www.detailshere.com last revised 4-16-2021

Our lives have nothing to do with us. We think that it does, but in fact it doesn’t. 
Our lives involve everyone whose lives we touch.  It is from this truth that I look 
forward  to offering all that I have--my knowledge, my experience, my compassion 
and advice--in order to touch your life in a profound way. If you believe in the 
possibility of what most consider the impossible - you have come to the right place. 
Love God, love people, and change lives - even yours!

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This page opens quickly so you know you are at the right place; the main homepage may take longer as 
it contains much more content
. This website is large, 20+ years in the making, many faceted, takes a  
while to load, and is updated periodically so be sure to  clean out your stored files by hitting the "refresh
/reload"  button or do a "disk cleanup" by going to "my computer" and right  clicking on your "C" drive, 
left click on "properties" and then hit "disk cleanup" to erase old stored files so the new ones will show 
up on your screen.  

This site is Christian ministerial
He is!  Read our Parachute book  here. Go to  here and here where
we present  
archeological  findings and historical evidence supporting events and things 
described in bible text such as Noah's Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, the Red  
Sea Crossing, and other evidences such as the Shroud of Turin. 
You need to know what is happening as current world events are paralleling 
bible prophesy.  Fear GOD. love God - and Obey his commandments.

About us - Besides posting our own websites at 
, heavensfountain.com, and iisusbog.com, Irina and I are 
Christian evangelists. Irina is Russian and has a huge Russian following at
www.iisusbog.com where she has three books posted in Russian (two of 
those are in broken English also), and a ten youtube video series in English 
that explains Revelation from start to finish. She also has a video at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GY0jnC15f10 on the Nephilim Agenda 
which introduces her latest book
"Children of the Fallen - How History became 
Myth" which is a real eye opener about who is really behind the
viruses, chemtrails, 
GMO crops, and vaccines all designed to remove God's seed from this planet. 

My site at www.heavensfountain.com  is primarily used for posting pages on 
the net for other people who can't afford an
internet presence or don't know 
how to do it. I do that for free and those pages are not linked to/from the 
homepage there. I have a huge information page at my homepage 
www.detailshere.com/dog.htm  filled with things you need
to know about 
regarding cancer cures, protecting your heart, curing viruses and much more. 
I also have a major
section of Bible lessons and information at my page
www.detailshere.com/bible2.htm  and some of what we
do is posted at
The Parachute book  started out as a
single page tract handout on salvation 
many years ago. But the parable of the sower, Mathew 13:3-8 and 18-33
us more is necessary, and it became a book. Eternal security, once saved always 
saved, I believe, is a lie. In order
for people to retain their salvation they must obtain a 
foundation in what God's word says, and DWJWD (do what
Jesus would do) 
otherwise their faith and belief will wither over time and they will fall away and 
become unsaved
again. The Parachute delivers that foundation and tells 
people what they really need to know to get to heaven
and stay out of hell 
at death. If you email me, I will send you a free .pdf copy you can forward 
and pass along. Put the words Parachute .pdf in the subject line.

Many other items are covered on this extensive site including cancer  
information, keeping your heart in shape,  and much more info that is found 
on my dogpage.

Our mission statements:
"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, 
in all the places you can, at
all the times you can, to all the people you can, 
long as you can."
written by  John Wesley ~
(1703-1791, British Preacher ) received from Alex Gibson.


"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything, I will  not refuse to do the something 
that I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of 
Yahweh, I will do."
  - Edward Everett Hale

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