme that lengthens Telomeres.
    3. A Gene capable of producing Telomerase is present in every body cell.
    4. Telomerase Activators are substances that enable the gene to produce Telomerase.
    5. Some natural plant extracts have been found to be Telomerase Activators both in vitro and in vivo.
What is Happening Now.
Some people are already consuming a 100% natural product, Product B, from a company 
called Isagenix, which then switches on a gene which is already present in every cell in our 
bodies, and  that gene then produces a naturally occuring enzyme called Telomerase, which 
then does what it was designed to do and lengthens the Telomeres, which functionally makes 
the cells younger, hence turning back the Body Clock. Think less wrinkles, hair turning back to 
it's natural color, aches and pains disappearing and much more. Check it out.

StemTech  the fountain of youth?   my StemTech ID is 5885316  
Here's a quick online youtube video that tells why you would want to use StemTech products,
replacing damaged body cells in much greater rapidity and quantity than normally occurs. 

StemTech products are an amazing breakthrough in the search for the fountain of youth and 
how to improve our health and wellness. I use Stem Enhance (main product for increasing stem 
cell production), Stem Flo (heart health enhancement), Stem Sport ( a capsule after volleyball 
and softball games), and ST-5 with migrastem powdered drink mix I add to my whey drink each 
morning, and I feed my Rotweiler and Maltese a Stem Pet capsule each day. 
It is now known that stem cells, produced in our bone marrow, constitute the natural renewal 
system of our body and are responsible for the repair and replacement of all cells in our body. 
A stemcell goes to the area that needs repair, starts duplicating itself and becomes those cells.  
Stem cells have the ability to become any type of cell in the body. StemTech products support 
the natural release of adult stem cells from the bone marrow so they can work effectively to travel throughout the body to support optimal organ and tissue function and repair. Since optimal health 
relates to a higher number of circulating stem cells being available for this repair process,  
anything we can do to increase the number of circulating stem cells in the bloodstream should 
increase our health and wellness.
Stem Cell products 
trigger the bone marrow to produce many 
more millions and billions of these cells than it normally does, thus greatly 
enhancing the repair process. Although the StemTech site cannot make claims for all the things 
their products do, visit my testimonials section  for what the people using these products state it 
has done for them. This includes correcting erectile dysfunction rapidly (like a very noticeable 
difference in just one day), reversing macular eye degeneration to the point people don't need 
their glasses anymore,  reversing diabetes completely, normalizing pancreatic function, correcting 
skin problems, reducing high blood pressure so users have gotten off hypertension prescription 
drugs entirely, white hair turning back to color, losing fat weight without dieting; it's a pretty amazing 
story. You need to check it out if your health is important to you.

Visit my page at, click on the flag of your country - there are 
currentlythirteen different countries with distribution centers in them, including Mexico. More to 
open soon.Click on "TAKE THE TOUR" a short video that tells how this discovery came about, 
and specifically what the products actually do for you in a very short understandable explanation.

Other supplements
I also take astaxanthin, bilberry for the eyes, Royall prostrate and beta sitosterol for the prostrate,
and milk thistle for the liver . These I obtain through Wonderlabs, one of the best and least
expensive discount vitamin sources you will find.

I can hear you saying; but I can't afford all that. Since a heart attack costs about $90K, if you live
through it, I guess you have choices. It isn't my goal to extend my life to 120. It's my goal to be
functional and in good enough health to manage my own affairs, drive where I want, and do what I
want, right up until my last breath. In my opinion that requires some, if not most,  of the things I
have told you about above.